Accessing test context data in custom cucumber formatter/listener - cucumber

I am creating some kind of custom reporting with cucumber with custom listener/formatter. but I am unable to add some data from test context to my report.
I know we share data/state between steps using cucumber-picocontainer, but my question is how can I access test context data from the custom listener/formatter that i am writing?
Cucumber-Java : 5.2.0
Update: Adding more details. is there a way i can use use context object in the custom listener/plugin. i would like to context.setFailMessage(""); from the custom listener.

In order to create custom reporting in cucumber, you have to follow the below steps.
Step 1: Implement ConcurrentEventListener interface
public class DesktopStepDisplayer implements ConcurrentEventListener
Step 2: Add the implementation in EventHandler as show below
private EventHandler<TestStepStarted> eventHandler = new EventHandler<TestStepStarted>()
public void receive(TestStepStarted event)
if(event.getTestStep() instanceof PickleStepTestStep)
String message = ((PickleStepTestStep)event.getTestStep()).getStep().getText();
public void setEventPublisher(EventPublisher publisher) {
publisher.registerHandlerFor(TestStepStarted.class, eventHandler);
Step 3: Set the event publisher
public void setEventPublisher(EventPublisher publisher) {
publisher.registerHandlerFor(TestStepStarted.class, eventHandler);
Entire Script:
public class DesktopStepDisplayer implements ConcurrentEventListener {
private EventHandler<TestStepStarted> eventHandler = new EventHandler<TestStepStarted>()
public void receive(TestStepStarted event)
if(event.getTestStep() instanceof PickleStepTestStep)
String message = ((PickleStepTestStep)event.getTestStep()).getStep().getText();
public void setEventPublisher(EventPublisher publisher) {
publisher.registerHandlerFor(TestStepStarted.class, eventHandler);


Javafx: Automatic update of table cell using Thread

I have a Trade class which contains a property currentPrice, which downloads price data from a website using getPricedata() method. The Trade object will show up as a table row in TableView. Now, my task: is to
use the getPricedata() method to grab data from internet, populate the currentPrice cell, whenever the object is created.
relaunch the getPricedata() method to every 1 minute after the object has been created and update table cell.
Below is the basic structure of my code. But I have no idea how to implement this ?
Which package do I need ? Task ? Service ? ScheduledService ?
public class Trade{
private DoubleProperty currentPrice;
// need thread here
public double getPricedata(){
Use a ScheduledService<Number>, whose Task<Number>'s call() method retrieves and returns the value. Then you can either register an onSucceeded handler with the service, or just bind the Trade's currentPrice to service.lastValue(). Call setPeriod(..) on the service (once) to configure it to run every minute.
Since the currentPrice is being set from the service, you should only expose a ReadOnlyDoubleProperty from your Trade class (otherwise you might try to call currentPriceProperty().set(...) or setCurrentPrice(...), which would fail as it's bound).
I would do something like
public class Trade {
private final ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper currentPrice ;
private final ScheduledService<Number> priceService = new ScheduledService<Number>() {
public Task<Number> createTask() {
return new Task<Number>() {
public Number call() {
return getPriceData();
public Trade() {
// in case of errors running service:
priceService.setOnFailed(e -> priceService.getException().printStackTrace());
currentPrice = new ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper(0);
public final void startMonitoring() {
public final void stopMonitoring() {
public ReadOnlyDoubleProperty currentPriceProperty() {
return currentPrice.getReadOnlyProperty();
public final double getCurrentPrice() {
return currentPriceProperty().get();
private double getPriceData() {
// do actual retrieval work here...
(Code just typed in here without testing, but it should give you the idea.)

