Do I need to encrypt the appsettings.json file when publishing a website/handing over to a client? - security

So I'm currently working as part of a project for a degree course. We have a real client who is having a website developed for them. There are connections to Databases within this site, which are stored in the "appsettings.json" file of the project. This is all local stuff at the moment but will be moving to a live server in the next couple of days.
I am wondering if this JSON file needs to encrypted or abstracted from so that the connection strings, which include the obvious things, IP's, Passwords, Users, can't be accessed by someone attempting to break into the site.
If it does, what is the best practice to go about this?

This may not be the quick answer you are probably hoping for, but a better way for your app to receive its database credentials (and indeed all secrets) through environment variables.
It sounds like you are a student. Congrats! Those are fun times. As you gain experience, you'll run into many problems such as this that are best handled by sticking to the 12-factor app guidelines. It would be well worth your time to review those.


Does Microsoft have a recommended way to handle secrets in headers in HttpClient?

Very closely related: How to protect strings without SecureString?
Also closely related: When would I need a SecureString in .NET?
Extremely closely related (OP there is trying to achieve something very similar): C# & WPF - Using SecureString for a client-side HTTP API password
The .NET Framework has class called SecureString. However, even Microsoft no longer recommends its use for new development. According to the first linked Q&A, at least one reason for that is that the string will be in memory in plaintext anyway for at least some amount of time (even if it's a very short amount of time). At least one answer also extended the argument that, if they have access to the server's memory anyway, in practice security's probably shot anyway, so it won't help you. (The second linked Q&A implies that there was even discussion of dropping this from .NET Core entirely).
That being said, Microsoft's documentation on SecureString does not recommend a replacement, and the consensus on the linked Q&A seems to be that that kind of a measure wouldn't be all that useful anyway.
My application, which is an ASP.NET Core application, makes extensive use of API Calls to an external vendor using the HttpClient class. The generally-recommended best practice for HttpClient is to use a single instance rather than creating a new instance for each call.
However, our vendor requires that all API Calls include our API Key as a header with a specific name. I currently store the key securely, retrieve it in Startup.cs, and add it to our HttpClient instance's headers.
Unfortunately, this means that my API Key will be kept in plaintext in memory for the entire lifecycle of the application. I find this especially troubling for a web application on a server; even though the server is maintained by corporate IT, I've always been taught to treat even corporate networks as semi-hostile environments and not to rely purely on corporate firewalls for application security in such cases.
Does Microsoft have a recommended best practice for cases like this? Is this a potential exception to their recommendation against using SecureString? (Exactly how that would work is a separate question). Or is the answer on the other Q&A really correct in saying that I shouldn't be worried about plaintext strings living in memory like this?
Note: Depending on responses to this question, I may post a follow-up question about whether it's even possible to use something like SecureString as part of HttpClient headers. Or would I have to do something tricky like populate the header right before using it and then remove it from memory right afterwards? (That would create an absolute nightmare for concurrent calls though). If people think that I should do something like this, I would be glad to create a new question for that.
You are being WAY too paranoid.
Firstly, if a hacker gets root access to your web server, you have WAY bigger problems than your super-secret web app credentials being stolen. Way, way, way bigger problems. Once the hackers are on your side of the airtight hatchway, it is game over.
Secondly, once your infosec team detects the intrusion (if they don't, again, you've got WAY bigger problems) they're going to tell you and the first thing you're going to do is change every key and password you know of.
Thirdly, if a hacker does get root access to your webserver, their first thought isn't going to be "let's take a memory dump for later analysis". A dumpfile is rather large (will take time to transfer over the wire, and the network traffic might well be noticed) and (at least on Windows) hangs the process until it's complete (so you'd notice your web app was unresponsive) - both of which are likely to raise some red flags.
No, hackers are there to grab as much valuable information in the least amount of time, because they know their access could be discovered at any second. So they're going to go for the low-hanging fruit first - usernames and passwords. Then they'll move on to trying to find out what's connected to that server, and since your DB credentials are likely in a config file on that server, they will almost certainly switch their attentions to that far more interesting target.
So all things considered, your API key is pretty darn unlikely to be compromised - and even if it is, it won't be because of something you did or didn't do. There are far more productive ways of focusing your time than trying to secure something that already is (or should be) incredibly secure. And, at the end of the day, no matter how many layers of security you put in place... that API or SSL key is going to be raw, in memory, at some stage.

