OVER_QUERY_LIMIT Google places - python-3.x

I want to check hospitals near me, but I get OVER_QUERY_LIMIT error. The fact is that the key is new and didn`t use before. What can be the problem?
#app.route('/hospitals', methods=['GET','POST'])
def hospitals():
g = geocoder.ip('me')
lt_lg = g.latlng
lt = lt_lg[0]
lg = lt_lg[1]
API_KEY = 'mykey'
google_places = GooglePlaces(API_KEY)
query_result = google_places.nearby_search(
lat_lng ={'lat': lt, 'lng': lg},
radius = 5000,
types =[types.TYPE_HOSPITAL])
if query_result.has_attributions:
print (query_result.html_attributions)
for place in query_result.places:
print("Latitude", place.geo_location['lat'])
print("Longitude", place.geo_location['lng'])
return render_template('hospitals.html', places=query_result.places)


networkx output scale problem with matplotlib (re-post)

I'm re-posting this question since I didn't make a good example code in last question.
I'm trying to make a nodes to set in specific location.
But I found out that the output drawing is not... fixed. Let me show you the pic.
So this is the one I make with 10 nodes. worked perfectly as I intended.
Also it has plt.text on the bottom left.
And here's the other picture
As you can see, something is wrong. plt.text is gone, and USA's location is weird. Actually that location is where DEU is located in the first pic. Both pics use same code.
Now, let me show you some of my code.
for spec_df, please download from my gdrive:
auto_flag = 0
#top_10_list = ["USA","CHN","KOR"] (Try for three nodes)
#auto_flag = 1 (Try for 10 nodes)
df_p = spec_df[['partneriso3','tradevalue']]
df_p = df_p.groupby('partneriso3').sum().reset_index()
df_r = spec_df[['reporteriso3','tradevalue']]
df_r = df_r.groupby('reporteriso3').sum().reset_index()
df_r = df_r.rename(columns={'reporteriso3': 'Nation'})
df_r = df_r.rename(columns={'tradevalue': 'tradevalue_r'})
df_p = df_p.rename(columns={'partneriso3': 'Nation'})
df_s = pd.merge(df_r, df_p, on='Nation', how='outer').fillna(0)
df_s["final"] = df_s['tradevalue'] + df_s['tradevalue_r']
if auto_flag == 1:
df_s = df_s.sort_values(by=['final'], ascending = False).reset_index()
cut = df_s[:10]
cut = df_s[(df_s['Nation'].isin(top_10_list))]
cut['final'] = cut['final'].apply(lambda x: normalize(x, cut['final'].max()))
cut['font_size'] = cut['final'] * 13
cut['final'] = cut['final'] * 1500
top_10_list = list(cut["Nation"])
top10 = spec_df[(spec_df['reporteriso3'].isin(top_10_list))&(spec_df['partneriso3'].isin(top_10_list))]
top10['tradevalue'] = top10['tradevalue'].apply(lambda x: normalize(x, top10['tradevalue'].max()))
top10['tradevalue'] = top10['tradevalue']*10
plt.figure(figsize=(10,10), dpi = 100)
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(top10, 'reporteriso3', 'partneriso3', 'tradevalue', create_using= nx.DiGraph())
widths = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'tradevalue')
pos = {}
pos_cord = [(-0.30779309, -0.26419882), (0.26767895, 0.19524759), (-0.38479095, 0.88179998), (0.33785317, 0.96090914), (0.94090464, 0.40707934), (0.9270665, -0.38403114), (0.41246223, -0.85684049), (-0.32083322, -1.0), (-0.99724456, -0.34947554), (-0.87530367, 0.40950993)]
for t in range(len(top_10_list)):
if top_10_list == "":
pos[top_10_list[t]] = pos_cord[t]
pos_nodes = nudge(pos, 0, 0.12)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G,pos, width=list(widths.values()), edge_color = '#9ECAE4')
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos=pos, nodelist = cut['Nation'], node_size= cut['final'], node_color ='#AB89EF', edgecolors ='#000000')
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G,pos_nodes, font_size=15)
plt.text(-1.15,-1.15,s='hs : ')
Sorry for the crude code. But I want to ask that I'm using fixed coordinates. So nodes are not supposed to move there location. So I think the plt's size is kinda interacting with the contents...? But I don't know how it does that.
Could anyone enlighten me please? This drives me crazy...
Thanks to #Paul Brodersen's comment, I found a way to fix the location.
I just added these codes in my codes.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10), dpi = 100)
axes = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
Thank you for the help again!

