Mutable borrow into two parts with cleanup - rust

I have some object that I want to split into two parts via a mutable borrow, then combine those back together into the original object when the split references go out of scope.
The simplified example below is for a Count struct that holds a single i32, which we want to split into two &mut i32s, who are both incorporated back into the original Count when the two mutable references go out of scope.
The approach I am taking below is to use an intermediate object CountSplit which holds a mutable reference to the original Count object and has the Drop trait implemented to do the re-combination logic.
This approach feels kludgy. In particular, this is awkward:
let mut ms = c.make_split();
let (x, y) = ms.split();
Doing this in one line like let (x, y) = c.make_split().split(); is not allowed because the intermediate object must have a longer lifetime. Ideally I would be able to do something like let (x, y) = c.magic_split(); and avoid exposing the intermediate object altogether.
Is there a way to do this which doesn't require doing two let's every time, or some other way to tackle this pattern that would be more idiomatic?
struct Count {
val: i32,
trait MakeSplit<'a> {
type S: Split<'a>;
fn make_split(&'a mut self) -> Self::S;
impl<'a> MakeSplit<'a> for Count {
type S = CountSplit<'a>;
fn make_split(&mut self) -> CountSplit {
CountSplit {
top: self,
second: 0,
struct CountSplit<'a> {
top: &'a mut Count,
second: i32,
trait Split<'a> {
fn split(&'a mut self) -> (&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32);
impl<'a, 'b> Split<'a> for CountSplit<'b> {
fn split(&mut self) -> (&mut i32, &mut i32) {
(&mut, &mut self.second)
impl<'a> Drop for CountSplit<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("custom drop occurs here"); += self.second;
fn main() {
let mut c = Count { val: 2 };
println!("{:?}", c); // Count { val: 2 }
let mut ms = c.make_split();
let (x, y) = ms.split();
println!("split: {} {}", x, y); // split: 2 0
// each of these lines correctly gives a compile-time error
// c.make_split(); // can't borrow c as mutable
// println!("{:?}", c); // or immutable
// ms.split(); // also can't borrow ms
*x += 100;
*y += 5000;
println!("split: {} {}", x, y); // split: 102 5000
} // custom drop occurs here
println!("{:?}", c); // Count { val: 5102 }

I don't think a reference to a temporary value like yours can be made to work in today's Rust.
If it's any help, if you specifically want to call a function with two &mut i32 parameters like you mentioned in the comments, e.g.
fn foo(a: &mut i32, b: &mut i32) {
*a += 1;
*b += 2;
println!("split: {} {}", a, b);
you can already do that with the same number of lines as you'd have if your chaining worked.
With the chaining, you'd call
let (x, y) = c.make_split().split();
foo(x, y);
And if you just leave out the conversion to a tuple, it looks like this:
let mut ms = c.make_split();
foo(&mut, &mut ms.second);
You can make it a little prettier by e.g. storing the mutable reference to val directly in CountSplit as first, so that it becomes foo(&mut ms.first, &mut ms.second);. If you want it to feel even more like a tuple, I think you can use DerefMut to be able to write foo(&mut ms.0, &mut ms.1);.
Alternatively, you can of course formulate this as a function taking a function
impl Count {
fn as_split<F: FnMut(&mut i32, &mut i32)>(&mut self, mut f: F) {
let mut second = 0;
f(&mut self.val, &mut second);
self.val += second;
and then just call


