I'm new to VBA, so thank you in advance for your patience. I wrote a sub that takes the part number (PN) in Range C2 and performs three different split and left functions to fill in the columns to the left and right of the PN with extracted portions of the PN string. Here is a screenshot of the columns and what it fills in.
Here is my code so far:
Sub PN_Autotfill1()
Dim PN As Range
Dim SCPort_Type As Range
Dim SCPort_Size As Range
Dim Start_FittingSize As Range
Dim PN_String As String
Dim PN_1 As Variant
Dim PN_2 As Variant
Dim PN_3 As Variant
Set PN = Range("C2")
Set SCPort_Type = PN.Offset(, -2)
Set SCPort_Size = PN.Offset(, -1)
Set Start_FittingSize = PN.Offset(, 1)
PN_String = PN.Value
If InStr(PN_String, "Flange") > 0 Then
'Splits PN into SC Port Type
PN_1 = Split(PN_String, "#")(1)
PN_2 = Left(PN_1, 2)
SCPort_Type.Value = "#" & PN_2 & "Flange"
'Splits PN into SC Port Size, Start, and End Fitting
PN_3 = Split(PN_1, "-")(1)
SCPort_Size = PN_3
Start_FittingSize = PN_3
End If
End Sub
Now I want to make a loop that applies these functions to each cell containing a PN in column C. I've found some good examples on Stackoverflow and a VBA tutorial website that create loops for a single split function, but not for multiple split functions. It looks like two For loops will come into play: LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row with For a = 2 To LastRow, and For i = 1 To UBound(Unsure what goes here). Does anyone have tips or example code for how to go about this? Thank you in advance for any help!
Here is the code with Jamheadart's answer integrated in:
Sub PN_Autotfill_Functions(PN As Range)
Dim SCPort_Type_Size As Range
Dim Start_FittingSize As Range
Dim PN_String As String
Dim LastRow As Single
Dim PN_1 As Variant
Dim PN_2 As Variant
Dim PN_3 As Variant
Set SCPort_Type_Size = PN.Offset(, -1)
Set Start_FittingSize = PN.Offset(, 1)
PN_String = PN.Value
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
If InStr(PN_String, "Flange") > 0 Then
'Splits PN into SC Port Type and Size, then combines results
PN_1 = Split(PN_String, "#")(1)
PN_2 = Left(PN_1, 2)
PN_3 = Split(PN_1, "-")(1)
SCPort_Type_Size.Value = "#" & PN_2 & " Flange" & ", -" & PN_3
'Fills in Start and End Fitting Size based on previous Split of PN
Start_FittingSize = PN_3
End If
End Sub
Sub PN_Autofill_Loop()
Dim a As Long
Dim PN As Range
Set PN = ActiveCell
For a = 2 To 11
PN_Autotfill_Functions Range("C" & a)
Next a
End Sub
You don't need multiple loops, you just need to run your sub in a loop - and each time you run it, it will take in a range (e.g. C2)
So change your routine first line to this:
Sub PN_Autotfill1(PN as Range)
And get rid of these two lines:
Dim PN As Range
Set PN = Range("C2")
This means PN is now a parameter for the routine, instead of it being defined in the routine itself.
You could then call it for a few ranges, like this:
Sub Testing()
PN_Autotfill1 Range("C2")
PN_Autotfill1 Range("C4")
PN_Autotfill1 Range("C7")
End Sub
And finally if you want to loop through say ten rows you could call it in a loop with a different sub routine:
Sub LoopingExample
Dim i As Long
For i = 2 to 11
PN_Autotfill1 Range("C" & i)
Next i
End Sub
It's worth noting that this ease is only possible because your original code is constructed quite well (e.g. it's using Offset instead of hard-coded ranges etc.)
Before I start, I just want to thank every contributor ahead of time. I've only posted one question before, and I was amazed at how quickly I got responses and how much I learned after studying the solution. I'm hoping I will have enough reputation points soon to start upvoting good solutions I find here.
Anyways, what I'm trying to do is return one number, and that number is the maximum number of names that appear in a single cell of a worksheet column. Each cell in that column can have any number of names in it. Each name is delimited by a pipe "|", so I count the pipes and then add one to get the number of names in each cell. For example: Cell value is "Bob | Jon | Larry" = 2pipes +1 = 3 names.
My code below works, but I need to do this on tens of thousands of records. I don't think my solution is a good or efficient way to do it (tell me if I'm wrong). So my questions are:
Is there a better way to accomplish this, such as without looping through every cell in the range?
If there isn't a totally different approach to this, how can I avoid actually printing the name counts in cells in a new column? Could I store these values in an array and calculate the max of the array? (maybe there is already a thread on this topic you could point me to?)
