Postgres CPU utilisation shot up. Any insights for my case? - node.js

My postgres instance CPU utilisation has shot up recently. I'm trying to identify the root cause. I will add the details below.
My postgres database instance running on GCP has the following configuration:
v PostgreSQL 9.6
Memory-3.75 GB
SSD storage-15 GB
I'm running 5 databases in the above DB server which are connected with a nodejs app.
I use sequelize as my ORM and recently upgraded my sequeliz from 4.6.x to 5.8.6".
Before this upgrade the CPU utilization would usually remain less than 20 percent. But after the upgrade, I see a lot of fluctuation in CPU utilization graph. And it hits 100 percent too often as well. Also, when it hits 100%, my services start wont work as expected ( because they cant interact with the DB).
I tried running this query .
SELECT "usesysid", "backend_start", "xact_start","query_start", "state_change", "state", "query" FROM pg_stat_activity ORDER BY "query_start" DESC
And, it returns the following:
But I'm not sure if this info is enough for me to find out which query could be causing this issue.
I also ran this query:
SELECT max(now() - xact_start) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state IN ('idle in transaction', 'active');
and it returns max = 1 day 01:42:10.987635. I think this is something alarming, but i dont know how to put this info to use.
Another thing which i think is worth mentioning is, I have started using sequelize's bulk update.
Its syntax is something like this:
Model.bulkCreate(scalesToUpdate, {
updateOnDuplicate: [
And, this gets translated into SQL like below:
INSERT INTO "mymodel" ("id","field1","field2","field3","field4","field5","field6","field7") VALUES (') ON CONFLICT ("id") DO UPDATE SET "field3"=EXCLUDED."field3","field4"=EXCLUDED."field4","field6"=EXCLUDED."field6","field7"=EXCLUDED."field7"
And, this query gets fired 5 times per second. Could this be the culprit?
Any insight into this is highly appreciable.

You could try the next things:
Increase ht machine type to have one core more having vCPUs= 2
It might be that sequelize 5.8.6 requires more resources than the old version, you could try to install one of the tools and run it, run the queries that you typed, to review which query has more resource usage.
If you have that query running 5 times per second, that could be using more resources. Test using one of the tools in order to be able to have a better approach.


Running pt-osc on RDS instance to alter a table with 1.9 billion records

I have an RDS instance running MySQL 5.5.46 which has a table with a primary key of int that it is currently at 1.9 billion records and approaching the 2.1 billion limit and ~425GB in size. I'm attempting to use pt-osc to alter the column to a bigint.
I was able to successfully test the change on a test server (m3.2xlarge) and, while it took about 7 days to complete, it did finish successfully. This test server was under no additional load. (Side note: 7 days seemed like a LONG time).
For the production environment, there is no replication/slave present (but there is Multi-AZ) and, to help with resource contention and speed things up, I'm using an r3.8xlarge instance type.
After two attempts, the production migration would get to about 50% and a 1 day left and then the RDS would seemingly stop accepting connections forcing the pt-osc both times to roll back or fail outright, because the RDS needed to be rebooted.
I don't see anything obvious in the RDS console or logs to help indicate why this happened, and I feel like the instance type should be able to handle a lot of connections/load.
Looking at the CloudWatch metrics during my now third attempt, the database server itself doesn't seem to be under much load: 5% CPU, 59 DB Connections, 45GB Freeable Memory, Write IOPS ~2200-2500.
Wondering if anyone has ran into this situation and, if so, what helped with the connection issue?
If anyone has suggestions on how to speed up the process in general I'd love to hear. I was considering trying a larger chunk-size and off hours, but wasn't sure how that would end up affecting the application.

CPU / DTUs getting maxed out on Azure SQL Database, but top queries less than 1% and database only a few MB

I just launched an Azure SQL Database, and the DTU and CPU usage is behaving strangely. The database is only receiving about 30 requests per minute, and the CPU/DTU will be extremely low for hours, and then jump up to 100% and stay there (with no increase in the number of requests that triggers this). When I click to view the top queries, none of them are above 1% cpu usage. I started out on a 5 DTU plan, and yesterday upgraded to 20 DTUs and the same behavior is occurring. Any idea what else might cause the DTU/CPU to get maxed out? See images below:
Thanks in advance for any advice!
EDIT: I'm getting closer, I found these repeated entries in the error log. (about 8 - 10 per SECOND)
"The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request."
The thing is, the App Service that queries the database is only doing simple selects, updates, and inserts... none of which uses any complex WHERE IN statement. Furthermore, every query is wrapped in a try/catch block, and I'm never seeing an exception like this.
Where could these large queries be originating from?
You are only seeing the CPU component of the DTU graph, what about the "Data IO" and the "Log IO" components? Look at the top 5 queries on the 3 sections, and let me know if you find a query that start with "SELECT Statman ...". If you see that, then the Auto Update Statistics process is creating those DTU spikes.
I would suggest to install the sp_whoisactive script so that you can see what's going on more easily:

