I've started a panic with my index out of range, and I can't get out [closed] - string

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm writing this program to become comfortable with types (not objects!).
The basic premise is the user enters an animal name (cow, snake bird), then an action (eat, move, sound.) My code then looks it up and returns the value.
So, the user entry is suppose to be on ONE line separated by a " ". I use strings.Split.
I'm getting a "panic" notice when the user only enters a single char. I'm thinking this panic arises out of the compiler trying to "split" a single char.
TWO Questions:
1. Am I right?
2. How do I fix it?
package main
import (
//Create our type object.
type animal struct {
aType, eats, moves, sounds string
//Create our methods.
func (animal animal) info (querie string) {
if querie == "eats" {
fmt.Printf("The animal, %s , eats %s\n ", animal.aType, animal.eats)
} else if querie == "moves" {
fmt.Printf("The animal, %s , moves by %s\n ", animal.aType, animal.moves)
} else {
fmt.Printf("The animal, %s , makes the sound %s\n ", animal.aType, animal.sounds)
func main() {
//Now create our animals
cow := animal{aType:"cow", eats: "grass", moves: "walking", sounds: "moo"}
bird := animal{aType:"bird", eats: "worms", moves: "flying", sounds: "peep"}
snake := animal{aType:"snake", eats: "mice", moves: "slithering", sounds: "hiss"}
// need a boolean to perpetuate our loop
var flag bool = true
for flag {
fmt.Println("Remember enter X to exit")
fmt.Printf(">please enter your (format: type & information) request -> ")
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
request := scanner.Text()
//Capture user entered data
typed := strings.Split(request, " ")[0]
if typed == "X" {
flag = false
infoe := strings.Split(request, " ")[1]
// contruct the logic tree.
if !((infoe == "eat") || (infoe == "move") || (infoe == "speak")) {
switch typed {
case "cow":
case "snake":
case "bird":
fmt.Println("I don't know about that animal.")
} else {
fmt.Printf("I don't have that informtion")

Create the scanner outside the loop to avoid discarding buffered data. Break when Scan() returns false. Check for and handle invalid input.
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for {
fmt.Println("Remember enter X to exit")
if !scanner.Scan() {
request := scanner.Text()
parts := strings.Split(request, " ")
if parts[0] == "X" {
if len(parts) < 2 {
fmt.Println("bad input")
typed := parts[0]
infoe := parts[1]

To simplify your code, I would suggest using fmt.Scanf as shown below:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var animal, action string
fmt.Printf("Enter animal: ")
fmt.Scanf("%s", &animal)
fmt.Printf("Enter action: ")
fmt.Scanf("%s", &action)
fmt.Printf("Animal was %s and action was %s", animal, action)
Also am not sure why there are multiple downvotes. Is it the problem with the way the code is written? I think that's ok if someone is just trying to learn the language. First get it working and then focus on other things.
Once you are comfortable with the language, you can go through points listed in Effective Go


