AppleScript color detection - colors

I was working on the AppleScript below and I was trying to come up with a way to detect the change of a number in a game and then do a movement. What I've been trying to do is run a shell script from apple script that takes a screenshot of a pixel of the game and gets it hex color and I was trying to make it repeat until it saw if that the pixel of the number has changed by matching the outputs of the shell script to the pixel after the number gets changed. This doesn't work too well since I have to have a lot of hex colors to detect the number change and it also means there's a chance that it won't detect the color. Does anybody have a solution or any ideas to brainstorm? Thanks!
set defense to false
repeat while defense = false
(*Look at pixel*)
set hexColor to do shell script "screencapture -R2387,1383,1,1 -t bmp $TMPDIR/test.bmp &&
xxd -p -l 3 -s 54 $TMPDIR/test.bmp |
sed 's/\\(..\\)\\(..\\)\\(..\\)/\\3\\2\\1/'"
(*Detect change*)
if (hexColor = "e09b9b") or (hexColor = "dd9e99") or (hexColor = "e19e9a") or (hexColor = "de9d9c") or (hexColor = "de9293") or (hexColor = "e48f8c") or (hexColor = "d8918b") or (hexColor = "e29a98") or (hexColor = "de9c99") or (hexColor = "de9d9b") or (hexColor = "e0908e") or (hexColor = "e18e8f") or (hexColor = "e29c9a") or (hexColor = "e69b9a") or (hexColor = "e29b9a") or (hexColor = "e09c9d") or (hexColor = "e29b9a") or (hexColor = "e19b9a") or (hexColor = "e49e9d") or (hexColor = "e29ba0") or (hexColor = "dd8f92") or (hexColor = "d99191") or (hexColor = "e39c9c") or (hexColor = "df999b") or (hexColor = "d88180") or (hexColor = "e09999") or (hexColor = "e49899") or (hexColor = "e29798") or (hexColor = "e19798") or (hexColor = "dd9995") or (hexColor = "df9c99") or (hexColor = "e49b99") or (hexColor = "dc9290") or (hexColor = "e29b9d") or (hexColor = "e19b9c") or (hexColor = "940d13") or (hexColor = "e39d99") or (hexColor = "e19f9a") or (hexColor = "de928e") or (hexColor = "e68f8f") or (hexColor = "e39d9d") or (hexColor = "e18f8f") then
(*Play Defense*)
tell application "System Events"
set defense to true
key down "w"
delay 0.7
key up "w"
delay 1
key down "w"
delay 0.5
key up "w"
end tell
end if
end repeat
set defense to false
Edit: I made the HexColorList and it works great thanks! Also, I included a screenshot of the two states I want to be able to tell a difference from. The screenshot of 40 seconds left is when I want to program to do nothing and then the screenshot of 39 seconds left I want it to run the "Play Defense" I have in the code (Keep in mind that the scores on the left and right aren't what I'm trying to track.
Edit 2: To clarify how the basketball game works what happens first is my character plays offense against an A.I. Character and I programmed that to work so my character scores and after he scores against the A.I., the shot clock resets back to 40 seconds and it starts when my character hands the ball off to the A.I. and then the shot clock starts and my character plays defense. So I am trying to make my code be able to wait until the shot clock starts when my character gives the ball to the A.I. and then start playing defense.


Reading excel values as seconds and convert to minutes

I am currently writing a lager script to ease my life.
Right now I am reading raw values from cells from an excel.
So far so good.
These numbers need to be interpreted as seconds and then converted into minutes.
I tried my best with datetime but no luck.
Any suggestions?
elif auswahl == '2':
print("Some user friendly-text:")
excel_download = openpyxl.load_workbook(r'/Path/to/excel.xlsx')
sheet =
Grund_1 = sheet['B2'].value
Grund_2 = sheet['B3'].value
Grund_3 = sheet['B4'].value
Grund_4 = sheet['B5'].value
Grund_5 = sheet['B6'].value
Grund_6 = sheet['B7'].value
Zeit_in_Sekunden_1 = sheet['C2'].value
Zeit_in_Sekunden_2 = sheet['C3'].value
Zeit_in_Sekunden_3 = sheet['C4'].value
Zeit_in_Sekunden_4 = sheet['C5'].value
Zeit_in_Sekunden_5 = sheet['C6'].value
Zeit_in_Sekunden_6 = sheet['C7'].value
print("Du warst heute für", Zeit_in_Sekunden_1, Grund_1, "!")
My idea:
raw_seconds_from_C2 = sheet['C2'].value
Then somehow convert to minutes from raw_seconds_from_C2
I am really out of ideas as I then need to put the converted minutes into a print().
Divide the value by 60 to obtain minutes from seconds:
c2_minutes = sheet['C2'].value / 60
Thanks to #Alonso's comment on the question.

