systemctl service hang on start command, no logs in journalctl - linux

I am trying to understand why my service isn't starting on some of my devices but is starting on others. When I try to do systemctl start pishock.service it just hangs, it doesn't give me any output, it doesn't start the service, it just hangs there. It's an head scratcher because it works on others very close environment. (Same raspbian, same versions of systemctl and same version of python)
Description=PiShock Client
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/PiShockClient.pyc
If I try to start PiShockClient.pyc normally by entering sudo python3 PiShockClient.pyc it starts sucessfully.
The code above works on some of my other Pi Zero Ws
I have done apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade.
The weird part is that there's no logs in journalctl, even under journalctl -xe. It just hangs like it never tries to start the service.
I am at a complete loss.


need to waiting process in linux Operating system

Greatings to you first
I am a student at the university, and my end of study project is to master an information security protocol for autonomous systems
I have a task in this project
when I type in the command line "kill [pid]", the process starts automatically after a delay of a few seconds
how I can achieve this task and thank you in advance
use systemd service
Create a file test.service under /etc/systemd/system, such as:
Description=test service
# number of seconds to wait before restarting
# Change it to some meaningful processes
ExecStart=/bin/sleep 30000
To start the service: sudo systemctl start test.service
Then if you kill the process, it will automatically restart in 5 seconds
Note: if you modify the service file, you will have to run sudo systemctl daemon-reload and sudo systemctl restart test to reload the change

Auto-starting Twonky Server on Ubuntu 18.04 using systemd

I was trying to set up a Twonky Server on Ubuntu. The server works fine, but I could not get systemd to autostart the server (using a service file I created at /etc/systemd/system/twonkyserver.service). Sometimes I got the cryptic error message that some PID-file (/var/run/ is not accessible, the exit code of the service is 13, which apparently is a EACCES Permission denied error . The service runs as root.
I finally managed to fix the problem by setting PIDFile in the twonkyserver.service file to /var/run/ For reference, find the service file below:
Description=Twonky Server Service
ExecStart=/usr/local/twonky/ start
ExecStop=/usr/local/twonky/ stop
ExecReload=/usr/local/twonky/ reload
ExecRestart=/usr/local/twonky/ restart
As described above, the below service file auto-starts the Twonky Server on boot. Simply create it using vim /etc/systemd/system/twonkyserver.service. This assumses that you have installed the Twonky Server to usr/local/twonky. The shell-file already provides a nice interface to the service file ( start|stop|reload|restart, also see -h).
Description=Twonky Server Service
ExecStart=/usr/local/twonky/ start
ExecStop=/usr/local/twonky/ stop
ExecReload=/usr/local/twonky/ reload
ExecRestart=/usr/local/twonky/ restart
I would slightly amend the start and stop commands from and put them directly into the twonky.service file for systemd:
Description=Twonky Server Service
#Systemd will ensure RuntimeDirectory for the PID file is created under /var/run
# use the -mspid argument for twonkystarter to put the pid file in the right place
ExecStart=/usr/local/twonky/twonkystarter -mspid /var/run/twonky/ -inifile /usr/local/twonky/twonkyserver.ini -logfile /usr/local/twonky/twonky.log -appdata /usr/local/twonky
ExecStop=kill -s TERM $MAINPID
ExecStopPost=-killall -s TERM twonkystarter
ExecStopPost=-killall -s TERM twonky
# Twonky 8.5.1 doesn't reload, it stops instead (on arm at least)
# ExecReload=kill -s HUP $MAINPID
You need to be sure the paths in the ExecStart command match where you unpacked twonky, and also where you want the .pid file, configuration, logfile and runtime appdataunless you are happy with their default locations.
After putting that all into/etc/systemd/system/twonky.server, run
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start twonky
sudo systemctl enable twonky

how to reload a pythonic service on centos 7?

I have a python app that I made it as a service on centos 7.
I created a file in /usr/lib/systemd/system with my project name. And wrote these on it:
Description=My Script Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/src/python-project/sampleService-services/
After that:
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable sampleService.service
$ sudo reboot
I can start, restart and stop this service with commands:
$ systemctl start sampleService.service
$ systemctl restart sampleService
$ systemctl stop sampleService
But when i try to reload it with these commands:
$ systemctl reload sampleService
$ service sampleService reload
I get this error:
Failed to reload sampleService.service: Job type reload is not applicable for unit basiscore.service.
See system logs and 'systemctl status sampleService.service' for details.
Is there any command for reload this pythonic service ?!
how can I reload my service without restarting it ?!
Under the ExecStart= line, try to add
For systemctl reload ... to work, you need to provide an ExecReload= line in your unit (service) file. A common example is:
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
That requires your program to catch and act on a SIGHUP signal. If your application has a different mechanism to trigger a reload of its configuration while running, then provide some other suitable command which generates that trigger.

How can i run a python file as service python3

I have a python script and that I have to run as a service/background process, I have tried python-daemon but it gives me errors is there any good way to run it as a service so that the script can be run in the background to accept messages and process files?
I have made a sytemctl service file in /lib/systemed/system
The file content is
Description=RPC SERVER
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ python3 /home/ubuntu/
/home/ubuntu/ is my python script path
and i saved the file as rpcservertest.service
so i can start the service using
sudo systemctl start rpcservertest.service
to stop
sudo systemctl stop rpcservertest.service
and to get status
sudo systemctl status rpcservertest.service

How to run node js even on server restart

I built a Nodejs project and now it runs smoothly.
I use forever service for running file in background but if server get restarted
the daemon won't be started automatically and should be started manually.
I want to run the daemon even the server get rebooted
You could add the forever command in .bash_profile so that every time the server restart, your command will simply be also executed.
nano ~/.bash_profile
forever start app.js # add this command to the file, or whatever command you are using.
source ~/.bash_profile # very important, else changes will not take effect
Next time, on your server restart, your command will also run, hence creating a daemon of your node script.
Note: This is maybe not the best solution, but the one I have got.
As #dlmeetei, suggested, you can also start your nodejs app like a service so that we can use the features given by a linux service.
First create a file in /etc/systemd/system, like:
touch /etc/systemd/system/[your-app-name].service
nano /etc/systemd/system/[your-app-name].service
Then, add and edit the following script according to your relevance.
Description=Node.js Example Server
#Requires=After=mysql.service # Requires the mysql service to run first
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node /opt/nodeserver/server.js
# Required on some systems
# WorkingDirectory=/opt/nodeserver
# Restart service after 10 seconds if node service crashes
# Output to syslog
#User=<alternate user>
#Group=<alternate group>
Environment=NODE_ENV=production PORT=1337
Enable the service, it will marks the service for starting up on boot.
systemctl enable [your-app-name].service
Manage the service
systemctl start [your-app-name].service
systemctl stop [your-app-name].service
systemctl status [your-app-name].service # ensure your app is running
systemctl restart [your-app-name].service
Thanks #dlmeetei for sharing the link.
