Android Studio AVD Manager - setting environmental variable doesn't work - android-studio

manage Android Virtual Devices (avd) using the (graphical) AVD manager shipped with Android Studio, but using a different storage folder.
Default folder: /home/user1/.android/avd/
Wanted folder: /mnt/data/some/more/path/.android/avd
According to the docs, this should work:
(Loaded in .bashrc)
export ANDROID_SDK_HOME='/mnt/data/some/more/path'
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT='/mnt/data/some/more/path/Sdk'
export PATH="${PATH}:${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/emulator"
export PATH="${PATH}:${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools"
export PATH="${PATH}:${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools/bin"
export PATH="${PATH}:${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platform-tools"
This works indeed on the command line:
$ emulator -list-avds
and running emulator -avd Pixel_2_API_28 works fine too.
However, AVD manager shows me no devices and when I use the only visible button + Create Virtual Device..., the new device will be created in the Default folder (/home/user1/.android/avd).
Worth mentioning (but I don't know if related): In settings>Tools>Terminal > And then looking at the list of Environment Variables, I cannot find eg. $ANDROID_SDK_HOME under 'Include system environment variables'.
But at the other side, when opening a terminal in Android Studio, they are available.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug (and should I rapport it)?
Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon
Android Studio 3.6.3

After searching some more, this bug is already reported:
Star this issue there if this bothers you too.

Add the path to "Edit Custom Properties" (gear bottom left android
Restart Android Studio
Source: Comment #4 on this issue:


I try to make android studio (emulator) work with vs-code but have an error "avdmanager is missing from the Android SDK"

This is my PATH
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/mnt/sda1/DevTools/sdk/
export PATH=${PATH}:/mnt/sda1/DevTools/sdk/platform-tools
I try many cases, but still this error!
Try :
flutter doctor --android-licenses
if something wrong, try to locate android sdk path.
flutter config --android-sdk {path}
Mine :
flutter config --android-sdk C:\Android\Sdk
This worked for me. If you have sdkmanager, avdmanager and emulator, and you have them in your PATH environmental variable, then
Download a system image:
sdkmanager "system-images;android-30;google_apis_playstore;x86_64"
(you can find available packages with sdkmanager --list --verbose)
Create a new virtual device with
avdmanager create avd --name MyAndroidDevice --package "system-images;android-30;google_apis_playstore;x86_64"
Start the emulator
emulator -avd MyAndroidDevice
Now restart VSCode and open your Flutter project. The new device should be at the bottom right corner or you should be able to choose it by clicking on "No device".
For me, I had to restart my VS Code for the installation of Android SDK be reflected upon it.
I know this is an old question but setting my $PATH variable in ~/.bashrc (I'm on Ubuntu 20.04) did not work for me.
I needed to setup Android Emulator for VScode, because I wanted to run my flutter app, which seems to be the same issue as OP had.
Instead of setting the $PATH directly you can actually use Flutter in the terminal to do it.
If you run "flutter config" in the terminal you get something like:
Configure Flutter settings.
To remove a setting, configure it to an empty string.
The Flutter tool anonymously reports feature usage statistics and basic crash reports to help
improve Flutter tools over time. See Google's privacy policy:
Run "flutter help" to see global options.
android-sdk: <my_path_to_android_tools>
Analytics reporting is currently enabled.
You can then see the $PATH that is currently set with flutter under:
android-sdk: <my_path_to_android_tools>
Mine was incorrect so I changed it to the current one with the command:
flutter config --android-sdk <my_path_to_android_tools>
Afterwards I restarted VScode and when it was finished loading I could now press the "device" button in the right hand corner and then select emulator that I had already created. I used one of the above answers to install the emulator itself.
It took a while to launch the emulator the first time due to installing some dependencies but it did work!
I tried this and works:
from terminal run flutter config --enable-android. You will get Setting "enable-android" value to "true".
after that open android studio, set up virtual devices first if you haven't. Open Android Studio -> Configure -> AVD Manager -> Create Your Virtual Device
Go back to your VS Code, open command Palette (Ctrl+P or cmd+P, then type >), or from View -> Command palette... -> Flutter: Select Device -> choose your android device
I faced the same issue and solved it running flutter doctor from the terminal, in VS Code. In my case, I had the android sdk located in a custom location (D drive), the reason why it wasn't found automatically. The "doctor" told me to run flutter config --android-sdk <my-sdk-custom-location>. Running it and restarting the IDE made the trick. Hopefully this helps someone facing the same problem.