lifetime / borrow of nested structs error [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How can I create my own data structure with an iterator that returns mutable references?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 months ago.
I'm having a lifetime issue when implementing an iterator on custom struct containing borrows of vecs.
I've been trying different solutions but can't fix it by myself (I'm still a beginner) and I want to understand what is going on.
here is a playground example of my issue, that should be simple enough.
This is the example :
struct SomeData;
struct CustomIterator<'a> {
pub vec: &'a mut Vec<SomeData>,
pub index: usize,
struct MultipleIterator<'a> {
iter1: CustomIterator<'a>,
iter2: CustomIterator<'a>,
impl<'a> Iterator for MultipleIterator<'a> {
type Item = (&'a mut SomeData, &'a mut SomeData);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.iter1.vec.get_mut(self.iter1.index) {
Some(mut data) => &mut data,
None => return None,
match self.iter2.vec.get_mut(self.iter2.index) {
Some(mut data) => &mut data,
None => return None,
I don't unerstand why I can't borrow out of the next function, since I am borrowing the struct anyway when calling next()
This is actually quite tricky to implement safely and requires a lot of care to do correctly.
First things first though:
match self.iter1.vec.get_mut(self.iter1.index) {
Some(mut data) => &mut data,
None => return None,
This is a problem because Vec::get_mut already returns a Option<&mut T>. So in the Some(mut data) arm, data already is a mutable reference. When you try to return &mut data, you're trying to return a &mut &mut T which doesn't work. Instead, just do this:
match self.iter1.vec.get_mut(self.iter1.index) {
Some(data) => data,
None => return None,
We can tidy this up even more with the ? operator which does the same thing. I'm gonna substitute SomeData for i32 from now on to demonstrate something later.
impl<'a> Iterator for MultipleIterator<'a> {
type Item = (&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
This still doesn't work and now we're getting to the core of the problem. The signature of next is
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32)>
which can be desugared to
fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option<(&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32)>
This means that the lifetime of &mut self ('b) is completely decoupled from the lifetime of the references we return ('a). Which makes total sense. If that wasn't the case, we couldn't do
let mut v = vec![1,2,3];
let mut iter = v.iter_mut();
let next1: &mut i32 =;
let next2: &mut i32 =;
because the lifetime of next1 would have to be the same lifetime of iter, i.e. that of v. But you can't have multiple mutable references to v at the same time, so next2 would be illegal.
So you're getting an error because Rust only knows that self is borrowed for 'b but you're telling it that you're returning a reference with lifetime 'a which it can't verify to be true.
And for good reason, because as it stands right now, your implementation isn't safe! Let's just throw caution to the wind and tell Rust that this is okay with unsafe:
impl<'a> Iterator for MultipleIterator<'a> {
type Item = (&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
unsafe {
&mut *(self.iter1.vec.get_mut(self.iter1.index)? as *mut _),
&mut *(self.iter2.vec.get_mut(self.iter2.index)? as *mut _),
It's not important what exactly this does, it basically just tells the compiler to shut up and trust me.
But now, we can do this:
let mut v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
let mut v2 = vec![4, 5, 6];
let mut mi = MultipleIterator {
iter1: CustomIterator {
vec: &mut v1,
index: 0,
iter2: CustomIterator {
vec: &mut v2,
index: 0,
let next1 =;
let next2 =;
assert_eq!(next1, (&mut 1, &mut 4));
assert_eq!(next2, (&mut 1, &mut 4));
*next1.0 += 1;
assert_eq!(next1, (&mut 2, &mut 4));
assert_eq!(next2, (&mut 2, &mut 4));
We have broken Rust's most important rule: never have two mutable references to the same thing at once.
This can only be safe if your Iterator implementation can never return a mutable reference to something more than once. You could increment index each time, for example (although this still requires unsafe):
impl<'a> Iterator for MultipleIterator<'a> {
type Item = (&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let next1 = self.iter1.vec.get_mut(self.iter1.index)?;
let next2 = self.iter2.vec.get_mut(self.iter2.index)?;
self.iter1.index += 1;
self.iter2.index += 1;
// SAFETY: this is safe because we will never return a reference
// to the same index more than once
unsafe { Some((&mut *(next1 as *mut _), &mut *(next2 as *mut _))) }
Here is an interesting related read from the nomicon; the "mutable slice" example being particularly relevant to your problem.

Use mutable iterator twice

I'm trying to write a general function that takes an iterable (or iterator) and iterates it twice, at least once mutably, like:
fn f(iter: I)
where I: Iterator<Item = &mut i32> + Clone {
for i in iter.clone() {
println!("{}", *i);
for i in iter.clone() {
*i += 1;
But it doesn't work because mutable iterators tend not to have clone() implemented, and for just reasons. My real world example is iteration over HashMap values, where std::collections::hash_map::ValuesMut is not Clone. Are there any ways to do it?
Unfortunately you are unable to do this. You will either need to merge them into a single for loop or save the items from the iterator to iterate over them again later.
The closest thing I could come up with is to use IntoIterator to require that the argument can be used to make a new iterator multiple times.
pub fn foo<'a, T>(iter: &'a mut T)
where for<'b> &'b mut T: IntoIterator<Item=&'a mut i32> {
for i in iter.into_iter() {
println!("{}", *i);
for i in iter.into_iter() {
*i += 1;
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert(2, 5);
map.insert(6, 1);
map.insert(3, 4);
foo(&mut map.values_mut())
However, it seems like much less of a headache for you if you just pass a reference to the entire map.
pub fn bar<T>(map: &mut HashMap<T, i32>) {
for i in map.values() {
println!("{}", *i);
for i in map.values_mut() {
*i += 1;

