Structured Streaming OOM - apache-spark

I deploy a structured streaming job with on the k8s operator, which simply reads from kafka, deserializes, adds 2 columns and stores the results in the datalake (tried both delta and parquet) and after days the executor increases memory and eventually i get OOM. The input records are in terms of kbs really low.
P.s i use the exactly same code, but with cassandra as a sink which runs for almost a month now, without any issues. any ideas plz?
enter image description here
enter image description here
My code
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", MetisStreamsConfig.bootstrapServers)
.option("subscribe", MetisStreamsConfig.topics.head)
.option("startingOffsets", startingOffsets)
.option("maxOffsetsPerTrigger", MetisStreamsConfig.maxOffsetsPerTrigger)
.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
.withColumn("payload", from_json($"value", schema))
// selection + filtering
.select($"vesselQuantity.qid" as "qid", $"vesselQuantity.vesselId" as "vessel_id", explode($"measurements"))
.select($"qid", $"vessel_id", $"col.*")
.filter($"qid".isNotNull and !($"qid"===""))
.withColumn("ingestion_time", current_timestamp())
.withColumn("mapping", MappingUDF($"qid"))
.foreachBatch { (batchDF: DataFrame, batchId: Long) =>"Storing batch with id: `$batchId`")
val calendarInstance = Calendar.getInstance()
val year = calendarInstance.get(Calendar.YEAR)
val month = calendarInstance.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1
val day = calendarInstance.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)
.parquet(streamOutputDir + s"/$year/$month/$day")
.option("checkpointLocation", checkpointDir)
i changed to foreachBatch because using delta or parquet with partitionBy cause issues faster

There is a bug that is resolved in Spark 3.1.0.
Other ways of overcoming the issue & a credit for debugging:
You may find this helpful even though you are using foreachBatch ...

I had the same issue for some Structured Streaming Spark 2.4.4 applications writing some Delta lake (or parquet) output with partitionBy.
Seem to be related to the jvm memory allocation within a container, as thorougly explained here:
My solution (but depends on your jvm version) was to add some option in the yaml definition for my spark application:
javaOptions: >-
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap
This way my Streamin App is functionning properly, with normal amount of memory (1GB for driver, 2GB for executors)
EDIT: while it seem that the first issue is solved (controller killing pods for memory consumption) there is still an issue with slowly growing non-heap memory size; after a few hours, the driver/executors are killed...


Spark Structured Streaming Batch Read Checkpointing

I am fairly new to Spark and am still learning. One of the more difficult concepts I have come across is checkpointing and how Spark uses it to recover from failures. I am doing batch reads from Kafka using Structured Streaming and writing them to S3 as Parquet file as:
.option("checkpointLocation", checkpointLocation)
The checkpoint location is a S3 filesystem path. However, as the job runs, I see no checkpointing files. In subsequent runs, I see the following log:
21/10/14 12:20:51 INFO ConsumerCoordinator: [Consumer clientId=consumer-spark-kafka-relation-54f0cc87-e437-4582-b998-a33189e90bd7-driver-0-5, groupId=spark-kafka-relation-54f0cc87-e437-4582-b998-a33189e90bd7-driver-0] Found no committed offset for partition topic-1
This indicates that the previous run did not checkpoint any offsets for this run to pick them up from. So it keeps consuming from the earliest offset.
How can I make my job pick up new offsets? Note that this is a batch query as described here.
This is how I read:
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", kafkaProperties.bootstrapServers())
.option("subscribe", topic)
.option("", "SSL")
.option("kafka.ssl.truststore.location", sslConfig.truststoreLocation())
.option("kakfa.ssl.truststore.password", sslConfig.truststorePassword())
.option("kafka.ssl.keystore.location", sslConfig.keystoreLocation())
.option("kafka.ssl.keystore.password", sslConfig.keystorePassword())
.option("kafka.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm", "")
.option("failOnDataLoss", "true");
I am not sure why batch Spark Structured Streaming with Kafka still exists now. If you wish to use it, then you must code your own Offset management. See the guide, but it is badly explained.
I would say Trigger.Once is a better use case for you; Offset management is provided by Spark as it is thus not batch mode.

How we manage offsets in Spark Structured Streaming? (Issues with _spark_metadata )

