mongoose - select specific fields in Model.create - node.js

const generatedEvent = await Event.create(req.body);
I am getting some data from the request body and I can generate a new Event. And I'm returning the event to client when it has generated. But I don't want to return all fields with event. I want to make filter operation like how we are using select function like this: Event.find().select({title:1,description:1})
How can i use this select func with Model.create?

If you take a look at the mongoose-source code, you can see that Model.create returns a promise with the created/inserted documents. There's no way to specify a filtering-options to return only specific fields.
Of course you could do a .find() in combination with a .select() call after creating/inserting a new record but that would result in one extra DB-query for each insert which does not make a lot of sense.
You could instead just return the desired properties from the returned document, since you know that a new document was inserted successfully with the provided data, when the promise resolved. So you could simply do:
res.send({title: generatedEvent.title, description: generatedEvent.description});

Model.create() internally doesn't fetch the document from the database, rather it actually returns the result whether it's inserted successfully or not. If successful, mongoose will return the original mongoose document that mongoose created before sending to the database.
So you could just select the fields by yourself. Using es2015 Object destructuring assignment and Object shorthand property names would help writing more concise code.
const { title, description } = await Event.create(req.body); // Object destructuring
res.send({ title, description }); // Object shorthand property names


Google Datastore can't update an entity

I'm having issues retrieving an entity from Google Datastore. Here's my code:
async function pushTaskIdToCurrentSession(taskId){
console.log(`Attempting to add ${taskId} to current Session: ${cloudDataStoreCurrentSession}`);
const transaction = datastore.transaction();
const taskKey = datastore.key(['Session', cloudDataStoreCurrentSession]);
try {
const [task] = await transaction.get(taskKey);
let sessionTasks = task.session_tasks;
task.session_tasks = sessionTasks;{
key: taskKey,
data: task,
console.log(`Task ${taskId} added to current Session successfully.`);
} catch (err) {
console.error('ERROR:', err);
taskId is a string id of another entity that I want to store in an array of a property called session_tasks.
But it doesn't get that far. After this line:
const [task] = await transaction.get(taskKey);
The error is that task is undefined:
ERROR: TypeError: Cannot read property 'session_tasks' of undefined
at pushTaskIdToCurrentSession
Anything immediately obvious from this code?
Using this instead:
const task = await transaction.get(taskKey).catch(console.error);
Gets me a task object, but it seems to be creating a new entity on the datastore:
I also get this error:
(node:19936) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Unsupported field value, undefined, was provided.
at Object.encodeValue (/Users/.../node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/build/src/entity.js:387:15)
This suggests the array is unsupported?
The issue here is that Datastore supports two kinds of IDs.
IDs that start with name= are custom IDs. And they are treated as strings
IDs that start with id= are numeric auto-generated IDs and are treated as integers
When you tried to updated the value in the Datastore, the cloudDataStoreCurrentSession was treated as a string. Since Datastore couldn't find an already created entity key with that custom name, it created it and added name= to specify that it is a custom name. So you have to pass cloudDataStoreCurrentSession as integer to save the data properly.
If I understand correctly, you are trying to load an Array List of Strings from Datastore, using a specific Entity Kind and Entity Key. Then you add one more Task and updated the value of the Datastore for the specific Entity Kind and Entity Key.
I have create the same case scenario as yours and done a little bit of coding myself. In this GitHub code you will find my example that does the following:
Goes to Datastore Entity Kind Session.
Retrieves all the data from Entity Key id=5639456635748352 (e.g.).
Get's the Array List from key: session_tasks.
Adds the new task that passed from the function's arguments.
Performs the transaction to Datastore and updates the values.
All steps are logged in the code and there are a lot of comments explaining exactly how the code works. Also there are two examples of currentSessionID. One for custom names and other one for automatically generated IDs. You can test the code to understand the usage of it and modify it according to your needs.

