How to upgrade to Android SDK Version 29.0.3? - android-studio

I have spent over 5 hours following things from google, GitHub, and StackOverflow.
Still unable to upgrade the Android SDK Version to 29.0.3.
In flutter doctor, it shows the incomplete installation of Android SDK 29.0.3, but when I create a flutter project, it is automatically detecting the old version(28.0.3) and trying to install that, instead of a new version.
Here is the flutter doctor.
Flutter Doctor Command
Here is the flutter run command.
Flutter Run Command
These are Android SDK Manager details:
Android SDK Manager Details
Just to mention that I have deleted all folder files of 28.0.3 from the SDK folder, except the licenses file.
Please help.

Open project at android studio then follow this
Open 'SDK manager' and 'select android 10.0', and then press OK button
Find file android > app > build.gradle, and change compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion


Flutter SDK is incomplete during setting up Path in Android Studio Ubuntu 20.04 Flutter project creation

Hi have downloaded new version of Android Studio 4.1.1.
Installed Flutter and Dart plugin and also downloaded Flutter installation and unzipped into my specific location, but during the option to choose Flutter Path in Android studio, while I am creating Flutter project alwais get error:
the flutter sdk installation is incomplete please see https //
any same experience?
I think you downloaded the latest version which is not complete and you should download a version before the final version

Android Studio not showing Chrome as Flutter device

I got a small problem which accured after reinstalling Android Studio:
Android Studio
Android Studio is not showing Chrome as Device for my Flutter Web project, while flutter doctor shows clearly everything is enabled correctly:
Flutter doctor
I can normally run the flutter project on google chrome using the console or VS Code, but Android Studio does not work. I already checked the Flutter and Dart plugin.
I would be glad if someone who maybe had the same issue or knows how to fix this gets back to me!
Best Regards
Clearly it is not the issue with flutter. It is an issue with your Android Studio installation. You can verify the same by navigating to the your project folder in the terminal (or command prompt) and type
flutter run -d Chrome.
NOTE: The above command works only if you are on master, beta or dev branch and you have already enabled your flutter web support by typing
flutter config --enable-web
I noticed that your path to Android Studio as: C:\Program Files\Android\ Android Studio1
It means that during installation the original Android Studio folder is not deleted. A duplicate folder has been created in the same location. Hence the Android sdk location is must be changed as well.
You can solve this by:
Uninstall Android Studio. Delete the folder at the above location. Reinstall Android Studio. Update sdk path in your sdk manager as well as in your environment variable. (recommended).
Update the sdk folder in the sdk manager as well as your environment variables.

The command "flutter doctor" cannot locate Flutter and Dart plugins installed in Android Studio

I am new to the Flutter development environment. I downloaded the flutter and dart sdk and have added their path to the environment variable in the ~/.bashrc file. I am using Android studio for developing Flutter apps. I installed the Flutter and Dart plugins in Android Studio but when I am running the command flutter doctor it gives the following error:
Flutter and Dart Plugins installed in Android Studio
I have no idea why flutter doctor cannot detect the plugins installed for Android Studio.
Try to restart android studio after the installation of plugins, then run flutter doctor.
If it doesn't help, maybe the path of your android sdk is not set properly.
Get path of android sdk by going to Android Studio > Preferences and then find for sdk as shown in the picture. It should look like /Users/yourName/Library/Android/sdk
run the command flutter config --android-sdk PATH_TO_ANDROID_SDK in your terminal.
Once done, restart your machine and run flutter doctor.

Where is Dart's SDK located within /flutter folder?

MacOS Sierra 10.12.6
Android Studio 3.1.2
Flutter 0.3.2 • channel beta
Tools • Dart 2.0.0-dev.48.0.flutter-fe606f890b
Flutter doctor (no problems found)
Dart's SDK is supposed to be bundled when Flutter is downloaded according to the documentation:
"The Dart SDK is bundled with Flutter; it is not necessary to install Dart separately"
However, I opened an existing Flutter project with Android Studio and it suggested me to either "Download Dart SDK" or "Open Dart settings":
Apparently, I need to "Open Dart settings" and tell Android Studio where to find the Dart' SDK. However, it can't find it within the flutter/ directory.
The Dart SDK lives inside the bin/cache/dart-sdk folder of the Flutter SDK. It will be downloaded the first time you run the flutter command, so may not exist if you've not yet run flutter.
The Dart's SDK is located at /flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk
However, If Android Studio's flutter plugin is installed, the plugin needs to be told where flutter's SDK is located. Android Studio should be able to locate Dart's SDK afterwards:
I have downloaded flutter sdk via homebrew
For Mac OS: 10.14.5
Android Studio version : Arctic Fox 2020.3.1
Flutter sdk location is /usr/local/Caskroom/flutter/2.5.0/flutter
Dart location: /usr/local/Caskroom/flutter/2.5.0/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk
After installing flutter however you choose.
run the following command
flutter sdk-path
In Android-Studio select File->Setting->Languages & Frameworks->Flutter
(assuming you have installed teh flutter plugin)
Populate the "Flutter SDK path:" with the result from (1).
Click apply. The Dart SDK should automatically get populated.
For my installation the values are:
Flutter SDK path: /home/andrew/snap/flutter/common/flutter
Dart SDK path: /home/andrew/snap/flutter/common/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk
If someone is looking for the path to flutter sdk in Linux I found mine here
/home/your_username/flutter/common/flutter/ flutter path
/home/your_username/flutter/common/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk dart path
Run brew info flutter
Then you get the path: e.g.
And there the bin/cache has the dartk-sdk:
If you installed Dart on Windows via Chocolatey, you will find it on C:\tools\dart-sdk
I have faced this issue,
Go to the folder where you have downloaded flutter and then delete the flutter folder.
Go to your download folder and where you have downloaded the flutter the first time.
Extract this file again where you have deleted the flutter...
This is working for me.
Sometimes it is the build directory that he cannot create, suddenly devtools crashes, you can simply recreate it in $HOME/.pub-cache/hosted/, then give it the right rights with for example sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME/.pub-cache/hosted/ after re-creating the build directory
Check this:
brew info dart
Please note the path to the Dart SDK: /opt/homebrew/opt/dart/libexec
If Android Studio show - Error: Dart SDK is not configured.
Open console and write: flutter sdk-path. Copy output.
Next Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) => Languages & Frameworks => Flutter => Flutter SDK path.
Paste SDK path.
Everyone that is still searching for the correct answer should checkout this answer
If you have the flutter SDK installed.
flutter doctor -v
The first line will show the install path.
Credits go to #Lee Higgins

Flutter Integration in android Studio issue

While integrating Flutter in Android studio getting error as * Error running Gradle: Unable to download needed Android SDK components, as the following licenses have not been accepted: Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2, Android SDK Platform 27 To resolve this, please run the following command in a Terminal: flutter doctor --android-licenses
Problem was with sdk path in By default its pointing to different location. It works for me when change android sdk home dir in sdk.dir