Spring integration with retry with ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy

I am using int:request-handler-advice-chain with my service activator. It is working correctly with org.springframework.retry.policy.SimpleRetryPolicy however I would like to use org.springframework.retry.policy.ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy to allow for a different number of retries based on the exception thrown by the service activator.
The problem I am having is that by the time the exception gets to the ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy it is a
Can anyone advise on the best approach for get the cause (i.e my exception) from the MessageHandlingException made available to the ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy?
Solution thanks to Artem's suggestion below:
Create a subclass of SubclassClassifier that returns the cause in the case of MessagingException
public class MessagingCauseExtractingSubclassClassifier extends SubclassClassifier<Throwable, RetryPolicy> {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessagingCauseExtractingSubclassClassifier.class);
public MessagingCauseExtractingSubclassClassifier(final Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, RetryPolicy> policyMap, final RetryPolicy retryPolicy) {
super(policyMap, retryPolicy);
public RetryPolicy classify(final Throwable throwable) {
Throwable t = throwable;
if (t instanceof MessagingException) {
t = t.getCause();
LOG.debug("Throwable is instanceof MessagingException so classifying cause type: {}", t.getClass());
return super.classify(t);
Then a new ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy subclass that uses the new classifier and policyMap
public class MessasgeCauseExtractingExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy extends ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy {
public void setPolicyMap(final Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, RetryPolicy> policyMap) {
final MessagingCauseExtractingSubclassClassifier classifier = new MessagingCauseExtractingSubclassClassifier(
policyMap, new NeverRetryPolicy());
Currently this won't support retying on MessagingException but this is fine for our use case. Otherwise works perfectly.
The BinaryExceptionClassifier has traverseCauses option to analize the whole StackTrace until the proper condition.
Exactly this option is with one of SimpleRetryPolicy constructor:
public SimpleRetryPolicy(int maxAttempts, Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, Boolean> retryableExceptions,
boolean traverseCauses) {
Please, take a look if that variant is feasible for you.

Disable spring boot auditing in a jhipster generated application

I would like to disable/limit auditing (CustomAuditEventRepository) in an application generated using jhipster.
How can I do this?
Modify CustomAuditEventRepository so that it does nothing in add(), this is generated code, it's yours so you can do whatever you want with it.
Options 1: Disable audit event of spring actuator. Adding config properties to application.yml file:
enabled: false
Refer: AuditAutoConfiguration
#Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "management.auditevents", name = "enabled", matchIfMissing = true)
public class AuditAutoConfiguration {
Options 2: Add custom AuditListener bean
public MyAuditListener auditListener() {
return new MyAuditListener();
public class MyAuditListener extends AbstractAuditListener {
private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MyAuditListener.class);
public MyAuditListener() {
protected void onAuditEvent(AuditEvent event) {

Popping a dialog when AsyncTask completes

I have an AsyncTask that I call from the main thread, and I wish to pop a dialog out when it completes. Other than putting the dialog code in OnPostExecute(), is there a way where I can put it in the main activity code instead?
You may use an interface for that. It is simple and forward:
1- create a new interface:
public interface IShowPopup {
public void showPopup(String title, string message);
2 - implement that interface in your activity:
... MyActivity extends Activity implements IShowPopup {
public void showPopup(String title, String message) {
// create a DialogAlert here.
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(MyActivity.this);
AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
// show dialog.;
3 - in your task you keep an instance of the activity:
...MyTask extends AsyncTask<...> {
private IShowPopup iShowPopup ;
// get the interface from constructor.
public MyTask(IShowPopup isp) {
this.iShowPopup = isp;
4 - use the interface in your onPostExecute:
public void onPostExecute(??) {
// get some title and message.
iShowPopup.showPopup(title, message);
That should be it!

