I am using Spark 2.2. I have a join query on a partitioning column and also have some filter conditions on other columns. So, when I checked the execution plan, it looks like below.
It checks for non-null partition columns.
It applies predicates on entire table even before joining with second table. This is causing Spark to read/apply filters on all partitions, then join to get data. My join clause actually hits only one partition.
Why does my query need to scan all partitions? Is there any way to control predicates push down in Spark when doing joins?
I have a large partitioned Iceberg table ordered by some columns. Now I want to scan through some filtered parts of that table using Spark and toLocalIterator(), preserving the order.
When my filter condition outputs the data from single partition everything is OK - the rows are ordered as expected.
The problem happens when there are multiple partitions in result - they come to me in random order. Of course I can add ORDER BY to my select statement, but that triggers expensive sorting, which is totally unnecessary if I only could explicitly specify the order for partitions.
The question is: how to tell Spark to use that order (or some other order)? Or broader: how to leverage from ordering columns in Iceberg schema?
I have a case where i am trying to write some results using dataframe write into S3 using the below query with input_table_1 size is 13 Gb and input_table_2 as 1 Mb
input_table_1 has columns account, membership and
input_table_2 has columns role, id , membership_id, quantity, start_date
/*+ BROADCASTJOIN(input_table_2) */
cast(start_date AS string) AS start_date
ON array_contains(input_table_1.membership, input_table_2.membership_id)
where membership array contains list of member_ids
This dataset write using Spark dataframe is generating around 1.1TiB of data in S3 with around 700 billion records.
We identified that there are duplicates and used dataframe.distinct.write.parquet("s3path") to remove the duplicates . The record count is reduced to almost 1/3rd of the previous total count with around 200 billion rows but we observed that the output size in S3 is now 17.2 TiB .
I am very confused how this can happen.
I have used the following spark conf settings
I have tried to do a coalesce and write to s3 but it did not work.
Please suggest if this is expected and when can be done ?
There's two sides to this:
1) Physical translation of distinct in Spark
The Spark catalyst optimiser turns a distinct operation into an aggregation by means of the ReplaceDeduplicateWithAggregate rule (Note: in the execution plan distinct is named Deduplicate).
This basically means df.distinct() on all columns is translated into a groupBy on all columns with an empty aggregation:
Spark uses a HashPartitioner when shuffling data for a groupBy on respective columns. Since the groupBy clause in your case contains all columns (well, implicitly, but it does), you're more or less randomly shuffling data to different nodes in the cluster.
Increasing spark.sql.shuffle.partitions in this case is not going to help.
Now on to the 2nd side, why does this affect the size of your parquet files so much?
2) Compression in parquet files
Parquet is a columnar format, will say your data is organised in columns rather than row by row. This allows for powerful compression if data is adequately laid-out & ordered. E.g. if a column contains the same value for a number of consecutive rows, it is enough to write that value just once and make a note of the number of repetitions (a strategy called run length encoding). But Parquet also uses various other compression strategies.
Unfortunately, data ends up pretty randomly in your case after shuffling to remove duplicates. The original partitioning of input_table_1 was much better fitted.
There's no single answer how to solve this, but here's a few pointers I'd suggest doing next:
What's causing the duplicates? Could these be removed upstream? Or is there a problem with the join condition causing duplicates?
A simple solution is to just repartition the dataset after distinct to match the partitioning of your input data. Adding a secondary sorting (sortWithinPartition) is likely going to give you even better compression. However, this comes at the cost of an additional shuffle!
As #matt-andruff pointed out below, you can also achieve this in SQL using cluster by. Obviously, that also requires you to move the distinct keyword into your SQL statement.
Write your own deduplication algorithm as Spark Aggregator and group / shuffle the data just once in a meaningful way.
I read that in Apache Spark, GroupBy is a wide transformation meaning it requires data shuffle.My doubt is : Let's say I do df.groupBy(column).count(), so will the partitions first groupBy and count the values within their own partition and then share the result with the other partitions or will it be the case where data for similar keys are transfered to a common partition and then count operation would take place on each partition?
I have a partitioned parquet at the following path:
with partitions like:
When I run a Spark SQL CREATE TABLE statement like:
LOCATION '/path/to/partitioned/parq'
The partition column part_date shows up in my dataset, but DESCRIBE EXTENDED indicates there are no PARTITIONS. SHOW PARTITIONS my_db.my_table shows no partition data.
This seems to happen intermittently, like sometimes spark infers the partitions, other times it doesn't. This is causing issues downstream where we add a partition and try to MSCK REPAIR TABLE my_db.my_table and it says you can't run that on non-partitioned tables.
I see that if you DO declare schema, you can FORCE the PARTITIONED BY part of the clause but we do not have the luxury of a schema, just the files from underneath.
Why is spark intermittently unable to determine partition columns from a parquet in this shape?
Unfortunately with Hive you need to specify the schema, even if parquet obviously has this itself.
You need to add partition by clause to DDL.
Use ALTER table statement to add each partition separately with location.
Dataframe A (millions of records) one of the column is create_date,modified_date
Dataframe B 500 records has start_date and end_date
Current approach:
Select a.*,b.* from a join b on a.create_date between start_date and end_date
The above job takes half hour or more to run.
how can I improve the performance
DataFrames currently doesn't have an approach for direct joins like that. It will fully read both tables before performing a join.
You can use the RDD API to take advantage of the joinWithCassandraTable function
As others suggested, one of the approach is to broadcast the smaller dataframe. This can be done automatically also by configuring the below parameter.
If the dataframe size is smaller than the value specified here, Spark automatically broadcasts the smaller dataframe instead of performing a join. You can read more about this here.