Connections in graphql for pagination - pagination

I am new to graphql and am trying to learn how connections work for pagination. I am following documentation here:
I am able to use connection_type to view say User in graphiql.
field :allUsers, Type::MyUsers.connection_type, null: false
def allUsers
I am not able to understand how to write code in Make connection fields and Return collections as per the documentation if I want to see the User-Post data.
For Users-Post relation, I have nested the return type in Type::MyUsers, something like:
class myUsers < GraphApi::BaseObject
field :name, String, null: false
field :created_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: true
field :userPosts, Types::myPosts.connection_type, null: true
How do I get the data in posts so that when I see in graphiql the result should be something like:
query {
users {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {[
{name : "User1",
userPosts {
edges {
nodes{ [
{body: "post1"},
{body: "post2"}
{name : "User2",
userPosts {
edges {
nodes{ [
{body: "post12"},
{body: "post22"}

SOLN: The only piece missing was:
class myUsers < GraphApi::BaseObject
field :name, String, null: false
field :created_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: true
field :userPosts, Types::myPosts.connection_type, null: true
def userPosts
There was a typo in the resolver name and hence it did not work 🙃


Mongoose: create multiple documents if filter finds none

I'm trying to create multiple documents based on a filter: if document not found => create it.
After searching a bit I found that the correct way to do so is by using updateMany and setting upsert: true (docs).
This made somewhat sense from the documentation's example but as I understand it the filter modifier would be used for the newly-created document. As in the example:
try {
{ "Sector" : { $gt : 4 }, "inspector" : "R. Coltrane" },
{ $set: { "Patrolling" : false } },
{ upsert: true }
} catch (e) {
"Inspector" : "R. Coltrane" would be inserted to the newly-created document.
But what if my setOnInsert modifier contains the same field as the one in the filter?
What my code looks like:
//first find the already-created tags
await tagModel.find({"tagName": tags}).select('tagName -_id').exec()
.then(async (result: Tag[])=>{
//create the new tags
const newTags = any)=>new tagModel({tagName: tag}));
//now insert only the new tags, filtering out the already-created tags ("result")
await tagModel.updateMany(
{"tagName": result},
{$setOnInsert: newTags} ,
{upsert: true},
(err:any, res:any)=>{
At first, result is an empty Array ([]). What is created in my MongoDB database is a new Tag document, but its tagName is the result object. Meaning, it looks like:
"_id": {
"$oid": "61659c92c6267fe11963b236"
"tagName": {
"$in": []
So essentially my question is, what am I suppose to do in this case where my update modifier should replace my filter query? Perhaps it's just something bad in my code that makes the updateMany function to malfunction? Or should I replace it with a different function?

How can I automatically append a property from a relation to the root object?

How can I automatically append a property from a relation to the root object, as if it were a column from the same table but actually it is coming from another table.
Supose I have an User model that hasMany Emails.
How can I only append the email from the first Email of the User model, so that everytime I query the User model I get it like a property?
What I'm doing:
(await User.query().where('id', id).with('emails').first()).toJSON()
"name": "Eleandro Duzentos",
"emails": [
{ "email": "" },
{ "email": "" }
What I want:
(await User.find(id)).toJSON()
"name": "Eleandro Duzentos",
"email": ""
Obs: I'm not putting the email on the same table because, there's a chance that a user may need more then one email in a long future, but for now, it has only one.
How can I do that?
For the customized JSON response i would suggest the use of serializers.
You can override the default serializers to get the desired result.
You can refer to this -
Here is my code. You could be inspired by it:
Model User:
const Email = use('App/Models/Email')
class User extends Model {
async getEmails() {
let list = []
let emails = await Email.query().where('user_id',
emails.rows.forEach(email => {
list.push({ name: this.username, email: })
return list
emails() {
return this.hasMany('App/Models/Email')
module.exports = User
Controller :
let user = await User.find(1)
return await user.getEmails()
Output :
Feel free to correct me if that's not what you want :)

