Acumatica CROpportunityExt data not saving - acumatica

Good day
I have a new field inside the CROpportunity Extenstion called usrGrossProfit.
During CROpportunity's RowSelected it works out the values as needed. The problem I am having is that the users are using the create Quote button on the form and because of this never saves using the save button, The system does it for them. I have found that because of this the usrGrossProfit value is not saved.
Is there a way to force a save/Persist inside the RowSelected function?
protected void CROpportunity_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
var row = (CROpportunity)e.Row;
if (row == null) return;
CROpportunityExt SOE = PXCache<CROpportunity>.GetExtension<CROpportunityExt>(row);
int total = 0;
decimal TotalSales = 0;
decimal TotalCost = 0;
foreach (CROpportunityProducts item in this.Base.Products.Select())
CROpportunityProductsExt2 itemExt = PXCache<CROpportunityProducts>.GetExtension<CROpportunityProductsExt2>(item);
TotalCost += (decimal)itemExt.UsrCostPrice.Value * item.Qty.Value;
TotalSales += (decimal)itemExt.UsrSellingprice * item.Qty.Value;
SOE.UsrGrossProfit = TotalSales - TotalCost;
// I added this just to try and see if it helps
cache.SetValueExt<CROpportunityExt.usrGrossProfit>(row, (decimal)(TotalSales - TotalCost));
// we are not allowed to press the save button in the event Handler
catch (Exception ex)
I have also tried to override the CreateQuote Function but this doesn't work
public delegate IEnumerable CreateQuoteDelegate(PXAdapter adapter);
public IEnumerable CreateQuote(PXAdapter adapter, CreateQuoteDelegate baseMethod)
return baseMethod(adapter);
I have also made a business event to open and save the Opportunity also with no luck.

No, you shouldn't save on row selected even if it was allowed. This is because row selected event gets fired several times and you don't want to be saving each time.
If you want to save on your CreateQuote override, try this:
Perhaps a better option, might be to force the user so that it's the user himself who saves. For example, you could check the state and throw an error in your override instead of saving.
if (Opportunity.Current != null && Opportunity.Cache.GetStatus(Opportunity.Current) == PXEntryStatus.Inserted)
throw new PXException("Please save before proceeding");


Insert a grid line when the record gets saved

I am trying to add a new record to a grid during the persist logic. However, even though the record does get added to the grid in the UI, when the page gets refreshed, the new line disappears. It is not getting persisted in the DB.
I am using the Bills page as reference.
Code sample
protected virtual void APTran_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
if (e.Row == null)
APInvoice invoiceRow = this.Base.Document.Current;
if (invoiceRow != null)
APTran tranRow = new APTran();
tranRow = this.Base.Transactions.Insert(tranRow);
tranRow.InventoryID = 10043;
tranRow.Qty = 3;
Result after saving - Record is shown in the grid:
Result after cancelling - Record disappears from the grid:
Something like this I tend to override the Persist method and insert or update related records before calling base persist. Here is a possible example which goes inside your graph extension:
public virtual void Persist(Action del)
foreach(APInvoice invoiceRow in Base.Document.Cache.Inserted)
APTran tranRow = this.Base.Transactions.Insert();
tranRow.InventoryID = 10043;
tranRow = this.Base.Transactions.Update(tranRow);
tranRow.Qty = 3;

How to Count records in a related table and allow user to override

I have a custom field on the CRActivity table in which I need to store the number of records in a related table. I am trying to set the field to the value when screen CR306030 opens. The user needs to be able to override the calculated number so, I'm thinking that I need logic on the calculation to check if the custom field is > 0, in which case, don't populate the custom field and assume it's already been set.
Previously, I've tried to do this in the Field_Selecting events but, this is not working. I'm thinking I might be able to use a PXFormula attribute. Any suggestions?
I tried making a custom attribute which is close but, it won't save the values to the db. The save button enables, I can click it and it looks like it saves but, no dice. Some mundane detail, I'm sure.....
Here's my custom attribute:
public class CFCountIfZeroAttribute : PXIntAttribute
public override void FieldSelecting(PXCache cache, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
if (e.Row == null)
CRActivity activity = (CRActivity)e.Row;
CRActivityExt activityExt = activity.GetExtension<CRActivityExt>();
if (activityExt.usrCustomField <= 0)
int aggregateValue = BQLToFind();
e.ReturnValue = aggregateValue;
cache.SetValue<CRActivityExt.usrCustomField>(e.Row, aggregateValue);
cache.IsDirty = true;
I don't think I've ever done a count within a PXFormula, but what if you created a custom attribute?
public virtual int? CountField
public class EditableCountAttribute
public override void FieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
if (e.Row != null)
//if CountField is 0, lookup the count from another table
This is just off the top of my head. You could pass the field you're counting into the attribute if you wanted to do this elsewhere.