Sub charCnt()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = Worksheets("Leasing")
Dim vRange As Variant
Dim iCharCnt As Integer
Dim iRows As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim iMax As Integer
Const sFindChar As String = "|"
iRows = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'count number of rows
For i = 1 To iRows
vRange = Cells(i, "O") 'column O has the names
iCharCnt = Len(vRange) - Len(Replace(vRange, sFindChar, "")) 'find number of | in single cell.
ws.Cells(i, "W") = iCharCnt 'column W is an empty column I use to store the name counts
Next i
iMax = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("W:W")) + 1 'return max from column W
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
MsgBox ("Max number of names in one cell is " & iMax) ' show result
End Sub
Max Number of Substrings
Option Explicit
Sub charCount()
Const cCol As String = "O"
Const fRow As Long = 1
Const Delimiter As String = "|"
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Leasing")
Dim lRow As Long: lRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, cCol).End(xlUp).Row
Dim rg As Range: Set rg = ws.Cells(fRow, cCol).Resize(lRow - fRow + 1)
Dim Data As Variant: Data = rg.Value
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
Data(i, 1) = Len(Data(i, 1)) - Len(Replace(Data(i, 1), Delimiter, ""))
Next i
Dim iMax As Long: iMax = Application.Max(Data) + 1
MsgBox ("Max number of names in one cell is " & iMax) ' show result
End Sub
A close-to-formula approach
Combining worksheet functions CountA() and FilterXML() allows to get all substring counts separated by the pipe character |:
Sub CountSubstrings(StartCell As Range, TargetRng As Range)
'Purp.: count items separated by pipes
'Meth.: via worksheetfunction FILTERXML()
'Note: assumes target in same sheet as StartCell (could be changed easily)
'a) enter formula into entire target range
Const PATTERN$ = _
TargetRng.Formula2 = Replace(PATTERN, _
"$", StartCell.Parent.Name & "!" & StartCell.Address(False, False))
'b) optional overwriting of formulae
'TargetRng = TargetRng.Value
'c) display maximum result
MsgBox Application.Max(TargetRng)
End Sub
Hint: You can even shorten code as follows if you want to include the fully qualified workbook + worksheet reference in the formula assignment. Just use the additional argument External:=True in .Address (resulting e.g. in something like '[Test.xlsm]Sheet1'!A2):
TargetRng.Formula2 = Replace(PATTERN, _
"$", StartCell.Address(False, False, External:=True))
Possible Example call
With Sheet1
CountSubstrings .Range("A2"), .Range("D2:D5")
End With
Further link
C.f. JvdV's encyclopaedia-like site demonstrating the various possibilities to use FilterXML()
Brilliant answer by VBasic2008. I thought I would look at it purely as a coding exercise for myself. Alternative below provided for interest only.
Option Explicit
Sub CountMaxNames()
Dim arr1(), i, j, count As Long, tally As Long, ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("leasing")
arr1 = ws.Range("O1:O" & ws.Range("O" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row)
count = 0: tally = 0
For Each i In arr1
For j = 1 To Len(i)
If Mid(i, j, 1) = "|" Then count = count + 1
Next j
count = count + 1
If count >= tally Then tally = count
count = 0
Next i
MsgBox "Maximum number of names in one cell is " & tally
End Sub
I want to count how many times appear the parameters CA, CU and CH, in an excel that looks like this:
I have tried to use the following code, but as the cells don't contain only the parameter I am searching for, it doesn't work:
Sub ContarOV()
Dim cont As Variant
Dim sumaCA As Variant
Dim sumaCU As Variant
Dim sumaCH As Variant
sumaCA = 0
sumaCU = 0
sumaCH = 0
For cont = 3 To 12
If Cells(cont, 2) = ("CA") Then
sumaCA = sumaCA + 1
End If
If Cells(cont, 2) = ("CU") Then
sumaCU = sumaCU + 1
End If
If Cells(cont, 2) = ("CH") Then
sumaCH = sumaCH + 1
End If
Next cont
End Sub
As per #BigBen, I would try to avoid any iteration. What about one of the following options (assuming your data sits from A2:A?):
Sub Test()
Dim lr As Long, x As Long
Dim arr As Variant
Dim rng As Range
With Sheet1 'Change according to your sheets CodeName
'Get last used row
lr = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Get data into memory for method 1
arr = Application.Transpose(.Range("A2:A" & lr).Value)
'Create range object for method 2
Set rng = .Range("A2:A" & lr)
'Method 1: Count values with FILTER
Debug.Print UBound(Filter(arr, "CA")) + 1
Debug.Print UBound(Filter(arr, "CU")) + 1
Debug.Print UBound(Filter(arr, "CH")) + 1
'Method 2: Count values with COUNTIF
Debug.Print WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "CA*")
Debug.Print WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "CU*")
Debug.Print WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "CH*")
End With
End Sub
Btw, I would give sumaCA and your other variables a meaningfull data type, Long in this case.