Send message from random date

I am trying to make my discord bot send a message from a random date in the server's history but the around argument doesn't seem to work properly
def random_date():
d1 = date(year=2020, month=3,day=16)
delta = d2 - d1
int_delta = delta.days
random_number_of_days = random.randrange(int_delta)
ran = random_number_of_days
global day
day = d1 + timedelta(ran)
# en = d1 + timedelta(ran + 1)
return day
async def quote(self,message):
day = random_date()
messages = await
msg = random.choice(messages)
embed = discord.Embed(description=f'{msg.content}' ,, timestamp=msg.created_at)
embed.add_field(name = 'Source' , value = f"[Jump]({msg.jump_url})")
embed.set_footer(text=f"Found in : #{}")
You need to use datetime.datetime()
Also see: if you need help with that

Calculate percentage change in pandas with rows that contain the same values

I am using Pandas to calculate percentage change(s) between values that occur more than once in the column of interest.
I want to compare the values of last weeks workout provided they're the same exercise type to get the percentage change of (weight used, reps accomplished )
I am able to get the percentages of all the rows which is halfway what I want but the conditional part is missing - so only get the percentages if the exercise_name is of the same value as we want to compare how we improve on a weekly, bi-weekly basis.
ids = self.user_data["exercise"].fillna(0)
dups = self.user_data[ids.isin(ids[ids.duplicated()])].sort_values("exercise")
dups['exercise'] = dups['exercise'].astype(str)
dups['set_one_weight'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_one_weight'])
dups['set_two_weight'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_two_weight'])
dups['set_three_weight'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_three_weight'])
dups['set_four_weight'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_four_weight'])
dups['set_one'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_one'])
dups['set_two'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_two'])
dups['set_three'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_three'])
dups['set_four'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_four'])
**percent_change = dups[['set_three_weight']].pct_change()**
the last line gets the percentage change for all the rows for column set_three_weight but is unable to do what I want above which is find rows with same name and obtain the percentage change.
Using Group By Solution
ids = self.user_data["exercise"].fillna(0)
dups = self.user_data[ids.isin(ids[ids.duplicated()])].sort_values("exercise")
dups['exercise'] = dups['exercise'].astype(str)
dups['set_one_weight'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_one_weight'])
dups['set_two_weight'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_two_weight'])
dups['set_three_weight'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_three_weight'])
dups['set_four_weight'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_four_weight'])
dups['set_one'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_one'])
dups['set_two'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_two'])
dups['set_three'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_three'])
dups['set_four'] = pd.to_numeric(dups['set_four'])
dups['routine_upload_date'] = pd.to_datetime(dups['routine_upload_date'])
# percent_change = dups[['set_three_weight']].pct_change()
# Group the exercises together and create a new cols that represent the percentage delta variation in percentages
dups.sort_values(['exercise', 'routine_upload_date'], inplace=True, ascending=[True, False])
dups['set_one_weight_delta'] = (dups.groupby('exercise')['set_one_weight'].apply(pd.Series.pct_change) + 1)
dups['set_two_weight_delta'] = (dups.groupby('exercise')['set_two_weight'].apply(pd.Series.pct_change) + 1)
dups['set_three_weight_delta'] = (dups.groupby('exercise')['set_three_weight'].apply(pd.Series.pct_change) + 1)
dups['set_four_weight_delta'] = (dups.groupby('exercise')['set_four_weight'].apply(pd.Series.pct_change) + 1)
dups['set_one_reps_delta'] = (dups.groupby('exercise')['set_one'].apply(pd.Series.pct_change) + 1)
dups['set_two_reps_delta'] = (dups.groupby('exercise')['set_two'].apply(pd.Series.pct_change) + 1)
dups['set_three_reps_delta'] = (dups.groupby('exercise')['set_three'].apply(pd.Series.pct_change) + 1)
dups['set_four_reps_delta'] = (dups.groupby('exercise')['set_four'].apply(pd.Series.pct_change) + 1)
I think this gets me the result(s) I want, would like someone to confirm

How to calculate active hours of an employee using face_recognition for attendance tracking

I am working on face recognition system for my academic project. I want to set the first time an employee was recognized as his first active time and the next time he is being recognized should be recorded as his last active time and then calculate the total active hours based on first active and last active time.
I tried with the following code but I'm getting only the current system time as the start time. can someone help me on what I am doing wrong.
data = pickle.loads(open(args["encodings"], "rb").read())
vs = VideoStream(src=0).start()
writers = None
while True:
frame =
rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
rgb = imutils.resize(frame, width=750)
r = frame.shape[1] / float(rgb.shape[1])
boxes = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb)
encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb, boxes)
names = []
face_names = []
for encoding in encodings:
matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(data["encodings"],
name = "Unknown"
if True in matches:
matchedIdxs = [i for (i, b) in enumerate(matches) if b]
counts = {}
for i in matchedIdxs:
name = data["names"][i]
counts[name] = counts.get(name, 0) + 1
name = max(counts, key=counts.get)
if names != []:
for i in names:
first_active_time ='%H:%M')
last_active_time ='%H:%M')
difference = datetime.strptime(first_active_time, '%H:%M') - datetime.strptime(last_active_time, '%H:%M')
difference = difference.total_seconds()
total_hours = time.strftime("%H:%M", time.gmtime(difference))
face_names.append([i, first_active_time, last_active_time, total_hours])

