Comparison script diffrent files - python-3.x

i am trying to write a script that compares a bunch of files based on a search word, in this case i searched for 106, then i want the code to match the words from file 1 to the words in file 2 and print a list with the ones that dont match.
For example in file A i have this line
106_LB01_GP61_HAL;LB01;10892;DIGITAL;0;0;0;0;;;Smutsigt tilluftsfilter;;
and in file B i have
"Prefix": "106_LB01_GP61",
those lines match and then i want it to ignore that tag
when the script find lines that dont match etc when a tag in file A cant fint its buddy in file B i want it to write those tags to a file,
for example:
Total unused tags:1
right now i am stuc at making it read to diffrent files at the same time
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Import os module
import os
# Ask the user to enter string to search
search_path = (".")
file_type = (".wpp")
search_str = input("Enter searchword: ")
resultsFile = "results.csv"
file_name = ("results.csv")
# Append a directory separator if not already present
if not (search_path.endswith("/") or search_path.endswith("\\") ):
search_path = search_path + "/"
# If path does not exist, set search path to current directory
if not os.path.exists(search_path):
search_path ="."
# Repeat for each file in the directory
for fname in os.listdir(path=search_path):
# Apply file type filter
if fname.endswith(file_type):
# Open file for reading
fo = open(search_path + fname)
# Read the first line from the file
line = fo.readline()
# Initialize counter for line number
line_no = 1
# Loop until EOF
wf = open(search_path + resultsFile, 'a')
while line != '' :
# Search for string in line
index = line.find(search_str)
if ( index != -1) :
print(fname, "[", line_no, ",", index, "] ", line, sep="")
wf.write(line + " ")
# Read next line
line = fo.readline()
# Increment line counter
line_no += 1
# Close the files
def check_if_string_in_file(file_name, string_to_search):
""" Check if any line in the file contains given string """
# Open the file in read only mode
with open(file_name, 'r') as read_obj:
# Read all lines in the file one by one
for line in read_obj:
# For each line, check if line contains the string
if string_to_search in line:
return True
return False
def check_if_string_in_file(file_name2, string_to_search):
""" Check if any line in the file contains given string """
# Open the file in read only mode
with open(file_name2, 'r') as read_obj:
# Read all lines in the file one by one
for line in read_obj:
# For each line, check if line contains the string
if string_to_search in line:
return True
return False
def search_string_in_file(file_name, string_to_search):
"""Search for the given string in file and return lines containing that string,
along with line numbers"""
line_number = 0
list_of_results = []
# Open the file in read only mode
with open(file_name, 'r') as read_obj:
# Read all lines in the file one by one
for line in read_obj:
# For each line, check if line contains the string
line_number += 1
if string_to_search in line:
# If yes, then add the line number & line as a tuple in the list
list_of_results.append((line_number, line.rstrip()))
# Return list of tuples containing line numbers and lines where string is found
return list_of_results
def search_multiple_strings_in_file(file_name, list_of_strings):
"""Get line from the file along with line numbers, which contains any string from the list"""
line_number = 0
list_of_results = []
# Open the file in read only mode
with open(file_name, 'r') as read_obj:
# Read all lines in the file one by one
for line in read_obj:
line_number += 1
# For each line, check if line contains any string from the list of strings
for string_to_search in list_of_strings:
if string_to_search in line:
# If any string is found in line, then append that line along with line number in list
list_of_results.append((string_to_search, line_number, line.rstrip()))
# Return list of tuples containing matched string, line numbers and lines where string is found
return list_of_results
def main():
print('*** Loading *** ')
matched_lines = search_string_in_file(file_name, search_str)
for elem in matched_lines:
print('Line Number = ', elem[0], ' :: Line = ', elem[1])
# search for given strings in the file 'sample.txt'
matched_lines = search_multiple_strings_in_file(file_name, [search_str])
print('*** Checking if', [search_str], 'exists in a file *** ')
print('Total Matched lines : ', len(matched_lines))
# Check if string 'is' is found in file 'sample.txt'
if check_if_string_in_file(file_name, search_str):
print('Yes, string found in file')
print('String not found in file')
if __name__ == '__main__':


fetch a string in file & get all lines containing the string along with line numbers

Also is it the correct code which works to fetch a string in file & get all lines containing the string along with line numbers
am getting syntax error in line 1 for the code,
def matched_lines('sam.txt', string_to_search):
matched_lines = search_string_in_file('sam.txt','is')
"""Search for the given string in file and return lines containing that string,
along with line numbers"""
line_number = 0
list_of_results = []
# Open the file in read only mode
with open('sam.txt', 'r') as matched_lines:
print('Total Matched lines : ', len(matched_lines))
# Read all lines in the file one by one
for elem in matched_lines:
print('Line Number = ', elem[0], ' :: Line = ', elem[1])
please help me.
Is this result needed?
def matched_lines(filename, string_to_search):
list_of_results = []
with open(filename, encoding='utf8')as matched_lines:
for elem in enumerate('\n')):
if string_to_search in elem[1]:
return list_of_results
result = matched_lines('some.txt', 'lorem')
print('Total Matched lines :', len(result))

