Azure event grid with service bus topic subscription and Logic app web hook not triggering - azure

I am using Service Bus premium to create Event Subscription (Event Grid) and the Endpoint I am using Webhook ( Logic App Endpoint) .
My use case is : whenever the message is received in service bus topic the event should get trigger and the webhook should be called.
The webhook endpoint is of Logic App URI .
Issue : For 15-20 message in the topic the event gets triggered and the logic app is fired and after that even for any number of message the event does not get triggers.
Note : I am using Peek-Lock in my logic app and the message is not completed yet , number of messages i can see in the topic/subscriptions which are not yet processed.
Event not triggering even there are many messages in the topic/subscription.

Your use case, such as "whenever the message is received in service bus topic the event should get trigger and the webhook should be called." can not be handled by Azure Event Grid.
The following use cases are in this scenario:
No event is published when there is no message in the entity.
The event is published immediately when the first message is arrived into the entity and there is no active listener for 360+ seconds on the entity
The event is published every 120 seconds when the listener is still non-active and there are at least one message in the entity
The event is published after 360 seconds listener idle (non-active) time and still there are at least one message in the entity. For example, if we have 5 messages in the entity and the subscriber will pull-up only one message using a REST Api, the next event will be published after 360 seconds. In other words, the watchdog entity allows to keep a listener in the idle time for 360 seconds.
As you can see, the AEG can help to wake up a receiver, in other words to avoid a continuously polling for messages in the ASB entity.


Read and Delete one or more message from azure service bus topic using logic app

Can we Read and Delete one or more message from azure service bus topic using logic app?
what does the Complete Message Action will do on a Logic App.
You could read a message from the service bus. You could use one of the below connectors and triggers :
Get messages from a queue
Get messages from a topic
Or you could use one the following triggers which will get the message content to be read :
When a message is received in a queue (auto-complete)
When a message is received in a queue (peek-lock)
When a message is received in a topic subscription (auto-complete)
When a message is received in a topic subscription (peek-lock)
When one or more messages arrive in a queue (auto-complete) When one
or more messages arrive in a queue (peek-lock)
When one or more messages arrive in a topic (auto-complete)
When one or more messages arrive in a topic (peek-lock)
Complete Message Action (Also - Delete)
The operation completes a message in a queue or topic depending on which conector you use.
What does completes a message mean ?
When the receive operation is initiated, the message is locked by the receiving client. The message in the queue/topic remains undeleted. In case the message is not completed, the message would be available to be consumed again for the receiving clients after the lock expires.
So in short complete a message means that the message should be marked as processed and deleted from the queue or topic.
Update :
You could do something like below :
Explanation :
The above logic app gets triggered on a http request with the messages count that needs to be read.
Subsequently mentioned count of messages is retrieved from the service bus - topic combination and completed eventually.

How to Send message to Azure Service Bus Subscription Deadletter using Rest Api with deadletter Reason and Error Description?

I can't find an example of how to send a message to a Azure Service Bus Subscription DeadLetter using rest api. It appears that the suffix for the endpoint should be /Subscriptions//$deadletterqueue. However, I can't find an example of how to pass the deadletterReason, and the deadLetterErrorDescription. Is it be as simple as passing those values as message headers?
Messages are not sent directly to the dead-letter queue by the client code (REST API or any other SDK). Instead, messages are dead-lettered by the broker when MaxDeliveryCount is exceeded and no more attempts to process the message can be made. That's when the broker will move the message to the dead-letter queue with the reason.
Not that there are also less common reasons, such as the number of hops (forwarding), expired time-to-live, etc. MaxDeliveryCount is the most common scenario.
Microsoft documentation will help in addition to this post.

