How to modify the price of the dual spec? - world-of-warcraft

I would like to change the price of the dual spec in AzerothCore, how can I do that?
How to build the SQL query to accomplish that?

Short answer
UPDATE gossip_menu_option SET BoxMoney = XXXXXX WHERE OptionType = 18
replace with XXXXXX the actual price (in bronze) that you wish to apply. For example, for 500g it's 500x100x100 = 5000000
If you use Keira3 and open any Gossip Menu Option, you'll see that different Option Type can be applied:
and you'll notice that 18 is what we are looking for, thus we query for OptionType = 18
You can find more info about how the tables gossip_menu and gossip_menu_options work in the official documentation:


Taskwarrior - How not to display the age of a task

I am using taskwarrior together with conky and to make the format look nicer, I want to modify, what information is actually given by taskwarrior.
In particular, I do not want it to display the "Age" column of a task.
Right now it looks like this:
ID Age Due Description Urg
1 33min 1d Do Stuff 8.33
but I want it to look more like this:
ID Due Description Urg
1 1d Do Stuff 8.33
Is there an easy way of doing this?
Thanks in advance!
Add the following lines to the file ~/.taskrc:
report.report1.description=Report without age attribute
Then you can run task report1 to view the report.
I prefer to edit the default reports. With this command:
task show report
You will get the configuration of all the reports. The default report of task command is, so you can put this in your .taskrc without entry.age:,start.age,depends,priority,project,tags,recur,scheduled.countdown,due.relative,until.remaining,description,urgency,Active,Deps,P,Project,Tag,Recur,S,Due,Until,Description,Urg
Now the task command will show the next report without the Age.

Cassandra CQL 3 - Prefix Select

is there a way to perform a select based on a string prefix using CQL3?
For example, consider the following table:
Key | Value
ABC | 0x01
ABD | 0x02
BBB | 0x03
I want to select all the keys with the prefix 'AB'.
The database will be used to store spacial information, using a geohash approach.
That is not possible "out of the box"... However, there are some "tricks" people came up with, see these two posts:
Cassandra (Pycassa/CQL) Return Partial Match
Is there any query for Cassandra as same as SQL:LIKE Condition?
...another (somehow similar) approach could be to define "composite key", where you define some prefixes as "partition key", e.g.: {key1,key2}, where key1 = ABand key2 = ABC... in these situations you could query by "key1" only and get a set of rows (like you want to do), or by "key1" and "key2" (in case you want a specific entry). You can also query only by "key2" (if you add "allow filtering" to your "select" query, however this can lead to "problems" if you have too many rows). Not sure if you can do this with your data...
Not built-in in C* but possible with cassandra-lucene-index C* plugin. You can create a lucene index on the column and search the text using prefix search.
UPDATE: Since v3.4 Cassandra introduced SASI indices that offer the required functionality.

Syntax error at position 7: unexpected "*" for `Select * FROM mytable;`

I write because I've a problem with cassandra; after have imported the data from pentaho as show here
when I try to execute the query
Select * FROM mytable;
cassandre give me an error message
Syntax error at position 7: unexpected "*" for Select * FROM mytable;.
and don't show the results of query.Why? what does it mean that error?
the step that i make are the follow:
start cassandra cli utility;
use keyspace added from pentaho; (use tpc_h);
select to show the data added (Select * FROM mytable;)
The cassandra-cli does not support any CQL version. It has its own syntax which you can find on datastax's website.
Just for clarity, in cql to select everything from a table (aka column-family) called mytable stored in a keyspace called myks you would use:
SELECT * FROM myks.mytable;
The equivalent in cassandra-cli would *roughly be :
USE myks;
LIST mytable;
***** In the cli you are limited to selecting the first 100 rows. If this is a problem you can use the limit clause to specify how many rows you want:
LIST mytable limit 10000;
As for this:
in cassandra i have read that isn't possible make the join such as sql, ther isn't a shortcut to issue this disadvantage
There is a reason why joins don't exist in Cassandra, its for the same reason that C* isn't ACID compliant, it sacrifices that functionality for it's amazing performance and scalability, so it's not a disadvantage, you just need to re-think your model if you need joins. Also take a look at this question / answer.

Increasing the number of suggests shown in omnibox

Is it in anyway possible to increase the number of suggests that your extension may show in the omnibox?
By default it looks like 5 rows is the limit. I've read about a command line switch to change the number of rows (--omnibox-popup-count) but I am really interested in dynamically being able to set this in my extension.
5 rows isn't really enough for the information my extension want to show.
[Update 2018 - thanx version365 & Aaron!]
» Not hardcoded anymore! chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-max-autocomplete-matches . Credit goes to #version365 answering below: « – Aaron Thoma
..[historical] detail: since the removal of --omnibox-popup-count flag ( in May 2010 the number [was] hardcoded:
const size_t AutocompleteResult::kMaxMatches = 6;
a discussion two years later on the chromium-discuss mailing list about the 'Omnibox default configuration' "concluded"
"On lower performing machines generating more result would slow down the result display. The current number look like a good balance."
[which is not a very valid argument, considering the probably infinitesimal overhead retrieving more items than the hard-wired number]
why the heck is there no chromium fork that removes stupid UX limitations like this (or the no tabbar in fullscreen mode)^^
Since there is no more --omnibox-popup-count flag; you can use another flag which is new.
chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-max-autocomplete-matches lets you select a maximum of 12 rows.
In fact there is no more --omnibox-popup-count flag
So I think there is no way to enlarge the omnibox.

What spatial SRID is this? (trying to convert a .shp file to WSG84)

I'm trying to import some Shapefile mapping data into Sql2008. Before I do that, I need to convert it to WGS84 / SRID 4326, because all my existing data is in this format.
This is the source file info:
I've tried googling for this and haven't had too much luck.
Secondly, I've tried to check the spatial_reference_systems table and I can't see it in there.
eg. SELECT * from sys.spatial_reference_systems
So, can anyone help me? I can't covert it to SRID 4326 if i don't know it's current SRID.
I found this page which explains the tech specs of GDA 1994 .. but doesn't hint at any SRID number... ???
This search result page also has some interesting results. From here, if you click on the SR-ORG:6643: Australia Albers Equal Area Conic link, it explains that datum .. and it's pretty much identical to the one I'm searching for. This means the SRID is 6643.
So is that the answer?
Using FME as my reference, this (GDA94) maps to EPSG:4283, which means that you need to use SRID 4283 (assuming that you're using EPSG-compliant SRID values)
Using this link GDA94 can be mapped to SRID = 4283 covering the Australian continent. If one knows, for example, that it is Western Australia it may be better to use SRID = 28350 and preserve greater accuracy.