You can use InStr() to return the position of the desired characters in the string. This would look something like If Not InStr(1, Cells(cont,2).Text, "CH") = 0 Then, but looping through strings is generally a slow process. Unless you have a specific need for looping, I like BigBen's answer a lot better than I like looping with InStr().
The "for-each cell in range" statement seems to be running through the same cell multiple number of times.
See the screenshot.
It runs through the cell that has the word "Product" four time, because it is merged across four rows.
Is there a way to make it run only once, regardless of the design of the worksheet (in other words, I prefer not to use the fact that it is merged across four rows to be taken into account when coding).
Public Sub ProcessBeijingFile(Excel_UNC_Path As String)
Dim src As Workbook
Dim ProdPushWorkbook As Workbook
Set ProdPushWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
Set src = Workbooks.Open(Excel_UNC_Path, True, True)
Dim c As Range
Dim r As Range
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim text As String
src.Sheets("Page 1").Activate
LastRow = src.ActiveSheet.Range("A30000").End(xlUp).Row
text = LastRow
text = "A2:BA" + CStr(text)
Set r = Range(text)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To MaxItems
PONumber(i) = ""
Dim PageCounter As Integer
PageCounter = 0
RecordCounter = 0
Dim NextPONumber As String
NextPONumber = ""
For Each c In r
If Left(Trim(c.Value), 5) = "PO No" Then
NextPONumber = Trim(Replace(c.Value, "PO No.:", ""))
NextPONumber = Trim(Replace(NextPONumber, "PO No:", ""))
End If
If you don't care about performance and just want simple code, below demonstrates how you can go about skipping MergedCells. It displays address and value of non empty cells from Cell B1 in Immediate window until it reach empty cell. Kind of what you need.
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim oRng As Range
Set oRng = Range("B1")
Do Until IsEmpty(oRng)
Debug.Print oRng.Address, oRng.Value
Set oRng = oRng.Offset(1)
Set oRng = Nothing
End Sub
David pointed me in the right direction.
Here is the key:
if c.MergeCells then
If Trim(GetFirstWord(c.MergeArea.Address, ":")) = c.Address Then
'the first of merged cells, then process, else don't process...
Function Needed:
Public Function GetFirstWord(ByVal SearchString As String, Optional ByVal Delimeter As String = " ") As String
If SearchString = "" Then
GetFirstWord = ""
Dim ary As Variant
ary = Split(SearchString, Delimeter)
GetFirstWord = ary(LBound(ary))
End If
' GetFirstWord = ary(LBound(ary))
'GetFirstWord = ary(LBound(ary))
End Function
I've been trying to look this up everywhere and I can't seem to find the answer or get it to work.
I have the code
'Define Variables for cell ranges'
Dim BidItem As Range
Dim BidItemDes As Range
Dim BidItemUnit As Range
Dim BidItemQTY As Range
Dim BidItemUP As Range
'Store the sheet range into the variables'
Set BidItem = Sheets("BidItems").Range("A1:A" & Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row)
Set BidItemDes = Sheets("BidItems").Range("B1:B" & Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row)
Set BidItemUnit = Sheets("BidItems").Range("C1:C" & Range("C1").End(xlDown).Row)
Set BidItemQTY = Sheets("BidItems").Range("D1:D" & Range("D1").End(xlDown).Row)
Set BidItemUP = Sheets("BidItems").Range("E1:E" & Range("E1").End(xlDown).Row)
Set BidItemValue = Sheets("BidItems").Range("F1:F" & Range("F1").End(xlDown).Row)
Set BidItemValue = Sheets("BidItems").Range("F1:F" & Range("F1").End(xlDown).Row)
What I need to do is have all the data in range BidItemQTY and Multiply it by the range BidItemUP
and then output that answer to the range BidItemValue.
I have the last line of code setup to start the function but
I can't seem to grasp on how to do math functions in VBA with Variables.
Consider this tiny example:
Sub dural()
Dim second As Range
Dim first As Range, prodt As Long
Set first = Range("A1:A3")
Set second = Range("B1:B3")
prodt = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumProduct(first, second)
MsgBox prodt
End Sub
To get the individual products stored in cells, use:
Sub dural()
Dim second As Range
Dim first As Range, prodt As Long
Dim third As Range
Set first = Range("A1:A3")
Set second = Range("B1:B3")
Set third = Range("C1:C3")
For i = 1 To 3
third(i, 1) = first(i, 1) * second(i, 1)
Next i
End Sub
since the ranges are not single cells, we treat them as two-dimensional
it may be possible to avoid the loop using Transpose()
in this case the one-dimensional will also work:
For i = 1 To 3
third(i) = first(i) * second(i)
Next i
I am trying to get the values of the visible cells of a range into an array.
