I need to automatically allow access to private key - credentials

I have search and could not find anything specifically relating to my issue.
My client made changes last week with regards to service accounts etc after a malware attack.
Now my software does not authenticate via A.D. accounts anymore.
I used a little A.D. login test app to test and get the following when I attempt to login:
Credential Required
When I "allow" it logs in fine and again for rest of the session but upon restart same happens.
No, my software uses a Windows Service (c#) to authenticate users. This service logs in using a service account. The IIS application pools also use this same service account. All works fine except for the A.D. logins.
Microsoft has a FindPrivateKey sample with which you can apparently find the mentioned private key file and then to use the cacls.exe tool to give the services access to the private key file.
Is this sufficient? Does it have an effect if I do not login as the service account as it does not allow interactive login?


How to authorize API Connections in Azure as different user using powershell when single sign on

We use Azure Logic Apps that are deployed from DEV to TEST to PROD using powershell scripts. Thoe Logic Apps use API connections.
For certain API connections we want to use a different Service User instead of my personal account. So if a Logic App sends an E-Mail it should send it as Service User and not myself. The special thing about API connections is, that Azure forces you to re-authenticate them after deployment by powershell script. So after each deployment you need to re-authorize API connections.
I successfully managed to authenticate using powershell script with the sample mentioned here: https://github.com/logicappsio/LogicAppConnectionAuth
However, it will always somehow authorize me on with my Windows account. I am not able to log in as someone else. When the Azure Logon Window appears and I enter the service users name, but it will then not ask me for the passwort, it will authorize the connection with my personal user right after entering a username.
How can I use Azure powershell commands to perform connection authorization as a different user?
I was hoping someone could point me into a better direction (google keywords, etc.) on how to authorize API connection as a different user.
I understand your question is about authorizing API connections with different user account or service accounts. The behavior you specified above is specifically for office 365 connection. Authorization mechanism differs in different set of connectors.
However, for using service accounts to authorize Office 365 API connections, we need to make sure that browser cache doesn't use the Windows/Azure logon credentials automatically.
You can clear the browser cache and do the authorization from a private browser.
If that doesn't help you, there is a hack that's explained in this blog.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Xbox Live sign-in running Unity to authenticate Azure App Services / Mobile services

I've got the Unity Xbox Live services example up and running allowing me to sign-in to my Microsoft Account via Xbox Live services in Unity.
I've also got Azure App Services (Mobile services) running in Unity to query and persist my data. App Services supports authentication out of the box including Microsoft Account support.
Does anyone know if I can use the authentication from Xbox Live services sign-in to authentication my web calls against my Microsoft Account in App Services?
It gets complicated :) although I can understand the frustration. Let me give a quick overview, but I'm happy to give more details as needed.
When dealing with sign-in, the first step is authentication - and there are three choices on such systems with Microsoft
1. MSA, or Microsoft Account, which is what most consumer systems use, such as Xbox.
2. AAD, or Azure Active Directory, which is typically for enterprise applications.
3. S2S, or Server to Server, which is typically done either with an SSL certificate or shared secret. (Note this is also similar to the app secret mentioned above, although app secret is less secure since the secret is with the app itself, but this and MSA do go together).
These three systems are very different in goals, designs and requirements so there isn't really an option to unify them.
Now lets assume that you are using only #1 above - signing in with MSA. You might wonder why you can't take the token returned for one set of services and use it with another. Now we are into the realm of user privacy and security isolation. Have you noticed when you sign into a game on the PC with XboxLive that you get a dialog box asking if it is okay? That is the consent dialog and is required so that malicious apps can't steal a token for one part of a system (say your outlook.com sign-in) and use it to grab data from elsewhere (onedrive, xbox, etc) without the user saying "yes, that is okay". This same thing happens with systems like Facebook, etc - it is a fairly standard system.
So, to enable this, each time you ask MSA for a token, you have to specify the site you are going to use it with, so MSA knows what consent to ask for - and to ensure it stays only to that site.
tl;dr - doing security right means more hassles :) But the good news is that the underlying system should be able to detect these and prevent the user from having to present a sign-in for each site - just one sign-in, but possibly multiple consent dialogs. And more code for the developer...
Does anyone know if I can use the authentication from Xbox Live services sign-in to authentication my web calls against my Microsoft Account in App Services?
AFAIK, for app service authentication with Microsoft Account, you need to create the application in Microsoft Account Developer Center, then you need to add Client Id and Client Secret for your Microsoft Account provider under "Settings > Authentication / Authorization" of your App Service application. For more details, you could refer to Microsoft Account authentication.
Based on your scenario, you could only use the Client-managed authentication for Microsoft Account. Additionally, the app service authentication for Microsoft Account uses LiveSDK for initiating the sign-in process. Though, I'm not familiar with Xbox Live services sign-in, based on my understanding, I assumed that you could not achieve this purpose for now.