Not able to connect adb after upgrate Android Studio to 3.4

unable to connect to adb.check the event log for a possible issue, verify that localhost entry is pointing to or:: 1 for ipv4 or ipv6
Tried adb kill-server, restart, invalidate restart nothing works.
Same issue reported over here
Note: I have not added any file or anything in studio, it's fresh installed Studio after format a full system still issue is there.
Replace your platform-tools with this one and delete the other one.
I was also facing this issue in android Studio 3.4 version, but now I have fixed it , if you are using windows then follow these steps:
Download Platform tools from here
Extract downloaded zip file
Go To location "C:\Users\your_computer_user_name\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk" and Delete "Platform tools" folder
Copy and Paste, downloaded platform tool folder to above location
Now Go to your android studio and Rebuild your project Then run.
For Mac Users, follow these simple steps :
Just simply Navigate to Tools > SDK Manager> Android SDK>, then click on the Tab of SDK Tools, then look for Android SDK Platform-tools and update it.
Then the last step, Invalidate cache and restart your IDE, after that, then finally you restart your Mac. (Sometimes it's this step is unnecessary)
It will work out successfully.
Solution for Linux Users.
System info: Linux Mint Cinnamon 19.1 , Android Studio 3.4.1
Issue description: Problem with platform tools.
Solution: Remove the folder manually and update SDK tools through Android Studio.
Step 1: Go to your Android SDK installation folder. By default under your home directory. Choose platform-tools and simply delete. (/home//Android/SDK)
Step 2: Open Android Studio and go to SDK Tools. (File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> System Settings -> Android SDK -> SDK Tools) By the moment you should be able to see Android SDK Platform Tools line unchecked.
Step 3: Put a check to install Platform Tools and press OK. Notice it'll relocate the folder to the directory where deleted.
Now that you re-installed the platform tools, restart the Android Studio and your deployment targets should show up.
If you don't install the platform tool back and ever try to build or run a project you'll get this IDE error. Just FYI :)
So that's all. Enjoy.
Happy coding
If you use Windows, you might have a corruption in api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll.
Try to update it - you can get the update from Microsoft's website.
You should check it - path/to/sdk/platform-tools and try to run adb.exe
When you update Sdk platform tools(which contains adb.exe) to release 28.0.2 and if you are using windows 8.1 then it needs few updates from windows.
As per SDK Platform tools release notes(
Updated Windows requirements : The platform tools now depend on the Windows Universal C Runtime, which is usually installed by default via Windows Update. If you see errors mentioning missing DLLs, you may need to manually fetch and install the runtime package."
Windows update url:
Prerequisite for Windows update url:
Faced the exact same issue but after updating with prerequisite url first then the other url provided now it is working perfectly fine for me.
It worked for me by selecting -> Use libusb backend
This worked for me on Windows:
Goto cmd write %temp% hit enter -> delete all data from there.
Restart your Computer.
Open Android Studio now, it will work.
Clear all cache memory (related to Android Studio)
Restart ADB manually from Android Studio (first option)
Open Command prompt and got android sdk>platform-tools> adb kill-server
press enter
and again adb start-server
press enter
Restart ADB manually form Android Stidio (second option)
go to your (SDK store path) sdk>platform-tools>adb
press enter
ex. D drive > sdk>platform-tools>adb
Restart your system
Delete the platform-tools folder from the sdk and replacing with the same from your another pc. I am also facing this problem after updating to 3.4. If you face same problem please update to Android Studio 3.5 Canary Channel.
The reason is for ADB server problem. Simply re-run your adb.
(Go to your SDK folder then inside platform-tools folder you can see adb.exe. copy the path location and paste it in your computers system Environment variable. Set a new path there and paste the adb.exe file location there. hope it will solve )
If you are using Genymotion, there is an update that fix the problem.
Genymotion 3.0.2 (April 18th, 2019)
We have fixed an
incompatibility with the adb tool bundled in the platform-tools 28.0.2
package of the Android SDK, which caused failures to start virtual
This new version of adb changed the behavior of the “adb connect
:” command by making the “port” part mandatory. This
broke Genymotion Desktop in a few places where it did not pass the
port. We have adjusted the way we call “adb connect” and also updated
the version we ship with the product to match the one in
platform-tools 28.0.2.
If non of the above answers worked for you (as same happend to me), down grade to the old version of Android Studio by following these steps:
Uninstall current Android Studio
Go to Android Studio Archive and download any older version
After installation, Open the project. You might see an error like this
This version of Android Studio cannot open this project, please retry with Android Studio 3.4 or newer.
Now, open project gradle and update classpath version. I.e. in my case Android studio version is 3.2 and classpath 3.2.1
Hope it might save someone time.
I faced this issue last night, and I tried these methods to fix:
download older platform-tools and place it in the android sdk folder.(not work for me)
adb kill-server, adb start-server.(not work for me, adb had no response with these cmd)
kill the process that occupies port 5037.(for me, there is no other .exe run at this port)
reinstall platform-tools in Android Studio.(not work)
download ADB Kits and replace them in platform-tools folder.(work!!!)
It seems that my adb file has been modified or replaced by some programs. You can try these methods, and I hope some of them can work for you.
I had this issue only after a Genymotion update, on Mac.
What worked for me: Open Genymotion preferences, Select ADB, choose "Use custom Android SDK tools" and points to your Android SDK folder.
Actually the problem is not with the android studio version 3.4
Problem is with the android platform tools version which is latest one 29.
So install the previous version of the android platform tools version it will solve your problem. as above #Ved mentioned.
Ved link:
EndTask adb.exe from Background processes (TaskManager) and Run Application again.
It works for me