How to pass parameters to a CodeActivity in a NativeActivity code sequence

I'm trying to get windows workflows working, and I've become a little stumped.
I've gotten a single workflow working, but now I am trying to do something a little more complex: start a workflow, where each activity itself contains a workflow. (Picture something like the main program starts the activities "Input, logic, and output", and then each of those have additional activities like "prompt user, get input, etc.")
I've had it working fine, with the example from here (, when I am not passing any parameters from the main program to the activites. My question is, how exactly does the 'Variables' and 'metadata.SetVariablesCollection' work in the NativeActivity, and how to I get the parameters to the low level activities?
This is what I am currently trying:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Activities;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Activities.Statements;
namespace Project1
internal class MainProgram
internal static void Main(string[] args)
var act = new SimpleSequence();
act.Activities.Add((Activity)(new WriteSomeText()));
act.Activities.Add((Activity)(new WriteSomeText()));
act.Activities.Add((Activity)(new WriteSomeText()));
act.Variables.Add(new Variable<string> ("stringArg", "TEXT"));
catch (Exception ex)
System.Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION: {0}", ex);
public class WriteSomeText : CodeActivity
public InArgument<string> stringArg { get; set; }
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
string output = context.GetValue(stringArg);
public class SimpleSequence : NativeActivity
Collection<Activity> activities;
Collection<Variable> variables;
Variable<int> current = new Variable<int> { Default = 0 };
public Collection<Activity> Activities
if (this.activities == null)
this.activities = new Collection<Activity>();
return this.activities;
this.activities = value;
public Collection<Variable> Variables
if (this.variables == null)
this.variables = new Collection<Variable>();
return this.variables;
this.variables = value;
protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
if (this.Activities.Count > 0)
context.ScheduleActivity(this.Activities[0], onChildComplete);
void onChildComplete(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completed)
int currentExecutingActivity = this.current.Get(context);
int next = currentExecutingActivity + 1;
if (next < this.Activities.Count)
context.ScheduleActivity(this.Activities[next], this.onChildComplete);
this.current.Set(context, next);
This ends up throwing the following exception:
EXCEPTION: System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'WriteSomeText': Value for a required activity argument 'stringArg' was not supplied.
'WriteSomeText': Value for a required activity argument 'stringArg' was not supplied.
'WriteSomeText': Value for a required activity argument 'stringArg' was not supplied.
at System.Activities.Validation.ActivityValidationServices.ThrowIfViolationsExist(IList`1 validationErrors)
at System.Activities.Hosting.WorkflowInstance.ValidateWorkflow(WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensionManager)
at System.Activities.Hosting.WorkflowInstance.RegisterExtensionManager(WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensionManager)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.EnsureInitialized()
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.RunInstance(WorkflowApplication instance)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.Invoke(Activity activity, IDictionary`2 inputs, WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensions, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.Activities.WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(Activity workflow, TimeSpan timeout, WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensions)
at System.Activities.WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(Activity workflow)
at Project1.MainProgram.Main(String[] args) in c:\users\user\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\ModelingProject1\Project1\MainProgram.cs:line 25
I know, I only pass 1 parameter, but the exception still says that I am missing 3 parameters. I am missing something as to how to do this properly.
You're correctly declaring stringArg as an InArgument but you're not passing any value to it when calling it inside SimpleSequence.
You can pass something using the constructor, while constructing the all activity itself, like this:
public class WriteSomeText : CodeActivity
public InArgument<string> stringArg { get; set; }
public WriteSomeText(string stringArg)
this.stringArg = stringArg;
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context
string output = context.GetValue(stringArg);
// Calling the activity like this:
internal static void Main(string[] args)
var act = new SimpleSequence()
Activities =
new WriteSomeText("hello"),
new WriteSomeText("world"),
new WriteSomeText("!")
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
Also notice that is a best practice to use the constructor to initialize collections:
public SimpleSequence()
activities = new Collection<Activity>();
variables = new Collection<Variable>();
This way is even more intuitive to initialize the activity:
var act = new SimpleSequence()
Activities =
new WriteSomeText("hello"),
new WriteSomeText("world"),
new WriteSomeText("!")
Variables =
new Variable<int>("myNewIntVar", 10),
// ....
There are a couple of other ways to approach the problem. This is your best friend while starting in the WF4 world.
Check WF\Basic\CustomActivities\Code-Bodied for a little push with this particular case.