Sync with Azure Active Directory with a multi-tenant app (receiving user notifications)

I've developed a feature on my web-site that allow to log-in using Azure.
So users in my web-site can sign-in using:
Azure (OAuth2). We're using a multi-tenant app. We're just using the application to log in users. So we don't really use the Access-Token to make requests. We just use the access-token to obtain the user email (decoding it with JWT).
Their own email-password they can set on my site.
This creates a problem:
Imagine an person that starts working in a company. The IT team give him an email that belongs to their azure account (with their account domain). This team also have an account on my site (configured with the same domains they use on Azure). So this user will try to log in my site using his credentials. We'll create his profile on their company account (due to the email domain). He sets his password. Sometimes he use Azure to log-in and sometimes he use his email-password to log-in.
The next month and, this person get fired. The IT team delete him from Azure. Although, the IT team forget about deleting him also on my site. So this user has permissions to sign-in with his email-password credentials and still be able to see private information (he can even delete private files).
I would like to know if there is a way to sync my app with every Directory that is using it. So I would be able to receive user action notifications (like user deletions). It would be great to receive a call to an endpoint with information about users important actions. This way we'll be able to delete the user also from our platform. So the company can forget about deleting an user on my site without having the stolen-information problem.
PS: I've seen you have a logout sync using SAML, but I wonder if we would be able to receive other kind of notifications, because we don't want to log-out the user when this logs-out from Azure.
If you have permission from the ex-user tenant administrator to access their directory, you can check if the user is listed or not by using Microsoft Graph API
I've been talking with microsoft support and there is no way of having microsoft calling our endpoint to receive some notifications.
So the only solution is ask for admin permission or, having the refresh_token from Oauth2, check the user still appears on Graph (https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me).

Azure Active Directory SSO - Account Mapping

iam currently researching how to implement Single Sign On for our WebService.
This is what i came up with so far.
If a customer of our WebService has an AzureActiveDirectory they can log on with their active directory user account to our WebService if we provide the nessecary interfaces for SAML, Oauth2, OpenID or whatever authorization protocoll we chose and azure supports.
The customers could also have their local network Active Directory synced to their Azure AD and use their Domain accounts to log on to our WebApplication.
Customers need to use the myapps.microsoft.com portal to "wrap" authentication.
Once everything is set up correctly the Identity Provider (AzureAD) would provide use with (e.g) an authenticated User Identity.
Here is were my problem begins.
Of course i need to somehow map the identity provided by the AzureAD to a certain Account for our WebService - we cannot simply use the provided identity.
As far as i understand it, you can grant AzureAD the right to create an Account on the target WebService in the name of the user which is currently signing in.
(Its called : enabling automatic user provisioning in the azure management portal).
However, when testing this with the Box, Canvas or Google apps i failed. Either i got an error or in the case of google apps i was just promted to login with my azure AD test account and then asked for a password and username of my google account (i set up SSO as an azure AD trust relation- so this should not happen)
Can someone provide some insights on how to accomplish the following?
Once the user is authenticated by SSO I want to create an account for our WebSerivce and then save the credentials for that user only in the Active directory of that particular user.
So if the user logs in the second time we can check wether there is an account already existing and log in the user with this account.
(I was told by microsoft that this might be possible with Azure Rights Management, but i cannot really find good documentation on that)
Storing the relationship: "Microsoft AD Identity <-> our WebServiceAccount Credentials" on our side is not desired because we cannot securly encrypt the data in a way that we DONT know whats in there. (or there is , and i dont know of it yet)
"Bonus Question":
Can i support SSO for a desktop application too? (Do i need a provide proxy web application or can the desktop app do this directly?)
Please see my answer to a similar question here: asp.net azure active directory user profile data
However - I'm trying to understand if you need something different. Are you expecting your customers to already have a directory and Azure AD accounts (maybe through having Office 365 subscriptions), and use those to sign in to your web app, or does your app scenario require creation/provisioning of user accounts into your customer's Azure AD directory? Provisioning can be done through graph API (as per your link), as long as the admin of your customer grants consent to allow your app to write to their directory. You can find some samples on github, and I recommend you look through https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn499820.aspx and https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn646737.aspx for code samples.
I think, without testing it. That using the Graph API enables me to save custom data for any Directory User effectively enabling my desired functionality.
This is the documentation i found very usefull.

