How to recreate singleTop behavior when using navigation component's deep links? - android-jetpack-navigation

How to recreate singleTop behavior when using navigation component's deep links?
I'm using Jetpack Navigation and I'm currently trying to implement notification clicks. One of the fragments is used to play music. When you background the app, a notification is displayed and music continues to play. When I click the notification I would like to go back to the fragment with the playback. I would like to mimic singleTop behavior.
To handle notifcation clicks I'm using an explicit deep link (PendingIntent with navigation graph):
val pendingIntent = NavDeepLinkBuilder(context)
Unfortunately, it clears the task back stack and replaces it with the deep link destination. How can I prevent this behavior? I know there is NavOptions#shouldLaunchSingleTop but I see no way to use it with the PendingIntent and NavDeepLinkBuilder. Is it possible to launch deep link with NavOptions?


How do I declaratively push BottomSheet with Navigator 2.0?

I'm new to Navigator 2.0 in Flutter, and now I'm trying to achieve BottomSheet behavior using declarative approach. Unfortunately, I only managed to come up with quite a cumbersome way to do that so I'm wondering if there's an easier way.
I'm building a shopping app and I want to show the item details card that slides out from the bottom of the screen, dimming the previous page (as shown in picture), when user taps on item in a list. I also want to allow url support, so that /item/id opens home page and then shows the details card over it.
So how I think this could be done is to push (or to add to Navigator's pages array in case of Navigator 2.0) custom non-opaque page with no transition animation using TransitionDelegate and PageRouteBuilder, and then animate dimming and sliding by hand using animation controllers. But this approach seems unnatural (and genuinely scares me to be honest) and it's still not clear to me how to handle back button in this case (Do I need to somehow notify the page to play closing animation from Navigator's onPopPage, is this the way to do this?).
If anyone has an experience of implementing similar feature, I would really appreciate sharing it! Or maybe you have come up with more elegant solution, then tell me about it and I'll give it a try! Thanks!

Making and Object uniteractable

So I have a part of my game where the character is selecting an area of the map. And it opening up a panel. I have made it so that happens but an=m now stuck on the other part of it. I want only certain area of the map to be intractable, so that I can bar the player from selecting areas of the map that they aren't ready for. I have no idea how to make game objects in the game uninteractable. I have looked on Stack overflow, Youtube an d the Unity API to no success. Can someone help me with that.
How to make things un-interactable will vary depending on your situation. I'll be presuming that you're map is broken up into a grid of sorts.
The basic setup would involve a bool, probably called 'CanAccessZone'.
Then you'll need a class, to store any access info and popup logic, by popup logic I mean make the element either non-interactable or show a popup, with the shown popup being dependant on 'CanAccessZone'. This class can then be set up by your Map class when the level is loaded, or you could let the popup class grab the necessary values from the Map class.
If you're using Unity's UI buttons for the map pieces, then you could set interactable to false, until you want to let the player access the zone. If you want to display a popup informing the player that they can't access the zone, then your button will be interactable, but the click will delegate to your popup logic method.
It's a similiar principle if you're using gameobjects as buttons. You'd be using any of the OnMouse events to handle click events.
Hopefully this'll lead you in the right direction.

How to make backbutton work for a control, not just Page in UWP?

I followed this link and "successfully" make my button work. I mean I can make my backbutton work between pages. However, if I navigate to a control which is inside this page and will cover the whole screen, then it would not allow me to back to the page. I will stuck in that control.
I'm wondering how to solve this problem. Currently I can think two possible ways (0) Override OnBackRequested() inside the control's code behind or viewmodel? (1) Override OnHardwareButtonsBackPressed() inside the control's code behind or viewmodel?. I don't know if these are correct way to do it or there is some better way to do it. Another reason for me to override is that I need to make some changes to the page navigation behavior.
As you have guessed, you simply need to hide the control again when the back button is pressed or back is requested in some other way. I would listen for the BackRequested event (not the HardwareButtons.BackPressed event) in the page's code-behind, and in the handling method you can check to see if the control is currently shown. The reason I recommend the BackRequested event is because it is universal, while HardwareButtons.BackPressed only works on a phone. Anyway, if the control is visible, then hide it, and set the Handled property of the event arguments to true. If the control is already hidden, don't do anything special to handle the event (because in that case you will want the navigation system to handle it by navigating to the previous page, if there is one). There are many aspects to navigation in Windows 10 -- please see these pages on Navigation and the SystemNavigationManager.