Android Emulator won't start from Android Studio on Windows 10

Recently (after install Android Studio 2.3.x, I'm now at 2.3.1) the emulator won't start in Android Studio.
I can run the emulator from the command line if it is in the SDK\tools directory.
If I run the emulator from a directory other than the SDK\tools directory I get an error like this:
[12236]:ERROR:./android/qt/qt_setup.cpp:28:Qt library not found at ..\emulator\lib64\qt\lib
Could not launch '..\emulator/qemu/windows-x86_64/qemu-system-i386.exe': No such file or directory
The tools and platform-tools directories are in my path. Android_home is set correctly. First I tried re-installing the emulator from the SDK manager in Android (now that the standalone SDK manager is gone I can't do it there). I manually downloaded the SDK and installed it overtop of the old SDK. I then tried putting it in a new directory and changing the ANDROID_HOME and updating my paths and changed the setting in Android Studio (and all the files). Next I completely uninstalled Android Studio and SDK, rebooted and reinstalled Android Studio. Still having the same problem.
I've tried the suggestions here in the question here: Emulator on Android Studio doesn't start after SDK tools update to 25.3.1 by copying various directories (first sym-links then copy directories as sym-links work differently on windows).
I've tried all the suggestions here: as well.
I've re-installed HAXM, but I don't think it is an Emulator problem as it does work when I start it from a command prompt in the tools directory.
Any suggestions?
Windows 10 (Build 1703)
Android Studio 2.3.1
I've resolved the problem in this way:
in command line, from the folder containing avd images, I've run the emulator.exe against a virtual device image using the switch -gpu swiftshader.
To be precise, in my case, in command line, from the folder C:\<Users>\.android\avd I've typed
<android sdk folder>\emulator\emulator.exe #Nexus_4_Lollipop -gpu swiftshader
where Nexus_4_Lollipop is a name of the avd image.
Changing Graphics settings from "Automatic" to "Software - GLES 2.0" in Virtual Device Configuration worked for me. I think it's the same as "-gpu" command line option, but not all modes available:

Running Program with Emulator, "Local SDK Path not set!"

