Can the config crate merge environment variables into a subsection of a hierarchical config file? - rust

I am using the Config crate in Rust, and would like to use environment variables to set keys inside a section of the config. The end goal is to override application settings from a docker compose file, or docker command line, using the environment.
If my config was the following, could I use a specifically crafted environment variable to set database.echo ?
(code blurb below is taken from this example)
debug = true
echo = true
The example code to configure this using the environment variables illustrates only to set keys at the top level. Wondering how to extend this. The .set() takes a hierarchical key, so I'm hopeful that there's a way to encode the path in the env variable name.

Answering my own question.
I just noticed that the Environment code accepts a custom separator which will get replaced with . (dot).
So one can set the separator to something like _XX_ and that would get mapped to a ".". Setting DATABASE_XX_ECHO=true, for instance would then change the database.echo key.


Is there a way to specify a environment variable and define a value for each environment in gitlab UI?

I would like to create an environment variable like DB_URL and them define a different value for dev, test and production. I couldn't find a way to do it using gitlab UI.
EDIT: I know how to create a variable and how to define an environment for it. The point is that I need the same variable (same name) with a different value for each environment. I can define only one pair (environment, value) per variable. I would like to define many.
PS: I'm using gitlab coummunity edition.

How to not display KeyStorePassword on the command line?

when configuring https for play framework, I have to use following configuration when running the background task.
play -Dhttps.port=9443 -Dhttps.keyStore=keystore.jks -Dhttps.keyStorePassword=password run
I don't want to display the keystore password on the command line. It shouldn't be visible for all users on that machine.
HTTPS configuration can either be supplied using system properties or in application.conf
I recommend to use a combination of environment variables and the application.conf
Put your sensitive information in environment variables
Reference these environment variables from the application.conf:
Like this:
https.keyStore = defaultvalue
https.keyStore = ${?MY_HTTPS_KEY_STORE_ENV}
The question mark means that if there is no value found for MY_HTTPS_KEY_STORE_ENV then the defaultvalue from above will be used

Best practice when using an API key in Node.js

I have an API key I'm using in my Node.js application. Currently, I keep it stored in a text file and put it in a global variable when my application starts up.
So basically it's just:
var key = getKey();
I don't like having this global variable, and it's a pain to pass between files. Is there a better way to get my key where/when I need it? Is there some standard for doing so?
The conventional alternative to what you're doing, especially when pertaining to API keys, is to use environment variables. This is an operating system-level configuration facility. Each process has its own set of environment variables, usually inherited from its parent process. By convention, environment variables have uppercase names.
In node.js, you can access environment variables through process.env. For example, if you run an application like this:
$ MY_VARIABLE=test node app.js
You can access the value of the MY_VARIABLE environment variable via:
It can be tedious, however, to have to keep passing the environment variable(s) on each invocation of your program. That's why there are packages such as dotenv which allow you to store your environment variables in a text file.
More specifically, you will have a file called .env and in it you might have:
At the beginning of your app.js, you then do:
This reads the environment variable values from the .env file. You can then access them as you would access any other environment variables:
console.log("MY_VARIABLE: " + process.env.MY_VARIABLE);
console.log("OTHER_VARIABLE: " + process.env.OTHER_VARIABLE);
Now you don't have to explicitly pass the environment variables to your application upon invocation, i.e. you can just run it as usual:
$ node app.js
If you do pass one explicitly, it will override whatever value you gave in your .env file:
$ MY_VARIABLE=bar node app.js
Now the MY_VARIABLE environment variable will have a value of "bar" instead of "testing". Since OTHER_VARIABLE isn't passed explicitly, it retains its value of "foo" specified in the .env file.

Can we merge JAVA_OPTS variables through recipe in chef?

