How to execute a curl command in Python and get the response and pass it through other code - python-3.x

I have a curl command. I want to execute in in Python and fetch the response to pass it through other code.
curl -d 'grant_type=refresh_token' -d 'refresh_token=Ew38UXVKS3kc0axFt6MdDklUnoHpipxTzDWBmKlXAG9ImvGafbbaUhQndv89e677' -d 'client_id=3qkm5h4wh765b3khiws0z8hdpkc56jhs' -d 'client_secret=h9AeXzZL3KATJuaHmimFFBRBDZQrp9tr' -X POST
How can I execute the script in Python and get the response and pass it through other code?
When I am executing the curl script in CMD, I am getting this response:
From the above response I need to take the access_token value.

Like avloss said - try out requests.
Another great resource is the application Postman
It will let you try out any http calls you'd like, and then can also translate that into/out of curl and/or python requests code for you (and a bunch of other languages).
I find it really useful when trying to figure how to use requests for anything more than simple http calls.

you should use requests library (pip install requests)
import requests
url = ''
data = {
response =, data).json()


Unable to upload binary data using python requests

I am trying to translate the following curl command into a python request API call:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --request PUT --data-binary #content.tar.gz <upload_url>
I have got as far as doing:
import requests
data = open("content.tar.gz", "rb").read()
response = requests.put(
headers={"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"},
Although the status code from the above call is 200 the content.tar.gz file does not seem to get uploaded while the curl command works flawlessly.
I have looked at many different questions regarding translating curl commands to python requests but have not found any reasons why this should not work when the curl command does.
Hope you may be able to give me some pointers on what I am doing wrong.

Spotify API authorization works with cURL but not with python requests

I am trying to get an acess token from the Spotify API. This is the curl command for it :
curl -H "Authorization: Basic M2...xMTJiNDc=" -d "grant_type=authorization_code" -d "code=AQAXvqFp....29kd09" -d ""
This works.
However,if I try to run it using python requests,I get a "invalid authorization" token error. I have reproduced the steps to get the auth token multiple times,but still same error.
I read on their GitHub that the auth code works only once,so I used the new auth code with python requests first,but still no luck. This is the python code:
import requests as req
data = {
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'state': '34fFs29kd09=34fFs29kd09',
'redirect_uri': ''
"Authorization":f"Basic {authbasic}" #same as in the curl command
url = ""
response =,headers=header,data=data)
This is the error:
b'{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid authorization code"}'
How do I resolve this? I am using Python3.6

Node.js childprocess.execSync for curl request not returning error if curl request is 404 or 403

this might not be an issue per say but here is my problem : I'm using childprocess.execSync to execute curl request on pages I need the html content of. It works perfectly fine for valid pages but if the curl request to a page encounters pretty much any error code such as 404 or 403, then the result of the execSync is empty and I have no way to know what error code the curl encountered.
Is there any way to know the curl error code that happens during the childprocess.execSync ?
node.js version : 8.16.2
Well, I found a way, look like I just had to pass "-i" with my curl request to return the response headers too and not just the body, now I can just parse that and see the error code I got.

why calling curl from execSync in Node.js fails but directly run the exact-same command works?

I have come into a trouble that when using execSync in node.js, it's not working as directly type the command in the shell.
Here is my issue:
I use a curl to request for some data from a server, and I need to do that with a cookie because there is a login requirement.
It's easy to handle the login process and get the cookie, but it's weird that using the cookie with a curl in node.js would cause the server an "internal error". And since I don't have the permission to change the server-code, I'm looking for help about the difference of calling curl in Node.js and directly use curl.
Here is the code:
var command = 'curl --cookie cookie.txt ' + getURL();
// output: curl --cookie cookie.txt
var result = child_process.execSync(command).toString();
// will cause an internal error and the "result" is an error-reporting page.
Directly calling this in the shell:
curl --cookie cookie.txt
Everything works, I got the data I need.
I tried to find some plots, for instance, changing the code to:
var command = 'curl --cookie cookie-bad.txt ' + getURL();
I put some wrong cookie in the cookie-bad.txt, I will get a "you are not log in" result.
So there must be something wrong with:
sending a cookie to the server to request some data with curl running inside a nodejs script with execSync.
Is there any way I can improve the code or something?
What is your Node.js version? I don't have any problem with 10.16.0.

Python script which access GitLab works on Windows but returns 'Project Not Found' on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) - Used python requests

I have a python script which does a GET request to GitLab and stores the data from the response in an excel file using tablib library.
This script works fine in Windows when I execute it using python3.
I have tried to execute the same script in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) I have enabled and the script fails.
The output when I execute with python3 in WSL is the following:
RESPONSE {"message":"404 Project Not Found"}
When I execute from Windows using python .\ where python is python3:
RESPONSE [{"id":567,"iid":22}, {"id":10,"iid":3}]
I think the problem could be related to the GET api call I am doing because in WSL it returns Project Not Found.
I executed that request using curl in WSL to see if the unix in general has this issue, but I get back the expected response instead of the not found response. This was the request:
curl -X GET 'https://URL/api/v4/projects/server%2Fproducts%2FPROJECT/issues?per_page=100' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: TOKEN' --insecure
Why is python failing in unix using Python if unix is able to execute the get request using curl? Should I enable/disable something in the request perhaps?
This is the request I am doing in my python script:
def get_items():
url = "https://URL/api/v4/projects/server%2Fproducts%2FPROJECT/issues"
payload = {}
querystring = {"state": "closed", "per_page": "100"}
headers = {
'Content-Type': "application/json",
'PRIVATE-TOKEN': os.environ.get("GITLAB_KEY") # enviromental variable added in windows
response = requests.request(
"GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload, params=querystring, verify=False)
print("RESPONSE " + response.text)
return json.loads(response.text)
I have tried using the project id as well instead of the path but it didn't work
GET /projects/:id
Change this:
url = "https://URL/api/v4/projects/server%2Fproducts%2FPROJECT/issues"
projectId = 1234 # or whatever your project id is ... Project Page, Settings -> General
url = "https://URL/api/v4/projects/" + projectId + "/issues"
Based on an answer I got in the post I did in Reddit, I found the problem.
In the python script, I am using an environmental variable which is not accessible in that way ( os.environ.get("GITLAB_KEY") ) from the WSL.
For now, I have replaced it with the hard-coded value just to check that this was really the issue. The script now works as expected.
I will find a way to access the env var again now that I know what the problem was.