When I run my program with the emulator on Android Studio I get an error as follows
Local SDK Path Not Set
When i checked this in my project structure my SDK path is
and this is the same in my SDK Manager. I'm new to Android Studio and am curious of why my emulator loads, but does not run my program.Any help in this regard will be appreciated
In the menu Run > Edit Configurations if you have the deployment target as "Emulator" with no preferred device selected you may run into this issue. Instead, choose deployment target as "Open Select Deployment Target Dialog". This will let you select from any installed emulator or a device connected by USB. Make sure to hit "Apply" before closing the Edit Configurations menu.
Edit Configurations with Emulator but no Emulator
Edit Configurations with Open Select Deployment Target Dialog
I ran in to the same problem after synchronizing gradle. All I had to do was turn the emulator off and on again to fix the problem.
Make sure you are connected to the internet (so Android Studio and Gradle can actually complete their tasks) and perform a Gradle sync ('Sync Project with Gradle Files').
If you still have the error after gradle sync, then set your ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
On macOS, once you know the location of the android SDK, open a terminal window and enter the following:
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
source ~/.bash_profile

I can't open Android Device Monitor

I am using Android Studio. I can't open Android Device Monitor, Tools > Android > Android Device Monitor. I occurred an error. See the log file at:
C:\Users\Peter Phyo\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools\lib\monitor-x86\configuration\1433318221838.log.
Do you have JAVA_HOME in your system environment variables?
JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_11
Run android studio as administrator. It will definitely work. No need to reinstall neither android studio nor java.
In my case, after upgrading Android Studio 3.1.2, I tried open C:\Users\yourUserName\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\monitor, Windows alert "can't find 'lib\monitor-location'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again". Then I tried open tools\lib\monitor-x86_64\monitor, it works!
I'm on Windows and open Android Studio in Administrative Mode (Run as administrator). Worked for me.
I had the same problem, i solved it using jPortable, if you're using Windows then take this one, there are two versions 32bits and 64bits : I changed the location for the extraction from C:\SDK\tools\lib\monitor-x86_64\CommonFiles\Java64 to C:\SDK\tools\lib\monitor-x86_64\jre and it worked.
You need to set path to your ..jre\bin location :
Check in: File > Project Structure your JDK location
add the \bin there , my path is : C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin
set the path in your Environment Variables, for WINDOWS 7 :
the From the desktop, right click the Computer icon.
Choose Properties from the context menu.
Click the Advanced system settings link.
Click Environment Variables
New System Variable
set the path the following way :
Variable name: Path
Variable value: your path
in my case: Variable value: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin
Now you can start the Monitor.exe, my location is here : C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\lib\monitor-x86_64
for WIN7 32bit start the Monitor.exe from
Make sure have installed JDK7 or JDK8 depending on your OS bits
If you are using 32bits your install JDK7 or 8 of 32bits
After you install JDK, your JAVA_HOME in your system will be located in
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_40
To check if your JAVA_HOME is set, CLICK Start Menu > Computer > Right Click on Computer > Properties > Control Panel Home will appear, > click Advanced System Settings, under > Advanced Tab click > Environment Variables and check on the > System Variables for > Path if Java [C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;] is there, than you are good to go.
Make sure you have your JAVA_HOME in your system environment variables.
Hope this well help you. If it helped you, please mark it, so that it can the useful to others.
Please ensure you have Android SDK Tools installed.
I had a fresh copy of Android Studio and kept getting this error.
To install:
Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager -> SDK Tools (tab) -> Tick Android SDK Tools x.x.x (if it's not installed) -> Apply
Once installed / finished, try restarting Android Studio then selecting Android Device Monitor from the Tools drop down again.
If you want to see file explorer the please go from this path
View -> Tool Windows -> Device File Explorer.
I hope this path solve your problem.
