Attach File that was returned in POST call - hook

I have a Podio native webhook that posts to a service we created. That service then returns a PDF. Initially it was attaching the PDF as a file, but it is no longer doing that.
What does the incoming call need to look like to attach that PDF to the Podio item that sent the webhook?

Hope you've used the technique mentioned here - ?
The operation would first involve uploading the file and then attaching to an item. Two separate API calls would be required to do so. Later, could you please share the specific error you are facing? Snippets will help too.


Docusign Connect Configuration settings not returning PDF

I have a standard custom connect setup that has been working really well for us. We now want to store the signed document in our app. So I go and edit the settings and click on Document PDFs in the include section. However, there is no change in the XML that is in the callback. I would have assumed that the base64 encoded document would be there just like when I send it.
Is it somewhere else? Ho do I get a copy of the document once ALL recipients have signed?
Thank You.
Sorry you're having this problem. I suggest creating a new Connect subscription/config and sending it to as a test.
If the payload is as you expect, then update the url to be your webhook listener.
It could also be that you're not parsing the xml fully. The documents are included at an initial object level within the xml.
I do know that if you request the Certificate of Completion without asking for the Document PDFs themselves, it won't work. I haven't seen your problem as described though.

How to get the metadata of media content to a Notification while Casting using Chromecast?

I have been looking at the sample code provided by Google for casting videos and am not able to figure out from where is the metadata being gotten from for the Notification. Below are the liks I am looking at.
I did some research and my assumption is that it gets the metadata from the TargetActivityClass which is ExpandedControlsActivity but I am not able to get it even there. Any help is appreciated.
When your app creates a MediaInfo to load on the receiver, you provide all the required metadata (title, image, etc) and that is how the framework handles the rest for you. Note that the framework also listens to the messages and status updates from the receiver so it stays up to date with what is playing on the receiver, hence can update the metadata for the notification, if necessary.

Bulk sending using DocuSign REST API V2

For bulk sending I followed the steps mentioned in DocuSign user guide (Reference: However I would like to implement the same using REST API. Please suggest how to go about it. Any reference link would really be helpful.
In my application I am using REST API V2.
After using POST /accounts/[accountnumber]/envelopes to create a draft envelope, use the PUT /accounts/[accountnumber]/envelopes/[envelopeID]/recipients/[recipientID]/bulk_recipients to upload your csv file.
Or more specifically, you don't send the file, you send the contents. You Content-Type for the PUT is text/csv. The body of the put would be the csv contents just like you'd be viewing them in notepad.
After the put, use the envelopes POST again to change the status to "sent" and it's done.
The response from the final call provides a bulk send batch ID that can be used for checking status.
Information on utilizing bulk send with the DocuSign REST API can be found here.

docusignapi Add document binary

I'm trying to add a document to envelope. However I have that document in a blob column in the Oracle database. I tried to load that in the blob variable, convert to clob (using blob2clob oracle function) and send the information. however, I always get the document empty on docusign. So, I was thinking a way to send the information in binary form.
Does somebode know the correct setup to sent taht or any help with this?
Thank you,
Give this thread on the DocuSign community a look and see if it will resolve your issue

Trying to send a document through a trigger

I'm currently trying to automate the process of creating a docusign document and sending it by putting it into an apex trigger. I have managed to get the docusign api (via WSDL) into my org, and now I'm trying to add the code into the trigger to send out the document. Without pasting the entire code here, I've been following this tutorial and have gotten all of the required code into my trigger. Unfortunatly, when I run it, I get this error:
11:40:49.965 (12965647595)|FATAL_ERROR|System.VisualforceException: Getting content from within triggers is currently not supported.
Trigger.OpportunityTrigger: line 109, column 1
Does this mean that it's not possible to send a document in a trigger? The tutorial sends it through a controller, is that the only currently supported method?
Thank you for any help you can give me!
So I've gotten past that error (using a different tutorial), and am now getting this error.
System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: WebService returned a SOAP Fault: This User lacks sufficient permissions. User does not have the permision to the CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates method faultcode=soap:Client faultactor=
This appears to be a problem with the Docusign user I am using for sending this document. I am currently using CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates to try and send a templated document out to up to 5 recipients.
I ended up phoning into Docusign Support, and asking them about the issue. Turns out that the last error was caused by me trying to authenticate and sign into docusign with my userID not the AccountID (switched those around and the permission error went away).
Another error showed up related to not having roles setup properly in my template (fixed that by setting up the role), and now everything is working fine. I'm answering my own question to leave it as a reference to future searchers.
Create a call out from trigger
Then get the request from a rest method
Then continue to get the pagereference conten
You can find an example here
