How can dmenu show input as soon as there is input from pipe? - linux

Here is the default behavior.
find ~/ -name *.git 2>/dev/null | dmenu
# Searches everything in home directory and shows output
Time taken about 1-2 sec
What I want:
find ~/ -name *.git 2>/dev/null | less
# Show as soon as it finds result. How to get similar output in dmenu?
As files in my PC will increase, this is going to take longer time.
Detailed description:
I am piping input into dmenu from a find command which takes about 1-2 seconds. Is it possible for dmenu to show input as soon as there is some input in the pipe. Because that's the basic working of piping. It seems like dmenu waits until there are all the entries in pipe so that user can search from it which also looks legit, but still can this be avoided? I would like to run dmenu as soon as there is input in buffer.

I found some workaround to decrease time against find here. Instead of find, locate can be used. So the command goes like
locate -r '/home'"$USER"'.*\.git$'
-r takes input a regular expression. Arguments to -r here filters all git repositories inside /home/$USER. This is a bit faster than using find.
Catch using locate
locate uses a local database for searching. So it will only work as expected when local database will be built/updated.
To update database, use sudo updatedb. Whenever you add/move/delete a file (or a directory in this case), remember to update database for locate to give proper results.
To avoid entering password every time for updatedb (and other frequently used commands), add them to sudoers by executing sudo visudo and adding entry for path to command's binary's location
I recently realized why use locate when I can simply maintain my own database and cat all the entries to dmenu. With this I was able to achieve what I needed.
# Make a temp directory
mkdir -p $HOME/.tmp
# Search for all git directories and store them in ~/.tmp/gitfies.
[ -e $HOME/.tmp/gitfiles ] || find $HOME/ -regex .*/\.git$ -type d 2>/dev/null > $HOME/.tmp/gitfiles
# cat this file into dmenu
cat $HOME/.tmp/gitfiles | dmenu
This gives a fuzzy finding for directories with dmenu. This is better than using locate as even in locate you need to update local database and so in here. Since we do the filtering of git files at runtime with locate, it is a bit slower than this case.
I can simple create an alias to update this database analogous to sudo updatedb in case of locate, by
alias gitdbupdate="find $HOME/ -regex .*/\.git$ -type d 2>/dev/null > $HOME/.tmp/gitfiles"
Note that I am not using /tmp/ as it won't be persistent across power cycles. So rather I create my own $HOME/.tmp/ directory.


Linux command select specific directory

I have only two folders under a given directory. Is there any method to choose the second directory based on the order and not on the folder name?
Example: (I want to enter under doc2)
doc1 doc2
If you really want to use ls,
cd "$(ls -d */ | sed -n '2p')"
selects enters the second directory listed by it, independently of the number of directories provided by ls.
Parsing ls output is not a good idea generally, although it will work in most cases and will cause no harm if you are just using it in your interactive shell for fast navigation. You should not use this for serious programming.
You can use the tail command to get the last line
ls |tail -1

Listing files while working with them - Shell Linux

I have a database server that it basic work is to import some specific files, do some calculations and provide data in a web interface.
It's planned for next weeks a hardware replacement, it needs to migrate the database. But there's one problem in it: the actual database is corrupted and show some errors in web interface. This is due to server freezing while importing/calculating, that's why the replacement.
So I'm not willing to just dump the db and restore in the new server. Doesn't make sense to still use the corrupted database and while dumping the old server goes really slow. I have a backup from all files to be imported (the current number is 551) and I'm working on a script to "re-import" all of them and have a nice database again.
The actual server takes ~20 minutes to import each new file. Let's say that new server takes 10 for each file due to its power... It's a long time! And here comes the problem: it receives new file hourly, so there will be more files when it finishes the job.
Restore script start like this:
for a in $(ls $BACKUP_DIR | grep part_of_filename); do
Question is: does this "ls" will have new file names when they come? File names are timestamp based, so they will be in the end of the list.
Or does this "ls" is execute once and results goes to a temp var?
ls will execute once, at the beginning, and any new files won't show up.
You can rewrite that statement to list the files again at the start of each loop (and, as Trey mentioned, better to use find, not ls):
while all=$(find $BACKUP_DIR/* -type f | grep part_of_filename); do
for a in $all; do
But this has a major problem: it will repeatedly process the same files over and over again.
The script needs to record which files are done. Then it can list the directory again and process any (and only) new files. Here's one way:
touch ~/done.list
# loop while f=first file not in done list:
# find list the files; more portable and safer than ls in pipes and scripts
# fgrep -v -f ~/done.list pass through only files not in the done list
# head -n1 pass through only the first one
# grep . control the loop (true iff there is something)
while f=`find * -type f | fgrep -v -f ~/done.list | head -n1 | grep .`; do
<process file $f>
echo "$f" >> ~/done.list

run a script with $(cat filename.txt)

