Merging list of dicts in python - python-3.x

I have the dict in python in the following format:
dict1 = [{'Name':'a', 'value':20},{'Name':'b', 'value':10},{'Name':'c', 'value':15}]
I want output something like this:
dict2 = {'a':20, 'b':10, 'c':15 }
How to do it ?

I think you can do it with for loop efficiently.
Check this:
dict1 = [{'Name':'a', 'value':20},{'Name':'b', 'value':10},{'Name':'c', 'value':15}]
dict2 = dict()
for a in range(len(dict1)):
dict2[dict1[a].get('Name')] = dict1[a].get('value')
{'a': 20, 'b': 10, 'c': 15}
This is the easy way:
dict1 = [{'Name':'a', 'value':20},{'Name':'b', 'value':10},{'Name':'c', 'value':15}]
dict2={dc['Name']:dc['value'] for dc in dict1}


Python: Convert 2d list to dictionary with indexes as values

I have a 2d list with arbitrary strings like this:
lst = [['a', 'xyz' , 'tps'], ['rtr' , 'xyz']]
I want to create a dictionary out of this:
{'a': 0, 'xyz': 1, 'tps': 2, 'rtr': 3}
How do I do this? This answer answers for 1D list for non-repeated values, but, I have a 2d list and values can repeat. Is there a generic way of doing this?
Maybe you could use two for-loops:
lst = [['a', 'xyz' , 'tps'], ['rtr' , 'xyz']]
d = {}
overall_idx = 0
for sub_lst in lst:
for word in sub_lst:
if word not in d:
d[word] = overall_idx
# Increment overall_idx below if you want to only increment if word is not previously seen
# overall_idx += 1
overall_idx += 1
{'a': 0, 'xyz': 1, 'tps': 2, 'rtr': 3}
You could first convert the list of lists to a list using a 'double' list comprehension.
Next, get rid of all the duplicates using a dictionary comprehension, we could use set for that but would lose the order.
Finally use another dictionary comprehension to get the desired result.
lst = [['a', 'xyz' , 'tps'], ['rtr' , 'xyz']]
# flatten list of lists to a list
flat_list = [item for sublist in lst for item in sublist]
# remove duplicates
ordered_set = {x:0 for x in flat_list}.keys()
# create required output
the_dictionary = {v:i for i, v in enumerate(ordered_set)}
{'a': 0, 'xyz': 1, 'tps': 2, 'rtr': 3}
also, with collections and itertools:
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
lst = [['a', 'xyz' , 'tps'], ['rtr' , 'xyz']]
lstkeys = list(OrderedDict(zip(itertools.chain(*lst), itertools.repeat(None))))
lstdict = {lstkeys[i]: i for i in range(0, len(lstkeys))}
{'a': 0, 'xyz': 1, 'tps': 2, 'rtr': 3}

The problem of using {}.fromkey(['k1','k2'],[]) and {'k1':[],'k2':[]}

list1 = [99,55]
dict1 = {'k1':[],'k2':[]}
for num in list1:
if num > 77:
But when I replaced dict1 = {'k1':[],'k2':[]} to {}.fromkeys(['k1','k2'],[]) , the result became {'k1': [99, 55], 'k2': [99, 55]}
why this happens? I really have no idea.
This happens because you are passing the same list object to both keys. This is the same situation as when you create an alias for a variable:
a = []
b = a
prints [55, 99] because it is the same list instance.
If you want to make it more concise from a list of keys to initialize with empty list, you can do this:
dict1 = {k: [] for k in ('k1', 'k2')}
This will create a new list instance for every key.
Alternatively, you can use defaultdict
from collections import defaultdict
list1 = [99,55]
dict1 = defaultdict(list)
for num in list1:
if num > 77:
Also works.
The fromKeys() can also be supplied with a mutable object as the default value.
if we append value in the original list, the append takes place in all the values of keys.
list1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
list2 = ['SALIO']
dict1 = dict.fromkeys(list1, list2)
{'a': ['SALIO'], 'b': ['SALIO'], 'c': ['SALIO'], 'd': ['SALIO']}
then you can use this:
list1 = ['k1', 'k2']
dict1 = {'k1':[],'k2':[]}
list2 =[99,55]
for num in list2:
if num > 77:
a = ['k1']
dict1 = dict.fromkeys(a, [num])
b = ['k2']
dict2 = dict.fromkeys(b,[num] )
res = {**dict1, **dict2}
{'k1': [99], 'k2': [55]}
You can also use the python code to merge dict code:
this function:
def Merge(dict1, dict2):
print(Merge(dict1, dict2)) #This return None
print(dict2) # changes made in dict2

Check for the existence of an dict and then only define it

>>> a = dict()
>>> a['id1'] = dict()
>>> a['id1']['a'] = 5
>>> a['id1'] = dict()
>>> a['id1']['b'] = 10
>>> a
{'id1': {'b': 10}}
How can I check the existence of a['id1'] if dict or not and only if not then do a['id1'] = dict()
I need to print
{'id1': {'a': 5, 'b': 10}}
In PHP we don't need to define an associate array, we can assign it directly.
You can test for the presence of key k in a with:
if 'k' in a:
You can see if some object x is a dict with:
if isinstance(x, dict):
Use defaultdict:
from collections import defaultdict
a = defaultdict(dict)
a['id1']['a'] = 5
a['id1']['b'] = 10

creating a dict based on two python dicts

I have two python dicts:
payload = {"key1":{"a":"1"},"key2":{"b":"2","c":"3"}}
data = {"1":"John","2":"Jacob"}
I would like my output to be:
Any method that I try correctly prints the values, but does not update the output dictionary.
You can do something like this using dict comprehension :
payload = {"key1":{"a":"1"},"key2":{"b":"2","c":"3"}}
data = {"1":"John","2":"Jacob"}
final = {k: {i:data[j] if j in data.keys() else "" for i, j in payload[k].items()} for k in payload}
{'key2': {'b': 'Jacob', 'c': ''}, 'key1': {'a': 'John'}}
There is no single method for this I am aware of, but you can use:
for k, v in payload.viewitems():
payload[k] = {}
for kv, vv in v.viewitems():
payload[k][kv] = data.get(vv, "")
if you then inspect payload it has the contents you are after:
{'key2': {'c': '', 'b': 'Jacob'}, 'key1': {'a': 'John'}}

How can I write a program in Python Dictionary that prints repeated keys values?

This is my INPUT:
dic1 = {'a':'USA', 'b':'Canada', 'c':'France'}
dic2 = {'c':'Italy', 'd':'Norway', 'e':'Denmark'}
dic3 = {'e':'Finland', 'f':'Japan', 'g':'Germany’}
I want output something like below:
{'g': 'Germany', 'e': [‘Denmark’,’Finland'], 'd': 'Norway', 'c': ['Italy’,'France', 'f': 'Japan', 'b': 'Canada', 'a': 'USA'}
That is programing - you think the steps you need to get to your desired results, and write code to perform these steps, one at a time.
A funciton like this can do it:
def merge_dicts(*args):
merged = {}
for dct in args:
for key, value in dct.items():
if key not in merged:
merged[key] = []
return merged