Elegant way to check if multiple strings are empty

How can I check if multiple strings are empty in an elegant way? This is how I currently do it:
//if one required field is empty, close the connection
if (registerRequest.Email == "") ||
(registerRequest.PhoneNumber == "")||
(registerRequest.NachName =="") ||
(registerRequest.VorName =="") ||
(registerRequest.Password =="") ||
(registerRequest.VerificationId ==""){
//Could not proceed
w.Write([]byte("Unable to register account."))
Note: You may use the solution below if you keep the "is-valid" condition in your handler, and also if you separate your condition into another function or method.
You can create a simple helper function, which has a variadic parameter, and you can call it with any number of string values:
func containsEmpty(ss ...string) bool {
for _, s := range ss {
if s == "" {
return true
return false
Example using it:
if containsEmpty("one", "two", "") {
fmt.Println("One is empty!")
} else {
fmt.Println("All is non-empty.")
if containsEmpty("one", "two", "three") {
fmt.Println("One is empty!")
} else {
fmt.Println("All is non-empty.")
Output of the above (try it on the Go Playground):
One is empty!
All is non-empty.
Your example would look like this:
if containsEmpty(registerRequest.Email,
registerRequest.VerificationId) {
// One of the listed strings is empty
Also registerRequest is a kinda long name, it could be shortened to like r. If you can't or don't want to rename it in the surrounding code and if you want to shorten the condition, you could also do something like this:
If registerRequest is a pointer (or interface), you could also write:
if r := registerRequest; containsEmpty(r.Email,
r.VerificationId) {
// One of the listed strings is empty
Actually you can do this even if registerRequest is not a pointer, but then the struct will be copied. If registerRequest is a struct, then you can take its address to avoid having to copy it like this:
if r := &registerRequest; containsEmpty(r.Email,
r.VerificationId) {
// One of the listed strings is empty
As Mario Santini mentioned in comment, a way to increase testability, encapsulate this logic, and decouple it from your handler method (which judging by the number of fields looks like it is at risk of changing at a different rate than your handler) could be to put this logic in a function:
func validRequest(registerRequest ?) bool {
return registerRequest.Email == "" ||
registerRequest.PhoneNumber == "" ||
registerRequest.NachName == "" ||
registerRequest.VorName == "" ||
registerRequest.Password == "" ||
registerRequest.VerificationId == ""
This now supports very focused, table driven tests, that can exercise what it means to be a valid request independent of any method involving writing headers.
It allows you to verify the valid/invalid path of your enclosing function, but to have very focused tests here. It also allows you to change what it means to be a valid request and verify it independent of your enclosing function.
You can use a switch:
switch "" {
case registerRequest.Email,
w.Write([]byte("Unable to register account."))

How to separate arrays (type structs) in Go?

I just created this code to experiment with type, i will explain the problems later.
My Code:
package main
import (
type Games struct {
game string
creator string
func main() {
videogames := []Games{
{"inFamous", "Sucker Punch Games"},
{"Halo", "343 Games"},
{"JustCause", "Eidos"},
i := rand.Intn(len(videogames))
If I run this the result will be,
{inFamous,Sucker Punch Games}
Now what i want to do is separate the arrays so that the result will be,
Game = inFamous
Publisher = Sucker Punch Games
Also i need to remove the opening and closing brackets.
You need a stringer method to define how your object will be printed:
func (g Games) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Game = %v, Creator = %v", g.game, g.creator)
Check out the Tour of Go
fmt.Print() does not allow you to specify the format, but will use the type default format.
Instead, use fmt.Printf(). This should do what you need:
fmt.Printf("Game = %s\nPublisher = %s", videogames[i].game, videogames[i].creator)

Trying to add a Java Exception that will catch anything else other than "yes" or "no", if it does, loop back until they get it

I am wanting to practice how I can stop the user to enter anything else other that a YES or NO and if so to loop back to the original instruction until the user will enter the correct data to continue. I wanted to see if this could be done with String, hopefully there is some good advice I could receive.
The code below is part of my original code, I did not want to paste the entire thing in here. This should be enough to get my point across what I'm trying to do, I'm new to programming and I want to learn.
type = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(UserName + ", Can You Multiply Both Your Numbers ?");
//Here is where I got stuck....
if (type.equals("Yes") || type.equals("yes")) {
StringResultFromUserOne = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is Your Awnser ?");
ResultFromUserOne = Integer.parseInt(StringResultFromUserOne);
if (ResultFromUserOne == AnswerForMult) {
System.out.println(ResultFromUserOne + " Is Correct.");
} else {
System.out.println(ResultFromUserOne + " Is Wrong, The Correct Answer Is: " + AnswerForMult);
} else {
System.out.println("The Answer Is: " + AnswerForMult);
What I think you want to do (I don't think I understand you correctly, please explain again if this isn't correct):
String type = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(UserName + ", Can You Multiply Both Your Numbers ?");
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
// code if answer is yes.
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) {
// code if answer is no.
} else {
// code if answer isn't no or yes.
This is a simple code which checks what the input is and executes code depending on the answer.

