How to use google assistant link out suggestion in DialogFlow? - dialogflow-es

I have two google assistant responses:
simple response, cause I must to make it for google assistant
link out suggestion response, which I need to display
When I test it, a have just simple response.
Can you prompt please, what should I do to get linked out suggestion response?

You have sent a screenshot of the speech interactions of your conversation. Suggestion chips are only shown in the visual display section of the simulator. This can be found on the left side of the web page, either under the Suggestion section or in the visual display of your device.
If you do not see anything on the left side, check if you have set your simulator to a platform that supports visuals during its conversation, for instance:
Smart Display ( Only normal suggestions will show on smart displays)


Is there no door-open voice intent?

When creating a new bixby home studio project on the select voice intents step there is no door-open voice intent in the door bixby voice category. Why? Closing a door works fine without ever touching bixby home studio but a voice intent for door-open doesn't even exist.
This issue would require some more information from you.
Please reach out to the Bixby Developer Support team ( with the following information.
Use case
Make and model of the device
This will allow the team to speak with you directly and investigate further.
What device are you trying to control and what are you doing with it? Are you querying whether a door is open or closed? Are you trying to open or close a door? Please describe in non-BHS terms and we can point you in the right direction

Is it possible to detect when the Google Assistant is active over a web receiver on Google TV?

I'm working on a cast web receiver application that shows an advert when the user pauses. On a Google TV, when the user presses the Google Assistant button on the remote, it shows dialogue at the top and pauses the current media. Because this isn't a true pause and the dialogue obscures a portion of the advert, we don't want the advert to appear (often because the voice command takes the user elsewhere and they don't see the ad, causing a false impression).
The web receiver is contained within the Google TV and cannot access OS functions. I can detect whether it's on a Google TV by seeing whether the media UI controls are an element in the DOM (<touch-controls>...</touch-controls>). However, the DOM doesn't contain the Google Assistant dialogue, so I can't use that to detect whether the Google Assistant is active.
In this answer, CygnusOlor described a method to tell whether the Google TV is pausing by adding information to the customData, but that doesn't solve the problem of determining when the Google Assistant is active. CygnusOlor also said that the pause commands from the remote and Google Assistant are indistinguishable, so that solution won't work for my needs.
Is there any way to check whether the Google Assistant dialogue is active? I am afraid that this is not possible, but someone may have some info. Thank you for your time!

Unable to test buttons in cards in botiumbox community edition

I am testing the chatbot as above bot. When I click on the buttons in the adaptive card the respective text is displayed in the card. But while I'm running that in live chat I'm getting ajax error.
The output data is linked in the json object internally. So should I need to change any advanced settings in botium box community edition to test the bot? In this case, the user will just click on the button, bot will respond by giving the respective adaptive card, the user will not enter any text.
Can we test this type of scenario in the botium box community edition?
buttons taking null value
Thank you.
Asserting problem should be fixed with the next release. (There will
be licence changes in next version. Most important is, you have to
renew it monthly)
I suppose you set DIRECTLINE3_BUTTON_TYPE capability to text, but you are sending json as button click. (send text as button click, or set
DIRECTLINE3_BUTTON_TYPE capability to "event") Details: It depends on your backend how the
button clicks are handled. You have to configure Botium
correspondingly. See also this
short article

Google actions simulator does not work for standard Google Assistant features

I have built an action with Actions-on-Google(2.5.0) and dialogflow-fulfillment(0.6.1) Node.js Library. I cannot test my app on dialogflow test console because I return conv object which is not supported there. Now, I cannot test it in the google action simulator, either. This is the error I get:
Invocation Error
You cannot use standard Google Assistant features in the Simulator. If you want to try them, use Google Assistant on your phone or other compatible devices.
I'd like to use the simulator, so I can debug better.
It is how the error message says: The simulator lacks many features that normal Assistant surfaces (speaker, Assistant app) have and can even sometimes give you completely wrong error messages. There is really no way around testing your app on real devices.
You can however view the same logs that you see in the simulator in Google Stackdriver Logging. To activate this go to the settings of your Dialogflow agent, select the "General" tab and activate the "Log interactions to Google Cloud" option. Then click on the link below the button to get to the logs. The default view will probably show you only the Actions-on-Google logs, i.e. the requests between your users and AoG. To see the requests between Dialogflow and your webhook click on the dropdown arrow in the filter box, select "Convert to advanced filter" and set the filter to resource.type="global".
If you have multiple Actions projects that use the same display name, the simulator chooses one at random. For consistent testing results, use unique names or release channels for each Action.
Reference Link:
Now how to give a display name or change the display name.
Go to develop tab and give display name or change display name as follows
You should definitely be able to test your action in the Actions simulator. Note that the interaction model b/w Dialogflow and Actions simulators are different. In Dialogflow, you can send commands directly to your agent. In the Actions simulator, you first need to invoke your Action.
At the bottom of the screen, you'll see a suggested input like "talk to my test app".
You'll need to send this, or a similar command, first. That will then invoke your action, and you'll be able to send commands to it after. You will see it is invoked by a banner at the top of the simulator.

Where is AUTHORIZE and PREVIEW button in API.AI integration panel

I am trying to test my agent on a real device. Following instruction from
Official Google video
However, my panel for integrating Actions on Google doesn't look similar to the one shown in the video.
I see neither AUTHORIZE nor PREVIEW button. I can not set invocation name and TTS voice as well.
I attached my panel that I see. Is there anything missing?
My Action on Google dialog:
That video predates recent changes in the API.AI Actions on Google screen.
The name and voice are now set in the Actions Console, but neither are required to do testing.
If you're willing to accept the default voice for testing, you can
Click on the "Test" button in the screen you're referencing.
You can then go to the Simulator (there will be a link provided) or ask any Assistant device (such as Home) to start your action with "Talk to my test app".
They launched this new platform on the Google I/O.
Now you have the invocation name and everything else in the Actions on Google Console.
It's a pretty intuitive platform, the only annoying thing is that you need to fulfill all of the App information before testing. You can see that the simulator is in this console as well.
Whenever you modify things in, click the UPDATE button (the one in your print screen), then TEST. Then you can test in the console simulator.
