Puppet 6 how to split or truncate domian name - puppet

I have array of domains like this:
'us1.domain.com', 'us2.domain.com', 'us3.domain.com', 'anotherdomain.com', 'yet.third.com'
I would split or truncate these domain names to:
Could anybody prompt me, please?
This new array will use for certificate file name.
Thanks in advance

You can solve that problem like this:
$array = [
'us1.domain.com', 'us2.domain.com', 'us3.domain.com',
'anotherdomain.com', 'yet.third.com'
notice($array.map |$x| { $y=$x.split(/\./); [$y[-2], $y[-1]].join('.') }.unique)
▶ puppet apply test.pp
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): [domain.com, anotherdomain.com, third.com]
Notice: Compiled catalog for 192-168-1-103.tpgi.com.au in environment production in 0.05 seconds
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.01 seconds
Key insights there:
You can split each element on a period using using the split function.
You can take the last and second last elements of an array using $arr[-1] and $arr[-2].
You can join it all back together again using the join function.
You can transform the list into a new list using the map function.
You can remove the duplicates using the unique function.


ADF Azure Data-Factory loop over folder syntax - wilcard?

i'm tryimg to loop over a diffrent countries folder that got fixed sub folder named survey (i.e Spain/survey , USA/survey ).
where and how I Need to define a wildcard / parameter for the countries so I could loop over all the files that in the survey folder ?
what is the right wildcard syntax ? ( the equivalent of - like 'survey%' in SQL) ?
I tried several ways to define it with no success and I would be happy to get some help on this - Thanks !
In case if the list of paths are static, you can create a parameter or add it in a SQL database and get that result from a lookup activity.
Pass the output to a for each activity and within foreach activity use a copy activity.
You can parameterize the input dataset to get the file paths thereby you need not think of any wildcard characters but use the actual paths itself.
Hope this is helpful.

Cannot append to a file: Append replaces the content

The following command does not append but replaces the content
echo 0 >> /sys/block/nvme0n1/queue/nomerges
I don't want to replace but append. But I'm curious Is there something special about this file?
It also doesn't allow more than one character as its input.
Look at https://serverfault.com/questions/865787/what-does-the-nomerge-mean-in-linux-system
It might help you in understanding, that there are only 3 options that the file can take.
nomerges enables the user to disable the lookup logic involved with IO
merging requests in the block layer. By default (0) all merges are
enabled. When set to 1 only simple one-hit merges will be tried. When
set to 2 no merge algorithms will be tried (including one-hit or more
complex tree/hash lookups).

Terraform: dynamically create list of resources

Due to some prior decisions, there is a script that creates ALBs and a completely separate one to setup alarms for each ALB created (odd, but I can't change this).
I could hard code a list of all the ALBs and iterate thru them, ie:
albs = ['a', 'b']
I know how to iterate thru a list with a "for_each".
What I need is to build the list dynamically so I don't have to manually maintain the list. I know I can get a list of ALBs using:
terraform state list [options] ## https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/state/list.html
but that doesn't really help (sure, I can pipe that to a file and iterate through the lines in the file and pass them as parameters - but that is ugly as sin)
How do I dynamically build the list with all my ALBs? Something like:
albs = state_list([options])
Thanks! Using AWS.

Get a Steam key from a txt file then move it to another

I'm currently working on a Steam bot project that trades Steam items for Game keys. I'm already done with all the trading part, and the only part missing now is the part where the script actually looks for a key in my txt file. (one key per line)
I have a variable ready called totalKeyWeGive that outputs 1 , 2 , 3 etc depending on how many keys is the user buying.
So now I want to 1. get 1 , 2 , 3 etc keys from my file, then move these used keys to another file.
How can I do that ?
this is the part that I need to modify (everything is working) :
console.log("OFFER ACCEPTED");
//loop on how much we give the key
//get steamkey from file here ------
var textMsg = "Hello ! You bought "+totalKeyWeGive+ " Game keys. Your keys are: "
client.chatMessage(offer.partner.getSteamID64(), textMsg);
Thanks to everyone who will take the time to read this post. It's kinda messy, sorry about that :/
Not sure how the keys are organized in the txt file, but assuming they are one per line you could do something like this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38843461/4686055
That is, before removing the line, save it in memory and write it to the target file.
Send an interval to slice() to remove multiple lines. Check this out for an example of how it works: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/slice
Hope this helps!
Update: an alternative approach could be to use the readlines module instead of reading the entire file into memory: https://nodejs.org/api/readline.html#readline_example_read_file_stream_line_by_line

