I need to call IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP in golang with params. Here's my code
s := ""
err = syscall.SetsockoptString(socket, syscall.IPPROTO_IP, syscall.IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP, s)
But it throw invalid argument error
What's the right way to make it?
man 7 ip says IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP is supposed to take an ip_mreq_source structure, but by using SetsockoptString, you're giving it a string instead. I don't see a variant of Setsockopt that passes the right kind of structure, so it looks like if you want to do this in Go, then you'll have to write some low-level glue code yourself.
Please don't ask me not to use eval, this isn't going to be public anyways.
I've made a chatting website, and I have implemented a "!eval" command (admin only), whatever is after it is run. I can use "!eval '2'+'2'" (Strings added), but not "!eval 2+2." The error returned is .
I've console.logged the input to the eval, and it returned exactly what I wanted: "1+1." I've looked around for this, but it seems like no one else had this problem before. A solution (more like a debugging one) is that I tried "eval('1+1')" and returned the same error. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
(I forgot to add what I was expecting)
I was expecting this.
VLAZ pointed out in the comments that it must be another piece of code, which he is correct. I was encrypting the messages so it can be sent securely to the client, and it only takes a string. I added
if (typeof(results) != 'string'){
results = String(results)
and it seemed to work, Thanks!
Good day,
I am trying to consume a get method on a server hosted locally.
rc = http_url_get('http://sss:13013/cgi-bi/sendms?'
+ 'username=cous&pas'
+ 'to=' + vCell + '&text=' + %TRIM(vSMSText):
I am using a library called HTTPAPI its from https://www.scottklement.com/httpapi/
I am trying to figure out how to get the response of the call as a string.
The Variable rc contains a integer response code but no response, I am assuming it gets downloaded to the /tmp/httptest.html parameter specified. But I want it as a string as I want to process the response as a string. I do not know if there is a extra parameter that I can use to store the result of the call.
I have tried the http_string method but I get an error that the method is undefined, I think the my client is using an old version of the HTTPAPI lib.
Is it possible to use the http_url_get function to return the response as a string?.
if you want to get a string response, use Klement's HTTP_req(). It is flexible enough to get a file or a string (and use a file or a string to send a request). You can play with *omit to select the way you can make a GET (on other actions).
I am trying to understand the node.js documentation specifically for the https.get() method. https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v8.x/docs/api/https.html#https_https_get_options_callback
What is unclear to me is the callback. The example in the document indicates the callback can take a res (response) object as its parameter but I am unsure if this is the only parameter it can take or more importantly where I can find the definition of the res object so I can know what properties and methods I can access on this object.
Is there a straightforward way to identify this?
I have read this thread: Trying to understand nodejs documentation. How to discover callback parameters and the answers seem to suggest that if there is a non-error argument that a callback can take it will be documented, but I am assuming that answer is outdated.
I've run into the same issue with many Node/NPM packages. Documentation sometimes does not describe the parameters well.
So, welcome to JavaScript in 2018! It's gotten a lot better, though, to be honest.
My go-to method is to try the methods and dump the information myself.
Try a console.dir(res) in your callback:
https.get('https://encrypted.google.com/', (res) => {
Alternatively, you can set a breakpoint in the callback and inspect it yourself. You can then probe the arguments object* to see what else, if anything, was passed as an argument, or do another console dump:
https.get('https://encrypted.google.com/', function (res) {
console.dir("args:", arguments);
console.dir("res:", res);
EDIT: Wait, apparently the arguments variable is not available to arrow functions, fixed the second example.
*From MDN:
The arguments object is not an Array. It is similar to an Array, but
does not have any Array properties except length.
From your link https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v8.x/docs/api/https.html#https_https_get_options_callback, you can see that it works like the http version :
Like http.get() but for HTTPS.
With http.get() clickable.
On that page (https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v8.x/docs/api/http.html#http_http_get_options_callback), we can see this :
The callback is invoked with a single argument that is an instance of http.IncomingMessage
With http.IncomingMessage clickable, linking this page :
I agree the Node documentation is not very clear about the callbacks in general, and that is a shame. You can still use IDEs with good intellisense (and JSDoc to identify the type of the function parameters), like VSCode.
Or you can use a debugger, always works :)
Edit: If you want to see all the parameters sent to a function, you can use the spread syntax like this :
function foo(...params) {
// Here params is an array containing all the parameters that were sent to the function
If you want the absolute truth, you can look at the implementation. Though that's fairly time consuming.
If you find that the documentation is wrong, or in this case could be improved by adding a sentence about the callback parameter to https.get(), please open an issue, or, better yet, a pull request. This is where the change needs to be made:
I have tried to declare a function without the local keyword and then call that function from anther script but it gives me an error when I run the command.
test = function ()
return 'test'
# from some other script
I can't believe I still have no answer to this. I'll include more details of my setup.
I am using node with the redis-scripto package to load the scripts into redis. Here is an example.
var Scripto = require('redis-scripto');
var scriptManager = new Scripto(redis);
var keys = [key1, key2];
var values = [val];
scriptManager.run('run_function', keys, values, function(err, result) {
console.log(err, result)
And the lua scripts.
-- ./lua_scripts/dict_2_bulk.lua
-- turns a dictionary table into a bulk reply table
dict2bulk = function (dict)
local result = {}
for k, v in pairs(dict) do
table.insert(result, k)
table.insert(result, v)
return result
-- run_function.lua
return dict2bulk({ test=1 })
Throws the following error.
[Error: ERR Error running script (call to f_d06f7fd783cc537d535ec59228a18f70fccde663): #enable_strict_lua:14: user_script:1: Script attempted to access unexisting global variable 'dict2bulk' ] undefined
I'm going to be contrary to the accepted answer, because the accepted answer is wrong.
While you can't explicitly define named functions, you can call any script that you can call with EVALSHA. More specifically, all of the Lua scripts that you have explicitly defined via SCRIPT LOAD or implicitly via EVAL are available in the global Lua namespace at f_<sha1 hash> (until/unless you call SCRIPT FLUSH), which you can call any time.
The problem that you run into is that the functions are defined as taking no arguments, and the KEYS and ARGV tables are actually globals. So if you want to be able to communicate between Lua scripts, you either need to mangle your KEYS and ARGV tables, or you need to use the standard Redis keyspace for communication between your functions.> script load "return {KEYS[1], ARGV[1]}"
"d006f1a90249474274c76f5be725b8f5804a346b"> eval "return f_d006f1a90249474274c76f5be725b8f5804a346b()" 1 "hello" "world"
1) "hello"
2) "world"> eval "KEYS[1] = 'blah!'; return f_d006f1a90249474274c76f5be725b8f5804a346b()" 1 "hello" "world"
1) "blah!"
2) "world">
All of this said, this is in complete violation of spec, and is entirely possible to stop working in strange ways if you attempt to run this in a Redis cluster scenario.
Important Notice: See Josiah's answer below. My answer turns out to be wrong or at the least incomplete. Which makes me very happy ofcourse, it makes Redis all the more flexible.
My incorrect/incomplete answer:
I'm quite sure this is not possible. You are not allowed to use global variables (read the docs ), and the script itself gets a local and temporary scope by the Redis Lua engine.
Lua functions automatically set a 'writing' flag behind the scenes if they do any write action. This starts a transaction. If you cascade Lua calls, the bookkeeping in Redis would become very cumbersome, especially when the cascade is executed on a Redis slave. That's why EVAL and EVALSHA are intentionally not made available as valid Redis calls inside a Lua script. Same goes for calling an already 'loaded' Lua function which you are trying to do. What would happen if the slave is rebooted between the load of the first script and the exec of the second script?
What we do to overcome this limitation:
Don't use EVAL, only use SCRIPT LOAD and EVALSHA.
Store the SHA1 inside a redis hash set.
We automated this in our versioning system, so a committed Lua script automatically gets it's SHA1 checksum stored in the Redis master, in a hash set, with a logical name. The clients can't use EVAL (on a slave; we disabled EVAL+LOAD in config). But the client can ask for the SHA1 for the next step. Almost all our Lua functions return a SHA1 for the next call.
Hope this helps, TW
Because I'm not one to leave well enough alone, I built a package that allows for simple internal calling semantics. The package (for Python) is available on GitHub.
Long story short, it uses ARGV as a call stack, translates KEYS/ARGV references to _KEYS and _ARGV, uses Redis as a name -> hash mapping internally, and translates CALL.<name>(<keys>, <argv>) to a table append + Redis lookup + Lua function call.
The METHOD.txt file describes what goes on, and all of the regular expressions I used to translate the Lua scripts are available in lua_call.py. Feel free to re-use my semantics.
The use of the function registry makes this very unlikely to work in Redis cluster or any other multi-shard setup, but for single-master applications, it should work for the foreseeable future.
I have a a debugger point in my code and I look in the call stack, I see about 11 lines deep but I cannot dig more. In the last level, the deeper one, is not a response from an async call like a driver nor an entry program, it's just some function called by another. But I cannot see that another function...
Any help how to see the other function?
You could try out https://github.com/CrabDude/trycatch and wrap some of your initial code with it.
var trycatch = require('trycatch')
trycatch(yourOriginalFunction, exceptionHandlerCallback)
It should give you a long stacktrace with your original function in it.
There are other libraries trying to solving this problem too but I haven't used them: