How to serve static files in FastAPI - python-3.x

I am trying to serve static files that I have in a package_docs directory. When I open in the browzer: , the page is running.
But I want to open the page:
without the source file. And the output is 404 Not Found
StaticFiles(directory=pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'package_docs')
#app.get("/packages/docs/.*", include_in_schema=False)
def root():
return HTMLResponse(pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, "package_docs/index.html"))
app.include_router(jamcam.router, prefix="/api/v1/cams", tags=["jamcam"])
How can I change my code? Any advice will be helpful. Thank you in advance.

There's a html option in Starlette that can be used within FastAPI. Starlette Documentation
This would let you have something such as:
app.mount("/site", StaticFiles(directory="site", html = True), name="site")
Which would parse /site to /site/index.html, /site/foo/ to /site/foo/index.html, etc.
The other answers can help you redirect if you want to change the folder names in a way not handled by using "directory = /foo", but this is the simplest option if you simply want to load the associated .html files.

You need to use FastAPI's TemplateResponse (actually Starlette's):
from fastapi import Request
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static")
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="package_docs")
async def example(request: Request):
return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request})
Request as part of the key-value pairs in the context for Jinja2. So, you also have to declare it as query parameter. and you have to specify a html file you want to render it with Jinja ("your.html", {"request": request})
Also to return a HTMLResponse directly you can use HTMLResponse from fastapi.responses
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse
#app.get("/items/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def read_items():
return """
You can read more about custom response from FastAPI Custom Responses

If app.mount is not an option,
you can always manually read the file and respond with its content...
For example, if your static files are inside /site then:
from os.path import isfile
from fastapi import Response
from mimetypes import guess_type
async def get_site(filename):
filename = './site/' + filename
if not isfile(filename):
return Response(status_code=404)
with open(filename) as f:
content =
content_type, _ = guess_type(filename)
return Response(content, media_type=content_type)
async def get_site_default_filename():
return await get_site('index.html')

From the docs
The first "/static" refers to the sub-path this "sub-application" will be "mounted" on. So, any path that starts with "/static" will be handled by it.
This means that you mount your directory at , but you then need to either specify a file in the URL, or add a handler as you did. The problem though, is that since you mounted the path first, it will not take into consideration the following paths that include part of the path.
A possibility is to first specify the path for so that it is handled by fastapi and then to mount the folder, serving static files.
Also, I would redirect users asking for to

▶️ 1. You don't need to create route to serve/render homepage/static-folder explicitly. When you mark a directory as static it will automatically get the first argument as route of the app.mount() in this case it's app.mount("/"). So, when you enter the base url like you will get the static files.
▶️ 2. app instance of the FastAPI() class. Yes, you can have as many instance as you want in a single FASTAPI app.
▶️ 3. api_app instance of the FastAPI() for other api related task.
The reason 2 & 3 need because if you want to stick with just app instance, when user req for the url, user will get the the static file, then when user will req for then the server will try to find hello inside static-folder, but there is no hello inside static-folder!, eventually it will be a not-found type response. That's why it's need to be created another instance of FastAPI api_app, and registered with prefix /api(▶️ -> 5), so every req comes from, decorator #api_app (▶️ -> 4) will be fired!
instance declaration and mount() method calling order is important.
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from starlette.templating import Jinja2Templates
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory='homepage-app')
# for ui
# 🔽 -> 2
app = FastAPI(title="homepage-app")
# for api
# 🔽 -> 3
api_app = FastAPI(title="api-app")
# for api and route that starts with "/api" and not static
# 🔽 -> 5
app.mount("/api", api_app)
# for static files and route that starts with "/"
# 🔽 -> 1
app.mount("/", StaticFiles(directory="static-folder", html=True), name="static-folder")
# for your other api routes you can use `api_app` instance of the FastAPI
# 🔽 -> 4
async def say_hello():
return {"message": "Hello World"}


Python Flask Blueprint inject a variable value to all contexts globally?

I have the following
def create_app(env_name) -> Flask:
app = Flask(__name__)
app.register_blueprint(foo1, url_prefix="/foo1")
app.register_blueprint(foo2, url_prefix="/foo2")
app.register_blueprint(foo3, url_prefix="/foo3")
return app
and the following
from .app import create_app
app = create_app(env_name), PORT)
and inside the individual blueprints / controllers / contexts, I defined a function which is needed by the template of the application:
foo1app = Blueprint("foo1", __name__)
def inject_now():
return {'now': datetime.utcnow()}
Currently I copy-paste the code snippet above to ALL blueprints / controllers / contexts. Is there a way to inject the now globally without this code duplication? Thanks.
foo1app = Blueprint("foo1", __name__)
def inject_now():
return {'now': datetime.utcnow()}
From the Blueprint class:
context_processor: Like Flask.context_processor but for a blueprint. This function is only executed for requests handled by a blueprint.
app_context_processor: Like Flask.context_processor but for a blueprint. Such a function is executed each request, even if outside of the blueprint.

How to use Pyramid to host static files at an absolute path on my computer?