Mongodb count performance issues with Node js

I am having issues with doing counts on a single table with up to 1million records. I have a 32 core 244gb ram box that I am running my test on so hardware should not be an issue.
I have indexes set up on all of my queries that I am using to perform counts. I have enabled node max_old_space_size to 15gb.
The process I am following is basically looping through a huge array, creating 1000 promises, within each promise I am performing 12 counts, waiting for the promises to all resolve, and then continuing with the next one thousand batch.
As part of my test, I am doing inserts, updates, and reads as well. All of those, are showing great performance up to 20000/sec on each. However, when I get to the portion of my code doing the counts(), I can see via mongostat that there are only 20-30 commands being executed per second. I have not determined at this point, if my node code is only sending that many, or if mongo is queuing it up.
Meanwhile, in my node.js code, all 1000 promises are started and waiting to evaluate. I know this is a lot of info, so please let me know what more granular details I should provide to get some more insight into why the count performance is so slow.
So basically, for a batch of 1000 records, doing lets say 12 counts each, for a total of 12,000 counts, it is taking close to 10 minutes, on a table of 1million records.
MongoDB Native Client v2.2.1
Node v4.2.1
What I'd like to add is that I have tried changing the maxPoolSize on the driver from 100-1000 with no change in performance. I've tried changing my queries that I perform from yield/generator/promise to callbacks wrapped in promise, which has helped somewhat.
The strange thing is, when my program starts, even if i use just the default number of connections which I see as 7 when running mongostat, I can get around 2500 count() queries per second throughout. However, after a few seconds this goes back down to about 300-400. This leads me to believe that mongo can handle that many all the time, but my code is not able to send that many requests, even though I set maxPoolSize to 300 and start 10000 simultaneous promises resolving in parallel. So what gives, any ideas from anyone ?

oracle: Is there a way to check what sql_id downgraded to serial or lesser degree over the period of time

I would like to know if there is a way to check sql_ids that were downgraded to either serial or lesser degree in an Oracle 4-node RAC Data warehouse, version I want to write a script and check the queries that are downgraded.
queries parallelized 56083
DML statements parallelized 6
DDL statements parallelized 160
DFO trees parallelized 56249
Parallel operations not downgraded 56128
Parallel operations downgraded to serial 951
Parallel operations downgraded 75 to 99 pct 0
Parallel operations downgraded 50 to 75 pct 0
Parallel operations downgraded 25 to 50 pct 119
Parallel operations downgraded 1 to 25 pct 2
Does it ever refresh? What conclusion can be drawn from above output? Is it for a day? month? hour? since startup?
This information is stored as part of Real-Time SQL Monitoring. But it requires licensing the Diagnostics and Tuning packs, and it only stores data for a short period of time.
Oracle 12c can supposedly store SQL Monitoring data for longer periods of time. If you don't have Oracle 12c, or if you don't have those options licensed, you'll need to create your own monitoring tool.
Real-Time SQL Monitoring of Parallel Downgrades
select /*+ parallel(1000) */ * from dba_objects;
select sql_id, sql_text, px_servers_requested, px_servers_allocated
from v$sql_monitor
where px_servers_requested <> px_servers_allocated;
6gtf8np006p9g select /*+ parallel ... 3000 64
Creating a (Simple) Historical Monitoring Tool
Simplicity is the key here. Real-Time SQL Monitoring is deceptively simple and you could easily spend weeks trying to recreate even a tiny portion of it. Keep in mind that you only need to sample a very small amount of all activity to get enough information to troubleshoot. For example, just store the results of GV$SESSION or GV$SQL_MONITOR (if you have the license) every minute. If the query doesn't show up from sampling every minute then it's not a performance issue and can be ignored.
For example: create a table create table downgrade_check(sql_id varchar2(100), total number), and create a job with DBMS_SCHEDULER to run insert into downgrade_check select sql_id, count(*) total from gv$session where sql_id is not null group by sql_id;. Although the count from GV$SESSION will rarely be exactly the same as the DOP.
Other Questions
V$SYSSTAT is updated pretty frequently (every few seconds?), and represents the total number of events since the instance started.
It's difficult to draw many conclusions from those numbers. From my experience, having only 2% of your statements downgraded is a good sign. You likely either have good (usually default) settings and not too many parallel jobs running at once.
However, some parallel queries run for seconds and some run for weeks. If the wrong job is downgraded even a single downgrade can be disastrous. Storing some historical session information (or using DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY) may help you find out if your critical jobs were affected.

In Cassandra 1.2 - CQL 3 is it possible to abort a secondary index build?

Been using a 6GB dataset with each source record being ~1KB in length when I accidentally added an index on a column that I am pretty sure has a 100% cardinality.
Tried dropping the index from cqlsh but by that point the two node cluster had gone into a run away death spiral with loadavg surpassing 20 on each node and cqlsh hung on the drop command for 30 minutes. Since this was just a test setup, I shut-down and destroyed the cluster and restarted.
This is a fairly disconcerting problem as it makes me fear a scenario where a junior developer is on a production cluster and they set an index on a similar high cardinality column. I scanned through the documentation and looked at the options in nodetool but there didn't seem to be anything along the lines of "abort job or abort building index".
Test environment:
2x m1.xlarge EC2 instances with 2 Raid 0 ephemeral disks
Dataset was 6GB, 1KB per record.
My question in summary: Is it possible to abort the process of building a secondary index AND or possible to stop/postpone running builds (indexing, compaction) for a later date.
nodetool -h node_address stop index_build
