Trying to run a command in bash terminal using python script - python-3.x

I'm trying to create a python script for the Automation of downloading python in a specific folder for a reason.
The only part of my code that for some reason doesn't work is
import os
path_python = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/file/Python-3.6.8")
_ = os.system("export PATH=" + path_python +":$PATH")
_ = os.system("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" + path_python + "/lib" + ":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
_ = os.system("which python")
if I type in bash terminal
export PATH=/home/user/Desktop/file/Python-3.6.8:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/Desktop/file/Python-3.6.8/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
and check with which python it works fine but I want to use these commands from within python itself.
I want to be able to run this script on any computer so I can't specify the path unless there is a way to specify a general path to the desktop without using the user.


Python subprocess run or Popen running as specific user on Windows

Been working through this for a minute now, and figured I would ask here as I am sure it is something simple that I am missing.
Trying to silently run an installer using (Have used subprocess.Popen, and os.system as well). I pass the full installer path, along with the arguments (As a list). Using all of the above, the installer runs successfully, and python waits for the installer to finish. I added a check to look at the PID of the installer process as just a backup check. However, running the script in full, I install some prerequisites (mainly dotnet 4.8) and then I restart. For cleanliness, I add the python script + arguments to the windows RunOnce registry key so it runs on next login. That works fine, but the installer never actually runs. It returns a 0 exit code, but never actually runs. Digging into it with event viewer, child processes (and maybe the parent process) is run by the NT System account. This causes the installer to silently fails since the System account doesn't have the permissions to run it. Looking for a way to run everything as a user to avoid the System account being used. Hence the question about running as an alternate user or the logged in user. (I don't know if this works on windows in all honesty)
Thoughts? Sample code snippets are below as well. Targeting Windows Server 2016+. Using python 3.11.2
Typical install code looks like the below. Installing it with subprocess works fine when run from command prompt manually. Its only when the RunOnce registry key triggers it does it silently fail. This leads me to believe its just the permissions/user error.
I also took a look at Python subprocess.Popen as different user on Windows but didn't have much luck implementing this. (Given it is 13 years old at this point)
# Installer path
installer = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "\\setup.exe"
# Command for installing silently
# variables referenced here are all strings
ss_command = [
"SecretServerUserPassword=" + '"' + administrator_password + '"',
"SecretServerAppUserName=" + '"' + service_account + '"',
"SecretServerAppPassword=" + '"' + service_account_password + '"',
"DatabaseServer=" + '"' + sql_hostname + '"',
"DatabaseName=" + '"' + database_name + '"',
# Install attempt using Popen
installer_process = subprocess.Popen(ss_command)
# Install attempt using run
installer_process =, capture_output=True, shell=False)
# Below are the functions for running executables and code from the registry.
# These work just fine, and arguments fed to the original script get passed to the registry key as well.
# Define a function to run an executable at boot
def run_at_startup_set(appname, arguments, path=None, user=False):
# Store the entry in the registry for running the application at startup
# Open the registry key path for applications that are run at login
key = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(
win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER if user else win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
win32con.KEY_WRITE | win32con.KEY_QUERY_VALUE
# Make sure the application is not already in the registry
i = 0
while True:
name, _, _ = win32api.RegEnumValue(key, i)
except pywintypes.error as e:
if e.winerror == winerror.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS:
if name == appname:
i += 1
# Add arguments to the key
run_parameters = path or win32api.GetModuleFileName(0)
for arg in arguments:
run_parameters += ' "' + str(arg) + '"'
# Create a new key
win32api.RegSetValueEx(key, appname, 0, win32con.REG_SZ, run_parameters)
# Close the key
# Define a function to run a script at boot
def run_script_at_startup_set(appname, arguments, user=False):
# Like run_at_startup_set(), but for source code files
# Set the interpreter path (returned by GetModuleFileName())
# followed by the path of the current Python file (__file__).
'{} "{}"'.format(win32api.GetModuleFileName(0), __file__),

Jenkins executing python script

I am trying to call python script using Jenkins. I am able to execute the python script over command promt successfully. However when same script is called over Jenkins, I am facing problem of dll. My script is as follow
import isystem.connect as ic
import time
import os
print('isystem.connect version: ' + ic.getModuleVersion())
# 1. connect to winIDEA Application
pathTowinIDEA = 'C:/winIDEA/iConnect.dll'
cmgr_APPL = ic.ConnectionMgr(pathTowinIDEA)
debug_APPL = ic.CDebugFacade(cmgr_APPL)
ec = ic.CExecutionController(cmgr_APPL)
print('APPL Configuration launched')
Error is appearing at line 9:
Error message in Jenkins:
E:6 Can not load iConnect.dll: 'C:/winIDEA/iConnect64.dll'
SystemError: 'The specified module could not be found.
I have verified that iConnect64.dll is present at this path. How to resolve it ?

how to run the admin command prompt using python?

