Can I update Test Jira using Prod Jira - linux

our test system has not been updated in some time, and its becoming a bit redundant, since the tickets are outdated. We use mostly Microsoft serves, but our Jira is on Linux so I need some help with the commands. I managed to log in via SSH, but I am stuck. Could not find a guide online including commands. Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance.

Jira stores it's data in the JIRA_HOME directory and the database
If both systems are on the same version, all you need to do is to export the data from your production DB into your test system DB, and copy the contents of the JIRA_HOME to the JIRA_HOME on your test system.
If you're using the same type of DB on prod and dev, this should be trivial.
If you're not using the same type of DB, you should really should.


How to Import and Export Service Desk Projects from Production Environment to Development Environment in Jira? Thanks

We’re looking at testing some additional plugins with a potential to buying. I was wondering how easy it is to duplicate a Service Desk instance for testing but remove the email interfaces to ensure nothing is sent out or received by it, can someone please advise? Thanks.
For cloud based installations, Atlassian recommends to order the smallest user tier for such stage-envrionemtns. Afterwards you have to copy your data using the export/import functionality of JIRA to populate your production data to your staging or testing environment.
Have a look at these pages:

How to synchronize source code from one TFS to another TFS

We are maintaining code for one of our clients.
Initially, we copied all the source code that they have and added it to our TFS 2012.
We modify the code any time they need a bug fix and give the client deployment packages.
Now, client wants all the latest code in their TFS 2012 as well.
Is there a way to update their source code with our changes? ...
preferably automatically (i.e. power shell script) and preferably with history of changes.
There are many approaches each with some pros and cons. The following are the main options I would suggest.
Database backup and restore
This is the only path that guarantees full fidelity. It has some technical difficulties (e.g. SQL Server version and editions) and political (how much information you care to expose, how much effort you want to put in sanitizing your data).
Project synchronization
There are some tools, most notably the Integration Platform, that use the API to read and reply the changes from one system to the other. It requires that the syncing tool can see both systems via HTTP(S).
It gives you the flexibility to project only some data (say source code not work items).
Keep in mind that you will always loose something in the process: the Changeset number will never match, some users details.
Dumb dump
Give up conserving full history and be content to share the code.
This is the simplest to implement: get all the code, ship and check into the other system. You can associate release notes in the check-in.
Two simple scripts using TF.exe is all you need.
You can use TFS Integration Tool to achieve the code migration(TFS-to-TFS). TFS Integration Tool moving data between two different servers. The migration is done through the APIs of TFS, and there also some limitations.(Check the above link for more info)
Detail steps please see my answer in this question: Move Team Project to another Project Collection TFS 2013

Can't save content or make changes - Liferay

Liferay 6.1.1 CE GA2 works works fine-and-dandy on my local machine and my coworkers as well. When we deploy it to our main dev server, we find that we can't save any changes (i.e., create web content, change theme/schemes, etc).
Any idea why this is happening?
check the log output, this might give you hints on what's going wrong
If you get UI errors, this might help as well
check what database you're connecting with, make sure that the user account you use has write access to the database
In case you use hsql (don't do this unless on an unimportant demo server) make sure that the user your appserver runs as is able to write to the data directory and persist the database
If you're running on a cluster and the second machine doesn't pick up changes made through the first machine, you need to configure clustering properly. The Userguide at has a chapter on this.
If nothing of this helps, please give more information

Resolving Mass-loading problems in WebSphere Commerce Instance creation

I am trying to create an instance using the Configuration Manager of WCS 7. I am working on a Win 7 x64 machine with DB2 9.5 64 bit version.
I am struck with this Massloading error when the instance creation happens :
In createInstanceANT.log file :
[Massload] Massloading
C:\IBM\WebSphere\CommerceServer\schema\xml\wcs.keys.xml Error in
MassLoading, please check logs for details.
The error log shows the following error :
[jcc][10165][10044][4.3.111] Invalid database URL syntax:
jdbc:db2://:0/WCSDEMO. ERRORCODE=-4461, SQLSTATE=42815
Error in massloading
WCSDEMO is the database name. The Massloader is not able to get the URL and port to connect. It is supposedly getting them from file but it is not working. The file has all the details of the DB to connect.
What could be the reason for this error and how to resolve it ? Is there any configuration change that I am missing ?
Can you provide some more details.
look inside the messages.txt file located in WC_install_dir/instances/instance_name/logs
and confirm what the exact issue is. If it is related to jdbc driver being wrong I may be able to help you.
I've been running into massloading problems with external systems. Eg. databases not on the same machine as the WAS installation.
In these cases I look for the
As you can see setting the loaderDBName to just the name of the database would look on the local machine. But by changing this statement so you load with the syntax
You'll be able to massload using the commerce standard scripts. These changes needs to be done in many scripts. Both for updating fixpacks and enabling features. If you run database updates without the changes it will crash at first and have done all the schema changes to the database that you then need to comment out before trying again.
IBM Software Support is your friend. They'll help you fix it.

How to work collaboratively on a website

I'm working on a website with some other people. Usually when we want to modify something, we do the change on our machine and just upload the new version with ftp, hope it'll works (or that nobody will notice it doesn't the time we correct it) and that's it.
It's already not the best way to work alone but even less to work collaboratively so I'm asking advices.
I think that a solution like svn/git/mercurial could help me. I found bitbucket which allows free private repository with mercurial. But still after, how can I upload the changes I did to the ftp and make sure the version I've on my computer is the same than the one on the server.
We are all doing it during our free time (not paid) and some people comes and leave every year so I'm looking for something free, easy to use (explain to everyone why we should use a DVCS is already hard) and which doesn't rely on a specific person.
The server we are using to host the website is a cheap one and doesn't allow the use of ssh, svn,...
Thank you
Version control will not help with the issue you are describing - namely, uploading untested changes to a production site.
What you (and your team) need, is better quality control procedures - you need a test website and a tester (QA) person. The process would be:
Make a change
Update the test website
Have the update and the whole website signed off by QA
Update the production/live site
What you will gain by using version control (CVS, SVN, Git or anything else) is recoverability - you will be able to go back to a version before any breaking change. It will still not solve the issue of "the new code broke the site".
You want scheduled releases.
Commit and update code regularly
Code freeze or develop in a branch and merge to the trunk
test on a staging environment
Find a bug goto step 1
You need to understand that what represents your latest correct working build is not what's on the server but in your source repository whether that be SVN or just the file system. Anything as long as it isn't the live server! Make sure everything works locally as expected then unless the site is huge (I guess not given your situation) deploy it in its entirety as a single version.