Azure ACS + Custom STS, possible for hybrid scenario?

I am currently trying to understand the combination of Azure ACS with Claims-based Auth and the option of using a custom STS and I am only slowly getting through the (unfortunately few) info sources.
Before I spend more hours on this I would like to confirm if my plan is even possible.
I have multiple azure roles (web+worker) that are being accessed over the internet by both employees and customers. Additionally, employees access these roles and desktop apps from inside our local network.
User data comes from two sources. Our azure app has user data about customers and employees, our (local) AD only from employees.
To make the login experience as efficient (and ergonomic) as possible, when accessed via our local network, employees should be automatically authenticated (Windows Integrated Auth?) on both the desktop app (automatically because of Windows User Profile Context) and on the azure apps (hopefully w/o login page).
Customers, on the other hand, should enter their user credentials when accessing the azure app, but should not have to decide between different "Credential-sources", they should just get the username+password form.
In other words
Employee visits Azure app from local network -> Auto-login with Integrated Auth / AD data
Employee visits Azure app from internet -> Username+Password form
Customer visits Azure app from internet -> Username+Password form
While writing this question, two more came to mind:
1) Is it even possible to auto-login based on source/cookie/wizardry or would that require a manual user choice for selecting the "Credential-Source"?
2) If Azure ACS "knows" that AD account with Username X is the same as Azure App User Y, does it matter with which one logins? Can the app access the same claim-data on either login route?
Are you sure you need a custom STS? It sounds like to start you just want to enable your AD users to sign in to your azure applications using their windows credentials if they are on the domain (no password prompt). ADFS 2.0 and WIF will facilitate this. In addition, if you set up an ADFS proxy server so that when those same users browse to your app from outside of the domain they will get prompted for their domain credentials.
Now your AD users are set up, but if you want your applications to be accessible to users outside of your domain, you can federate ADFS with another organization's ADFS server, or use ACS to enable login using consumer identity providers such as Google, Yahoo, and LiveID, which are provided as built in options. If you did introduce ACS like this, you would configure your corporate ADFS server as an identity provider on your ACS instance alongside google, yahoo and what not, so that when your users browse to your site they will be prompted to select which identity provider they wish to sign in with.
Here's a fantastic whitepaper that demonstrates using ADFS to authenticate to cloud applications:
More detailed info about deploying ADFS (such as deploying the ADFS proxy) can be found in technet.
And for ACS, there are guides and samples on how to integrate it into azure applications, and how to add ADFS identity providers: http://msdn.com/acs
One thing that you could do is look at the user credentials when a page is requested in order to get the authentication info.
If you look at...
You can get info about the user's identity. If they are on the domain you will see that they have a domain name and you could programmatically choose to direct them to a login page.
Let me also say that I've never tried to do this so I don't know if there's a built in way to do this by simply configuring something in web.config.