Client Server Security Architecture

I would like go get my head around how is best to set up a client server architecture where security is of up most importance.
So far I have the following which I hope someone can tell me if its good enough, or it there are other things I need to think about. Or if I have the wrong end of the stick and need to rethink things.
Use SSL certificate on the server to ensure the traffic is secure.
Have a firewall set up between the server and client.
Have a separate sql db server.
Have a separate db for my security model data.
Store my passwords in the database using a secure hashing function such as PBKDF2.
Passwords generated using a salt which is stored in a different db to the passwords.
Use cloud based infrastructure such as AWS to ensure that the system is easily scalable.
I would really like to know is there any other steps or layers I need to make this secure. Is storing everything in the cloud wise, or should I have some physical servers as well?
I have tried searching for some diagrams which could help me understand but I cannot find any which seem to be appropriate.
Thanks in advance
Hardening your architecture can be a challenging task and sharding your services across multiple servers and over-engineering your architecture for semblance security could prove to be your largest security weakness.
However, a number of questions arise when you come to design your IT infrastructure which can't be answered in a single SO answer (will try to find some good white papers and append them).
There are a few things I would advise which is somewhat opinionated backed up with my own thought around it.
Your Questions
I would really like to know is there any other steps or layers I need to make this secure. Is storing everything in the cloud wise, or should I have some physical servers as well?
Settle for the cloud. You do not need to store things on physical servers anymore unless you have current business processes running core business functions that are already working on local physical machines.
Running physical servers increases your system administration requirements for things such as HDD encryption and physical security requirements which can be misconfigured or completely ignored.
Use SSL certificate on the server to ensure the traffic is secure.
This is normally a no-brainer and I would go with a straight, "Yes"; however you must take into consideration the context. If you are running something such as a blog site or documentation-related website that does not transfer any sensitive information at any point in time through HTTP then why use HTTPS? HTTPS has it's own overhead, it's minimal, but it's still there. That said, if in doubt, enable HTTPS.
Have a firewall set up between the server and client.
That is suggested, you may also want to opt for a service such as CloudFlare WAF, I haven't personally used it though.
Have a separate sql db server.
Yes, however not necessarily for security purposes. Database servers and Web Application servers have different hardware requirements and optimizing both simultaneously is not very feasible. Additionally, having them on separate boxes increases your scalability quite a bit which will be beneficial in the long run.
From a security perspective; it's mostly another illusion of, "If I have two boxes and the attacker compromises one [Web Application Server], he won't have access to the Database server".
At foresight, this might seem to be the case but is rarely so. Compromising the Web Application server is still almost a guaranteed Game Over. I will not go into much detail into this (unless you specifically ask me to) however it's still a good idea to keep both services separate from eachother in their own boxes.
Have a separate db for my security model data.
I'm not sure I understood this, what security model are you referring to exactly? Care to share a diagram or two (maybe an ERD) so we can get a better understanding.
Store my passwords in the database using a secure hashing function such as PBKDF2.
Obvious yes; what I am about to say however is controversial and may be flagged by some people (it's a bit of a hot debate)—I recommend using BCrypt instead of PKBDF2 due to BCrypt being slower to compute (resulting in slower to crack).
See -
Passwords generated using a salt which is stored in a different db to the passwords.
If you use BCrypt I would not see why this is required (I may be wrong). I go into more detail regarding the whole username and password hashing into more detail in the following StackOverflow answer which I would recommend you to read - Back end password encryption vs hashing
Use cloud based infrastructure such as AWS to ensure that the system is easily scalable.
This purely depends on your goals, budget and requirements. I would personally go for AWS, however you should read some more on alternative platforms such as Google Cloud Platform before making your decision.
Last Remarks
All of the things you mentioned are important and it's good that you are even considering them (most people just ignore such questions or go with the most popular answer) however there are a few additional things I want to point:
Internal Services - Make sure that no unrequired services and processes are running on server especially in productions. These services will normally be running old versions of their software (since you won't be administering them) that could be used as an entrypoint for your server to be compromised.
Code Securely - This may seem like another no-brainer yet it is still overlooked or not done properly. Investigate what frameworks you are using, how they handle security and whether they are actually secure. As a developer (and not a pen-tester) you should at least use an automated web application scanner (such as Acunetix) to run security tests after each build that is pushed to make sure you haven't introduced any obvious, critical vulnerabilities.
Limit Exposure - Goes somewhat hand-in-hand with my first point. Make sure that services are only exposed to other services that depend on them and nothing else. As a rule of thumb, keep everything entirely closed and open up gradually when strictly required.
My last few points may come off as broad. The intention is to keep a certain philosophy when developing your software and infrastructure rather than a permanent rule to tick on a check-box.
There are probably a few things I have missed out. I will update the answer accordingly over time if need be. :-)