Borrow a struct field mutably and pass it to mutable methods

Because rust doesn't track individual field borrows across method calls - it assumes you've borrowed from the whole struct, it's not possible to borrow a field from the struct, return it, and then pass that into other mutable methods. That sounds contrived but I have this exact issue right now.
struct Foo {
x: i32,
y: i32
impl Foo {
pub fn borrow_x(&mut self) -> &mut i32 {
&mut self.x
pub fn cross_product(&mut self, other: &mut i32) {
self.y *= *other;
*other *= self.y;
fn main() {
let mut foo = Foo{x: 2, y: 4};
let x_ref = foo.borrow_x();
println!("x={} y={}", foo.x, foo.y);
This of course isn't permitted in rust, the error from the compiler is:
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `foo` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src/
19 | let x_ref = foo.borrow_x();
| --- first mutable borrow occurs here
20 | foo.cross_product(x_ref);
| ^^^ ----- first borrow later used here
| |
| second mutable borrow occurs here
My first reaction is to use unsafe to tell the compiler that it doesn't really borrow from self:
pub fn borrow_x<'a>(&mut self) -> &'a mut i32 {
unsafe {
std::mem::transmute::<&mut i32, &'a mut i32>(&mut self.x)
It works, but it requires that you don't actually break rust's aliasing rules and reference foo.x elsewhere by accident.
Then I thought maybe I could split the struct so that the borrow and cross_product methods are on different sibling structs. This does work:
struct Bar {
x: X,
y: Y,
struct X {
inner: i32
impl X {
pub fn borrow_x(&mut self) -> &mut i32 {
&mut self.inner
struct Y {
inner: i32
impl Y {
pub fn cross_product(&mut self, other: &mut i32) {
self.inner *= *other;
*other *= self.inner;
fn main() {
let mut bar = Bar{x: X{inner: 2}, y: Y{inner: 4}};
let x_ref = bar.x.borrow_x();
println!("x={} y={}", bar.x.inner, bar.y.inner);
I think one could ditch the method all-together and pass references to both fields into cross_product as a free function. That should be equivalent to the last solution. I find that kind of ugly though, especially as the number of fields needed from the struct grow.
Are there other solutions to this problem?
The thing to keep in mind is that rust is working at a per-function level.
pub fn cross_product(&mut self, other: &mut i32) {
self.y *= *other;
*other *= self.y;
The mutability rules ensure that self.y and other are not the same thing.
If you're not careful you can run into this kind of bug in C++/C/Java quite easily.
i.e. imagine if instead of
let x_ref = foo.borrow_x();
you were doing
let y_ref = foo.borrow_y();
What value should foo.y end up with? (Allowing these to refer to the same object can cause certain performance optimisations to not be applicable too)
As you mentioned, you could go with a free function
fn cross_product(a: &mut i32, b: &mut i32) {
a *= b;
b *= a;
but I'd consider ditching mutability altogether
fn cross_product(a:i32, b:i32) -> (i32,i32) {
(a*b, a*b*b)
ASIDE: If the return value seems odd to you (it did to me initially too) and you expected (a*b, a*b) you need to think a little harder... and I'd say that alone is a good reason to avoid the mutable version.
Then I can use it like this
let (_x,_y) = cross_product(foo.x, foo.y);
foo.x = _x;
foo.y = _y;
This is a bit verbose, but when RFC-2909 lands we can instead write:
(foo.y, foo.x) = cross_product(foo.x, foo.y);

