Cucumber Html file Jenkins - cucumber

I am running a job in Jenkins that generates a HTML report with the specified json.
Ideally, I would want to upload this json and html to artifactory for storing results of previous builds. Is this possible? I have tried "Publish to Artifactory" but to no luck, that plugin in jenkins does not seem to upload any artifact.
Any thoughts help.
Thanks in advance.

You can use generic artifactory integration to upload the artifacts.


How can I save testing results in Azure DevOps release pipeline

During the release pipeline I'm launching Selenium tests. Those tests, in case of fail, make screenshots. I'm looking for a way to upload them so I could look through them and check what went wrong.
I manage to zip them, but unfortunately none of the upload methods are working on release pipeline.
Is there a way to save/upload files during release pipeline?
Here's and old answer I've found useful:
How do you publish files back to VSTS Release Management as part of a release?
So if you zip the images and upload them like this, the zipfile appears as a part of logfiles.
On a sidenote, I think you can explore these for more options:

AWS Code deploy without appspec.yml

We are successfully using code deploy for deployment , however we have a request from client to separate deployment script repository and code repository , right now code repository contains the appspec.yml and other script which need to be run and available to coders too.
I tried searching google and stackoverflow but found nothing :( .
Do we need to make use of other tool like chef,puppet etc ? however client want to be solution using aws only.
Kindly help.
I've accomplished this by adding extra step to my build process.
During the build, my CI tool checks out second repository which contains deployment related scripts and appspec.yml file. After that we zip up the code + scripts and ship it to CodeDeploy.
Don't forget that appspec.yml has to be in root directory.
I hope it helps.

Uploading local artifact into raw repository

Hello thanks for the script and demo it is very useful. Is there any documentation or a groovy script for uploading local artifcats into a hosted raw repository ?
The documentation for doing this is available here:

Is there a way to force artifactory jenkins plugin to store in a hierarchal way?

I have a jenkins server and artifactory connection. I want to use the artifactory jenkins plugin to send out files in a hierarchal way .
E.g a rpm might go as sys/arch/os/packages/rpm. IS there a way to force artifactory jenkins plugin to use this hierarchy globally for every job as soon as it sees that it is a rpm while uploading stuff to artifactory or make a custom structure.
#Tim's answer in the comments is accurate. You can configure the deployment of artifacts after the build by using the Artifactory Generic (Freestyle) Integration.
It is configured on a job level.
You can take a look on a bunch of job templating and generating plugins and tools for job creation automation, the Artifactory deployment configuration is just a piece of xml in the job config file.
If you want to verify that the files are uploaded in the correct layout, you can use a user plugin.

CruiseControl.NET send mail with fix list on build?

I was wondering if it is possible if I could include a Fix List with my deployment build email notification,what I was expecting is I would add the latest changes to a text file stored in a directory and CruiseControl.NET would pick it from there and send along with the email.Anybody has any similar solutions, or how did you do it? Any samples or links?
Thanks in advance.
The first question is whether you do continuous integration (CI) builds or just periodical builds? In case it is CI, have you tried writing this fix list into the check-in comment of your version control system? CCNet shows this comment as part of the build report (and email notification).
UPDATE: the other option I see is to write your own CCNet plugin for this. It shouldn't be too hard. As a reference on writing CCNet plugins you can use my own BrekiLabeller plugin.
