Writing a list of python console output to text file - python-3.x

I am a newb to python and working on writing a file from the list of devices printed to the python console. I am using pathlib and trying to write the entire list to a text file. I have tried many configurations but for some reason it only writes the first device or a blank text file.
Can anyone explain to me what I am doing wrong?
Thank you.
results = nb.dcim.devices.filter(q='xxxx')
# Print results to console
for device in results:
# Write data to file
path = pathlib.Path("C:\\Temp\\device_inventory.txt")


Extra blank lines in csv file when directing from stdout

When the output of this program is redirected into a csv file there is a blank line between the two lines of output.
The other solution I found on S.O involved changing the way that the output file is opened, but since I'm using stream redirection it doesn't seem to apply.
Could someone kindly suggest how I might be able to eliminate these extra spaces it would be greatly appreciated. Also please note that I am new to python and coding in general.
def output_data(aggregrate_objects):
header = []
results = []
for object in aggregrate_objects: #generate header
for object in aggregrate_objects: #generate results
writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout,dialect='excel',lineterminator=os.linesep)

Python 3, can I tell if a file opened in binary mode contains text?

I am upgrading some code from python 2 to python 3.
There is a function to open and read files. In Python 2 there is no need to specify binary mode or as a string. While in Python 3 I should specify the mode.
The python 2 code is:
with open(f_path, mode=open_mode) as fp:
content = fp.read()
This is causing me problems as it is called by various other functions where I don't necessarily know the file type in advance. (Sometimes the data is written to a zip file, other times the data is returned via an HTTP endpoint).
I expect most data will be binary image files, though CSv and text files will also be present.
What would be the best way of opening a file of unknown type and detecting if it is binary or string data?
Is it possible for example to open a file in binary mode, then detect that it contains text and convert it (or alternatively generate an exception and open it in string mode instead)?
You might try the binaryornot library.
pip install binaryornot
Then in the code:
from binaryornot.check import is_binary
Here is their documentation:

How to extract python output out of the cmd?

I am using cmd in Windows 7 and I have encounter the following problem:
I write the command python in cmd to enter my code in python, then follows:
import requests
After that the whole console gets full of hmtl code. The last 200 to 300 linesof the output are visible but the rest are not. How can I see more lines?
Moreover, is there any way to extract the html code produced by the r.textcommand in a new file from within the python environment or the cmd?
Regarding your first question.
After that the whole console gets full of html code. The last 200 to
300 lines of the output are visible but the rest are not. How can I
see more lines?
Response: The CMD default buffer is limited to 300 lines. You should increase the CMD prompt buffer size.
The below tutorial explains how to do that:
Regarding your second question.
Moreover, is there any way to extract the html code produced by the
r.text command in a new file from within the python environment or the
Response: You can write the content from r.text into a file by creating a file with Python open() function. More information about Reading and Writing Files in the below link:

PyPDF2 returns only empty lines for some files

I am working on a script that "reads" PDF files and and then automatically renames the files it recognizes from a dictionary. PyPDF2 however only returns empty lines for some PDFs, while working fine for others. The code for reading the files:
import PyPDF2
# File name
file = 'sample.pdf'
# Open File
with open(file, "rb") as f:
# Read in file
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(f)
# Check number of pages
number_of_pages = pdfReader.numPages
# Get first page
pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(0)
# Extract text from page 1
text = pageObj.extractText()
It does get the number of pages correctly, so it is able to open the PDF.
If I replace the print(text) by repr(text) for files it doesn't read, I get something like:
Weirdly enough, when I enhance (OCR) the files with Adobe, the script performs slightly worse. It Recognized 140 out of 800 files and after enhancing just 110.
The PDFs are machine readable/searchable, because I am able to copy/paste text to Notepad. I tested some files with "pdfminer" and it does show some text, but also throws in a lot of errors. If possible I like to keep working with PyPDF2.
Specifications of the software I am using:
Windows: 10.0.15063
Python: 3.6.1
PyPDF: 1.26.0
Adobe version: 17.009.20058
Anyone any suggestions? Your help is very much appreciated!
I had the same issue, i fixed it using another python library called slate
Fortunately, i found a fork that works in Python 3.6.5
import slate3k as slate
with open(file.pdf,'rb') as f:
extracted_text = slate.PDF(f)

Overwriting specific lines in Python

I have a simple program that manipulates some stored data on some text files. However I have to store the name and the password on different files for python to read.
I was wondering if I could get these two words (The name and the password) on two separate lines on one file and get python to overwrite just one of the lines based on what I choose to overwrite (either the password or the name).
I can get python to read specific lines with:
Ideally id like something like this:
So this would just write "Hello" in "example.txt" only on line 4.
But unfortunately it doesn't seem to be as simple as that, I can get the words to be stored on separate files but overall doing this on a larger scale, I'm going to have a lot of text files all named differently and with different words on them.
If anyone would be able to help, it would be much appreciated!
Thanks, James.
You can try with built in open() function:
def overwrite(filename,newline,linenumber):
with open(filename,'r') as reading:
lines = reading.readlines()
with open(filename,'w') as writing:
for i in lines:
return 0
return 1 #when reading/writing gone wrong, eg. no such a file
Be careful! It is writing all the lines all over again in a loop and when it comes to exception example.txt may already be blank. You may want to store all the lines in list all the time to write them back to file in exception. Or keep backup of your old files.