What is the problem in the following code?

I want to generate auto generate book fine of 10% of book cost. I have written the following code but nothing happens. No error comes and not working. book_cost field is in book module.
Please check code.
issue_date = fields.Date('Issue Date', required=True, tracking=True)
due_date = fields.Date('Due Date', required=True, tracking=True)
book_ids = fields.Many2many('odooschool.library.books','tch_book_rel','book_name','teacher_id','Issued Books')
sequence = fields.Integer('sequence')
fine_amount = fields.Char('Fine Amount', compute='_get_cost_details')
submission_date = fields.Date.today()
price = fields.Char('Price')
def _get_cost_details(self):
market_multiplier = 0
date_return = fields.Date()
for rec in self:
fine_amount = 0
if rec.due_date and rec.submission_date and rec.due_date > rec.submission_date:
date_return = (rec.due_date - rec.submission_date)
market_multiplier = int(decimal.Decimal('0.10'))
fine_amount = rec.book_ids.book_cost * market_multiplier
rec.fine_amount += rec.fine_amount
I think if you replace
submission_date = fields.Date.today()
submission_date = fields.Date(default= fields.Date.today)
That will be work. Cause the submission_date in your code is always the starting date of Odoo server.

How to calculate active hours of an employee using face_recognition for attendance tracking

I am working on face recognition system for my academic project. I want to set the first time an employee was recognized as his first active time and the next time he is being recognized should be recorded as his last active time and then calculate the total active hours based on first active and last active time.
I tried with the following code but I'm getting only the current system time as the start time. can someone help me on what I am doing wrong.
data = pickle.loads(open(args["encodings"], "rb").read())
vs = VideoStream(src=0).start()
writers = None
while True:
frame = vs.read()
rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
rgb = imutils.resize(frame, width=750)
r = frame.shape[1] / float(rgb.shape[1])
boxes = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb)
encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb, boxes)
names = []
face_names = []
for encoding in encodings:
matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(data["encodings"],
name = "Unknown"
if True in matches:
matchedIdxs = [i for (i, b) in enumerate(matches) if b]
counts = {}
for i in matchedIdxs:
name = data["names"][i]
counts[name] = counts.get(name, 0) + 1
name = max(counts, key=counts.get)
if names != []:
for i in names:
first_active_time = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M')
last_active_time = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M')
difference = datetime.strptime(first_active_time, '%H:%M') - datetime.strptime(last_active_time, '%H:%M')
difference = difference.total_seconds()
total_hours = time.strftime("%H:%M", time.gmtime(difference))
face_names.append([i, first_active_time, last_active_time, total_hours])

How to manipulate nodes with using networkx (Python3, twitter, networkx)

I'm a beginner who try to make followers network of twitter with Python3. I made this code and got result however always one node is separated as you can see like left bottom node.
I have no idea what is happening. In addition, I also want to see smaller world for instance, how can I pick up only 5 friends and elucidate their connection ?? This my result is too huge... It would be greatly appreciated if you could explain the details. Here is my code :
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key = my_consumer_key,
consumer_secret = my_consumer_secret,
access_token_key = my_access_token_key,
access_token_secret = my_access_token_secret,
input_encoding = "UTF-8",
friends = api.GetFriends()
G = networkx.Graph()
for friend in friends:
for friend in friends[-3:]:
for user in api.GetFriends(friend.id):
if user in friends:
pos = spring_layout(G)
draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_size = 100, node_color = 'w')
draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, width = 1)
draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size = 12, font_family = 'sans-
serif', font_color = 'r')

Get id of a record with the lowest sequence

I have this class
name = fields.Char("Name")
sequence = fields.Integer("Sequence")
description = fields.Text("Description")
I need a search method to find the id with lower sequence
res = self.env['your.model'].search([], limit=1, order='sequence desc')
should to the trick
I think this search function would do the trick.
def _find_register(self, operator, value):
lowest_sequence_id = False
lowest_sequence = False
for state in self.env['ags.traffic.operation.state'].search([('id','>',0)]):
if not lowest_sequence:
lowest_sequence_id = state.id
lowest_sequence = state.sequence
elif state.sequence < lowest_sequence:
lowest_sequence = state.sequence
return [('id', '=', lowest_sequence_id)]