Express, Mongoose, db.findOne always returns same document

I am attempting a CRUD app with MEAN stack. I am using mongoose in Express to call to the MongoDB. I am using the FindOne function with a specified parameter, and it's always returning the same (incorrect) document.
I know I am connected to the correct database, since I get a document back from that collection, but it's always the same document, no matter what I pass as the parameter.
module.exports = mongoose.model('Player', playersSchema, 'players'); //in player.js
const Player = require('./model/players');
app.get('/api/player/:id', (req, res) =>{
Player.findOne({id: req.params.playerId},
function(err, player) {
if(err) {
else {
I have 3 separate "players", with three distinct "playerID" fields (38187361, 35167321, 95821442). I can use Postman to GET the following URL, for example:
and it will return 38187361, the first document. I've been over this website, many tutorials, and the Mongoose documentation and I can't see what I'm doing wrong..
I'd like to eventually find by playerId OR username OR email, but one hurdle at a time...
From the mongoose documentation of findOne, if you pass Id a null or an empty value, it will query db.players.findOne({}) internally which will return first document of the collection everytime you fetch. So make sure you are passing non-empty id here.
Note: conditions is optional, and if conditions is null or undefined,
mongoose will send an empty findOne command to MongoDB, which will
return an arbitrary document. If you're querying by _id, use
findById() instead.
Your route is '/api/player/:id', so the key on the req.params object will be 'id' not 'playerId'.
I don't know what/where/if you're populating the playerId param, but if you update your query to call it should actually change the document based on the path as you seem to be wanting to do.
I had the same problem, and it was that the name of column's table was different from the model I had created.
In my model the name of the wrong column was "role" and in my table it was "rol".

Mongoose - Check if each key of .findOne() doc is a ObjectId (referenced object)

I got a generic GET function that worps for my entire app, considering I am using just absolute documents.
Now I get to a point that I need some properties of some of my documents reference others, and when executed, the GET function populate them (obviously). For that, I need to require the referenced schema, and populate with referenced model.
The point is: I want to my GET function stay generic, so I don't want to reference any of my schemas, unless it is needed. The same goes for the .populate() method.
To achieve that, I am iterating through each key of the resulting object of the .findOne() method, and trying to check if each specific key, is or is not a ObjectId/reference or not. something like this:
require('../schemas/mySchema').findOne({'slug': req.params.slug}, function(err, doc){
But the only true value it returns is for the "id"and "__v" properties (no idea where these came from... I did not set them. _id is also false), all the rest comes as false (including a given property that IS a reference, tested and working)
Is there any way to do that?
Thanks in advance
I believe mongoose returns references with the objectId nested - in the same structure as a populated object but having only the _id key. Try this:
var item = doc[key];
if (typeof item === 'object') {

Node, Mongoose: Remove json element from query result with delete

I get this strange behavior. Here's the thing: I make a database query and want to delete an element of the json returned by the query. So this doesn't seem to work (i.e. the element is not deleted),
var user=json;
delete user.element;
while this works
var user={element:json.element,blement:'stuff'}
delete user.element;
I think what you are referring to as JSON is actually a Mongoose document object given the tags you added to your question. Since that object is attached to it's "schema", you may have rules in there such as a "required" field or such that are interfering with the operation you are trying to do.
In order to get a raw form of the Object back, simply use the .toObject() method on the document result:
Model.findOne({ _id: id}, function(err,doc) {
var raw = doc.toObject();
delete raw.element;
console.log( raw );
Of course you can always just omit the field from being returned in the query result with the basic form provided by .select():
Model.findOne({ _id: id}, '-element', function(err,doc) {
console.log( doc );
Either form would remove that particular field from the response, but if you possibly want more control over the result than what can be provided by the field projection from .select() then use the .toObject() form and manipulate just as a plain JavaScript object.

mongoose: how to get string representation of query

I implementing module who automatically generate mongoose query by requested params, so for simplified test process I need to be able to get text representation of final query. How could I do that?
Like we have something like this:
var q = AppModel.find({id:777}).sort({date:-1})
I need to get something like this
"db.appmodels.where({id:777}).sort({date: -1})"
You can set debug for mongoose, which would by default send the queries to console, to use the following:
mongoose.set('debug', function (collectionName, method, query, doc) {
// Here query is what you are looking for.
// so whatever you want to do with the query
// would be done in here
Given a query object q you can rebuild the query using its fields, namely q._conditions and q._update. This is undocumented though and could easily break between versions of Mongoose (tested on Mongoose 4.0.4).
