Differences in encoder - decoder models between Keras and Pytorch - keras

There seem to be significant, fundamental differences in construction of encoder-decoder models between keras and pytorch. Here is keras' enc-dec blog and here is pytorch's enc-dec blog.
Some differences I noticed are the following:
Keras' model directly feeds input to LSTM layer. Whereas Pytorch uses an embedding layer for both the encoder and decoder.
Pytorch uses an embedding layer with no activation in the encoder but uses relu activation for the embedding layer in the decoder.
Given these observations, my questions are the following:
My understanding is the following, is it correct? The embedding layer is not strictly required but it helps in finding a better and denser representation of the input. It is optional and you can still build a good model without the embedding layer (dependent on the problem). This is why Keras chose not to use it in this particular example. Is this a sound reason or is there more to the story?
Why use an activation for the embedding layer in the decoder but not the encoder?
Why use 'relu' as the activation instead of 'tanh', etc for the embedding layer? What's the intuition here? I've only seen 'relu' applied to data that has spatial relation, not temporal relation.

You have a wrong understanding of encoder-decoder models. First of all, please note Keras and Pytorch are two deep learning frameworks, while encoder-decoder is a type of neural network architecture. So, you need to understand how encoder-decoder works in the first place and then revise their architecture as per your need. Now, let me come back to your questions.
Embedding layer converts one-hot encoding representations into low-dimensional vector representations. For example, we have a sentence I love programming. We want to translate this sentence into German using an encoder-decoder network. So, the first step is to first convert the words in the input sentence into a sequence of vector representations, and this can be done using an embedding layer. Please note, the use of Keras or Pytorch doesn't matter. You can think, how would you give a natural language sentence as input to an LSTM? Obviously, you first need to convert them into vectors.
There is no such rule that you should use an activation layer in the embedding layer for the decoder, but not in the encoder. Remember, activation functions are non-linear functions. So, applying a non-linearity has different consequences but it has nothing to do with the encoder-decoder framework.
Again, the choice of activation function depends on other factors, not on encoder or decoder or a specific type of neural network architecture. I suggest you read the characteristics of the popular activation functions that are used in neural networks. Also, do not come into conclusions after observing a few use cases. Such conclusions are dangerous.


Conv2D filters and CNN architecture

I am currently pursuing undergraduation, I am working on CNN model to recognize Telegu characters.
This Questions has two parts,
I have a (32,32,1) shape Telegu character images, I want to train my CNN model to recognize the character. So, what should be my model architecture and how to decide the architecture, no of parameters and hidden layers. I know that my case is exactly same as handwritten digit recognition, but I want to know how to decide those parameters. Is there any common practice in building such architecture.
Operation Conv2D (32, (5,5)) means 32 filters of size 5x5 are applied on to the input, my question is are these filters all same or different, if different what kind of filters are initialized and who decides them?
I tried to surf internet but everywhere I go, the answer I get is Conv2D operation applies filters on input and does the convolution operation.
To decide which model architecture would be best, you need to experiment. Thats the only way. As you want to classify, VGG architecture would be a good starting point I believe. You need to experiment with number of parameters as it depends on your problem. You can use Keras Tuner for it: https://keras.io/keras_tuner/
For kernel initialization, as far as I know convolutional layers in Keras uses Glorot Uniform Initialization but you can change that by using kernel_initializer parameter. Long story short, convolutional layers are initialized with a distribution function and as training goes filters change the values inside, which is learning process. https://keras.io/api/layers/initializers
Edit: I forgot to inform you that I suggest VGG architecture but in a way you downsize the models a lot. Your input shape is little so if your model is too much deep, you will overfit really quickly.

Resolution preserving Fully Convolutional Network

I am new to ML and Pytorch and I have the following problem:
I am looking for a Fully Convolutional Network architecture in Pytorch, so that the input would be an RGB image (HxWxC or 480x640x3) and the output would be a single channel image (HxW or 480x640). In other words, I am looking for a network that will preserve the resolution of the input (HxW), and will loose the channel dimension. All of the networks that I've came across (ResNet, Densenet, ...) end with a fully connected layer (without any upsampling or deconvolution). This is problematic for two reasons:
I am restricted with the choice of the input size (HxWxC).
It has nothing to do with the output that I expect to get (a single channel image HxW).
What am I missing? Why is there even a FC layer? Why is there no up-sampling, or some deconvolution layers after feature extraction? Is there any build-in torchvision.model that might suit my requirements? Where can I find such pytorch architecture? As I said, I am new in this field so I don't really like the idea of building such a network from scratch.
You probably came across the networks that are used in classification. So they end up with a pooling and a fully connected layer to produce a fixed number of categorical output.
Have a look at Unet
Note: the original unet implementation use a lot of tricks.
You can simply downsample and then upsample symmetrically to do the work.
Your kind of task belongs to dense classification tasks, e.g. segmentation. In those tasks, we use fully convolution nets (see here for the original paper). In the FCNs you don't have any fully-connected layers, because when applying fully-connected layers you lose spatial information which you need for the dense prediction. Also have a look at the U-Net paper. All state-of-the art architectures use some kind of encoder-decoder architecture extended for example with a pyramid pooling module.
There are some implementations in the pytorch model zoo here. Search also Github for pytorch implementations for other networks.

Why cleverhans pytorch tutorial using log_softmax instead of logits as output

When generating adversarial examples, it is typically using logits as the output of the neural network, and then train the network with cross-entropy.
However, I found that the tutorial of cleverhans uses log softmax and then convert the pytorch model to a tensorflow model, and finally train the model.
I am wondering if anyone has the idea about whether using logits instead of log_softmax will make any difference?
As you said, when we get logits from a neural network, we train it using CrossEntropyLoss. An alternative way is to compute the log_softmax and then train the network by minimizing the negative log-likelihood (NLLLoss).
Both approaches are basically the same if you are training a network for classification tasks. However, if you have a different objective function, you may find one of these two techniques, particularly useful in your scenario.

Keras Embedding layer activation function?

In the fully connected hidden layer of Keras embedding, what is the activation function leveraged? I'm either misunderstanding the concept of this class or unable to find documentation. I understand that it is encoding from word to real-valued vector of dimension d via answers like the below on stackoverflow:
Embedding layers in Keras are trained just like any other layer in your network architecture: they are tuned to minimize the loss function by using the selected optimization method. The major difference with other layers, is that their output is not a mathematical function of the input. Instead the input to the layer is used to index a table with the embedding vectors [1]. However, the underlying automatic differentiation engine has no problem to optimize these vectors to minimize the loss function...
In my network, I have a word embedding portion that is then linked to a larger network that is predicting a binary outcome (e.g., click yes/no). I understand that this Keras embedding is not operating like word2vec because here my embedding is being trained and updated against my end cross-entropy function. But, there is no mention of how the embedding fully-connected layer is activated. Thanks!

Autoencoder with Transfer Learning?

Is there a way I can train an autoencoder model using a pre-trained model like ResNet?
I'm trying to train an autoencoder model with input as an image and output as a masked version of that image.
Is it possible to use weights from a pretrained model here?
Yes! you can definitely do transfer learning using a pre-trained network, i.e. ResNet50 as the encoder in an autoencoder. For reference, check out the following link. https://github.com/hsinyilin19/ResNetVAE
From what I know, there is no proven method to do this. I'd train the autoencoder from scratch.
In theory, if you find a pre-trained CNN which does not use max pooling, you can use those weights and architecture for the encoder stage in your autoencoder. You can also extract features from a pre-trained model and concatenate/merge them to your autoencoder. But the value add is not clear, and the architecture might become overly complex.