Using another server to store files: Good or bad idea?

I am thinking of using another "less" important server to store files that our clients want to upload and handling the data validation, copying, insertion, etc at that end.
I would display the whole upload thingy through iframe on our website and using HTML,PHP,SQL as syntax-languages for the thingy?
Now I would like to ask your opinions is this is a good or bad idea.
I´m figuring out that the pros and cons are:
The other server is "less" valuable, meaning if something malicious could be uploaded there it would not be the end of the world
Since the other server has less events/users/functionality/data it would help to lessen the stress of our main website server
If the less important server goes down the other functionality on main server would still be functioning
Firewall prevents outside traffic (at least to a certain point)
The users need to be logged through the main website
It does not have any CMS+plugins, so it might be more vunerable
It might generate more malicious traffic towards it.
Makes the upkeep of the main website that much more complicated for future developers
Generally I´m not found of the idea that users get to uploading files, but it is not up to me.
Thanks for your input. I´m looking forward to hearing your opinions.
Servers have file quotas and bandwidths defined/allocated for them.
If you transfer your "less" used files to another server ,it will help your main server to improve its performance.
And also there wont be much maintenance headaches with the main server if all files are uploaded there.
Conclusion : It is a good idea.
Well, I guess most importantly, you will need a single sign-on (SSO) solution in place between the two web applications. I assume you don't want user A be able to read or delete files from user B.
SSO between 2 servers is a lot more complicated than for a single web application. Unless this site is only deployed in an intranet with a Active Directory domain controller in which case you can use Kerberos.
I'm not sure it's worth it just for the advantages you name.

How safe is cross domain access?

I am working on a personal project and I have being considering the security of sensitive data. I want to use API for accessing the Backend and I want to keep the Backend in a different server from the one the user will logon to. This then require a cross domain accessing of data.
Considering that a lot of accessing and transaction will be done, I have the following questions to help guide me in the right path by those who have tried and tested cross domain access. I don't want to assume and implement and run into troubles and redesign when I have launched the service thereby losing sleep. I know there is no right way to do many things in programming but there are so many wrong ways.
How safe is it in handling sensitive data (even with https).
Does it have issues handling a lot of users transactions.
Does it have any downside I not mentioned.
These questions are asked because some post I have read this evening discouraged the use of cross-domain access while some encouraged it. I decided to hear from professionals who have actually used it in a bigger scale.
I am actually building a Mobile App, using Laravel as the backend.
How safe is it in handling sensitive data (even with https).
SSL is generally considered safe (it's used everywhere and is considered the standard). However, it's not any less safe by hitting a different server. The data still has to traverse the pipes and reach its destination which has the same risks regardless of the server.
Does it have issues handling a lot of users transactions.
I don't see why it would. A server is a server. Ultimately, your server's ability to handle volume transactions is going to be based on its power, the efficiency of your code, and your application's ability to scale.
Does it have any downside I not mentioned.
Authentication is the only thing that comes to mind. I'm confused by your question as to how they would log into one but access data from another. It seems that would all just be one application. If you want to revise your question, I'll update my answer.

