InstallShield - Feature groupto select only one - installshield

I have set of features, and sub-features on a feature. That sub-feature set need to act like a group box, where only feature should able to select.
-Feature A
-Feature B
---Feature I
---Feature II
---Feature III
-Feature C
From the list above, only on from I, II and III can be selected. On documentation I couldn't find a feature selection events, so that I could deselect other items based on that. Can't we do this with InstallShield?


Resharper multi-line assignment alignment

I'm using Visual Studio Community 2017 and Resharper Ultimate 2017.1.
When I type multiple line assignments construct like this
a =
b =
c = 1;
it will auto adjust the code like this:
a =
b =
c = 1;
I search the Resharper and VS options but I didn't find anything useful.
For C++ code, you can set "Indentation and Alignment | Continuous line indent" to "None" to get the formatting you prefer, but it will also affect declarations other than assignment.
In general, you can select a piece of code, hit Alt + Enter and invoke "Format selection | Configure". This action will open a dialog with formatting settings that affect the selection, so you can play with them and check how formatting changes.

How to enable Menu and Tools tab in Excel menubar

I am using excel 2007. I cannot see Menu and Tools on my menubar. I wanted to activate Analysis ToolPak. I clicked on Excel icon (top left) and then options and then add-in and activate Analysis ToolPak. However I cannot see this anywhere in the menubar along with Menu and Tools. I searched a lot on internet but could not find any solution. So, I have three issues (all are same)
-how do I enable Menu and Tools option
-how do I access Analysis ToolPak and use it (although I activated it from option but I cannot find it anywhere on the ribbon)
Any idea?
When Enabled it will not appear as a separate tab it will appear on the end of the Data tab, in a section called Analysis. You should also have different options under the What-If Analysis in the Data tab.
I might be wrong but the Menu and Tools were removed and replaced by the ribbon, you can download an addon to put them back in however specific tools are now in different locations in the Ribbon.
This might help finding the locations you require:

What Redmine plugin allows quick navigation between projects?

Is there a redmine plugin that allows quick navigation between projects?
Feature it might have may be showing a pop up dialog that allows you to see all your projects at a glance and jump to them, or the time that gives a filtered list as you type the name?
How about the built-in project drop-down list?
Here's how I use it with FireFox (windows) - no mouse needed:
shift + alt + f : puts the focus in the search box
tab : moves focues to the project drop-down
... start typing the name of your project (usually the first 2-3 letters are enough)
tab or enter to go to the project
Last time I checked, there was no accesskey defined for the project drop-down, hence using the one for the search box.

How to suppress unneeded InstallShield InstallScript MSI dialogs?

I have an InstallShield 2009 'InstallScript MSI' project which shows 2 dialogs which are not necessary in my installation:
Customer Information
Setup Type
How can I disable those 2 dialogs? Under 'User Interface', the 'All Dialogs' tree lists those dialogs, but they are all grayed out, and cannot be disabled or changed.
For InstallScript MSI (and for that matter, InstallScript) setups, you control which dialogs are shown by going to the InstallScript view. Insert the OnFirstUIBefore event by fiddling with the dropdowns at the top. Then figure out the pattern of gotos and which dialogs are shown, and rewire it to skip these dialogs. Generally the functions that show dialogs are named with the prefix Sd.
Namely - you can not to delete a dialogue.
But you can to hide it
For this, in the perameters of visibility of whole of unwanted dialogue window you need to change it from "visible" to "hidden".

How to turn off ReSharper's "Find All Usages"

I am giving ReSharper for C# a whirl. I have found that I prefer Visual Studio's simpler "Find All References" over ReSharper's more detailed "Find All Usages". "Find All References" finds everything I need 95+% of the time. Does anyone know of a way to turn off "Find All Usages" and revert back the VS's implementation?
Unfortunately, there is no way to turn it off without turning the whole thing off.
Sorry, it takes a bit of getting used to.
To restore the original VS 'Find All References' command:
Go to ReSharper Options > Environment > Keyboard & Menus
Clear 'Hide overridden Visual Studio menu items'
The 'Find All References' command will be available in the context menu of a type
To restore the original 'Shift+F12' shortcut:
Go to Visual Studio Options > Environment > Keyboard
Enter 'Edit.FindAllReferences' in the search box
Set the cursor in the 'Press shortcut keys' field , press Shift+F12 and click 'Assign'
Select 'Text Editor' in the 'Use new shortcut in' selector, then set the cursor in the 'Press shortcut keys' field, press Shift+F12 and click 'Assign'
"Yet, selecting "None" on the Group By combobox of the Find Usages window gives a listing similar to VS's Find All References."
Unfortunately that is still a regression as the filename is not listed on the line items. Ironically the line/column coords are still displayed which seems a bit pointless without the context of the filenames.
I'm using ReSharper 8, and when I have many usages, I would prefer having VS's Find All References listing because it's more compact. Yet, selecting "None" on the Group By combobox of the Find Usages window gives a listing similar to VS's Find All References.
