SharePoint WebPart Context Menu is going inside div (please see picture) - sharepoint

I have created MasterPage and page layout. Then I created a page using page layout. Then by editing the page, I added content editor web part but there was one issue that web part context menu was going inside div. Kindly see attached image.
your response would be highly appreacited.
Thanksenter image description here

it may helped somebody that I managed it programmatically using javascript.
when icon will be clicked then javascript function will be fired which will check the height of context menu and if the height is greater than the height of the web part then it will increase the height of the zone height. please see code below.
var menulistheight;
var zoneid;
jQuery('.js-webpart-menuCell').click(function (e) {
if (!menulistheight) {
var dd = jQuery('.ms-core-menu-list');
dd = dd.height();
menulistheight = dd;
var zone = $("#MSOZone")[0];
var id = jQuery(zone).attr("zoneid");
var zHeight = jQuery(zone).height();
if (zHeight < menulistheight) {
jQuery(zone).css("height", zHeight + menulistheight - 100 + "px");


Puppeteer - Facing Issue to scroll in-page content on linkedin sales navigator

I am trying to scrape details of a few companies and their leads from the Linkedin Sales Navigator.
The problem I am facing is that, the code only scrapes top 2-3 names. The reason behind this issue is that the leads are added dynamically when the page is scrolled to bottom. The page contains two in-page scrollers (highlighted in red) and I want to write code for one of them scroller to scroll till its bottom.
The div section where I want to scroll has class="p4 _vertical-scroll-results_1igybl".enter image description here.
Will be thankful If anyone could help me do this using puppeteer.
Thanks in advance!!!
Here is a small example of how you can implement autoscroll:
let lastHeight = await page.evaluate("document.body.scrollHeight");
while (true) {
await page.evaluate("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)");
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
let newHeight = await page.evaluate("document.body.scrollHeight");
if (newHeight === lastHeight) {
lastHeight = newHeight;
If the scroll is inside an element, then instead of document.body use document.querySelector("your_element").

How to place svg icon in toolbar

I need to replace all of my png icons with with svg - it is my employee request. I am using FFImageLoading. Some of the icons displayed in Pages are displaying properly but the problem is that I can't display svg icon in toolbar (toolbar item and hamburger icon).
I am using Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.FFImageLoading - all in version
My logo.svg is placed in MyProject.EmbeddedFiles.Images.
Here are the code samples I tried:
ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem
IconImageSource = "logo.svg",
Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Primary
ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem
IconImageSource = "MyProject.EmbeddedFiles.Images.logo.svg",
Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Primary
ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem
IconImageSource = ImageSource.FromResource("MyProject.EmbeddedFiles.Images.test.svg", typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly),
Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Primary
ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem
IconImageSource = new SvgImageSource(ImageSource.FromResource("MyProject.EmbeddedFiles.Images.test.svg", typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly), 10,10,true),
Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Primary
Neither solution works. My solution based on
What am I missing? Is this even possible?

Accessing content of Balloon clicked in Google Earth plugin

I have a Google earth plug-in and I have made various Placemarks and the balloon using the Winform library in c#. Now, i can see those Placemarks on the map and when i click the placemark, i can see the content i have parsed.
Now, my requirement is that when user clicks the balloon, i want to display the content of that balloon displayed in a text box outside the plug-in.
I am not finding any way where it can be recorded a which Placemark has been clicked and i can access the content of the balloon.
Can anybody help on this?
You should be able to find all the info you need here
I am not sure of your approach to show the text in your webpage, try something like this
function addData(text) {
// var TheTextBox = document.getElementById("Mytextbox");
// TheTextBox.value = TheTextBox.value + text;
document.getElementById('Mytextbox').innerHTML = '<p>' + text + '</p>';
// if still having problems, try using an alert to see value of your 'text'
another idea - instead of listening for a balloonopening, listen for a click, 'click', placemarkClicked);
function placemarkClicked(event) {
var obj = event.getTarget();
// determine if the user clicked on a Placemark
if (obj.getType() == 'KmlPlacemark') {
var placemark = obj;
var placemark_name = placemark.getName();
var placemark_desc_active = placemark.getBalloonHtmlUnsafe();
// proceed to use the name and description as you like

Can WatiN handle the CuteWebUI Uploader popup dialog?