GoLang put string in map

So, I'm trying to add a string to an existing map that is created from toml.
When I try and build I get the error:
./web.go:56: arguments to copy have different element types: []proxy.Address and string
How would I go about converting it? I've been trying this for the past like 4 hours.
while,the code below is your source code
func handleAddFunc(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
backend := r.FormValue("backend")
key := r.FormValue("key")
if !isAuthorized(key) {
respond(w, r, 403, "")
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
if !readConfig() {
activeAddrs = make([]proxy.Address, len(config.Proxy.ServerAddrs))
backendAddr = make([]proxy.Address, len(backend))
copy(backendAddr, config.Proxy.ServerAddrs)
copy(backendAddr, backend)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Input value of ", backend, "and here is the byte", backendAddr)
your code's error, is copy(backendAddr, backend), variable backend is a string value from the request from, you may change this into []proxy.Address, such as (consider I donnot know the struct of proxy.Address ):
var backendAddr = []proxy.Address{}
for _,str := range strings.split(backend,","){
backendAddr = append(backendAddr, &proxy.Address(str))

How can i replace a specific word in a string in swift?

I am looking for a way to replace a word inside a string in swift. Can anyone help?
this is what I have so far, I can find the specific word, but i do not know how to replace it...
var str = "helo, playgound"
var findWords = ["helo","playgound"]
var replaceWords = ["hello","playground"]
extension String {
var wordList:[String] {
return "".join(componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.punctuationCharacterSet())).componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
func stringToArray() -> Array<String> {
var arr = str.wordList
return arr
func correction(var _arr:Array<String>) -> String{
for var i = 0; i < _arr.count; i++ {
if str.lowercaseString.rangeOfString(findWords[i]) != nil {
return str
It depends what your definition of a "word" is. If you're looking for an intelligent built-in notion of a "word", the easiest solution is probably to use NSRegularExpression, which knows where "word" boundaries are:
var s = NSMutableString(string:"hello world, go to hell")
let r = NSRegularExpression(
pattern: "\\bhell\\b",
options: .CaseInsensitive, error: nil)!
s, options: nil, range: NSMakeRange(0,s.length),
withTemplate: "heaven")
After that, s is "hello world, go to heaven", which is the right answer; we replaced the "hell" that is a word, but not the "hell" in "hello". Notice that we are also matching case-insensitively, which seems to be one of your desiderata.
That example shows how do just one pair ("hell" and "heaven") but it is easy to abstract it into a method so that you can do it again and again for further pairs:
var str = "helo, playgound"
var findWords = ["helo", "playgound"]
var replaceWords = ["hello", "playground"]
func correct(str:String, orig:String, repl:String) -> String {
var s = NSMutableString(string:str)
let r = NSRegularExpression(
pattern: "\\b\(orig)\\b",
options: .CaseInsensitive, error: nil)!
s, options: nil, range: NSMakeRange(0,s.length),
withTemplate: repl)
return s
for pair in Zip2(findWords,replaceWords) {
str = correct(str, pair.0, pair.1)
str // hello, playground
The easiest is probably this:
let statement = "Swift is hard."
let swiftRange = statement.startIndex..<advance(statement.startIndex, 5)
let newStatement = statement.stringByReplacingCharactersInRange(swiftRange, withString: "Objective-C")
// now newStatement = "Objective-C is hard."
Following a longer commenting tour: The above is under the assumption of the OP "I can find the specific word, but i do not know how to replace it...", so it's not about finding a "word" which to define is another discussion. It's just about replacing an already found word.
Another word on stringByReplacingCharactersInRange: #matt states that this is Cocoa cross-over. In that case Apple is telling a plain lie:
I fostered the web but there's no Apple source telling anything. Only the Foundation method for NSString. Their Swift book is silent too (in many respects). Well, I don't trust Apple anyway any longer since Yosemite-fail.