Puppet: hiera hash keys based on hostname never retrieves value

I am using a Hiera hash to hold some token values which are host-specific. the keys within the hash correspond to the hostname/certname of the node(s) that'll be classified with the profile module that calls the hash value. However, when I apply the module, the value which corresponds to the hash key for the host is always null. Here's the code I'm working with.
in hiera-file.yaml
host-name1: 'abcdef123'
host-name2: 'abbcde456'
and in profile.pp
$_tokens = hiera_hash('token_lookup', undef, 'hiera-file')
$_specific_token = $_tokens["${::hostname}"] <== never gets a value
I'm certain that the hostname matches the key in the hash. The question is, what's the right syntax here for getting the value from the hiera-file to populate properly? Thank you in advance for the advice.
edit: I believe I have discovered an issue when the hash key has a literal '-' character in it, as many hostnames do. I updated the hash to show keys with dashes in it, and should now ask a more specific question: I see dozens of articles about how to escape characters in the values of hashes by using double quotes, but I don't see anything - even on yaml.org - about how to escape the character if it appears as part of the key. Any tips on this issue? A YAML parser shows that this is valid syntactically, but I believe it is treating the '-' as a collection marker instead of a literal character.
Your code is correct, I test it as below, seems it didn't target the right yaml file in your environment. Check the hierarchy setting, and put the token key-value in the right place.
If I put the yaml file to global.yaml(If hiera can't find the key, it will always go to the last one in my hiera.yaml setting)
I rebuilt it with simplest setting:
$ cat /etc/hiera.yaml:
- yaml
- defaults
- "%{clientcert}"
- "%{environment}"
- global
# datadir is empty here, so hiera uses its defaults:
# - /var/lib/hiera on *nix
# - %CommonAppData%\PuppetLabs\hiera\var on Windows
# When specifying a datadir, make sure the directory exists.
$ cat /var/lib/hiera/global.yaml
host-name1: 'abcdef123'
host-name2: 'abbcde456'
$ cat profile.pp
$_tokens = hiera_hash('token_lookup', undef, 'hiera-file')
notice ("tokens is $_tokens")
$_specific_token = $_tokens["${::hostname}"]
notice ("token is $_specific_token ")
Then I run puppet apply, I can see the result
$ FACTER_hostname='host-name1' puppet apply profile.pp --hiera_config /etc/hiera.yaml
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): tokens is host-name1abcdef123host-name2abbcde456
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): token is abcdef123
Notice: Compiled catalog for host-name1 in environment production in 0.04 seconds
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.07 seconds
$ FACTER_hostname='host-name2' puppet apply profile.pp --hiera_config /etc/hiera.yaml
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): tokens is host-name1abcdef123host-name2abbcde456
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): token is abbcde456
Notice: Compiled catalog for host-name2 in environment production in 0.04 seconds
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.02 seconds
I think hiera_hash is not what you want.
Uses a hash merge lookup. Expects every value in the hierarchy for a given key to be a hash, and merges the top-level keys in each hash into a single hash. Note that this does not do a deep-merge in the case of nested structures.
$_tokens = hiera_hash('token_lookup', undef, 'hiera-file')
$_tokens = hiera('token_lookup', {}) #it will create empty hash if it couldn't find 'token_lookup' variable.
Please also check the following example:
# /etc/puppet/hieradata/appservers.yaml
- hostname: lb01.example.com
- hostname: lb02.example.com
# Get the structured data:
$proxies = hiera('proxies')
# Index into the structure:
$use_ip = $proxies[1]['ipaddress'] # will be