My Background:
I am new to WatiN, but not new to writing automated Web UI tests. At my new job, we are trying to use WatiN for our Web UI tests (thanks to a few CUIT fails).
I've solved this problem in the past using ArtOfTest.WebAii, by using a Win32 mouse click with a magic number offset from the containing element, but I can't seem to find documentation on how to do that in WatiN and I can't figure it out myself :\
My problem:
This dialog appears and I can't seem to find a way for WatiN to click it.
The dialog has the following markup:
<OBJECT style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=1); WIDTH: 329px; HEIGHT: 100px; mozOpacity: 0.01; opacity: 0.01; mozopacity: 0.01" data="data:application/x-oleobject;base64, <a bunch of data>" width=329 height=100 type=application/x-silverlight-2></OBJECT>
<param name="source" value="/CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd?type=file&file=silverlight.xap&_ver=634334311861475176"/>
<param name="windowless" value="true" object="" <=""/>
my test code:
public void SomeTest()
Settings.MakeNewIeInstanceVisible = true;
Settings.AutoStartDialogWatcher = true;
Settings.AutoMoveMousePointerToTopLeft = false;
using (IE ie2 = new IE())
// some debugging code wrapped around the next user action
// which is clicking on the attach file button
var helper = new DialogHandlerHelper();
using (new UseDialogOnce(ie2.DialogWatcher, helper))
Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000); // wait for attach button to be "ready"
// Click button that triggers the dialog that states:
// "file browsing dialog has been blocked"
// "please click here and try again"
foreach(string dialogHandler in helper.CandidateDialogHandlers)
// nothing prints out here :(
// debug print out all elements with tagname = object
foreach (Element objectElement in ie2.ElementsWithTag("object"))
StringBuilder elementInfo = new StringBuilder();
elementInfo.AppendLine("element.tagname = " + objectElement.TagName);
elementInfo.AppendLine(" = " + objectElement.Style);
elementInfo.AppendLine("element.type = " + objectElement.GetAttributeValue("type"));
elementInfo.AppendLine(" = " + objectElement.GetAttributeValue("data"));
// none of these clicks make the dialog go away
// wait to see if dialog disappears after click
Thread.Sleep(300 * 1000);
Any and all help will be very much appreciated.
Your control is a silverlight component which can't be automated with WatiN. Fortunately this you can combine WatiN and White to get the job done.
Following code is created and published by Leo Bartnik so ALL the credits go to him! Have a look at his blog post here. The following code in the comments:
He used the following versions. from 2011-02-08
white 0.20 Binaries
public void WatiN_and_White_join_forces()
// Navigate to your webpage with WatiN
string url = "http://localhost[port#]/WatinWhiteTestLandingPage.aspx";
WatiN.Core.IE watin = new WatiN.Core.IE(url);
watin.Link(Find.ByText("click here)).Click();
// Attach the IE instance used by WatiN to White
string title = "[browser title here]"; // will be something like "WatinWhiteHybrid - Internet Explorer provided by ..."
var ie = (InternetExplorerWindow)Application.Attach(watin.ProcessID).GetWindow(title);
White.WebBrowser.Silverlight.SilverlightDocument sl = ie.SilverlightDocument;
// Click the button in the silverlight control using White
btw don't know why the formating of this code is so way off....
So this was my hack solution:
Use Microsoft's Coded UI Test to click on the Silverlight dialog. However, CUIT is inferior to WatiN, so I run my test in WatiN and load CUIT for one, magical, click.
Additionally, I was not able to easily find the Silverlight object using CUIT, so I find the window behind it, find the window's center pixel and force a Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.Mouse.Click(). Yes, a hack inside of a hack, I am a very bad person, but I ran out of time and just needed something working.
If anyone has a more elegant solution, please share.
My solution code:
FileUploadDialogHandler helper = new FileUploadDialogHandler(attachmentPath);
using (new UseDialogOnce(ie.DialogWatcher, helper))
Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000); // wait for attach button to be "ready"
// When automating a file upload, there is a Silverlight popup in IE that forces an extra click
// before opening the file open dialog. WatiN does not support Silverlight automation
// and the popup element was acting quirky in Microsoft's Coded UI Test, so we find the
// dialog box UNDERNEATH the Silverlight popup and force one, lovely, mouse click.
//===== Entering Coded UI Test land, beware! =====================================
// initialize Coded UI Test
BrowserWindow.CurrentBrowser = "IE";
Process watinBrowserProcess = Process.GetProcessById(ie.ProcessID);
BrowserWindow cuitBrowser = BrowserWindow.FromProcess(watinBrowserProcess); // attach Coded UI Test to the IE browser WatiN initialized
// get the window underneath the Silverlight popup
UITestControl modalUnderSilverlightPopup = new UITestControl(cuitBrowser.CurrentDocumentWindow);
modalUnderSilverlightPopup.SearchProperties.Add("id", windowElementUnderPopupID);
// get the X and Y pixel center of the window
int centerX = modalUnderSilverlightPopup.BoundingRectangle.X + modalUnderSilverlightPopup.BoundingRectangle.Width / 2;
int centerY = modalUnderSilverlightPopup.BoundingRectangle.Y + modalUnderSilverlightPopup.BoundingRectangle.Height / 2;
// Click!
Mouse.Click(new Point(centerX, centerY));
// Shutdown Coded UI Test
//===== End Coded UI Test land, you survived! yay! ============================

Sharepoint navigation menu collapse

Does anyone know when in sharepoint you´ve created a navigation structure in site settings navigation / that i can only add a page under a heading and have to hide the page which is the heading?
How I can make the menu collapse when clicking on the top menu rather then immediate display?
I want to display the second level when clicking on any of the first and then when clicking on the second for the first to dissapear and the 2nd and 3rd to be displayed and the breadcrum to easily go back home.
How can this be done in the portal not with publishing sites? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Jquery is the way:
<script type="text/javascript" src=http://yourMoss/sites/Shared%20Documents/jquery-x.x.x.js></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//initialize menus
var menuRows = $("[id$='QuickLaunchMenu'] > tbody > tr");
var menuHd = menuRows.filter("[id!='']:has(+tr[id=''])");
//set img path for when submenu is hidden
var closedImg = "/_layouts/images/plus.gif";
//set img path for when submenu is visible
var openedImg = "/_layouts/images/minus.gif";
var cssInit = {
"background-image": "url('"+closedImg+"')",
"background-repeat": "no-repeat",
"background-position": "100% 50%"
var cssClosed = {"background-image": "url('"+closedImg+"')"}
var cssOpen = {"background-image": "url('"+openedImg+"')"}
//hide submenus
//apply initial inline style to menu headers
menuHd.find("td:last").css(cssInit); () {
var styleElm = $(this).find("td:last")
var nextTR = $(this).next("tr[id='']");
if (':visible')) {
} else {;