How to find and replace string in a file using input of line number in python

My requirement is to find a file from a directory and then in that file find LOG_X_PARAMS and in that append a string after the first comma this is what i am having for now
import os, fnmatch
def findReplacelist(directory, finds, new_string, file):
line_number = 0
list_of_results = []
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(directory)):
if file in files:
filepath = os.path.join(path, file)
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line_number += 1
if finds in line:
def get_git_root(path):
Path = "E:\Code\modules"
for i in file_list:
findReplacelist(Path , "LOG_1_PARAMS", "instance", i)
The example line is below change
LOG_X_PARAMS(string 1, string 2); #string1 andd string2 is random
this to
LOG_X_PARAMS(string 1, new_string, string 2);
I can find the line number using LOG_X_PARAMS now using this line number I need to append a string in the same line can someone help solving it ?
This is how I would do the task. I would find the files I want to change, read then file line by line and if there is a change in the file, then write the file back out. Heres the approach:
def findReplacelist(directory, finds, new_string, file):
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(directory)):
if file in files:
filepath = os.path.join(path, file)
find_replace(finds, new_string, filepath)
def find_replace(tgt_phrase, new_string, file):
outfile = ''
chgflg = False
with open(file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if tgt_phrase in line:
outfile += line + new_string
chgflg = True
outfile += line
if chgflg:
with open(file, 'w') as f:

Running a Python script for files in a folder

There are 15 text files in a folder and I am trying to extract certain parts of each file and output them to a new file.
I am able to extract each file individually by just changing the file name and append each file to the output file but this means copying the same code 15 times and just changing the file name each time.
import glob,os
lst = []
filelist=glob.glob ('/C:/Users/bridaly/Documents/PythonTest/Python_Test_ENdata_3080_v20150914/input/*')
for file in filelist:
if os.path.isfile(file):
for line in filelist:
line = line.strip()
if not (
line.startswith("APPEND") or line.startswith("_") or
line.startswith("SAP") or line.startswith("~") or
line.startswith("INCLUDE") or line.startswith("ABAP")
or line.strip() == "" or line.startswith("Field") or
) :
y=line.replace(' ',' ')
z = y.replace('X','')
w = "|".join(z.split())
x = w.split("|",3)[:4]
if len(x) >=4:
t = [s.replace('|',' ') for s in x]
#Output Script
output_file = open('Output_Final.txt', 'w')
for l in lst:
The output should extract what's written in the code but for each file and append it to the output file. I have gotten the correct output by copying the code 15 times but I just want to use it once as it is more efficient.
files = glob.glob('path')
for file in files:
file_name = os.path.basename(file)
you can iterate for each file

How to update the contents of a file which consists of Headers in the first line and the values corresponding to it in the corresponding lines

I have a file with below contents:
pid int| name varchar(20)| price float
1 |Giga. |10.99
2. |PowerGiga. |29.99
I want to replace Giga with Mega in the file where the column is Name
and replace price column <15 with 13.99
I have just written the contents given by the user input to a file. Its not stored with any mappings. How do you I replace the name in the file?
pid int| name varchar(20)| price float
1 |Mega. |13.99
2. |PowerGiga. |29.99
I have tried this with python as below .
Whats happening is, my entire file content is getting erased
import sys,re
import os
def updateTable():
if os.path.isdir(mypath+db_used):
filepath= mypath+db_used+"/"+filename+".txt"
if not os.path.isfile(filepath): #check if file not exists is true
print("!Failed to insert into table "+ filename +" because it does not exist.")
else :
newfile=open(filepath, "r")
for w in newfile:
list= w.split('|')
if value1 in list:
newfile=open(filepath, "w")
for a in list:
if value1 in list[0:]:
print("check the file if its updated")
else :
db_used == " "
print("DB is not selected")
user_says = input().strip()
if "UPDATE" in user_says.upper():
removespecial=re.sub("\W+", " ", temp) #removes special characters but preserves space
List=removespecial.split(" ")
I tried the below code and it worked for me.
with open(filepath, "rt") as fin:
with open(out, "wt") as fout:
for line in fin:
fout.write(line.replace(value2, value1))

Printing Out a Word Starting with a Particular String

I could use some help with my below code. I am trying to read through the file mbox-short.txt line by line. Looking at each word in the line to see if it starts with the string "SAK-", if so print it out and continue. Right now my code is finding all the lines with SAK, but instead of just printing out the SAK- string it's showing everything else following the string as well.
fname = input('Enter File: ')
if len(fname) < 1 : fname = 'mbox-short.txt'
lst = list()
fhand = open(fname)
for line in fhand:
line = line.strip()
if not line.startswith('SAK'): continue
words = line.split()