My code makes the array carry the values until the first non visible cell then stops.
Public Function ListeMaschinen() As Variant
Dim Auswahl As Range
With Sheets("qry_TechnischesDatenblatt")
Set Auswahl = .Range(.Range("A2:B2"), .Range("A2:B2").End(xlDown)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
End With
ListeMaschinen = Auswahl
End Function
If I select the range it shows all the cells I want marked.
Here I have added the range cells to an array.
Sub examp()
Dim rng As Range, cll As Range, i As Integer, a(100) As Variant
Set rng = Range(Range("A2:B2"), Range("A2:B2").End(xlDown)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
i = 0
For Each cll In rng
a(i) = cll.Value
i = i + 1
End Sub
In your code, you are setting a Variant variable equal to a Range object without using the Set statement.
The following works with the little testing I did. Of course, if you declare the function type and other variables as Range type, it also works.
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim myVar As Variant
Set myVar = myList()
Debug.Print myVar.Address
End Sub
Public Function myList() As Variant
Dim myRng As Range
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Set myRng = .Range(.Range("A1:B1"), .Range("A1:B1").End(xlDown)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
End With
Debug.Print myRng.Address
Set myList = myRng
End Function
I think your issue is related to
When I do this:
Public Function ListeMaschinen() As Variant
Dim Auswahl As Range
With Sheets("qry_TechnischesDatenblatt")
Set Auswahl = .Range(.Range("A2:B2"), .Range("A2:B2").End(xlDown)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
End With
MsgBox Auswahl.Address
Set ListeMaschinen = Auswahl
End Function
I get an Address composed of 2 parts: the visible parts!
But when I remove the SpecialCells
Public Function ListeMaschinen() As Variant
Dim Auswahl As Range
With Sheets("qry_TechnischesDatenblatt")
Set Auswahl = .Range(.Range("A2:B2"), .Range("A2:B2").End(xlDown))
End With
MsgBox Auswahl.Address
Set ListeMaschinen = Auswahl
End Function
I get one single part, which Is what I get when using Select too.
I tested!
Sub test()
Dim myVar As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Set myVar = ListeMaschinen()
For Each C In myVar
i = i + 1
MsgBox C.Value & C.Address & "-" & i
End Sub
Further to my comments earlier, here is a method that will work subject to some limitations:
You can't have more than 65536 rows of data; and
You can't have really long text (911 chars+), or blank visible cells; and
The data should not contain the string "|~|"
If those conditions are met, you can use something like this:
Dim v
Dim sFormula As String
With Selection
sFormula = "IF(SUBTOTAL(103,OFFSET(" & .Cells(1).Address(0, 0) & ",row(" & .Address(0, 0) & ")-min(row(" & .Address(0, 0) & ")),1))," & .Address(0, 0) & ",""|~|"")"
End With
Debug.Print sFormula
v = Filter(Application.Transpose(Evaluate(sFormula)), "|~|", False)
You can adapt this to work round the third limitation by changing the alternate text in the formula string.
Hello :) I was trying to find a way to loop through visible rows in a table without going through all the rows and checking if they are visible as this was consuming too much time on a large table. Below is the solution I was able to come up with. It is a function that returns an array of the absolute row numbers of visible rows in a given Range.
Function GetVisibleRows(LookupRange As Range) As Integer()
Dim VisibleRange As Range, Index As Integer, Area As Range
Static VisibleRows() As Integer
Set VisibleRange = LookupRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
ReDim VisibleRows(0)
Index = 0
For Each Area In VisibleRange.Areas
If Index = 0 Then
VisibleRows(Index) = Area.Row
ReDim Preserve VisibleRows(Index + 1)
End If
Index = UBound(VisibleRows())
If VisibleRows(Index - 1) <> Area.Row Then
VisibleRows(Index) = Area.Row
ReDim Preserve VisibleRows(Index + 1)
End If
' Remove last empty item
ReDim Preserve VisibleRows(UBound(VisibleRows()) - 1)
GetVisibleRows = VisibleRows
End Function
If you would like to use this function in a lookup scenario, you need to convert the absolute row numbers returned by the function to relative row numbers of the table. Following worked for me.
RowIndex = ReturnedRowIndex - LookupRange.Rows(1).Row + 1
Good luck!