Python Multivariate Apply/Map/Applymap - python-3.x

Trying to use apply/map for multiple column values. works fine for one column. Made an example below of applying to a single column, need help making the commented out part work for multiple columns as inputs.
I need it to take 2 values on same row but from different columns as inputs to the function, perform a calc, and then place the result in the new column. If there is an efficent/optimized way to do this with apply/map/or both please let me know, Thanks!!!
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#gen some data to work with
df = pd.DataFrame({'Col_1': [2, 4, 6, 8],
'Col_2': [11, 22, 33, 44],
'Col_3': [2, 1, 2, 1]})
#Make new empty col to write to
#some Function of one variable
def func(a):
#applies function itemwise to coll & puts result in new column correctly
df[4] = df['Col_1'].map(func)
#Want Multi Variate version. apply itemwise function (where each item is from different columns), compute, then add to new column
def func(a,b):
#Take Col_1 value and Col_2 value; run function of multi variables, display result in new column...???
df[4] = df['Col_1']df['Col_2'].map(func(a,b))

You can pass each row of a dataframe as a Series, using apply function. And then in the function itself you can use its value according to the requirement.
def func(df):
return (df['Col_1']**2+df['Col_2']**2)
df[4] = df.apply(func, axis = 1)
Do refer Documentation to explore.


column comprehension robust to missing values

I have only been able to create a two column data frame from a defaultdict (termed output):
df_mydata = pd.DataFrame([(k, v) for k, v in output.items()],
columns=['id', 'value'])
What I would like to be able to do is using this basic format also initiate the dataframe with three columns: 'id', 'id2' and 'value'. I have a separate defined dict that contains the necessary look up info, called id_lookup.
So I tried:
df_mydata = pd.DataFrame([(k, id_lookup[k], v) for k, v in output.items()],
columns=['id', 'id2','value'])
I think I'm doing it right, but I get key errors. I will only know if id_lookup is exhaustive for all possible encounters in hindsight. For my purposes, simply putting it all together and placing 'N/A` or something for those types of errors will be acceptable.
Would the above be appropriate for calculating a new column of data using a defaultdict and a simple lookup dict, and how might I make it robust to key errors?
Here is an example of how you could do this:
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
df = pd.DataFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3, 4],
'value': [10, 20, 30, 40]})
id_lookup = {1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}
new_column = defaultdict(str)
# Loop through the df and populate the defaultdict
for index, row in df.iterrows():
new_column[index] = id_lookup[row['id']]
except KeyError:
new_column[index] = 'N/A'
# Convert the defaultdict to a Series and add it as a new column in the df
df['id2'] = pd.Series(new_column)
# Print the updated DataFrame
which gives:
id value id2
0 1 10 A
1 2 20 B
2 3 30 C
3 4 40 N/A

numpy selecting elements in sub array using slicing [duplicate]

I have a list like this:
a = [[4.0, 4, 4.0], [3.0, 3, 3.6], [3.5, 6, 4.8]]
I want an outcome like this (EVERY first element in the list):
4.0, 3.0, 3.5
I tried a[::1][0], but it doesn't work
You can get the index [0] from each element in a list comprehension
>>> [i[0] for i in a]
[4.0, 3.0, 3.5]
Use zip:
columns = zip(*rows) #transpose rows to columns
print columns[0] #print the first column
#you can also do more with the columns
print columns[1] # or print the second column
columns.append([7,7,7]) #add a new column to the end
backToRows = zip(*columns) # now we are back to rows with a new column
print backToRows
You can also use numpy:
a = numpy.array(a)
print a[:,0]
zip object is not subscriptable. It need to be converted to list to access as list:
column = list(zip(*row))
You could use this:
a = ((4.0, 4, 4.0), (3.0, 3, 3.6), (3.5, 6, 4.8))
a = np.array(a)
returns >>> array([4. , 3. , 3.5])
You can get it like
[ x[0] for x in a]
which will return a list of the first element of each list in a
Compared the 3 methods
2D list: 5.323603868484497 seconds
Numpy library : 0.3201274871826172 seconds
Zip (Thanks to Joran Beasley) : 0.12395167350769043 seconds
for i in range(10**5):
for j in range(10):
b=[k[j] for k in D2_list]
for i in range(10**5):
for j in range(10):
D2_trans = list(zip(*D2_list))
for i in range(10**5):
for j in range(10):
print ('2D List:',D2_list_time)
print ('Numpy:',Numpy_time)
print ('Zip:',Zip_time)
The Zip method works best.
It was quite useful when I had to do some column wise processes for mapreduce jobs in the cluster servers where numpy was not installed.
If you have access to numpy,
import numpy as np
a_transposed = a.T
# Get first row
The benefit of this method is that if you want the "second" element in a 2d list, all you have to do now is a_transposed[1]. The a_transposed object is already computed, so you do not need to recalculate.
Finding the first element in a 2-D list can be rephrased as find the first column in the 2d list. Because your data structure is a list of rows, an easy way of sampling the value at the first index in every row is just by transposing the matrix and sampling the first list.
Try using
for i in a :
i represents individual row in a.So,i[0] represnts the 1st element of each row.