Conditional filtering against a nested object in MongoDB

I am having a problem searching for a key of a nested object.
I have search criteria object that may or may not have certain fields I'd like to search on.
The way I'm solving this is to use conditional statements to append to a "match criteria" object that gets passed to the aggregate $match operator. it works well until I need to match to something inside a nested object.
Here is a sample document structure
name: string,
dates: {
actived: Date,
suspended: Date
address : [{
street: string,
city: string,
state: string,
zip: string
My criteria object is populated thru a UI and passed a JSON that looks similar to this:
"name": "",
"state": ""
And although I can explicitly use "dates.suspended" without issue -
when I try to append address.state to my search match criteria - I get an error. = function( criteria, callback )
let matchCriteria = {
"dates.suspended": null
if ( criteria.state !== '' ) {
matchCriteria.address.state = criteria.state;
{ "$match": matchCriteria },
{ "$addFields": {...} },
{ "$project": {...} }
], callback );
I get the error:
TypeError: Cannot set property 'state' of undefined
I understand that I'm specifying 'address.state' when 'address' doesn't exist yet - but I am unclear what my syntax would be surely it woulnd't be matchCriteria['address.state'] or "matchCriteria.address.state"
Is there a better way to do conditional filtering?
For search in Nested Object, You have to use unwind
A query that help you :
//For testing declare criteria as const
let criteria = {name : 'name', 'state' : 'state'};
let addressMatch = {};
let matchCriteria = {
"dates.suspended": null
if ( criteria.state) {
addressMatch = { 'address.state' : criteria.state };
$match :matchCriteria,
{$match : addressMatch}
Firstly check for address, and then access the property as shown:
if(matchCriteria['address']) {
matchCriteria['address']['state'] = criteria['state'];
else {
This should fix it:
matchCriteria['address.state'] = criteria.state;

Using Mongoose / MongoDB $addToSet functionality on array of objects

say I have this array property ('articles') on a Mongoose schema:
articles: [
kind: 'bear',
hashtag: 'foo'
kind: 'llama',
hashtag: 'baz',
kind: 'sheep',
hashtag: 'bar',
how can I use
to add to this array by checking the value of hashtag to see if it's unique?
For example, if I want to add the following object to the above array, I want Mongo to 'reject' it as a duplicate:
kind: 'tortoise',
hashtag: 'foo'
because hashtag=foo has already been taken.
The problem is that I only know how to use $addToSet with simple arrays of integers...
for example, if articles looked like this:
articles: [ 1 , 5 , 4, 2]
I would use $addToSet like this:
var data = {
"$addToSet": {
"articles": 9
but how can I accomplish the same thing with an array of objects where the unique field is a string, in this case 'hashtag'? The docs don't make this clear and it seems like I have searched everywhere..
You need to use the $ne operator.
var data = { 'kind': 'tortoise', 'hashtag': 'foo' };
{ 'articles.hashtag': { '$ne': 'foo' } },
{ '$addToSet': { 'articles': data } }
This will update the document only if there is no sub document in the "article" array with the value of hashtag equals to "foo".
As #BlakesSeven mentioned in the comment
The $addToSet becomes irrelevant once you are testing for the presence of one of the values, so this may as well be a $push for code clarity. But the principle is correct since $addToSet works on the whole object and not just part of it.
{ 'articles.hashtag': { '$ne': 'foo' } },
{ '$push': {'articles': data } }
// add the comment's id to the commentsList :
// share.comments.commentsList.addToSet(callback._id);
{ '$push': {'comments.commentsList': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(callback._id) } }
, function(){
console.log('added comment id to the commentsList array of obectIds')

Mongoose update sub document if exists

I have following model :
var VoteSchema = new Schema({
up : Boolean
, createdBy:{type:ObjectId, ref:'users'}
, createdOn : {type:Date,}
var QuestionSchema = newSchema({
, description:String
, votes : [VoteSchema]
, createdBy:{type:ObjectId, ref:'users'}
, createdOn : {type:Date,}
var Question = mongoose.model('questions',QuestionSchema);
Suppose user1 is logged in user and question1 is current / viewing question.The user can upvote({up:true}) or downvote({up:false}) a question at any time. How can I add a new vote if a user1 have not casted a vote for question1 else update the vote.
I have been able to write the following lines of code:
QuestionSchema.statics.castVote = function(questionId, vote) {
//NOTE : vote.createdBy equalsto loggedInUserID
Q.nbind(Question.findOne, Question)({
}).then(function(doc) {
if(doc) {
//I am clue less
//doc.votes is a list of votes for this question
// how can I get the particular vote casted by the user - vote.createdBy
}else {
So you're part of the way there, but of course when you don't find a doc then you will not have a doc to work with in the callback. MongoDB has native ways of handling these sorts of updates, but of course you do need to test for the match as you are.
What we can do here is just work within the true or false condition of where the document exists.
Considering vote.value to be your true or false for the "upvote"
Where you do find that there is a matching document you can issue an update like this:
_id: questionId,
"votes.createdBy" vote.createdBy,
"votes.up": {"$ne": vote.value }
{ $set: { "votes.$.up": vote.value } }
So that matches and uses a positional $ operator to make sure the correct index of the matching item is updated. What I added there makes sure that you don't even touch the document where the vote.vaule is already of the same value.
And in the false condition you want to $push onto the array with the new item:
_id: questionId
$push: {
"votes": {
"up": vote.value,
"createdBy": vote.createdBy
Of course add the callback details where writeConcern is applied, which you probably do.