Azure Topics - Multiple Listeners on Same Subscription

Is there a way to have multiple listening clients on one Azure Topic Subscription, and they all recieve ALL messages?
My understanding is that the only implementation of a Subscription is that the Published message is only delivered to ONE client on that subscription, as it is like a queue.
Can these messages be copied to multiple clients using the same Subscription?
EDIT: Potential use case example
A server notifies all of its clients (web clients via browser, or application), that are subscribed to the topic, of an object that has changed its value
More simply, multiple PCs are able to see a data value change
EDIT 2: My setup/what I'm looking for
The issue that I am running into is that a message is marked as consumed by one client, and not delivered to the other client. I have 3 PCs in a test environment:(1 PC publishing messages (we'll call this the Publisher) to the topic, and 2 other PCs subscribed to the topic using the same SubscriptionName (We'll call these Client 1 and Client 2)).
So we have this setup:
Publisher - Publishes to topic
Client 1 - Subscibed using SubscriptionName = Test1
Client 2 - Subscribed using SubscriptionName = Test1
The Publisher publishes 10 messages to the topic.
Client 1 gets Message 0
Client 2 gets Message 1
Client 1 gets Message 2
... And so on (Not all 10 messages are recieved by both Client 1 and Client 2)
I want the Clients to recieve ALL messages, like this:
Client 1 AND Client 2 get Message 0
Client 1 AND Client 2 get Message 1
Client 1 AND Client 2 get Message 2
... And so on.
Service Bus is a one-to-one or end-to-end messaging system.
What you need is Azure Event Hub or Event Grid.
It is not possible for both the client1 and client2 to get the same messsage.
To put it straight, when a message is received by client1 from a subscription and processed successfully, the message is removed from the subscription, so the client2 will not be able to receive the same message again.
Hope this clarifies.
Yes, its a one-to-one implementation, but, if you have real concern about message processing completing in sequential order then it depends on the Receive mode.
You can specify two different modes in which Service Bus receives messages.
Receive and delete.
In this mode, when Service Bus receives the request from the consumer, it marks the message as being consumed and returns it to the consumer application. This mode is the simplest model. It works best for scenarios in which the application can tolerate not processing a message if a failure occurs. To understand this scenario, consider a scenario in which the consumer issues the receive request and then crashes before processing it. As Service Bus marks the message as being consumed, the application begins consuming messages upon restart. It will miss the message that it consumed before the crash.
Peek lock.
In this mode, the receive operation becomes two-stage, which makes it possible to support applications that can't tolerate missing messages.
Finds the next message to be consumed, locks it to prevent other consumers from receiving it, and then, return the message to the application.
After the application finishes processing the message, it requests the Service Bus service to complete the second stage of the receive process. Then, the service marks the message as being consumed.
If the application is unable to process the message for some reason, it can request the Service Bus service to abandon the message. Service Bus unlocks the message and makes it available to be received again, either by the same consumer or by another competing consumer. Secondly, there's a timeout associated with the lock. If the application fails to process the message before the lock timeout expires, Service Bus unlocks the message and makes it available to be received again.
If the application crashes after it processes the message, but before it requests the Service Bus service to complete the message, Service Bus redelivers the message to the application when it restarts. This process is often called at-least once processing. That is, each message is processed at least once. However, in certain situations the same message may be redelivered. If your scenario can't tolerate duplicate processing, add additional logic in your application to detect duplicates. For more information, see Duplicate detection. This feature is known as exactly once processing.
Check this link for more details.

Azure Storage Explorer - Not showing "failed" queue items?

I have a simple Storage Queue setup that I'm adding messages too.
These messages were received by an Azure Function but they've failed processing.
Showing 0 of 3 messages in queue
Why can't I see the "failed" messages in the Storage Explorer?
Please note that Azure Storage Explorer is using Peek Messages API to show messages in a queue:
This operation retrieves one or more messages from the front of the queue, but does not alter the visibility of the message.
However, while Azure Function is processing the messages, it's using Get Messages API which makes the messages invisible to other consumers for a while:
The message is not automatically deleted from the queue, but after it has been retrieved, it is not visible to other clients for the time interval specified by the visibilitytimeout parameter.
Typically, when a consumer retrieves a message via Get Messages, that message is usually reserved for deletion until the visibilitytimeout interval expires, but this behavior is not guaranteed. After the visibilitytimeout interval expires, the message again becomes visible to other consumers. If the message is not subsequently retrieved and deleted by another consumer, the original consumer can delete the message using the original pop receipt.
In conclusion, if your messages weren't deleted by Azure Function (I guess it's the case per "Showing 0 of 3 messages in queue" message), you'll be able to see them after visibilitytimeout.

Logic App Service bus connector Get message from Queue(Peek-Lock) action return only single message from Queue even more than message in queue

I have been created two logic apps one for send message in queue and another one is for receive messages from queue
Logic App Send Message : This Logic app fired on every 1 minute and insert message in queue
2. Logic App Receive Message : This Logic app Fired after 20 min And i want to fetch all Messages send by send logic in one call
Problem : In receive messages workflow i receive only 1 message per logic app trigger
Setting of Queue :
