gem5 scons build fails with "TypeError: argument should be integer or bytes-like object, not 'str'" - scons

I am trying to install gem5 on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04 and using commit 9fc9c67b4242c03f165951775be5cd0812f2a705. I have used
as my guide. As near as I can tell, I have installed all the required dependencies using (some dependencies are repeated in these two lines)
sudo apt install build-essential git m4 scons zlib1g zlib1g-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev python-dev python
sudo apt install build-essential git m4 scons zlib1g zlib1g-dev \
libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev \
python-dev python libboost-all-dev
Then, when I try to build gem5 using
git clone
cd gem5
scons build/X86/gem5.opt -j8
I get the following output after executing the 'scons' line:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Warning: Failed to find git repo directory: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
TypeError: argument should be integer or bytes-like object, not 'str':
File "/home/john/gem5/SConstruct", line 355:
main['GCC'] = CXX_version and CXX_version.find('g++') >= 0
I am not sure how to fix this error or even why this error is occurring; I don't even really know what this error is saying. Any help would be appreciated.

Yes. That's the result of running a build system implemented in scons expecting only python2.
If you're stuck here's what you can do to be able to compile until the gem project pushes their Python 3 + SCons changes.
sudo apt-get install virtualenv
# create a virtualenv which uses python 2.7
virtualenv -p python2.7 venv27
# activate the virtualenv
. venv27/bin/activate
# Install SCons in the python 2.7 virtualenv
pip install scons
# This will now use the scons installed in a python 2.7 virtualenv.
scons build/X86/gem5.opt -j8
This worked for me on an Ubuntu 20.04 system.


Installation of pythonnet on Ubuntu 18.04 - problems with nuget.exe

I try to install the pythonnet library on linux, but I can have trouble with nuget/mono.
I tryed to run the following (Install pythonnet on Ubuntu 18.04, Python 3.6.7 64-bit, Mono 5.16 fails):
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install clang
sudo apt install nuget
git config --global http.proxy http://my.proxy.address:port
/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -U pycparser --user
/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -U pythonnet --user
However, this results in the following error:
mono tools/nuget/nuget.exe update -self' returned non-zero exit status 1.
When I clone the repository from github and just run mono tools/nuget/nuget.exe update -self, I get the following error:
Checking for updates from Invalid URI: Invalid port specified.
I came across this link:, but most of the advice is Windows focussed. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Thank you!
I had the same problem and needed to install mono first:
sudo apt-get install mono-complete

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow==1.15.3 (from ludwig)

So i am aiming to install Ludwig for experimentation but i didn't found any solution on the internet to this issue enter image description here
screenshot of the error message
i am using windows subsytem for linux (debian)
Your python version is probably unsupported by tensorflow 1.15.3. I ran into the same issue trying to install with python 3.8.
When I compiled Ludwig from GitHub source, there were a lot of dependencies to patch. I experienced the same error message and I gave up solving it.
I retried with clean installation from the very beginning, I managed to install Ludwig successfully on Google Cloud - Debian 9 VM.
Now I redo the steps on Oracle Cloud - Ubuntu 20.04 VM.
Ensure the following dependencies are ready, which I consolidate from various sources.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev curl libbz2-dev lzma liblzma-dev python3-tk
Clean install Python 3.6. I choose to use older Python 3.6 to execute Ludwig, because Ludwig is using the old Tensorflow 1.15.3. I reserve Python 3.7 and 3.8 environment for other newer Python projects, for example Tensorflow 2.
# Simply use a temporary working folder.
$ cd /tmp
# Download the newest Python3.6 source.
$ curl -O
$ tar -xzvf Python-3.6.12.tgz
$ cd Python-3.6.12
# --prefix=/usr/local ensures the newly installed Python3.6 does not mess up with the default Python executables in the OS. This is specially warned in Google Cloud.
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-optimizations
$ sudo make altinstall
$ python3.6 --version
Python 3.6.12
# Upgrade pip and virtualenv
$ sudo python3.6 -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ sudo python3.6 -m pip install --upgrade virtualenv
Prepare the virtual environment for Ludwig.
# Go back to home.
$ cd
# Create a Working directory.
$ mkdir Works
$ cd Works
# Initialize a virtual environment with Python3.6
$ virtualenv -p python3.6 ludwig
$ source ludwig/bin/activate
# Install Ludwig
$ pip install ludwig
You can see every dependencies are taken care of and Ludwig is ready to use.
$ pip list
Package Version
-------------------- -------
... ...
tensorflow 1.15.3
# Execute Ludwig
$ ludwig

How to install python version 3.5.6 into ubuntu/ Linux?

