Chrome extension: Problem with OAuth Verification Request - google-chrome-extension

I have a problem with the Video oauth Verification Request, i sent the video for the verification and they answered me with this email.
Unfortunately, we found that your YouTube demo video isn't detailed enough. The video doesn't show the client id (please see the attached screen shot)
View metadata for files in your Google Drive
Reply to this email and provide a YouTube link to a new demo video that shows, in detail:
How to log into your project.
Make sure that the URL bar with the client ID is clearly visible.
How to request an OAuth token on the OAuth Consent Screen/Permissions Page.
How your project uses the scope listed above.
Read the OAuth 2.0 Scopes page for information on scopes.
Thank you for patience.
I honestly don't know what to do, I saw a video on youtube where the user logs in with his gmail account and you see the url address with the client id but in my case not. When I try to log in a pop-up without url address opens.


Using LinkedIn to see who is clicking on my Instagram profile

As most of you know that LinkedIn has a feature, where if someone goes on your profile, you get a notification. So my thinking was that I use LinkedIn to find out who is clicking on my Instagram profile.
I added my LinkedIn profile to my Instagram Bio and I found a way to create an alternate URL that redirects back to my LinkedIn. However, I am not getting the LinkedIn notification indicating someone clicked on my profile.
What triggers the LinkedIn notification check?
What can I do to trigger it if someone clicks on the URL?

How can I access a Facebook page's events from website backend?

I am building a website for my band and I would like to display upcoming events on it.
When I send a request from NodeJS to the Facebook Graph API (/{page-id}/events) with the app's token, I get a response back saying
(#10) This endpoint requires the 'pages_read_user_content' permission or the 'Page Public Content Access' feature. Refer to and for details.
Is there a way to get this information without getting a business verification and app review?
It doesn't make sense to me that I would need that high level of permission as the information page is public and events can be retrieved by browser without even being logged in to Facebook.

get profile picture of logged in user on Instagram

I am trying to use Instagram Basic Display API (V2) to get username and user profile picture of user who logs into application.
I have given necessary permissions to the application for eg. instagram_user_profile & instagram_user_media, I am successfully getting username of the user but i am not getting any API end point which will return me user's profile picture.
following is the link I am referring to for Instagram Basic Display API
I have tried to query the media node using following GET api listed in the documentation{userid}/media?access_token=IGQV....
But in response i am able to get only data of Instagram POST of logged in user.
I'm having the same issue. Instagram Basic Display doesn't provide basic info like user display name and profile picture.
Even the known workarounds, like, are not fully working anymore (think they added some IP filtering, because it works from my machine but if I deploy to an AWS Lambda it doesn't).
The only official way to get the user info that I know is the Instagram Graph API, but it's only for Instagram Business :(

Get email from user using Google actions

I want to recieve the user email using Google Actions as documented here but docs talks about EMAIL permission, but when I read the permission docs here I can't find any EMAIL permission. Any help? How can I receive the user email?
This is WORKING ,you can do this with account linking.
We have to enable the webhook first and we can see how to enable the webhook in the dialog flow fulfillment docs
If we are going to use Google Assistant, then we have to enable the Google Assistant Integration in the integrations first.
Then follow the steps mentioned below for the Account Linking in actions on google:-
Go to google cloud console
goto API's and Services -> Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 client IDs -> Web client
Note the client ID, client secret from there
Download JSON - from json note down the project id, auth_uri, token_uri
goto Authorised Redirect URIs
White list our app's URL, in this URL fixed part is[project-Id] (replace [project-Id] with your project id)
Save the changes
Go to Actions on Google( -> Account linking setup
select Grant type = Authorisation code
Client info
Fill up client id,client secrtet, auth_uri, token_uri
Enter any random url as Authorization URL and token_uri such as and
It will show an error while running on the google assistant, but dont worry
Come back to the account linking section in the assistant settings and this time enter correct auth_uri as
and token_uri as
note that it is some sort of problem in from their side that not allows you to use this url in first hit and will keep saying "Generic URLs are not allowed. You must provide a valid token url specific to your Assistant app." so just give any random url in first hit and save, then comeback again it will allow you these urls :-)
Put the scopes as and
and weare good to go.
Save the changes.
In the hosting server logs, we can see the access token value and through access token, we can get the details regarding the email address.
Append the access token to this link "" and we can get the required details in the resulting json page.
write this code
accessToken = req.get("originalRequest")
r = requests.get(link) // make get request to link
print("Email Id: " + r.json()["email"])
print("Name: " + r.json()["name"])
Ya, unfortunately the Assistant's SDK doesn't give you the email address. But if you implement account linking (like Ahmed mentioned) and use the Streamlined Flows, then you'll be getting the email provided to you; you just need to use the jsonwebtoken library and you can decode the assertion JWT and grab the email address.
That being said, this happens during "sign in" and token exchange... not during the actual action fulfillment. You'll need to issue a refresh token / access token :S
One approach is to go with account linking. I'm wondering what use cases you might have that won't necessarily work without email or account linking?

How to request xAuth privileges of my iPhone App for Custome Twitter Login UI?

In my application i want to use my own Login page for twitter login. I search around and i found tutorial and code for that ,
i have gone through both of this code. but getting error like
error : Client application is not permitted to use xAuth.
I serched for this error and found xAuth document on developer.twiiter here it is
From this document i found that i have to sent a detailed message to to request xAuth privileges. Include the name of my application, the consumer key, the application ID (if available), and a summary of how xAuth is best-suited for your application.
I have sent mail to according they ask for.but i still not get xAuth Privilage to use my Custome Login UI.api.twitter reply my mail but there is nothing mention about my xAuth access that i have requested for. Here is reply from them
- Please type your reply above this line -
Hello, This email is an automated response to acknowledge receipt of your email regarding xAuth access. Please note: for your application to qualify for xAuth access, it must be production-ready and only accessible via standalone desktop application or via mobile. We are not granting xAuth for test purposes, single-user applications, web-based applications, or for applications that are in the early stages of development. In order for your request to be processed, you must reply to this email with the following required information within 5 days: • Your App ID number (or consumer key) from • A link to your application’s website • A link to a short video demonstrating the following: - Your application’s main features - How your application interacts with Twitter, including its user login functionality - a fully functional OAuth integration. Knowledge of OAuth is required to implement xAuth; we require your application have a fully working OAuth integration before we can grant this authentication privilege. • A link to a demo twitter account which has authorized access to your application’s OAuth integration and has used it. Please note that our ticketing system does not accept attachments; you will need to upload your video to your server or a video host (for example, YouTube or Vimeo) and provide a direct link (URL) to the video. You may remove the video if you so choose once your request has been processed and you have received our reply. If you provided the required information listed above in your initial request, please respond to this ticket to affirm that all required information is present. If you were not requesting access to xAuth but received this response, please let us know by responding to this ticket. If you have a technical question about the API, please visit our developer site, where you will find extensive documentation about the Twitter API: Thanks, Twitter API Policy
Now anyone can help me please how can i get xAuth access to use my custome UI for twitter Login?
help will appreciate lot. its really curd of mind....
