Jmeter Test run locally and generated report however remotely does not stop - performance-testing

I have Jmeter Test which is launched from the Master Machine(Win 10) to be run on a slave virtual machine (Ubuntu), when I run the test locally (Win10) it take few minutes and it finished successfully with an html report, but running it on the Remote Machine (Ubuntu virtual) it finshed too (i can see it in the slave machine), but on the master (Win 10) the non gui jmeter command still running and does not stop, an no html report or jtl file is generated.
Java version on master & slave -openjdk version "11.0.6" 2020-01-14
Java version on slave -openjdk "11.0.7" 2020-01-14
Jmeter Version: 5.2.1 (both master & slave)
VirtualBox: 6.0
VirtualMachine:Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine
here on the slave machine showing me the test is over:
and here on the master ,the non gui jmeter command still running and does not stop:

Check out jmeter-server.log file on the slave, it should contain error details if something is wrong with your setup
Make sure to use bridged adapter to the slave would have its own IP address and act like a "real" machine with independent network configuration
Double check RMI configuration for the master and the slave, it might be the case the slave is not capable of connecting to the master in order to transfer the test results
According to 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article you should always be using the latest version of JMeter so consider upgrading to JMeter 5.3 (or whatever is the latest stable version available at JMeter Downloads page)


LSF installing in linux Master and server host

I am trying Linux lsf community edition 10.1 with one master and one server host with the shared NFS file system.
The master host is running fine, I am able to run lsf commands like lsid, lshosts and bhosts
But when I run bhosts it shows server host status unreach . I try to restart badmin, but still the same issue. Hostnames is already set in /etc/hosts
sbatch, lim is running on both master/server host.
But not able to submit job to that server host as it is unreached. In the log file the below is logged
cg_load_hierarchies: Please use the LSF package with higher glibc version to enable LSF cgroup v2 support
but i am using ubuntu18.04 that have glibc version 2.27 . lsf g

how to pause openldap with syncrepl replication?

I followed this link and setup two multi-master open-ldap server.
Everything work fine.
I want to test changes on one master.
How can I pause replication ?
OS: CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
openldap: openldap-servers-2.4.44-15.el7_5.x86_64

creating docker container on Linux from Jenkins running on windows

I have a build pipeline running on Windows that I cannot move to Linux, the simple reason being that it uses SQL Server tools not currently available on the RC1 version of SQL Server on Linux. Therefore my only option for running my build pipeline which needs to spin up SQL Server in containers on a Linux machine is to keep Jenkins on windows. My question is this, what is the most elegant way of creating a container on a remote Linux host from a windows server ?. I could use remote shells, however this seems like a really clunky way of doing things.
You can do this by installing a slave of the Jenkins (that is installed in Windows host) on your Linux machine and execute a job which will bring up a SQL container.
Since you are using a Pipeline job and want to execute few steps in the master and then call the SQL packages in remote hosts from your Windows host you can follow the below syntax to achieve that in a single pipeline job:
node('master') {
<some task to perform>
node('slave1 && slave2') {
<some task to perform>

Issue connecting Linux Jenkins master from Windows slave

I have Linux jenkins master server and windows slave and trying to add windows slave to master. But it try connecting linuxhost:49187 (here we are trying connect using Java web start)
Is there any configuration change need to be done on Linux master to connect to windows slave?

Running tests on IE driver with Jenkins installed on Linux machine

Currently I'm using Jenkins installed on Linux machine for automated testing Firefox and Chrome browsers.
My company want to start automated testing on IE. Is there any way to add virtual machine with Windows 7 os to Jenkins architecture (new node?) to run all tests from one Jenkins instance?
I want to have tasks with different builds :
- first to run tests on Chrome driver using mvn (works fine now)
- second to run tests on FF driver (works fine now)
- third to run tests on IE driver (need to be created)
If there is no way to do this should I prepare Windows machine with new Jenkins installation?
You can do this by using the hub option on your main selenium server
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar -role hub -hubHost localhost -hubPort 4444
And then on your windows machine (this is a chrome example as I am on my mac) do something like this
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar -role node -hubHost <ip of hub> -hubPort 4444\
-browser "browserName=chrome,maxinstance=2,platform=MAC" \"driver/chromedriver"
You will also need to download the iedriver to make it work selenium downloads
You then connect to selenium through port 4444 (as a convention) on the main selenium server and it places requests accordingly
