How to use #Client - nestjs

Described here
Another option is to use the #Client() property decorator.
#Client({ transport: Transport.TCP }) client: ClientProxy;
Where do i have to put it to make it work?
Compared to this
imports: [
{ name: 'MATH_SERVICE', transport: Transport.TCP },

You have two options with microservice client injection, as mentioned in the docs. You can either use #Inject('MATH_SERVICE') in the constructor and do constructor based dependency injection, or use #Client() on a class property. To do the latter you would do something like this:
export class MicroserviceConsumerService {
#Client({ transport: Transport.TCP })
tcpService: ClientProxy;
// rest of code
Keep in mind that with this approach, unit testing does become more difficult as you can no longer mock the dependency being injected as you would with the #Inject('MATH_SERVICE') approach


How to get method and its metadata from NestJS provider?

I'm making a NestJS wrapper for Typegoose because the existing one is complete deprecated and has one critical drawback that I want to fix in my implementation.
Problem: there is #EventTrackerFor(schema: AnyClass) that takes Typegoose class. It's implemented like this:
export const EventTrackerFor = (schema: AnyClass) =>
applyDecorators(Injectable, SetMetadata('tracker-for',;
Also, there are #Pre(eventName: PreEvents) and Post(eventName: PostEvents) decorators:
export const Post = (eventName: PreEvents) => SetMetadata('post', eventName);
export const Pre = (eventName: PostEvents) => SetMetadata('pre', eventName);
And as a result, library user will do it like that:
class UserEventTracker {
constructor(private readonly anyService: AnyService) {}
logOnAndAfterCreate() {
console.log('user created')
// ------------------------ Any module
imports: [MyModule.forFeature([ {schema: User} ])],
providers: [UserEventTracker]
class AnyModule {}
I need to get value from #EventTrackerFor somehow and methods of the provider, which are decorated with #Pre() and #Post decorators, including values that passed inside them.
I was looking for a clue in different packages like #nestjs/bull, which has similar logics inside, but they have so much code, so I could not understand how do they do it.
Project repository:

NestJS dynamic module registration

I have a question regarding dynamic modules importing.
Let's say I have #Injectable service which depends on the parameter that came from the configuration:
export class StatsService {
constructor(#Inject(SERVICE_NAME) private serviceName: string) {}
Let's say I expose this service through the Dynamic module:
export class CoreServicesModule {
static register(coreConfig: CoreServicesConfig): DynamicModule {
const { serviceName } = coreConfig;
return {
module: CoreServicesModule,
providers: [
provide: SERVICE_NAME,
useValue: serviceName
exports: [
Let's say my application is pretty big, and I have a lot of different modules.
But I need StatsService in every one of them.
So for example to be able to use StatsService in one of the modules i need to do something like:
imports: [CoreServicesModule.register({ serviceName: 'test', ... })]
export class SomeModule { ... }
And I need to do it for each module...
Do we have a way to do it only once in NestJS?
Or how we can re-use the already registered module?
#Global decorator also not help me here cause I still need to import the module in each place...
#Global() decorator will help you if you are interested in using StatService in all other modules without the need to import that module!
BUT from your code it seems that each module that import CoreServicesModule would also make a small adjustment to it by dynamically specifying the providers it has (such as ValidationPipe).
in that case you should NOT make it #Global() since global modules should be registered only once

How do you use a fallback exception filter in NestJs

I'm new to NestJs and I created a fallback exception filter, and now I would like to know how to use it. In other words, how do I import it in my application?
Here's my fallback exception filter:
export class HttpExceptionFilter implements ExceptionFilter {
public catch(exception: HttpException, host: ArgumentsHost): any {
/* Some code here */
return response.status(statusCode).json({
status: statusCode,
datetime: new Date(),
createdBy: "HttpExceptionFilter",
errorMessage: exception.message,
You'd need to bind the filter globally to be the fallback. You can do this one of two ways
With a custom provider in any module. Add this to the module's providers array
provide: APP_FILTER,
useClass: HttpExceptionFilter
This will still take effect in e2e tests, as it's part of the module definition
By using useGlobalFilters in your bootstrap method like so
app.useGlobalFilters(new HttpExceptionFilter());
This will not take effect in your e2e tests, so you'll need to bind it in those too, if you want the same functionality.
Just add this in your main.ts and it should work fine:
app.useGlobalFilters(new FallbackExceptionFilter();

