Why is there a need for local DNS servers? - dns

I understand that local DNS servers do some caching, which can help reduce traffic in root/TLD/authoritative DNS servers. However, I do not understand why the final hosts can't ask for addresses themselves, instead of through local DNS servers. Hosts could also do the caching themselves, which loses somewhat in terms of saving network traffic, but increases privacy.
Is some kind of clearance or other technical requirement needed to request addresses to a DNS server? (e.g., to request addresses to root servers)
Or is it just customary for us to request records through a local DNS server, and we could do it directly if we wanted to? (by running DNS in our own computer)


How to host a website locally but with .com domain and accessible on internet

I've bought a .com domain from a provider on the internet. But, I want to host it locally.
I know that I can host a local web by using XAMPP or WAMP, but I want to make it accessible on the internet.
I also know that we could host a web to be accessible on the internet like ngrok, serveo, etc.
But, I want it with my .com domain that I bought. Could this possible? How to? Is there any references?
Thanks in advance ^_^
It seems to me you are asking 1. if it is possible to map a DNS entry such that traffic to the URL would be directed to a server in your personal network, and 2. if it is possible, how to do it.
The answer to the first question is yes, it is possible. The second question is difficult to answer because it depends on many factors such as your ISP, country, your web host provider's rules and services, etc.
First, you must determine two IP addresses:
The public IP address for your network (whatismyip.com)
The private IP address of the local machine which will host your website (typically (192.168.0.x)
Then, you must enable port forwarding in your router configuration, such that any requests to port 80 and/or port 443 on the external interface (public) will be forwarded to the internal port on which your website is hosted. If done properly, putting the public IP in your browser will take you to the website you are hosting locally.
Once you verify access via public IP, then you must go into your DNS entries on your domain host and create a CNAME record which points your root domain (www.yourwebsite.com) to your public IP address. That will route all traffic to your .com to your local server.
I do NOT recommend doing this however, and would caution against it, because it leaves your local server/network open to the public, and makes your domain vulnerable to things such as spoofing etc. To do it properly, you should obtain a security certificate for your domain through a Certificate Authority (CA) - generally, you can request a certificate via your domain hosting service. Once you have a certificate, you must upload the key to your server and configure your web application/hosting service to use the certificate, and then change your port forwarding to use 443 instead.
This is a very complex topic that takes time to learn, and your question is extremely non-specific. There is no good place to start really, and no shortage of information/resources available online. To start, you need to understand how your DNS works. For any local webhosting, port forwarding is important to learn. You should also determine if your ISP blocks the forwarding of certain external ports, which effectively disables any private webhosting.

Nodejs - What does it actually means to deploy a website on a domain and how to do it?

I am a bit new to the deployment of a website. I have a server which is written in Node.js. Previously I had been using Heroku for deploying my apps without knowing much about deployment. I would like to know how do I deploy my server to create a website which has .com at the end of it like www.example.com and not www.example.herokuapp.com. I think it has something to do with domains (correct me if I am wrong). I would like to know what exactly is a domain and a DNS provider and how to deploy a website in such a way. Thank you.
You should ask one question to yourself when you hit www.example.com in browser how does it load a page?. When you run a website on your laptop it basically runs locally, if you want to access your website over the internet you would require public IP(host or server) accessible over the internet so you can access a webpage using public IP:port. But this is not the best option because IP may change in the future and also remembering IP for each application will be difficult. Imagine if you access Facebook, Instagram or any other websites by its IP addresses how difficult and inconvenient would it be? There are a couple of things you should know.
DNS-> Domain Name system
Every host is identified by the IP address but remembering numbers is
very difficult for the people and also the IP addresses are not static
therefore, a mapping is required to change the domain name to IP
address. So DNS is used to convert the domain name of the websites to
their numerical IP address.
DNS is a hostname to IP address translation service. DNS is a distributed database implemented in a hierarchy of name servers. It is an application layer protocol for message exchange between clients and servers.
Name servers
Domain Name Servers (DNS) are the Internet's equivalent of a phone book. They maintain a directory of domain names and translate them to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. This is necessary because, although domain names are easy for people to remember, computers or machines, access websites based on IP addresses.
DNS record
A domain name, IP address what is the validity?? what is the time to live ?? and all the information related to that domain name.
Once you understand the DNS
Host(Deploy) your website to Amazon EC2 or Heroku and obtain Public IP.
Buy a domain from domain provider like Godaddy
Map domain(ie www.example.com to IP)-> DNS record
Mapping domain to IP may vary platform to platform but the Core principle remains the same. I would suggest you these below link. Try to find differences in both, doing so you will learn along the way

Curiosity about DNS using dig command

I am curious, I am analyzing the DNS section for the website imgur.com. My doubt is that when I run "dig imgur.com" dig only returns an IP address, if I run again the same command dig returns another IP address or sometimes the same.
Another question:
By using dig www.imgur.com get a CNAME to another domain, is this normal?, Can someone explain to me?
You should check Round-robin DNS.
Round Robin DNS is a technique of load distribution, load balancing,
or fault-tolerance provisioning multiple, redundant Internet Protocol
service hosts, e.g., Web server, FTP servers, by managing the Domain
Name System's (DNS) responses to address requests from client
computers according to an appropriate statistical model.
In its simplest implementation, Round-robin DNS works by responding to
DNS requests not only with a single potential IP address, but with one
out of a list of potential IP addresses corresponding to several
servers that host identical services. The order in which IP addresses
from the list are returned is the basis for the term round robin. With
each DNS response, the IP address sequence in the list is permuted.
Usually, basic IP clients attempt connections with the first address
returned from a DNS query, so that on different connection attempts,
clients would receive service from different providers, thus
distributing the overall load among servers.

Rackspace Server IP Points to Wrong Site

I have just taken over as a developer for a company. They host their development site on Rackspace. When I arrived, this server was spun down. Upon bringing it back up, I discovered that the IP address of that server points to the live website. There must be some kind of forwarding in place (I assume that it is through Rackspace) that does this. How can I fix this? I searched for settings on Rackspace to no avail. I would like to be able to access this dev site at least through the direct IP address until the network admin reappoints the develoment domain name to proper IP.
I'm guessing that you mean the live website domain routes traffic through to this server? Off the top of my head, you either have DNS load balancing in place - so an A record on your domain matching the IP address of the powered down machine OR you have a load balancer within rackspace that is routing traffic to it.

DNS to relay traffic between sites with internal IP in EC2

I've Hadoop running on Amazon EC2 in 2 different sites, but when the components starts, they get the internal IP. I want to put the components in different sites communicating with each other using internal IP. I'm not discussing if it's safe. I've an idea to put a DNS server that translates the internal IPs to external IPs, without the components notice. So, when traffic goes with the internal IP, the DNS relays the traffic to the other site.
Is it possible? Any suggestion on how to put a DNS server in EC2?
Two options:
Use VPC, in which case you have control of what internal ips are assigned to your instances. Some limitations however.
Use elastic IPs. Connecting to the DNS name of the elastic ip will resolve to the internal IP within an aws region.
