Moving data from Kinesis -> RDS using Spark with AWS Glue implementation locally - apache-spark

I have a Spark project with AWS Glue implementation running locally.
I listen to a Kinesis stream so when Data is arrived in JSON format, I can storage to S3 correctly.
I want to store in AWS RDS instead of storing in S3.
I have tried to use:
Spark project get data from a Kinesis stream using AWS glue job.
I want to add the data to Aurora database.
It fails with error
Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
server version for the right syntax to use near '-glue-table (`label2` TEXT , `customerid` TEXT , `sales` TEXT , `name` TEXT )' a
t line 1
This is the test dataFrame Im using,
|label2|customerid|sales| name|
| test6| test| test|streamingtesttest...|

Using Spark DynamicFrame instead of DataFrame and using the glueContext sink to publish to Aurora:
So the final code could be:
lazy val mysqlJsonOption = jsonOptions(MYSQL_AURORA_URI)
//Write to Aurora
val dynamicFrame = DynamicFrame(joined, glueContext)
glueContext.getSink("mysql", mysqlJsonOption).writeDynamicFrame(dynamicFrame)


Error writing data to Bigquery using Databricks Pyspark

I run a daily job to write data to BigQuery using Databricks Pyspark. There was a recent update of configuration for Databricks ( which caused the job to fail. I followed all the steps in the docs. Reading data works again but writing throws the following error: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class not found
I tried adding configuration also right in the code (as advised for similar errors in Spark) but it did not help:
spark._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set('', '')
spark._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set('', 'true')
spark._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set('', "<path-to-key.json>")
My code is:
upload_table_dataset = 'testing_dataset'
upload_table_name = 'testing_table'
upload_table = upload_table_dataset + '.' + upload_table_name
.option('project', 'xxxxx-test-project')
.option('parentProject', 'xxxxx-test-project')
.option('temporaryGcsBucket', 'xxxxx-testing-bucket')
.option('table', upload_table)
You need to install the GCS connector on your cluster first

Writing data to timestreamDb from AWS Glue

I'm trying to use glue streaming and write data to AWS TimestreamDB but I'm having a hard time in configuring the JDBC connection.
Steps I’m following are below and the documentation link:
I’m uploading the jar to S3. There are multiple jars here and I tried with each one of it.
In the glue job I’m pointing the jar lib path to the above s3 location
In the job script I’m trying to read from timestream using both spark/ glue with the below code but its not working. Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong here
This is my code:
url = jdbc:timestream://AccessKeyId=<myAccessKeyId>;SecretAccessKey=<mySecretAccessKey>;SessionToken=<mySessionToken>;Region=us-east-1
source_df ="jdbc").option("url",url).option("dbtable","IoT").option("driver","").load()
datasink1 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(frame = applymapping0, connection_type = "jdbc", connection_options = {"url":url,"driver":"", database = "CovidTestDb", dbtable = "CovidTestTable"}, transformation_ctx = "datasink1")
To this date (April 2022) there is not support for write operations using timestream's jdbc driver (reviewed the code and saw a bunch of no write support exceptions). It is possible to read data from timestream using glue though. Following steps worked for me:
Upload timestream-query and timestream-jdbc to an S3 bucket that you can reference in your glue script
Ensure that the IAM role for the script has access to read operations to the timestream database and table
You don't need to use the access key and secret parameters in the jdbc url, using something like jdbc:timestream://Region=<timestream-db-region> should be enough
Specify the driver and fetchsize options option("driver","")
option("fetchsize", "100") (tweak the fetchsize according to your needs)
Following is a complete example of reading a dataframe from timestream:
val df ="jdbc")
.option("url", "jdbc:timestream://Region=us-east-1")
// optionally add a query to narrow the data to fetch
.option("query", "select * from db.tbl where time between ago(15m) and now()")
.option("fetchsize", "100")
Hope this helps

How to work with temporary tables in foreachBatch?