NestJS inject custom TypeOrm repository based on an Interface

I'm currently working through the database integration docs for NestJS using TypeOrm. In these docs there are examples that show how to inject a custom database repository using the app.module from NestJS. All of these examples inject classes using the actual type of the custom repository.
export class AuthorService {
constructor(private authorRepository: AuthorRepository) {}
This code is injected via the app.modules by providing a import like such:
imports: [TypeOrmModule.forFeature([AuthorRepository])],
controller: [AuthorController],
providers: [AuthorService],
export class AuthorModule {}
This works well if you are fine with programming against an implementation, but I prefer to use an interface in my classes. I've already found the solution to injecting classes via an interface with NestJS in a previous question, but when I try to inject my custom repository like that, it doesn't seem to instanciate correctly and becomes undefined.
(node:16658) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'save' of undefined
Because of this, I assume you can only inject customRepositories via the forFeature() call in the app.module, but that won't allow me to use interfaces for injection, as far as I know. Is there any other way I can inject a custom TypeOrm repository without having the replace all my interfaces for the implementation of my custom repository? Thanks in advance!
Here is my current code, I managed to get it to inject, but this still forces me to use the implementation instead of the interface each time I call the constructor. This is mainly an issue when testing due to mocking.
export class FooHandler
implements ICommandHandler<FooCommand> {
private fooRepository: IFooRepository; // Using Interface as a private property.
private barEventBus: IEventBus;
constructor(fooRepository: FooRepository,
barEventBus: EventBus) { // Forced to use implementation in constructor for injection.
this.fooRepository = fooRepository;
this.barEventBus = barEventBus;
export class FooRepository extends Repository<FooEntity> implements IFooRepository {
getFoo() {
// Do stuff
imports: [TypeOrmModule.forRoot(), TypeOrmModule.forFeature([FooRepository]],
// Other module setup
export class AppModule {}
It should work with using the InjectRepository decorator where you specify the Repository but then you type is as your interface instead and when testing you just provide the IFooRepository!
Example code:
constructor(#InjectRepository(FooRepository) fooRepository: IFooRepository,
barEventBus: EventBus) {
Edit: This answer is crap, that abstract-class-as-interface hack used does not work out as the defined methods seem to be optional to implement despite being marked as abstract.
Well, kind of got it working. Based on this answer I used an abstract class as interface (you can actually implement it) for not being required to pass strings around as tokens. Only drawback is the misuse of the abstract class. Not sure yet if I like it.
Using an actual interface in the same way seems not to be possible unfortunately. Urgh.
imports: [
autoLoadEntities: true,
controllers: [ViewListingController],
providers: [
provide: ListingRepository,
useClass: TypeOrmListingRepository,
makeshift interface:
import { Listing } from "./Listing";
export abstract class ListingRepository {
abstract findMostRecent: () => Promise<Listing[]>;
import { Listing, ListingRepository } from "../../Domain";
import { Injectable } from "#nestjs/common";
import { Repository, DataSource } from "typeorm";
export class TypeOrmListingRepository
extends Repository<Listing>
implements ListingRepository
constructor(private dataSource: DataSource) {
super(Listing, dataSource.createEntityManager());
findMostRecent() {
return this.find({});
import { Controller, Get } from "#nestjs/common";
import { ListingRepository } from "../Domain";
export class ViewListingController {
constructor(private readonly listingRepo: ListingRepository) {}
listMostRecent() {
return this.listingRepo.findMostRecent();

Using imported interceptor on controller not working in nestjs

I like to organise my project along feature lines with different modules for cross cutting concerns eg: configuration, authentication, etc. However when importing an Interceptor into a feature module for use with a Controller Nest doesn't seem to reuse the existing instance.
imports: [
// ConfigService is exported from this module.
providers: [
// For debugging purposes I used a factory so I could place a breakpoint and see
// when the Interceptor is being created.
provide: MyInterceptor,
useFactory: (config: ConfigService) => new MyInterceptor(config),
inject: [
exports: [
export class ControllersModule {
imports: [
controllers: [
providers: [
export class CustomerModule {
export class CustomerController {
constructor(private readonly customerService: CustomerService) {
customers() {
return this.customerService.findAll();
When the application starts up, I can see the MyInterceptor provider factory being called, with an instance of ConfigService. However then I see the following error on the console
error: [ExceptionHandler] Nest can't resolve dependencies of the MyInterceptor (?). Please make sure that the argument ConfigService at index [0] is available in the CustomerModule context.
Potential solutions:
- If ConfigService is a provider, is it part of the current CustomerModule?
- If ConfigService is exported from a separate #Module, is that module imported within CustomerModule?
imports: [ /* the Module containing ConfigService */ ]
Now maybe there's something about how Nest instantiates/uses Interceptors that I'm not understanding but I thought that given that MyInteceptor had been created, and the ControllersModule imported by CustomerModule that the bean would have been available and applied to CustomerController.
Is there something I'm missing here?
Interceptors (along with other request lifecycle classes) are kinda like pseudoproviders in that that are #Injectable() but they aren't added to a providers array for binding. You can bind then via the providers array, (APP_INTERCEPTOR) but that will cause it to be bound globally.
Because interceptors can't be added to a providers array the way you are trying, you need to instead add the ConfigModule to whatever module uses the interceptor.
and as a side-note, you shouldn't use #Res with interceptors in nestjs
look, when you are using an interceptor, you are handling (with using .handle()) the stream of response (observable) not a whole package of it, but using express #Res actually is somehow getting around the whole flow of response streaming.
this is also explicitly mentioned in nestjs official documents:
We already know that handle() returns an Observable. The stream
contains the value returned from the route handler, and thus we can
easily mutate it using RxJS's map() operator.
The response mapping feature doesn't work with the
library-specific response strategy (using the #Res() object directly
is forbidden).