What's the most secure way to send data from a-b? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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If I had let's say a sensitive report in PDF format and wanted to send it to someone, what is the most secure way?
Does a desktop application make it more secure? Since we are basically doing a client to server communication via private IP address? Then add some kind of standard encryption algorithm to the data as you send it over the wire?
What about a web based solution? In web based, you have a third person in the loop. Sure, it would do the same kind of encryption that I would have on a desktop.. but now instead of client->server directly, you have client->server | server<- client... You also have exposure to the broad internet for any intruders to jump in, making yourself more open to man-in-middle attack... One thing the web has going for it is digitial certificates but I think that is more authentication than authorization.. which the desktop problem doesnt have?
Obviously from a usability point of view - a person wants to just goto a web page and download a report he's expecting. But most secure? Is desktop the answer? Or is it just too hard to do from a usability perspective?
OK there seems to be some confusion. I am a software engineer and am facing a problem where business users have some secure documents that they need to distribute - I am just wondering if using the web and SSL/CA is the standard solution to this, or maybe a desktop application could be the answer??
The method that comes to mind as being very easy (as in it has been done a lot and is proven) is just distributing via a web site that is secured with SSL. It's trivial to set up (doesn't matter if you're running Windows, *nix, etc) and is a familiar pattern to the user.
Setting up a thick client is likely more work because you have to do the encryption yourself (not difficult these days, but there is more to know in terms of following best practices). I don't think that you'll gain much (any?) security from having to maintain a significantly larger set of code.
Most secure would be print it, give it to a courier in a locked briefcase, and have the courier hand deliver it. I think that'd be going overboard, though :)
In real world terms, unless you're talking national security (in which case, see courier option above), or Trade Secrets Which Could Doom Your Company (again, see courier option above), having a well encrypted file downloaded from the web is secure enough. Use PGP encryption (or similar), and I recommend the Encrypt and Sign option, make the original website a secure one as well, and you're probably fine.
The other thing about a desktop application is: how is it getting the report? If it's not generating the report locally, it's really doing just as many steps as a web page: app requests report, report generated, server notifies client, client downloads.
A third option, though, is to use something other than the website to download the reports. For instance, you could allow the user to request the report through the web, but provide a secure FTP (SFTP or FTPS) site or AS2 (or AS3) connection for the actual download.
Using a secure file transfer (or managed file transfer) is definitely the best option for securely transferring electronic data. There are smaller, more personal-use solutions out there like Dropbox or Enterprise solutions like
Print it off, seal it in an envelope, hire some armed guards for protection and hand deliver it to them.
You may think its a silly answer, but unless you can identify what your threat vectors are any answer is pretty meaningless, since there is no guarantee it will address those threats.
Any system is only as secure as it's weakest link. If you sent the document securely and the user downloaded / saved it to their desktop then you'd be no better off than an unsecure system. Even worse they could get the docuemnt and then send it onto loads of people that shouldn't see it, etc. That leads on to a question whether you have an actual requirement that they can only view and not download the document? If not, why go to all this effort?
But if they are able to down load it, then the most secure method may be to send them an email telling them that the document is available. They then connect to a system (web / ftp?) using credentials sent separately to authenticate their access.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned a PK-encryption over email solution. Everyone in the "enterprise" gets a copy of everyone else's public key and their own private key. Lots of tools exist to do the heavy-lifting. Start with PGP and work from there.