I need to install python version 3.5.6. What are the requirements to install python 3.5.6.
python 3.6 is already installed on my local machine
What I have tried?
I looked into Python downloads. Downloaded tarball for python3.5.6.
Installed it by using following set of commands
tar -xf Python-3.5.6.tar.xz
cd Python-3.5.6
sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev libsqlite3-dev build-essential
sudo make install
After installation when I run python3 -V it shows python 3.6.
Expected behaviour
python3 -V command should show python3.5.6
What I am doing wrong?
Try uninstalling it or removing the package all together from your computer. Afterwards try:
$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall python3.5
or you could try:
$ sudo aptitude reinstall python2.7
Best of luck.
python3.5 might show 3.5.6, depending on where and how things are on your PATH.
Either way, instead of manually compiling and installing Python (especially as you're side-stepping your package manager (apt) here which may cause trouble down the line), look into pyenv. After installation, approximately:
$ pyenv install 3.5.6
$ pyenv local 3.5.6
$ python
and you're ready to roll.

(ONIE) stg: command not found and Error 127 in Ubuntu terminal

I was trying to follow this guide: but have gotten stuck.
On this line: make MACHINE=kvm_x86_64 all, I get stg: command not found when it is trying to apply a patch. I get Error 127 on a make command. Here's the output:
I have g++ and git installed. What am I doing wrong?
From the ONIE project wiki Building ONIE:
For a Debian-based system, a Makefile target exists that installs the required packages on your build machine. The ONIE project will maintain this target for the current stable version of Debian. This target requires the use of sudo(8), since package installation requires root privileges:
$ cd build-config
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ make debian-prepare-build-host
I built this on Ubuntu Desktop 15.04. For anyone else trying to build ONIE virtual machine, install these packages first:
You can install most of these with sudo apt-get install <package>. You should be able to follow the ONIE guide now and set it up. Thanks to EtanReisner for all the help!
On Ubuntu, install stg package by,
sudo apt-get install stgit
the error stg: command not found should be resolved.

How do I install protobuf 2.5 on Arch Linux for compiling hadoop 2.6.0 using maven 3.3.1?

Am looking for installing protobuf 2.5.0 on Arch Linux, so that is installed on the OS, so that I can go ahead with building hadoop 2.6.0 from source and make my life easy! :)
BTW, protobuf 2.6.0 does not compile when hadoop is built from source I have tried that as well. Ubuntu 14.04 comes with protoc 2.5.0. I DO NOT want to use Ubuntu.
Please check the screenshot first (there is no protobuf 2.5.0), since the problem lies there.. I guess
am getting the following exception, I am aware that protoc is not installed in arch linux currently.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-maven-plugins:2.6.0:protoc (compile-protoc)
on project hadoop-common:
org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: 'protoc --version' did
not return a version -> [Help 1]
Please help me out, since, I have spent 4 hours every day from two days, with no luck.
Compiling Google's protobuf is pretty easy.
I originally found out how to do it on this blog post while compiling hadoop myself.
But here is my version:
$ cd /usr/local/src/
$ wget
$ tar xvf protobuf-2.5.0.tar.gz
$ cd protobuf-2.5.0
$ ./
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
$ make install
$ protoc --version
Install protobuf for java
$ cd java
$ mvn install
$ mvn package
You should be good to go.
To enable you to install different versions of protobuf, install stow
then change ./configure --prefix=/usr to ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/stow/protobuf-2.5.0
Then link protobuf into your system with stow:
$ cd /usr/local/stow
$ stow protobuf-2.5.0
Note: stow uses /usr/local/bin by default. Make sure thats in your $PATH
To unlink that version of protobuf,
$ stow -D protobuf-2.5.0
Hope this helped.
I wonder why the above answer got downvoted,even I had to perform few more steps (in addition to the accepted answer by Rudker) to get protobuf 2.5 installed on Ubuntu Xenial.
Leaving the additional steps here for everyone's benefit:
apt-get install autoconf in response to the error : ./ autoreconf: not found for command : ./
apt-get install libtool in response to the error : autoreconf: libtoolize is needed because this package uses Libtool for command : ./
apt install g++ in response to the error : configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check for command : ./configure --prefix=/usr
An easier but not future proof solution (for future queries) would be to head over to Arch Linux Archives:
Uninstall the newer version of protobuf and install the downloaded package via pacman -U protobuf-2.5.x..
Though whenever you upgrade the Arch Linux packages via pacman you'd need to ensure you are doing: sudo pacman -Syu --ignore protobuf
I currently don't have enough reputation to comment, so I add a answer here to update the top voted answer.
Since protobuf move to different repo, the new wget command should be:
And in order to run ./, you may need install these:
sudo yum install libtool automake autoconf
For OSX prerequisites, try SunitaKoppar's answer (I don't know why the down-votes).
Thanks for the steps. Just wanted to add that, to get to work, I had to install the below packages (commands for mac below):
brew install gtk
brew install autoconf
brew install automake