I have installed Java through some cookbook and have set some default variables, now I want to add some more variables (Application specific) through my cookbook. How can I do that through Recipes in Chef. I tried to pass some variables in but it is overriding the default values instead I want to merge the variables and override existing variable values.
My code in
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx2048m"
where $JAVA_OPTS - default variables
First way to do it would be to update the attribute defining the bases values in your application cookbook, as the attributes are read before the recipes are evaluated your file would end up with the correct values.
You're not saying with which cookbook you're using so I'll base the example on the tomcat cookbook
This cookbook define an attribute default['tomcat']['java_options'] = '-Xmx128M -Djava.awt.headless=true'
The easiest way it to complement this by using something like
default['tomcat']['java_options'] = "#{default['tomcat']['java_options']} -Xmx2048m"
The obvious problem is that you end up with 2 -Xmx values, usually the JVM will take the latest but it become hard to find what options is at which value when there's a lot of overwriting.
Second option is to take advantage of jvmargs cookbook wich gives helpers functions to deine the java options and use in your template at end.

How to reference environment variables in logstash configuration file?

Is it possible to reference environment variables in logstash configuration?
In my case, i want to make my elasticsearch address configurable that i have set in the environment.
With logstash 2.3, you can set environment variable references into Logstash plugins configuration using ${var} or $var.
Before logstash 2.3, you can use the "environment" filter plugin which is community maintained.
Documentation at :
How to install this plugin:
$LOGSTASH_HOME/bin/plugin install logstash-filter-environment
Source code at :
The main part is:
# encoding: utf-8
require "logstash/filters/base"
require "logstash/namespace"
# Set fields from environment variables
class LogStash::Filters::Environment < LogStash::Filters::Base
config_name "environment"
# Specify a hash of fields to the environment variable
# A hash of matches of `field => environment` variable
config :add_field_from_env, :validate => :hash, :default => {}
def register
# Nothing
end # def register
def filter(event)
return unless filter?(event)
#add_field_from_env.each do |field, env|
event[field] = ENV[env]
end # def filter
end # class LogStash::Filters::Environment
I can hardly believe, that these are the only solutions left: Hacking logstash or using some kind of templating system to re-write the config.
Actually, I do not want to touch or tweak the config for different deployment-scenarios: All I want is to pass in some parameters to connect logstash to the outside world (e.g. where elasticsearch is located, usernames/credentials to connect to other systems). I googled for an hour now an all I could find were these awkwardly complicated solutions for this very simple and common problem.
I sincerely hope, that someone comes up with a better idea like
That's not directly supported, no.
However, if you're running a version later than 1.4.0, it would be pretty trivial to edit elasticsearch.rb to add this feature. Around line 183:
client_settings[""] = #bind_host if #bind_host
You could tweak it to read an environment variable:
if ENV["ESHOST"].nil? then
client_settings[""] = ENV["ESHOST"]
client_settings[""] = #bind_host if #bind_host
If you prefer, you can run Logstash with the -e command-line option to pass config via STDIN. You could cat in some file with special tokens that you've replaced with your environment variable(s).
The logstash configuration as of this writing is just a configuration file, but it's not a programing language. Thus, it has a few reasonable "limitations", for example, it cannot reference environment variables, cannot pass parameters it, hard to reuse other configuration file. Those limitations would make the logstash configuration file hard to maintain when the configuration file grows or you want to adjust its behavior on the fly.
My approach is to use template engine to generate the logstash configuration file. I used Jinja2 in Python.
For example, the elastic search output could be templated as
output {
elasticsearch {
index => {{ es_index_name }}
host => {{ es_hostname }}
Then I wrote a simple python code using Jinja2 to generate the logstash configuration file, and the value of es_index_name and es_hostname could be passed via the Python script argument. See here for Jiaja2 tutorial:
In this way, a big logstash configuration could be splitted into reusable pieces and its behavior can be adjusted on the fly.
As explained in logstash-issues
Connections are established at plugin registration time (during initialization, as they almost certainly should be), but field interpolation (like %{escluster}) is an event-processing-time operation. As such, host isn't really eligible for this behavior.
So unless input or output plugin will natively supports %{foo} syntax, doing any environment variable evaluation at the stage of event filtering is too late for the input and output plugin to take advantage of it.
.conf file support environment variables.
you just have to export the environment variable:
export EXAMPLE_VAR=123
and use it in the configuration file this way:
