TextWatcher in Android not setting values in other edittexts - android-studio

I have three edittext values for which i am using textwatcher to update data.
I want that if i enter any value in anyone of the edit text then according to that value it should calculate and then update the edittext in which i entered the value automatically and after that set the value in other specif edit text and save the final value in string if need to send to any server.
//My Code
public class Land_details extends AppCompatActivity {
EditText land_acre_edit;
EditText land_kanal_edit;
EditText land_marla_edit;
Button land_button;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
land_acre_edit = findViewById(R.id.land_acre_edit);
land_kanal_edit = findViewById(R.id.land_kanal_edit);
land_marla_edit = findViewById(R.id.land_marla_edit);
land_button = findViewById(R.id.save_land_detail);
private TextWatcher mytext_watcher = new TextWatcher() {
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
try {
String check_marla = land_marla_edit.getText().toString();
String check_kanal = land_kanal_edit.getText().toString();
String check_acre = land_acre_edit.getText().toString();
if (check_marla != null) {
if ((Integer.valueOf(check_marla) > 8)) {
check_acre =(String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(check_kanal) + (Integer.valueOf(land_marla) / 20)));
check_marla=( String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(land_marla) % 20));
check_acre = String.valueOf(check_acre) + (Integer.valueOf(check_kanal) / 8);
check_kanal = String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(check_kanal) % 8);
}catch (NumberFormatException e){
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
I have tried to set my try catch code in aftertextChanged but at first it was giving me numberformatexception as soon as i enter a text above my contion my app crash but after that i tried using try catch to catch a numberformatexception after that i am able to add number above my condition and even after a long wait nothing happen can any one explain where i am going wrong.


How to add numbers together using and If statement?

I'm trying to make a program in android studio that when sellected a higher education it automatically adds 200$ to the pay that was previously entered. But instead of getting 500+200=700, I get 500200. I ran trough the code numerous times and just can't seem to find the error. I'm still new on Java. This is the second window that appears when submitting the information, It shows all the info entered in the first window, but for some reason it can't 200 to the entered pay
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent duom = getIntent();
String pavarde = duom.getStringExtra("pavarde");
String issilavinimas = duom.getStringExtra("issilavinimas");
int pay = duom.getIntExtra("atlyginimas", 0);
String laikas = duom.getStringExtra("laikas");
TextView rez = findViewById(R.id.rezultatas);
rez.setText("Pavardė: "+pavarde+"\n");
rez.append("Išsilavinimas: "+issilavinimas+"\n");
rez.append("Gaunamas atlyginimas: " +pay+ 200 + "\n");
} else{
rez.append("Gaunamas atlyginimas: "+pay+ "\n");
rez.append("Keliasi: "+laikas+"\n");
This is the first window where all the information is entered:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void saugoti(View v){
EditText txt = findViewById(R.id.lastName);
String pavarde = txt.getText().toString();
Spinner issilavinimas = findViewById(R.id.issilavinimas);
String issilav = issilavinimas.getSelectedItem().toString();
EditText atl = findViewById(R.id.pay);
int pay = Integer.parseInt(atl.getText().toString());
TextView txt2 = findViewById(R.id.time);
String laikas = txt2.getText().toString();
Intent duom = new Intent(this, rezultatas.class);
duom.putExtra("pavarde", pavarde);
duom.putExtra("issilavinimas", issilav);
duom.putExtra("laikas", laikas);
duom.putExtra("atlyginimas", pay);
public void showTimePickerDialog(View v) {
DialogFragment newFragment = new TimePickerFragment();
newFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "timePicker");
Try this
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent duom = getIntent();
String pavarde = duom.getStringExtra("pavarde");
String issilavinimas = duom.getStringExtra("issilavinimas");
int pay = duom.getIntExtra("atlyginimas", 0);
int total=pay+ 200;
String laikas = duom.getStringExtra("laikas");
TextView rez = findViewById(R.id.rezultatas);
rez.setText("Pavardė: "+pavarde+"\n");
rez.append("Išsilavinimas: "+issilavinimas+"\n");
rez.append("Gaunamas atlyginimas: " + total + "\n");
} else{
rez.append("Gaunamas atlyginimas: "+pay+ "\n");
rez.append("Keliasi: "+laikas+"\n");
when you + with String concatination is actually working there instead of addition

Counting number of times android app goes into background

I'm developing an app which counts number of times the app goes to the background. It also retains the values when the orientation is changed. Though I have it working of all use cases, I have one use case which does not work.
Case : When I press the home button, change the phone's orientation and reopen the app, It does open in landscape mode but, the background count does not increase.
I have tried setting values in all the life cycle methods. It doesn't work. Hope somebody can help me with this.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private int clickCount =0, backgroundCount = 0;
TextView tvClickCountValue, tvBackgroundCountValue;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if( savedInstanceState != null){
clickCount = savedInstanceState.getInt("COUNT");
backgroundCount = savedInstanceState.getInt("BGCOUNT");
tvClickCountValue = (TextView) this.findViewById(R.id.tvClickCountValue);
tvBackgroundCountValue = (TextView) this.findViewById(R.id.tvBackgroundCountValue);
public void onClick(View v){
clickCount += 1;
public void setView(Context ctx){
protected void onStop() {
backgroundCount += 1;
protected void onResume() {
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putInt("COUNT", clickCount);
outState.putInt("BGCOUNT", backgroundCount);
protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
clickCount = savedInstanceState.getInt("COUNT");
backgroundCount = savedInstanceState.getInt("BGCOUNT");
This article contains useful information: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/runtime-changes.html especially in the section about Handling The Change.
Try handling it on onConfigurationChanged() of you have disabled Activity restarts on orientation changes. Otherwise, probably through this article you will find which case applies to your scenario.
By reading the problem description, I am assuming that if you don't rotate the device the application works as intended.
you need to persist the count in the SharedPreferences. each time you reopen the app read the last value from the SharedPreferences. And increment and save to SharedPreferences each time the app is hidden.
Then you can count the with #kiran code:
public class BaseActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public static boolean isAppInFg = false;
public static boolean isScrInFg = false;
public static boolean isChangeScrFg = false;
protected void onStart() {
if (!isAppInFg) {
isAppInFg = true;
isChangeScrFg = false;
else {
isChangeScrFg = true;
isScrInFg = true;
protected void onStop() {
if (!isScrInFg || !isChangeScrFg) {
isAppInFg = false;
isScrInFg = false;
public void onAppStart() {
// app in the foreground
// show the count here.
public void onAppPause() {
// app in the background
// start counting here.

