Show meeting.ics invitation attributes in Mozilla Thunderbird - mozilla

In Mozilla Thunderbird when I receive an invitation message from MS Outlook I get a meeting.ics file as an attachment. It also create an event in built-in calendar (Lightning). The meeting.ics file can contain some attributes which are not available in calendar. For example Skype/MS Teams URL:
How I can read it (or click it in case of URL) directly in Thunderbird? Is there an add-on? Now I must save the meeting.ics attachment to a file and open it in text editor to get the URL.

I wish it was fixed in Thunderbird 91, but the bug/mis-feature is still there in 91.10.0 on Windows. In fact, I just encountered the problem (again) today (30 August 2022).

This has been fixed in Thunderbird 91:


saving mail attachment with PowerAutomate to sharepoint corrupts the file

I am trying to build a flow based on the PowerAutomate template
Create Planner task and add attachments to SharePoint on new email
This template works fine, in that it saves all the mail attachments to my sharepoint. But it only shows the link to the last attachment in the task.
I have worked around it, by adding a string variable and appending all the sharepoint paths to this variable.
With my Flow, everything runs smoothly. But the stored files are about 10%- 20% bigger in size than the original and they turn out to be corrupted.
The only difference I can spot in the saving of the file is as follows:
Template section has "get attachment" and the according "body('get attachment'):
While my in my version I can only select "get attachment (V2)" and the corresponding "body('get attachment (V2)')
There is an option with V2 that allows or disallows chunking, but there is no effect on my filesize.
The other difference is, that I have my flow create a different folder based on the task ID, since there where errors, if the same name attachment came a second time. But I have tried my flow without the added folders and there is no difference in file size.
The original files:
and the corrupted files:
It makes no difference if I use the sharepoint link provided through the flow to my new planner task, or if I open the files directly within sharepoint. The result is an error.
Can anyone guess, why my flow seems to store something more within the file and thus corrupting it? I can provide the other parts of the flow in more detail too. Here is the overview of my custom flow:
I actually found the answer after rewriting it from scratch:
Using the old template had me looking for the wrong information when adding the attachment content to sharepoint. I had always searched for "body" which was used in the template and gave me this
But searching for attachment the dynamic content actually showed me the right pieces. I am not sure, if I missed it before, or if recoding a template hid them somehow. With the rewrite from scratch I found this:
So, to make a long story short: Use "Content Bytes" of the "Get_Attachment_(V2)" Method and everything works fine.

Issue Getting Attachments from Email in Microsoft Flow/Power Automate

I'm currently building a new ticketing system for my workplace. When an email is received it generates a ticket number and few files in a SharePoint document library. One of those folders is "Attachments" where the flow I am building is supposed to put any attached documents. As far as I can tell I've followed other guides to the tee, however it renders the attachments un-openable. After downloading the files it did make and opening them in Notepad++, the content of the files is completely different and I can't seem to figure out why... I've been testing mostly with *.docx files, but it does the same for other file types as well. Please see attached screenshot of the attachments getter part of the flow. Any support is greatly appreciated!
Attachment Getter Screenshot
Note: This is how the guides told me to do it, however I did try changing the "File Content" box to "Attachments Content" instead of "Current Item" from the dynamic content menu to no avail.
Try use attachments content directly:
How to save Email Attachments to your SharePoint Document Library
Can you try to get the file content.
File content should help getting attachment. You will have to recreate a file though.
For this problem, please check if you have set the value of Include Attachments in the trigger to Yes.

xpages download control fails on certain attachments

I have a download control bound to a rich text field. My users are finding that some documents cause errors. Right now, I have an XPage that has little more than the rich text field on it. For example, when I attach a certain .docx file to a document using the Notes client, then try to download the attachment via the Web using the download control on an xpage, I get a runtime error stating that there is an invalid date. I actually get the error just by trying to open the XPage, before I even get a chance to click on the link within the download control. But neither the xpage nor the attachment have any date field on them. Other attachments don't cause the error, even other .docx documents. And if I convert the .docx to .doc, the problem goes away. But I can't tell my users to never attach .docx documents. Does anyone have any idea why some .docx (not all, though) documents attached to a Notes document would cause such a runtime error in XPages?

Include a link into the outgoing email for the report in Cognos

I'm trying to schedule a report and send the link via email to the recipients. But when I add a hyper link to the editor it takes it as a plain text. I'm using the following format:
Click Here
Does anyone know if this is even possible? If Cognos would take extra HTML attributes than the ones presented in the editor?
Try this out and make sure you drag HTML Item from toolbox
Send Mail

Incoming Mails in Sharepoint

I have a Document Library that receives a mail every week. I want to show the list of mails with their summaries. Is it possible to get that mail's content in Sharepoint, without deploying a custom code?
Edit 1:
Anyone? Anywhere? :(
Edit 2: Incoming E-Mail Settings:
By summary, I mean, say two lines of body of the mail.
How about AJAX?
I can get the received mails' path (path to EML files, actually) and maybe i can use AJAX to query each EML file, to get its content?
Answering my own question is, weird.
