JUnit Test Class template not converted to Kotlin file in Kotlin project - android-studio

If I open a Kotlin project and try to create my own template for JUnit Test Classes I get the generated template generated as a Java file instead of as a Kotlin file.
Is there any way to make this generation to happen as a Kotlin file?
I attached some images to easily show the issue I am facing.
The question marks on one of the images have to do because I don't know what that default parse function does. I tried to change it to #parse("File Header.kt") but that does not work.

The issue was I was trying to add kotlin code to the template.
All I had to do is create the template using Java code and it automatically gets generated in Java.
However, if anyone know a way to specifically use this feature using your own kotlin code instead of generated one, please let me know.


How to compile Java code after DXL import?

Using the Domino/Notes API, when importing DXL design elements (for example a LotusScript agent), you have the option to either compile LotusScript code at the time of import, with DXLImporter.setCompileLotusScript(boolean flag), or leave the code uncompiled. If you leave the code uncompiled, then Domino will compile the code before first use. This is all fine with LotusScript.
Reading the API, I see no option for Java code. How can you compile Java code for use after importing from DXL programmatically?
(The question is not how you do it manually (like open every Java design element and save it to force compilation) but how it can be done programmatically)
You're going to need to do something along the lines of what the ODP to NSF compiler does https://frostillic.us/blog/thread.xsp?thread=NSF+ODP+Tooling. For obvious reasons (OSGi dependencies, Java library accessibility, builder processes etc) it's not a trivial task.

Android Studio doesn't autocomplete imports propertly

I have an Android project (I'll update soon with the source once public) that has code in Kotlin.
When I try to import a class it shows on the auto-complete but then it does a full name reference instead of adding the reference to the class on the imports of the file. Also, when I try to do an import, there is no option to include the import to the class.
It's happened so far in two projects I've worked on. The first one had a mix of Java a Kotlin and I thought that may be the issue, however, the last one doesn't have any Java code.
The code is in the debug configuration. However, a file that is on the same package and folder as this one with the issue doesn't seem to have the same problem and imports work as expected.
Update after duplication suggestion
This was marked as a duplicate, but it's not for several reasons:
This one involves Kotlin and not Java
The reported problem was with project imports, this is a library (system) import
Tried the suggested solution and it doesn't solve this issue.
This one has a gif ^_^
Best what you can do it build new Empty Project and copy old classes and files on new project.

Resharper SDK - Create File

I'm attempting to make a Resharper plugin to help do some specialized refactoring on a project I've got.
The gist of it is that I have a static function in a class and I want to create a new class and move the static function into it.
I thought it was going to be much more straightforward but I'm having difficulty finding examples or starting points in the SDK documentation.
Specifically, I can't figure out how to create a new file contains a new class. While I can't say for certain, I feel like I've run across a couple of examples of creating a new class (though I ignored them at the time because I was hung up on this new file thing).
Does anyone know the magic words to make the ReSharper SDK create this new file?
Creating a new file can be as simple as CSharpElementFactory.CreateFile but you might also want to consider using a refactoring instead. What you can do is create your new class, put the method in there, add it to the current file and then execute MoveIntoMatchingFilesRefactoring.

Consuming .ashx files in C#

I need to consume / parse .ashx files in C#. I could create strongly typed C# class by using xsd.exe and add this to my project. But the schema of the .ashx could change at anytime.
So, I don't want to create C# classes using command line utility like xsd.
Is there any way i can create C# class on the fly from a .ashx and use the class to parse the .ashx content?.
I assume that what you need to parse/consume is the XML produced by the .ashx handler.
There is no way I know of to generate a class directly using .NET functions - you could call xsd.exe and then load and compile the generated code - quite a hack.

How can I override a class in J2ME Polish binaries?

I am using a UI component from J2ME Polish. I found a simple bug in the code, and want to quickly fix it but cannot find any build scripts in the download package, although source-code is included.
The problem cannot be solved by extending the class as it involves members with private access.
How should I go about fixing it? Should I simply compile the class in question with Javac or should try to locate build script in their repository?
There is no binary code for J2MEPolish UI library, because these classes are also preprocessed during your application compilation. This is why there is also no build script for J2MEPolish UI part - the resulting binary, if it compiles, would not make any sense :)
If you are using this UI class directly (there is no Polish magic involved) I would suggest to copy it into your own project, make the changes there and you should be just fine.
But there is a small issue. I'm not 100% sure, but Polish build process should be as follows: first your classes are preprocessed and then Polish classes will be preprocessed. If the UI component, that you copied into your project, will stay in the same java package, it could happen that your changes will be overwritten by buggy Polish implementation. You can check it by running the application or looking at the final java code in build directory.
If the overwriting problem happens, then you have two options - move UI class in your project into different package (I'm 99% sure this should be fine if you use it directly) or you need to modify Polish build process, so that it would preprocess Polish classes first and you could overwrite changes done by it.
I know this question has been answered and accepted but an easier method would be to used their built in property (for any one coming here via the magic search engines)
which is simply a copy of their sources packaged with the installer. You can copy this into your own source tree and thus have version history of your changes.
While JaanusSiim's method might work I would not recommend it as it becomes confusing having de.enough.** packages in your own source tree I normally create a src for my personal source and a src-j2mepolish for their source files this was it is VERY explicit what I have added to the standard versions.