im trying to get an input from user using an edittext then convert its string to int to validate

I'm trying to get the string input from EditText be converted to int and validate the int using the if statement.
public class Main3Activity extends AppCompatActivity {
public Button but5;
public EditText et;
public String hello;
public Integer myNum;
public void main5(){
et = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText);
hello = et.getText().toString();
myNum = Integer.parseInt(et.getText().toString());
but5 = (Button)findViewById(R.id.button5);
but5.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if(myNum >= 18){
Intent a = new Intent(Main3Activity.this,Main5Activity.class);
} else {
Intent a = new Intent(Main3Activity.this,Main4Activity.class);
Any solution ?
so you are a beginner. Remember that each time you ask question please copy and paste the log cat error too. It will be easy for us to debug your error.
At the moment just try
myNum = Integer.parseInt(hello);
instead of
myNum = Integer.parseInt(et.getText().toString());

How to add more than one same custom view to a grid layout in android from Java code

I am learning custom views in android.
I made one custom view, with a rectangle and a text. The code of the custom view is:
public class TileGenerator extends View {
// rectangle parameters
private Rect rect = new Rect();
private Paint rectPaint = new Paint();
private Integer rectEndX;
private Integer rectEndY;
private Integer rectStartX;
private Integer rectStartY;
private Integer rectFillColor;
private Float rectTextStartX;
private Float rectTextStartY;
//rectangle text
private String rectText;
private Paint rectTextPaint = new Paint();
public TileGenerator(Context context) {
protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
public void setTileTitleText(String rectText) {
this.rectText = rectText;
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
rectEndX = getrectEndX();
rectEndY = getrectEndY();
rectStartX = getRectStartX();
rectStartY = getRectStartY();
rectTextStartX = rectEndX/4f + rectStartX;
rectTextStartY = 3.5f * rectEndY/4f + rectStartY;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(rect, rectPaint);
canvas.drawText(rectText,rectTextStartX,rectTextStartY,rectTextPaint );
protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {
public Integer getrectEndX() {
return rectEndX;
public void setrectEndX(Integer rectEndX) {
this.rectEndX = rectEndX;
public Integer getrectEndY() {
return rectEndY;
public void setrectEndY(Integer rectEndY) {
this.rectEndY = rectEndY;
public Integer getRectStartX() {
return rectStartX;
public void setRectStartX(Integer rectStartX) {
this.rectStartX = rectStartX;
public Integer getRectStartY() {
return rectStartY;
public void setRectStartY(Integer rectStartY) {
this.rectStartY = rectStartY;
public Integer getRectFillColor() {
return rectFillColor;
public void setRectFillColor(Integer rectFillColor) {
this.rectFillColor = rectFillColor;
public String getRectText() {
return rectText;
After that I created an blank activity. I am doing all with JAVA code. No XML. Then I try to add above custom view to a gridview layout. I want to add two custom views with different text in a horizontal gridview. So far my code is as below:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(this);
// first custom view
CustomRectWithText customRectWithText = new CustomRectWithText(this);
// second custom view
CustomRectWithText customRectWithText1 = new CustomRectWithText(this);
customRectWithText1.setRectStartX(200 + 5);
customRectWithText1.setTileTitleText("Text 1");
But still I am not getting both of the rectangles in a grid view. Only one rectangle is displayed at a time. In above case only first custom view is displayed.
Where am I doing wrong.
All I want is to make a repetitive rectangle of varying labels of any size inside a grid view.
Is this the way to do it. I mean is there any other way around.
I dont want to use ListItems.
Sorry but i do not have enough repo to comment.
But why dont you make an adapter?
Gridview behaves same as listView.
Use adapter to fill your grid.
This is the proper way to populate listView and gridView also.

Simple Edittext Math Android

new SO user here and I'm new to android as well. I need help doing a simple calculation between two edittext boxes - without a button, using a textwatcher, so that after the user is done using the edittext boxes it can add the two together and output the answer in a textview. I'd post my code here, but it just isn't any good. Can anyone provide an example of how to take two edittext boxes, assign a textwatcher to both, then put the output into a textview. Also, please keep in mind that this is eventually going to use multiple edittext boxes while autoupdating each other. This would be similar to creating forumulas in Microsoft excel and having them update immediately. One of the main problems I seem to have is catching the numberformatexception when just one is empty. Thank you for your time.
I implemented a simple app - I hope it helps you.
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements TextWatcher {
TextView tvResult;
EditText tvNumberOne, tvNumberTwo;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
tvResult = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.tvResult);
tvNumberOne = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.tvNumberOne);
tvNumberTwo = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.tvNumberTwo);
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
int numOne = 0, numTwo = 0;
numOne = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(tvNumberOne.getText()));
numTwo = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(tvNumberTwo.getText()));
}catch(Exception ex){
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Parsing error!",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
tvResult.setText(String.valueOf(numOne + numTwo));
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
int after) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