Swapping ActionBar items when displaying different Tabs and Detail Views

this is not a technical question, but one for advice regarding the best practices in designing an Android tablet UI.
I've got my concept of an Android Phone app pinned down.
The first activity (master view) launched contains a tab bar with three fragments from which the user can launch detail view activities of different sorts.
Both the master-view activity and the detail-view activities have actions in their action bars. Different detail views have different action items.
My question is: How should I organize and display the action items on a tablet, where an activity combines both views side by side?
The problem is the unified action bar for both the master-view fragment and whatever kind of detail fragment is shown. I do not think it is a good idea to start messing with the contents of the action bar whenever a different kind of detail view is opened.
The Android Design Guide does not tell you much on that front. There is a sample of a Contacts app in the "Multi-pane Layouts" section, but it does not actually deal with the problem. It evades it, by putting the single relevant action as an icon inside the detail view fragment.
Any advice with regards to best practices and references are appreciated.
I would suggest leaving your master details icons in the action bar, whilst putting your details view icons in another view/area within the details fragment.
My reasoning would be that icons in the action bar affect / are associated with the whole app / view on screen. Whilst your details icons only affect the details view and therefor should not be in the action menu when showing multiple fragments.
I guess you will have to see how the designs look..
I am not a fan of the action bar icons being changed from within the same activity (even if it contains multiple fragments), however when you load a new activity (like in your phone design) then I say yeah throw them in the action bar.
If I understand your question correctly, which I think is basically a question of how multiple Fragments (i.e. when on a multi-pane layout such as on a tablet) should contribute to the single ActionBar, it's quite straightforward and it is actually briefly discussed in the documentation here. Essentially, you can have the multiple Fragments all contributing their own menu items / action items to the single action bar, via some simple API calls.

Alerts or Popups in MvvmCross

Does MvvmCross support a cross platform solution for displaying alerts or popups?
Searching the code I found MvxDialogActivityView but it has been commented out. Will this remain the case for now?
If there is no direct support how would you suggest this is best done? (Perhaps the ViewModel would change a property and call FirePropertyChanged so that the View would be aware of it and show an alert.)
Edit 16:04 16th June 2012
What I am trying to do for this specific case is as follows:
On the page a button is clicked, which causes a method to run in the ViewModel which does an evaluation to determine which of two messages should be shown to the customer. The message would be shown as an alert or popup (either native, or preferably totally styled by me). The message would fade after (the click of the OK button, or preferably 3 seconds).
After the message has been dismissed a new page will be navigated too (depending on which of the two messages was shown).
How to handle this definitely depends on what the situation is - there's no single best rule (IMHO)
For a general error display pattern, there's one proposal at
I've used similar patterns for showing application level notifications - e.g. for when a long running operation completes or when a chat message arrives or...
One interesting post about how to display message boxes was: - I'm not sure I'd completely follow the end solution, but there are definitely some good points there about what not to do.
For your updated scenario, I would consider using a messenger (like TinyMessenger) or using normal C# events exposed by the ViewModel and consumed by its View
On the page a button is clicked, which causes a method to run in the ViewModel
I would implement this using an ICommand bound to the button Click/Tap/TouchDown
which does an evaluation to determine which of two messages should be shown to the customer.
I would definitely implement the logic within a Service
This would be called from the ViewModel - and the result/decision would probably cause some property or private field state change.
How does the View then decide to show a message? I can think of 3 options:
The View could just respond to a Property change (normal Mvvm INPC) - this would be my preference
The ViewModel could expose a normal C# event which it triggers...
The ViewModel could send a Message
This last option (Messenging) is probably the most flexible solution here - it decouples the View and ViewModel in case you later decide to change responsibilities. To implement messenging, either:
implement your own hub (like I do for errors in
or use a generic solution like TinyMessenger
The message would be shown as an alert or popup (either native, or preferably totally styled by me).
This is a View concern - so would be entirely controlled by the View project. I'd use controls like: UIAlert, Toast, ToastPrompt, etc - all of which can be styled
The message would fade after (the click of the OK button, or preferably 3 seconds). After the message has been dismissed...
I'd use some form of Code Behind (or maybe a Behaviour in WP7) in the View. This would detect the click/fade/disappear and would then invoke either an ICommand (my preference) or public method on the ViewModel
a new page will be navigated too
This navigation would be requested from the ViewModel
(depending on which of the two messages was shown).
This would be easy to track through the above flow... presumably the ViewModel already knows what to show.
So that's what I'd do...
it keeps the application flow logic inside the ViewModels (and lower)
it keeps the presentation inside the Views
...but I'm sure there are other options :)
One final note... the fade out and then navigate logic can really get "messed up" by Switching/Tombstoning on WP7 and Android - this may or may not matter for your particular scenario.