I created a simple Pyramid app from the quick tutorial page here that has the following files relevant to the question:
from pyramid.config import Configurator
def main(global_config, **settings):
config = Configurator(settings=settings)
config.add_route('home', '/')
config.add_route('hello', '/howdy')
config.add_static_view(name='static', path='tutorial:static')
return config.make_wsgi_app()
from pyramid.view import (
class TutorialViews:
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
def home(self):
return {'name': 'Home View'}
def hello(self):
return {'name': 'Hello View'}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Quick Tutorial: ${name}</title>
<link rel="stylesheet"
href="${request.static_url('tutorial:static/app.css') }"/>
<h1>Hi ${name}</h1>
<img src="${filepath}">
I want to add a URL route to my app such that when a user goes to{filename} (for example:, the app would show the image from the absolute path /Users/s/Downloads/${filename}on the server, as shown in the file tutorial/templates/ above.
This is what I tried:
In the file tutorial/, added config.add_route('image', '/foo/{filename}').
In the file development.ini, added the setting image_dir = /Users/s/Downloads.
In the file tutorial/views/, ddded the following view image:
#view_config(route_name='image', renderer='../templates/')
def image(request):
import os
filename = request.matchdict.get('filename')
filepath = os.path.join(request.registry.settings['image_dir'], filename)
return {'name': 'Hello View', 'filepath': filepath}
However this does not work. How can I get absolute paths for assets working with Pyramid?
filepath needs to be a url if you're expecting to put it as the src attribute in an img tag in your HTML. The browser needs to request the asset. You should be doing something like request.static_url(...) or request.route_url(...) in that image tag. This is the URL generation part of the problem.
The second part is actually serving file contents when the client/browser requests that URL. You can use a static view to support mapping the folder on disk to a URL structure in your application in the same way as add_static_view is doing. There is a chapter on this in the Pyramid docs at There is also a section specifically on using absolute paths on disk. You can register multiple static views in your app if you feel it's necessary.

Adding query parameter for every flask GET request

Trying to figure out the right mechanism to use here.
I want to modify the flask request coming in every time.
I think the request is immutable, so I am trying to figure out if this mechanism exists.
Basically, I want to append a string onto the end of the request coming in.
I can hook into the request and the right time in a before_request handler like this:
def before_request_custom():
# Get the request
req = flask.request
method = str(req.method)
if method == "GET":
# Do stuff here
But I am not sure what to actually do to add this in, and don't see a way to accomplish it...I guess i could redirect, but that seems silly in this case. Any ideas?
The request object is immutable (, but request.args or request.form can be set from ImmutableOrderedMultiDict to just OrderedMultiDict using Subclassing on Flask ( Here's an example of how you could add that filter[is_deleted]=False URL param:
from flask import Flask, request, Request
from werkzeug.datastructures import OrderedMultiDict
class MyRequest(Request):
parameter_storage_class = OrderedMultiDict
class MyApp(Flask):
def __init__(self, import_name):
super(MyApp, self).__init__(import_name)
def my_before_method(self):
if "endpoint" in request.base_url:
request.args["filter[is_deleted]"] = "False"
app = MyApp(__name__)
app.request_class = MyRequest
def endpoint():
filter = request.args.get('filter[is_deleted]')
return filter
This way you can modify request.args before you actually send the request.
How about this?
from flask import g
def before_request():
# Get the request
req = flask.request
method = str(req.method)
if method == "GET":
g.my_addon = "secret sauce"
return None
Then, g.my_addon is available in every view function:
from flask import g
def my_view():
if g.my_addon == "secret sauce":
print('it worked!')
Using test_request_context() you can make the trick.

Google Functions Python: how to get a path parameter

I have a REST API such as: /portfolios/{userid} as the Swagger Path and this points to a google function built using Python 3.
The code is as below:
from flask import Flask, request
def portfolio_routes(request):
request_json = request.get_json()
path = request.path.lower()
method = request.method.lower()
Assume that the function to execute has been set to: portfolio_routes.
If I pass a URL such as: https:// ..../portfolios/1234, I get the path as: portfolios/1234. Obviously, the 1234 is userid. Like we have #app.routes by placing the userid as , is there a manner we can split the path automatically and get the userid without writing splitting code?
I dont know much about google-cloud-functions, but if is a standard Flask request object the variables passed through url is putted in view_args, so you do
from flask import Flask, request
def portfolio_routes(request):
request_json = request.get_json()
path = request.path.lower()
method = request.method.lower()
user_id = request.view_args['userId']
In other way, you can do a route split, and compare you masked url(the '/portfolios/{userid}') with the coming url('/portfolios/1234'), your masked url is localized in request.url_rule and the coming url in request.PATH_INFO

Python: Request handler in Flask

I'm learning Flask, and the request handling seems to be like:
def hello():
return "Hello World!"
So I end up defining the functions for all my routes in a single file. I'd much rather have functions for a model in its own file, e.g. get_user, create_user in I've used Express (node.js) in the past, and I can do:
user = require('./models/user')
app.get('/user', user.list)
where (or .js) has a list function.
How do I do the same in Flask?
From the docs:
A decorator that is used to register a view function for a given URL rule. This does the same thing as add_url_rule() but is intended for decorator usage
The add_url_rule docs elaborate:
def index():
Is equivalent to the following:
def index():
app.add_url_rule('/', 'index', index)
You can just as easily import your view functions into a file and call add_url_rule once for each view function there instead of defining the rules along side the functions or use the lazy loading pattern.
