Twig set variable name using a variable - twig

Is it possible to iterate through an array and set twig variables using the array keys as the variable name and the values as the values? For example my array:
"key1": "value",
"key2": "value2,
In twig:
{% for key,value in array %}
{% set {{ key }} = value %}
{% endfor %}
Expected result would be:
key1 = value
key2 = value2


2D Twig Array - printing out the content dynamically

I'm trying to print out a table with keys and values from a 2d-array in twig. The only issue is, that I'm trying to get the values and keys dynamically printed depending on the twig result I get back.
The array I'm getting back from another function can be different with every call, so my goal would be to write a function once instead of multiple times depending on the typ of data I recive.
The array I get is in {{ tableContent }}.
One example of the values are:
["Type"] => string(4) "2021"
["Description"] => string(11) "Stundenlohn"
["Symbol"] => string(3) "ABC"
}, {
["Type"] => string(4) "2024"
["Description"] => string(9) "Something"
["Symbol"] => string(3) "XYZ"
so in this case I want the table to look something like:
# | Type | Description | Symbol
0 | 2021 | Stundenlohn | ABC
1 | 2024 | Something | XYZ
this would work quite well, if I always know the names of the array keys:
{% for key, u in tableContent %}
<li>{{ key }}: {{ u.Type }}</li>
{% endfor %}
And with this I'd get 0: 2021 and 1: 2024
is there a way to not use (in my case) Type but somehow the index?
With this solution I'm working on at the moment I only get the first value:
{% for array in tableContent %}
{% for id, key in array %}
{{id }} | {{key}}<br/>
{% endfor %}<br/>
{% endfor %}

TWIG, dynamic associative array key

I need to create a array with a dynamic key.
{% set key = 'a' %}
{% set value = 'b' %}
{% set array = {key:value} %}
I find a workaround for this problem: if you surround the key with parenthesis the key of array take the value of the variable instead of the name. So try simple this:
{% set array = { (key): value} %}
Here a working solutions

Twig - array_pop?

I have a multi dimensional array along the lines of
array(2) {
[11]=> array(1) {
["L2J"]=> array(1) {
["VS7"]=> array(2) {
["26 Feb 2015 12:00"]=> array(2) {
["C"]=> string(1) "9"
["D"]=> string(1) "9"
["26 Feb 2015 13:00"]=> array(2) {
["C"]=> string(1) "9"
["D"]=> string(1) "6"
Now I have done some looping and I am now at the point where I have access to the dates.
{% for sid, psuedos in alerts %}
{% for psuedo, flights in psuedos %}
{% for flight, dates in flights %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Now I am converting some normal PHP code and at this point, I would do
$firstDate = array_pop(array_keys($dates));
Is there any way to do something like this in Twig? I have searched about but cant seem to find anything.
This is my latest effort, can't seem to get it to slice the last array element though
{% set firstDate = [dates|keys]|last|slice(1) %}
There isn't a Twig function that will do exactly what array_pop() does (return the last array element and shorten the array at the same time), but there are ways to do them separately.
{% set array = [1,2,3,4,5] %}
To get the last element, use Twig's last filter.
{{ array|last }}
{# returns '5' #}
You can remove only the last element with the slice filter like this: slice(0,-1)
{% set array = array|slice(0,-1) %}
{# array = [1,2,3,4] #}
... or the Craft without filter:
{% set arrayLast = array|last %}
{% set array = array|without(arrayLast) %}
{# array = [1,2,3,4] #}
pop last element
{% set array = [1,2,3] %}
{% set value = array|last %}
{{ value }} {# return 3 #}
{% set array = array|slice(start, length - 1) %}
{% for value in array %}
{{ value }} {# return 1,2 #}
{% endfor %}
pop the first element
{% set array = [1,2,3] %}
{% set value = array|first %}
{{ value }} {# return 1 #}
{% set array = array|slice(start + 1, length) %}
{% for value in array %}
{{ value }} {# return 2,3 #}
{% endfor %}
Just as a quick check, have you tried slice(-1)?
Passing a negative number as the first parameter should start at the end of the array and work that many back.

Twig: How to get the last character in a string

I there,
I'm trying to find the last character for a string in twig.
What I need to do is that if the string ends with s then I only add ' Zone and if the string doesn't have an s at the end I should add 's Zone.
E.g., "Charles's Zone" should become "Charles' Zone".
Thanks a lot
{% set test_string = 'asdfs' %}
{% set test_string = test_string ~ (test_string|last == 's' ? "' " : "'s ") ~ "Zone" %}
using last
{{ [1, 2, 3, 4]|last }}
{# outputs 4 #}
{{ { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 }|last }}
{# outputs 4 #}
{{ '1234'|last }}
{# outputs 4 #}
I figured a workaround:
{% set title = user_name ~ "\'s zone" %}
{% set replace_value_var= "s\'s zone" %}
{% set replace_with_value_var = "s\' zone"%}
{% set MyTitle = title|replace({ (replace_value_var): replace_with_value_var }) %}

twig slice filter on object print Array
{% set varTest = 'azertyuiop' %}
{{ varTest[:2] }} {# show 'az' #}
but on an object as {{[:2] }} result is Array !
is-it the filter limit ?