Is there a simple way to manually iterate through existing pandas groupby objects?

Is there a simple way to manually iterate through existing pandas groupby objects?
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'category': ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B']})
grouped = df.groupby('category')
In the application a for name, group in grouped: loops follows. For manual-testing I would like to do something like group = grouped[0] and run the code within the for-loop. Unfortunately this does not work. The best thing I could find (here) was
group = df[grouped.ngroup()==0]
which relies on the original DataFrame and not soley on the groupby-Object and is therefore not optimal imo.
Any iterable (here the GroupBy object) can be turned into an iterator:
group_iter = iter(grouped)
The line below will be the equivalent of selecting the first group (indexed by 0):
name, group = next(group_iter)
To get the next group, just repeat:
name, group = next(group_iter)
And so on...

Python Pandas Create Multiple dataframes by slicing data at certain locations

I am new to Python and data analysis using programming. I have a long csv and I would like to create DataFrame dynamically and plot them later on. Here is an example of the DataFrame similar to the data exist in my csv file
df = pd.DataFrame(
{"a" : [4 ,5, 6, 'a', 1, 2, 'a', 4, 5, 'a'],
"b" : [7, 8, 9, 'b', 0.1, 0.2, 'b', 0.3, 0.4, 'b'],
"c" : [10, 11, 12, 'c', 10, 20, 'c', 30, 40, 'c']})
As seen, there are elements which repeated in each column. So I would first need to find the index of the repetition and following that use this for making subsets. Here is the way I did this.
find_Repeat = df.groupby(['a'], group_keys=False).apply(lambda df: df if
df.shape[0] > 1 else None)
repeat_idxs = find_Repeat.index[find_Repeat['a'] == 'a'].tolist()
If I print repeat_idxs, I would get
[3, 6, 9]
And this is the example of what I want to achieve in the end
dfa_1 = df['a'][Index_Identifier[0], Index_Identifier[1])
dfa_2 = df['a'][Index_Identifier[1], Index_Identifier[2])
dfb_1 = df['b'][Index_Identifier[0], Index_Identifier[1])
dfb_2 = df['b'][Index_Identifier[1], Index_Identifier[2])
But this is not efficient and convenient as I need to create many DataFrame like these for plotting later on. So I tried the following method
dfNames = ['dfa_' + str(i) for i in range(len(repeat_idxs))]
dfs = dict()
for i, row in enumerate(repeat_idxs):
dfName = dfNames[i]
slices = df['a'].loc[row:row+1]
dfs[dfName] = slices
If I print dfs, this is exactly what I want.
{'df_0': 3 a
4 1
Name: a, dtype: object, 'df_1': 6 a
7 4
Name: a, dtype: object, 'df_2': 9 a
Name: a, dtype: object}
However, if I want to read my csv and apply the above, I am not getting what's desired. I can find the repeated indices from csv file but I am not able to slice the data properly. I am presuming that I am not reading csv file correctly. I attached the csv file for further clarification csv file
Two options:
Loop over and slice
Detect the repeat row indices and then loop over to slice contiguous chunks of the dataframe, ignoring the repeat rows:
# detect rows for which all values are equal to the column names
repeat_idxs = df.index[(df == df.columns.values).all(axis=1)]
slices = []
start = 0
for i in repeat_idxs:
slices.append(df.loc[start:i - 1])
start = i + 1
The result is a list of dataframes slices, which are the slices of your data in order.
Use pandas groupby
You could also do this in one line using pandas groupby if you prefer:
grouped = df[~(df == df.columns.values).all(axis=1)].groupby((df == df.columns.values).all(axis=1).cumsum())
And you can now iterate over the groups like so:
for i, group_df in grouped:
# do something with group_df

Python - unable to count occurences of values in defined ranges in dataframe

I'm trying to write a code that takes analyses values in a dataframe, if the values fall in a class, the total number of those values are assigned to a key in the dictionary. But the code is not working for me. Im trying to create logarithmic classes and count the total number of values that fall in it
def bins(df):
"""Returns new df with values assigned to bins"""
bins_dict = {500: 0, 5000: 0, 50000: 0, 500000: 0}
for i in df:
if 100<i and i<=1000:
elif 1000<i and i<=10000:
However, this is returning the original dictionary.
I've also tried modifying the dataframe using
def transform(df, range):
for i in df:
for j in range:
while j==1:
while i>100:
if i>=b:
elif i<b:
b = b/2,
print (i = b*(int(i/b)))
This code is returning the original dataframe.
My dataframe consists of only one column with values ranging between 100 and 10000000
Data Sample:
0 1815
1 907
2 1815
3 907
4 907
Expected output
dict={500:3, 5000:2, 50000:0}
If i can get a dataframe output directly that would be helpful too
PS. I am very new to programming and I only know python
You need to use pandas for it:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['Area'] = [1815, 907, 1815, 907, 907]
# create new column to categorize your data
df['bins'] = pd.cut(df['Area'], [0,1000,10000,100000], labels=['500', '5000', '50000'])
# converting into dictionary
dic = dict(df['bins'].value_counts())
{'500': 3, '5000': 2, '50000': 0}