Reference lifetime conflicts with same lifetime range

I am trying to store and use an optional callback handle in Rust which works like a method to the structure I am storing it in. It works as long as I do not pass a reference to itself to the callback. But doing so gives me a lifetime error for the used object references (E0312). The lifetime seems to be the same and I cannot figure out what to change to get this working.
type Callback<'a> = Fn(&'a mut Func, i32) -> i32;
struct Func<'a> {
val: i32,
func: Option<Box<Callback<'a>>>,
impl<'a, 'b> Func<'b> {
fn exec(&'a mut self, val: i32) -> i32 {
if let Some(ref f) = self.func {
return f(self, val);
fn main() {
let mut a32 = Func{
val: 10i32,
func: Some(Box::new(|ref mut s, val: i32| -> i32 {
let v = s.val;
s.val += 1;
val * 32 + v
println!("a32(4) = {}", a32.exec(4i32));
println!("a32(4) = {}", a32.exec(4i32));
Is there a way to fix this or did I come across a compiler bug?
Using rustc 1.15.0 (10893a9a3 2017-01-19).
See also on Rust playground.
I also tried the same without explicit lifetimes but then I run into the problem that I cannot alias references in Rust (E0502).
I know that Rust tries to prevent this to avoid data races but would this mean that I always need to create a copy of my object in these cases?
The following does not work either giving me an error, that borrowed content cannot be moved out (E0507).
impl Func {
fn exec(&mut self, val: i32) -> i32 {
if self.func.is_some() {
return self.func.unwrap()(self, val);
But I could not find a way to clone the boxed function...
You have a borrow issue here:
You are borrowing self.func immutably
You are attempting to borrow self mutably at the same time
This is not allowed, because it could allow you to change func while using it, which heralds troubles.
You could attempt to change Callback to only pass in &mut i32 instead, but then you would hit lifetime unification issues:
if you specify that exec takes &'a mut self, then you anchor the object, borrowing it for the rest of its lifetime,
on the other hand, if you specify a fresh lifetime, then by definition it's less than 'a, and you required 'a in the signature of Callback.
Neither situation works.
The solution, thus, is to avoid the lifetime in the first place.
It's also easier (on borrowing) NOT to pass an instance of self but just to pass a reference to self.val so I present that first:
type Callback = Fn(&mut i32, i32) -> i32;
struct Func {
val: i32,
func: Option<Box<Callback>>,
impl Func {
fn exec(&mut self, val: i32) -> i32 {
if let Some(ref f) = self.func {
return f(&mut self.val, val);
fn main() {
let mut a32 = Func{
val: 10i32,
func: Some(Box::new(|s: &mut i32, val: i32| -> i32 {
let v = *s;
*s += 1;
val * 32 + v
println!("a32(4) = {}", a32.exec(4i32));
println!("a32(4) = {}", a32.exec(4i32));
If you want to really pass Func, you need to "option dance":
impl Func {
fn exec(&mut self, val: i32) -> i32 {
let func = self.func.take();
let res = if let Some(ref f) = func {
f(self, val)
} else {
self.func = func;
And be aware that self.func is empty in the callback.

How can I use `index_mut` to get a mutable reference?

Even when I implement IndexMut for my struct, I cannot get a mutable reference to an element of structure inner vector.
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
struct Test<T> {
data: Vec<T>,
impl<T> Index<usize> for Test<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index<'a>(&'a self, idx: usize) -> &'a T {
return &[idx];
impl<T> IndexMut<usize> for Test<T> {
fn index_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, idx: usize) -> &'a mut T {
// even here I cannot get mutable reference to[idx]
fn main() {
let mut a: Test<i32> = Test { data: Vec::new() };;;;
let mut b = a[1];
b = 10;
// will print `[1, 2, 3]` instead of [1, 10, 3]
println!("[{}, {}, {}]",[0],[1],[2]);
How can I use index_mut to get a mutable reference? Is it possible?
You're almost there. Change this:
let mut b = a[1];
b = 10;
to this:
let b = &mut a[1];
*b = 10;
Indexing syntax returns the value itself, not a reference to it. Your code extracts one i32 from your vector and modifies the variable - naturally, it does not affect the vector itself. In order to obtain a reference through the index, you need to write it explicitly.
This is fairly natural: when you use indexing to access elements of a slice or an array, you get the values of the elements, not references to them, and in order to get a reference you need to write it explicitly.