I want to run a script on the admin cmd prompt using python os.system
import os
import sys
import keyboard
import time
print('+'* 60)
os.system('netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=test3 key=987654321')
p = input('')
print('#' * 60)
os.system('netsh wlan start hostednetwork')
v = input('')
How can I call the admin cmd prompt ?
Thank you in advance
I found a way to make this happen
so my idea is to to create script to share wifi using python, and the problem is you have to execute the script using admin command prompt. and to solve that, follow my steps:
1 - create the python script for the commands(copy mine in the original question)
2 - create a simple text file like this one
3 - save it under the extension of " .bat " (example.bat)
4 - go to your system directory (mine is "C:\Windows\System32")
5 - copy the the batch file there
6 - create a shortcut for this batch file (it will ask to be in your desktop, click OK)
7 - go to the properties of this shortcuted file click on advanced and give it the admin
access - click OK
8- copy or cut your file to the same directory (mine is "C:\Windows\System32")
and that's it, just launch your batch file in the desktop and here you go everything works fine.

Execute Python script using Laravel?

I'm trying to execute a python script in a Laravel 5.8 project but I'm having problems with the Symfony/process class.
Basically, I want to run this python script that takes an excel form from the storage folder.
My first try was this
$process = new Process('C:\Python\python.exe C:\Users\"my path"\laravel\storage\app\images\');
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
echo $process->getOutput();
And the error is
Fatal Python error: _Py_HashRandomization_Init: failed to get random numbers to initialize Python
I also tried with shell_exec(), and if the two files (the excel and the python script are in the public path - app/public) it works.
I think the problem is that python only executes on the app/public folder, so I don't know how to run this in another path.
Python output is telling me that:
Working directory: C:\Users\"my path"\laravel\public
Does anyone know how to run this?
You can pass the working directory as the second argument of the process class
So it can be:
$process = new Process('C:\Python\python.exe C:\Users\"my path"\laravel\storage\app\images\', "/my/working/path/");
Also you may pass command as array
$process = new Process(['C:\Python\python.exe', 'C:\Users\"my path"\laravel\storage\app\images\'], "/my/working/path/");

Controlling a minecraft server with python

I've searched a lot for this and have not yet found a definitive solution. The closest thing I've found is this:
import shutil
from os.path import join
import os
import time
import sys
minecraft_dir = ('server diectory')
world_dir = ('server world driectory')
def server_command(cmd):
os.system('screen -S -X stuff "{}\015"'.format(cmd))
on = "1"
while True:
if on == "1":
if command==("start"):
os.system('"C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\bin\java.exe" -Xms4G -Xmx4G -jar craftbukkit-1.10.2.jar nogui java')
print("Server started.")
on = "0"
When I launch this program and type 'start' the CMD flashes up and closes instantly. Instead I want the CMD to stay open with the minecraft sever running from it. I'm not sure why this happens or what the problem is, any help would be greatly appreciated.
p.s. I have edited this to my needs (such as removing a backup script that was unnecessary) but it didn't work before. The original link is:
os.system will simply run the command then return to your python script with no way to further communicate with it.
On the other hand using subprocess.Popen gives you access to the process while it runs, including writing to it's .stdin which is how you send data to the server:
def server_command(cmd):
process.stdin.write(cmd+"\n") #just write the command to the input stream
process = None
executable = '"C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\bin\java.exe" -Xms4G -Xmx4G -jar craftbukkit-1.10.2.jar nogui java'
while True:
if process is not None:
if command==("start"):
process = subprocess.Popen(executable, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
print("Server started.")
you can also pass stdout=subprocess.PIPE so you can also read it's output and stderr=subprocess.PIPE to read from it's error stream (if any)
As well instead of process.stdin.write(cmd+"\n") you could also use the file optional parameter of the print function, so this:
print(cmd, file=process.stdin)
Will write the data to process.stdin formatted in the same way that print normally does, like ending with newline for you unless passing end= to override it etc.
Both of the above answers do not work in the environment I tried them in.
I think the best way is to use RCON, not sending keys to a window.
RCON is the protocol used by games to run commands.
Many python libraries support Minecraft RCON, and the default file has an option for RCON.
We will use the python module: MCRON.
Install it. It works for windows, mac, linux.
pip install mcrcon
Lets configure your server to allow RCON.
In, find the line 'enable-rcon' and make it look like this:
Restart and stop your server.
Find the line 'rcon.password' and set it to any password you will remember.
You can leave the port default at 25575.
Now, open your terminal and type:
mcron localhost
Or your server ip.
You will be prompted to enter the password you set.
Then you can run commands and will get the result.
But we are doing this with python, not the PYPI MCRON scripts - so do this.
from mcrcon import MCRcon as r
with r('localhost', 'insertyourpasswordhere') as mcr:
resp = mcr.command('/list')
print(resp) #there are 0/20 players online: - This will be different for you.