I have written a simple spark structured steaming app to move data from Kafka to S3. Found that in order to support exactly-once guarantee spark creates _spark_metadata folder, which ends up growing too large, when the streaming app runs for a long time the metadata folder grows so big that we start getting OOM errors. I want to get rid of metadata and checkpoint folders of Spark Structured Streaming and manage offsets myself.
How we managed offsets in Spark Streaming:
I have used val offsetRanges = rdd.asInstanceOf[HasOffsetRanges].offsetRanges to get offsets in Spark Structured Streaming. But want to know how to get the offsets and other metadata to manage checkpointing ourself using Spark Structured Streaming. Do you have any sample program that implements checkpointing?
How we managed offsets in Spark Structured Streaming??
Looking at this JIRA looks like offsets are not provided. How should we go about?
The issue is in 6 hours size of metadata increased to 45MB and it grows till it reaches nearly 13 GB. Driver memory allocated is 5GB. At that time system crashes with OOM. Wondering how to avoid making this meta data grow so large? How to make metadata not log so much information.
1. Reading records from Kafka topic
Dataset<Row> inputDf = spark \
.readStream \
.format("kafka") \
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2") \
.option("subscribe", "topic1") \
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest") \
2. Use from_json API from Spark to extract your data for further transformation in a dataset.
Dataset<Row> dataDf ="value").cast("string"), EVENT_SCHEMA).alias("event"))
....withColumn("oem_id", col("metadata.oem_id"));
3. Construct a temp table of above dataset using SQLContext
SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(sparkSession);
4. Flatten events since Parquet does not support hierarchical data.
5. Store output in parquet format on S3
StreamingQuery query = flatDf.writeStream().format("parquet")
Dataset dataDf ="value").cast("string"), EVENT_SCHEMA).alias("event"))
.select("event.metadata", "", "event.connection", "event.registration_event","event.version_event"
SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(sparkSession);
Dataset flatDf = sqlContext
.sql("select " + " date, time, id, " + flattenSchema(EVENT_SCHEMA, "event") + " from event");
StreamingQuery query = flatDf
.option("compression", "snappy")
.option("checkpointLocation", checkpointLocation)
.option("path", outputPath)
.partitionBy("date", "time", "id")
For non-batch Spark Structured Streaming KAFKA integration:
Structured Streaming ignores the offsets commits in Apache Kafka.
Instead, it relies on its own offsets management on the driver side which is responsible for distributing offsets to executors and
for checkpointing them at the end of the processing round (epoch or
You need not worry if you follow the Spark KAFKA integration guides.
Excellent reference:
For batch the situation is different, you need to manage that yourself and store the offsets.
Based on the comments I suggest the question is slightly different and advise you look at Spark Structured Streaming Checkpoint Cleanup. In addition to your updated comments and the fact that there is no error, I suggest you consukt this on metadata for Spark Structured Streaming Looking at the code, different to my style, but cannot see any obvious error.

Spark Structured Streaming with Kafka source, change number of topic partitions while query is running

I've set up a Spark structured streaming query that reads from a Kafka topic.
If the number of partitions in the topic is changed while the Spark query is running, Spark does not seem to notice and data on new partitions is not consumed.
Is there a way to tell Spark to check for new partitions in the same topic apart from stopping the query an restarting it?
I'm using Spark 2.4.4. I read from kafka as follows:
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", kafkaURL)
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.option("subscribe", topic)
.option("failOnDataLoss", value = false)
after some processing, I write to HDFS on a Delta Lake table.
Answering my own question. Kafka consumers check for new partitions/topic (in case of subscribing to topics with a pattern) every, whose default value is 300000 (5 minutes).
Since my test was lasting far less than that, I wouldn't notice the update. For tests, reduce the value to something smaller, e.g. 100 ms, by setting the following option of the DataStreamReader:
.option("", 100)

How to slow down the write speed of Kafka Producer?

I use the spark to write data to kafka in this way.
df.write(). format("kafka"). save()
can I control the writing speed to kafka to avoid pressure on kafka?
Is there some options that helps to slow down the speed?
I think setting to a non-zero value would help. As it controls the amount of time to wait for additional messages before sending the current batch. Code can look like the following
df.write.format("kafka").option("", "100").save()
But this really depends on a lot of things. If your Kafka is 'big' enough and configured properly, I wouldn't worry too much about the speed. After all, kafka is designed to cope with this situation (traffic spike).
Generally, Structured Streaming will try to process data as fast as possible by default. There are options in each source to allow to control the processing rate, such as maxFilesPerTrigger in File source, and maxOffsetsPerTrigger in Kafka source.
val streamingETLQuery = cloudtrailEvents
.withColumn("date", $"timestamp".cast("date") // derive the date
.trigger(ProcessingTime("10 seconds")) // check for files every 10s
.format("parquet") // write as Parquet partitioned by date
.option("path", "/cloudtrail")
.option("checkpointLocation", "/cloudtrail.checkpoint/")
val df = spark.readStream
.option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 1)
Read the following links for more details:

Spark-Streaming hangs with kafka starting offset at earliest (Kafka 2, spark 2.4.3)

i'm having an issue with Spark-Streaming and Kafka. While running a sample program to consume from a Kafka topic and output micro-batched results to the terminal, my job seems to hang when i set the option:
df.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
Starting the job from the latest offset works fine, results are printed to the terminal as each micro batch streams through.
I was thinking maybe this was a resouces issue--i'm trying to read from a topic with quite a bit of data. However i don't seem to have memory/cpu issues (running this job with a local[*] cluster). The job never really seems to start, but just hangs on the line:
19/09/17 15:21:37 INFO Metadata: Cluster ID: JFXVL24JQ3K4CEbE-VA58A
val sc = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("spark-test")
val streamContext = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))
val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("spark-test")
val topic = ""
//subscribe tokafka
val df = spark.readStream.format("kafka")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "")
.option("subscribe", topic)
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.option("truncate", "false")
I'd expect to see results printed to the console....but, the application just seems to hang as I mentioned. Any thoughts? It feels like a spark resource issue (because i'm running a local "cluster" against a topic that has a lot of data. Is there something about the nature of streaming dataframes that i'm missing?
Writing to console causes all data to be collected in memory in the driver every trigger. Since you're currently not limiting the size of your batches, this means the entire topic contents is being accumulated in the driver. See
Setting a limit on your batch sizes should fix your issue.
Try adding the maxOffsetsPerTrigger setting when reading from Kafka...
val df = spark.readStream.format("kafka")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "")
.option("subscribe", topic)
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.option("maxOffsetsPerTrigger", 1000)
See for details.