So im running a script called It creates a backup of a site. Now I have a file called sites.txt that has a list if sites that I need to backup. i dont want to run the script for every site that I need to backup. So what im trying to do is run is like this: $(cat sites.txt)
But it only backups the 1st site thats on the list then stop. any suggestions how i could keep make it go throughout the whole list?
To iterate over the lines of a file, use a while loop with the read command.
while IFS= read -r file_name; do "$file_name"
done < sites.txt
The proper fix is to refactor so that it meets your expectation to accept a list of sites on its command line. If you are not allowed to change it, you can write a simple small wrapper script.
for site in "$#"; do "$site"
Save this as maybe backup_sites, do a chmod +x, and run it with the list of sites. (I would perhaps recommend xargs -a sites.txt over $(cat sites.txt) but both should work if the contents are one token per line.)
I think this should do, provided that sites.txt has one site per line (not tested):
xargs -L 1 < sites.txt
If you are permitted to modify, I would enhance it so that it accepts a list of sites, not a single one. Of course, if sites.txt, is very, very large, the xargs way would still be the better one (but then without the -L switch).

Linux shell:Is it possible to speedup finding files using "find" by using a predefined list of files/folders?

I primarily program in Linux, using tcsh shell. By default, my current directory is the root of my code base - I use "find" to locate whichever file I'm interested in modifying, and then once find shows up the location of the file, I can then edit/modify on Vim.
The problem is, due to the size of the code base, every time I ask find to show up the location of a file , it takes at least 4-5 seconds to complete the search, which are too short to be used for anything else !! So, since the rate is new files being added to the code base is very small, i'm looking for a way as follows:
1) Generate the list of all files in my code base
2) Have find look in only those locations/files to answer my query
I've seen how opening up files in cscope is lightning fast, as it stores the list of files previously. I'd like to use the same mechanism for find, just not from within the cscope window, but from the generic cmd line.
Any ideas ?
Install the locate, mlocate, or slocate package from your distribution, and either wait for cron to run the update task :) or run the updatedb command manually via the /etc/cron.daily/mlocate or similar file.
$ time locate kernel.txt
real 0m0.595s
Yes. See slocate (or updatedb & locate).
The -U flag is particularily interesting because you can just index the directory that contains your code (and thus, updating or creating the database will be quick).
You could write a list of directories to a file and use them in your find command:
$ find /path/to/src -type d > dirs
$ find $(cat dirs) -type f -name "foo"
Alternatively, write a list of files to a file and use grep on it. The list of files is more likely to change than the list of dirs though.
$ find /path/to/src -type f > files
$ vi $(grep foo files)
find in conjunction with xargs (substituting -exec) does differ significantly in execution timings:

How to directly overwrite with 'unexpand' (spaces-to-tabs conversion)?

I'm trying to use something along the lines of
unexpand -t 4 *.php
but am unsure how to write this command to do what I want.
unexpand -t 4 file.php > file.php
gives me an empty file. (i.e. overwriting file.php with nothing)
I can specify multiple files okay, but don't know how to then overwrite each file.
I could use my IDE, but there are ~67000 instances of to be replaced over 200 files, and this will take a while.
I expect that the answers to my question(s) will be standard unix fare, but I'm still learning...
You can very seldom use output redirection to replace the input. Replacing works with commands that support it internally (since they then do the basic steps themselves). From the shell level, it's far better to work in two steps, like so:
Do the operation on foo, creating foo.tmp
Move (rename) foo.tmp to foo, overwriting the original
This will be fast. It will require a bit more disk space, but if you do both steps before continuing to the next file, you will only need as much extra space as the largest single file, this should not be a problem.
Sketch script:
for a in *.php
unexpand -t 4 $a >$a-notab
mv $a-notab $a
You could do better (error-checking, and so on), but that is the basic outline.
Here's the command I used:
for p in $(find . -iname "*.js")
unexpand -t 4 $(dirname $p)/"$(basename $p)" > $(dirname $p)/"$(basename $p)-tab"
mv $(dirname $p)/"$(basename $p)-tab" $(dirname $p)/"$(basename $p)"
This version changes all files within the directory hierarchy rooted at the current working directory.
In my case, I only wanted to make this change to .js files; you can omit the iname clause from find if you wish, or use different args to cast your net differently.
My version wraps filenames in quotes, but it doesn't use quotes around 'interesting' directory names that appear in the paths of matching files.
To get it all on one line, add a semi after lines 1, 3, & 4.
This is potentially dangerous, so make a backup or use git before running the command. If you're using git, you can verify that only whitespace was changed with git diff -w.