Acumatica Unbound User Fields on SOOrder

I have a user field on an SOOrder DAC extension, which is a sum of some of the lines on the document (based on a field in the SOLine extension). When I add a new line, the total is updating properly. However, when I load the document for the first time, the screen is showing 0.00. I created an SOOrderEntry extension and I put code into the SOLine_RowSelecting event handler. When I load the document, it steps into the code and it looks like it is setting the fields properly, but they don't show on the screen. The same method is called from the SOLine_CuryLineAmt_FieldUpdated, and that works just fine. Here is the code I'm using:
public class SOOrderEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
//Used to prevent recursive calls in RowSelecting
bool _isCalculating = false;
protected virtual void SOLine_RowSelecting(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectingEventArgs e)
var row = e.Row as SOLine;
if (row == null) return;
using (new PXConnectionScope())
if (!_isCalculating)
protected virtual void SOLine_CuryLineAmt_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
if (!_isCalculating)
public void CalcTotals()
SOOrder order = Base.CurrentDocument.Select();
if (order == null) return;
_isCalculating = true;
var orderExt = order.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>();
orderExt.UsrMyCustomField = 0m;
//Get totals
foreach (SOLine lineSum in Base.Transactions.Select())
var lineSumExt = lineSum.GetExtension<SOLineExt>();
if (lineSumExt.UsrMyCondition)
orderExt.UsrMyCustomField += lineSum.CuryLineAmt;
_isCalculating = false;
RowSelected is called on each callback to select the data. There's no need to re-calculate on FieldUpdated event too because RowSelected will be called when updating records. Therefore consider removing SOLine_CuryLineAmt_FieldUpdated
You have the RowSelected event declared for SOLine DAC. The event then selects all SOLine to compute the totals. This amount to when selecting one of the Detail compute the total of all Detail, that smells lack a recursive pattern. Therefore consider declaring RowSelected on the Master document which is SOOrder in this case and remove all the workarounds you have to break recursion.
There's no null check in computations. Acumatica DAC fields are nullable. With your code you can end up in situation where you add null to a number which would results in type violation at runtime. Therefore consider checking if CuryLineAmt is null before using it's value to compute the total.
You are accumulating the total in the UsrMyCustomField DAC field
using the += addition assignment operator. It works but I would
advise against that. The DAC fields aren't meant as register for
computations or temporary value place-holder. Therefore consider
accumulating the total in a local variable and assign only the final
computed value to the DAC field.
Code to compute a total with all these points considered:
public class SOOrderEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
public void SOOrder_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
SOOrder order = e.Row as SOOrder;
if (order != null)
SOOrderExt orderExt = order.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>();
if (orderExt != null)
decimal total = 0M;
foreach (SOLine line in Base.Transactions.Select())
total += line.CuryLineAmt.HasValue ? line.CuryLineAmt.Value : 0M;
orderExt.UsrMyCustomField = total;

Setting the default the value from one grid to another grid in same screen

I tried but the value is getting updated when I selected any filed in the grid then say save.
protected void TSFormulaByProds_DefaultSiteID_FieldSelecting(PXCache cache, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
var row = (TSFormulaByProds)e.Row;
TSFormula tSFormula = PXSelect<TSFormula>.Select(this);
if (tSFormula.DefaultSiteID != null)
e.ReturnValue = tSFormula.DefaultSiteID;
I want to update another grid value before save and after selecting the first field from the grid
If you need to initialize a field FieldDefaulting is the appropriate event.
protected void TSFormulaByProds_DefaultSiteID_FieldDefaulting(PXCache cache, PXFieldDefaultingEventArgs e)
e.NewValue = yourValueHere;
It will be executed when a new DAC row is inserted.
If you need to re-trigger the Defaulting logic from another event you can do:
object newValue;
Cache[typeof(TSFormulaByProds)].RaiseFieldDefaulting<TSFormulaByProds.DefaultSiteID>(yourTSFormulaByProdsDACRow, out newValue);

Preventing TabControl selection in Silverlight

Is there any way to prevent the change of a tab in TabControl in Silverlight 4?
A simple case is when I've got a form with some data, and I want to ask the user if he/she wants to save this data before actually changing the tab.
I've seen code examples on how to do this in WPF, but not in Silverlight.
What can I do to stop the tab from changing?
Bind SelectedIndex to a property on your data context.
<sdk:TabControl SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedIndex, Mode=TwoWay}">
<sdk:TabItem Header="TabItem">
<Grid Background="#FFE5E5E5"/>
<sdk:TabItem Header="TabItem">
<Grid Background="#FFE5E5E5"/>
In the SET accessor, write your code to check whether the user really wants to do what they're trying to do.
public class Context : INotifyPropertyChanged
int _SelectedIndex = 0;
public int SelectedIndex
return _SelectedIndex;
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save?", "Really?", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK)
_SelectedIndex = value;
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Net effect is, if the user chooses 'cancel' on the dialogue the private variable is never changed - the PropertyChanged event fires, rebinding the selected index to the existing value.
Hope this is what you were trying to accomplish.
UPDATE (11/10/2012) - Alternate method (possibly for SL5?). Write code behind to tie into SelectionChanged event of your TabControl, reset the tab control's selected item property based on your test.
private void TabControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.RemovedItems.Count > 0)
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save?", "Really?", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (result != MessageBoxResult.OK)
((TabControl)sender).SelectionChanged -= new SelectionChangedEventHandler(TabControl_SelectionChanged);
((TabControl)sender).SelectedItem = e.RemovedItems[0];
((TabControl)sender).SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(TabControl_SelectionChanged);