Using ActiveX to Import from Excel to Matlab

I'm in need of optimizing import of .xls files to matlab due to xlsread being very time consuming with large amount of files. Current xlsread script as follows:
scriptName = mfilename('fullpath');
[currentpath, filename, fileextension]= fileparts(scriptName);
xlsnames = dir(fullfile(currentpath,'*.xls'));
xlscount = length(xlsnames);
xlsimportdata = zeros(7,6,xlscount);
for k = 1:xlscount
xlsimport = xlsread(xlsnames(k).name,'D31:I37');
xlsimportdata(:,1:size(xlsimport,2),k) = xlsimport;
I have close to 10k files per week that needs processing and with approx. 2sec per file processed on my current workstation, it comes in at about 5½ hours.
I have read that ActiveX can be used for this purpose however that is far beyond my current programming skills and have not been able to find a solution elsewhere. Any help on how to make this would be appreciated.
If it is simple to perform with ActiveX (or other proposed method), I would also be interested in data on cells D5 and G3, which I am currently grabbing from 'xlsnames(k,1).name' and 'xlsnames(k,1).date'
EDIT: updated to reflect the solution
% Get path to .m script
scriptName = mfilename('fullpath');
[currentpath, filename, fileextension]= fileparts(scriptName);
% Generate list of .xls file data
xlsnames = dir(fullfile(currentpath,'*.xls'));
xlscount = length(xlsnames);
SampleInfo = cell(xlscount,2);
xlsimportdata = cell(7,6,xlscount);
% Define xls data ranges to import
SampleID = 'G3';
SampleRuntime = 'D5';
data_range = 'D31:I37';
% Initiate progression bar
h = waitbar(0,'Initiating import...');
% Start actxserver
exl = actxserver('excel.application');
exlWkbk = exl.Workbooks;
for k = 1:xlscount
% Restart actxserver every 100 loops due limited system memory
if mod (k,100) == 0
exl = actxserver('excel.application');
exlWkbk = exl.Workbooks;
exlFile = exlWkbk.Open([dname filesep xlsnames(k).name]);
exlSheet1 = exlFile.Sheets.Item('Page 0');
rngObj1 = exlSheet1.Range(SampleID);
xlsimport_ID = rngObj1.Value;
rngObj2 = exlSheet1.Range(SampleRuntime);
xlsimport_Runtime = rngObj2.Value;
rngObj3 = exlSheet1.Range(data_range);
xlsimport_data = rngObj3.Value;
SampleInfo(k,1) = {xlsimport_ID};
SampleInfo(k,2) = {xlsimport_Runtime};
xlsimportdata(:,:,k) = xlsimport_data;
% Progression bar updater
progress = round((k / xlscount) * 100);
importtext = sprintf('Importing %d of %d', k, xlscount);
disp(['Import progress: ' num2str(k) '/' num2str(xlscount)]);
%close actxserver
% Close progression bar
Give this a try. I am not an ActiveX Excel guru by any means. However, this works for me for my small amount of test XLS files (3). I never close the exlWkbk so I don't know if memory usage is building or if it automatically cleaned up when descoped after the next is opened in its place ... so use at your own risk. I am seeing an almost 2.5x speed increase which seems promising.
>> timeit(#getSomeXLS)
ans =
>> timeit(#getSomeXLS_old)
ans =
Please leave some feedback if this work on large number of Excel sheets because I am curious how it goes.
function xlsimportdata = getSomeXLS()
scriptName = mfilename('fullpath');
[currentpath, filename, fileextension]= fileparts(scriptName);
xlsnames = dir(fullfile(currentpath,'*.xls'));
xlscount = length(xlsnames);
xlsimportdata = zeros(7,6,xlscount);
exl = actxserver('excel.application');
exlWkbk = exl.Workbooks;
dat_range = 'D31:I37';
for k = 1:xlscount
exlFile = exlWkbk.Open([currentpath filesep xlsnames(k).name]);
exlSheet1 = exlFile.Sheets.Item('Sheet1'); %Whatever your sheet is called.
rngObj = exlSheet1.Range(dat_range);
xlsimport = cell2mat(rngObj.Value);
xlsimportdata(:,:,k) = xlsimport;