We are building a streaming platform where it is essential to work with SQL's in batches.
val query = streamingDataSet.writeStream.option("checkpointLocation", checkPointLocation).foreachBatch { (df, batchId) => {
val df1 = ExecutionContext.getSparkSession.sql("select * from events")
// More complex processing on dataframes
Error thrown is :
org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryException: Table or view not found: events
Caused by: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException: Table or view 'events' not found in database 'default';
Streaming source is Kafka with watermarking and without using Spark-SQL we are able to execute dataframe transformations. Spark version is 2.4.0 and Scala is 2.11.7. Trigger is ProcessingTime every 1 minute and OutputMode is Append.
Is there any other approach to facilitate use of spark-sql within foreachBatch ? Would it work with upgraded version of Spark - in which case to version do we upgrade ?
Kindly help. Thank you.
tl;dr Replace ExecutionContext.getSparkSession with df.sparkSession.
The reason of the StreamingQueryException is that the streaming query tries to access the events temporary table in a SparkSession that knows nothing about it, i.e. ExecutionContext.getSparkSession.
The only SparkSession that has this events temporary table registered is exactly the SparkSession the df dataframe is created within, i.e. df.sparkSession.
Please check the code snippet below. Here, I have created two separate DataFrames, responseDF1 and responseDF2 from resultDF and shown the output in the console. responseDF2 is created using a temporary table. You can try the same.
resultDF.writeStream.foreachBatch {(batchDF: DataFrame, batchId: Long) =>
val responseDF1 = batchDF.selectExpr("ResponseObj.type","ResponseObj.key", "ResponseObj.activity", "ResponseObj.price")
val responseDF2 = batchDF.sparkSession.sql("select activity, key from responseTbl1")
Code Snippet

EMR: How to integrate Spark with Hive?

Using a EMR cluster, I created an external Hive table (over 800 millions of rows) that maps to a DynamoDB table. It works well and I can do queries and inserts through hive.
IF I try a query with a condition by the hash_key in Hive, I get the results in seconds. But doing the same query through spark-submit using SparkSQL and enableHiveSupport (accesing Hive) it doesn't finish.It seems that from Spark it's doing a full scan to the table.
I tried several configurations(different hive-site.xml for example) but it doesn't seem to work well from Spark. How should I do it through Spark? Any suggestions?
Just make sure to use the dynamo connector opensource by AWS. By default it is available on EMR AFAIK.
Syntax to create a table using the DynamoDBStorageHandler class:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE hive_tablename (
hive_column1_name column1_datatype,
hive_column2_name column2_datatype
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler'
"" = "dynamodb_tablename",
"dynamodb.column.mapping" =
For any Spark Job, you need to have the followings confs :
$ spark-shell --jars /usr/share/aws/emr/ddb/lib/emr-ddb-hadoop.jar
import org.apache.hadoop.dynamodb.DynamoDBItemWritable
import org.apache.hadoop.dynamodb.write.DynamoDBOutputFormat
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
var jobConf = new JobConf(sc.hadoopConfiguration)
jobConf.set("dynamodb.input.tableName", "myDynamoDBTable")
jobConf.set("mapred.output.format.class", "org.apache.hadoop.dynamodb.write.DynamoDBOutputFormat")
jobConf.set("mapred.input.format.class", "")
var orders = sc.hadoopRDD(jobConf, classOf[DynamoDBInputFormat], classOf[Text], classOf[DynamoDBItemWritable])
References :

MemSQL Spark Job

I am trying to read a CSV file in Spark job using MemSQL Extractor and do some enrichment using Transformer and load to MemSQL Database using Java.
I see there is memsql-spark interface jar but not finding any useful Java API documentation or example.
I have started writing extractor to read from CSV but I dont know how to move further.
public Option<RDD<byte[]>> nextRDD(SparkContext sparkContext, UserExtractConfig config, long batchInterval, PhaseLogger logger) {
RDD<String> inputFile = sparkContext.textFile(filePath, minPartitions);
RDD<String> inputFile = sparkContext.textFile(filePath, minPartitions);
RDD<byte[]> bytes =, String.class); //compilation error
return bytes; //compilation error
Would appreciate if someone can point me to some direction to get started...
First configure Spark connector in java using following code:
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
conf.set("spark.datasource.singlestore.clientEndpoint", "singlestore-host")
spark.conf.set("spark.datasource.singlestore.user", "admin")
spark.conf.set("spark.datasource.singlestore.password", "s3cur3-pa$$word")
After running the above code spark will be connected to java then you can read csv in spark dataframe. You can transform and manipulate data according to requirements then you can write this dataframe to Database table.
Also attaching link for your reference.
