Empty update channel request with Node js client (GetStream.io) - getstream-io

Trying to update a channel from server-side, but getting error "StreamChat error code 4: UpdateChannel failed with error: \"empty update channel request\"".
Not sure what's wrong since channel.update has only one argument.
That's my code: (simplified)
const getStreamClient = new StreamChat(api_key, api_key_secret, {
logger(type, message, data) {
async function updateChannel(id, data) {
const channels = await getStreamClient.queryChannels({ id }, {}, {});
const channel = channels[0];
return channel.update(data);
updateChannel("channel-id", { name: "test-name" })
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {
Adding logger to StreamChat didn't actually help, can't see any issues there.

This simplified code is fine. There won't be an error.
However, I guess you have an issue in the original code. This error is triggered when
no change body is sent
no members or invites are changed
no moderators are changed
Please ensure you satisfy at least one of these conditions while calling update on a channel.
A side note, you're using id to query channels but it's recommended to use cid because you might modify wrong channel by mistake. For example, messaging:1 or gaming:1 where id is 1 so id isn't unique but cid is.


Sequelize not retrieving all data after insert

I have noticed that my backend is not retrieving the expected data after an insert.
In my React application, I have one function which inserts data into the database and after getting a response, a new request is sent to update the current component state with the newly fetched data.
All my functions are using await/async and in the backend, all transactions are correctly used and committed in order.
My client is calling the following endpoints:
-POST: api/ticket ( INSERT AN ITEM)
-GET: api/ticket (GET ALL ITEMS)
Here is what the backend is showing which looks correct to me, the problem is that in the 'SELECT' statement, the inserted item is not retrieved.
The transactions are started from two different routes but I don't see why it should be an issue.
In addition, I tried to change the AddItem function to output the same findAll statement which is called when using the GET method and the data returned are correct.
So why if I separate these two flows I do not get all the items? I always need to refresh the page to get the added item.
Executing (a9d14d5c-c0ac-4821-9b88-293b086debaa): INSERT INTO `messages` (`id`,`message`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`,`ticketId`,`userId`) VALUES (DEFAULT,?,?,?,?,?);
Executing (a9d14d5c-c0ac-4821-9b88-293b086debaa): COMMIT;
Executing (9ee9ddaa-294e-41d1-9e03-9f02a2737030): START TRANSACTION;
Executing (9ee9ddaa-294e-41d1-9e03-9f02a2737030): SELECT `ticket`.`id`, `ticket`.`subject`, `ticket`.`status`, `ticket`.`createdAt`, `ticket`.`updatedAt`, `ticket`.`deletedAt`, `ticket`.`userId`, `messages`.`id` AS `messages.id`, `messages`.`message` AS `messages.message`, `messages`.`sender` AS `messages.sender`, `messages`.`createdAt` AS `messages.createdAt`, `messages`.`updatedAt` AS `messages.updatedAt`, `messages`.`deletedAt` AS `messages.deletedAt`, `messages`.`ticketId` AS `messages.ticketId`, `messages`.`userId` AS `messages.userId`, `messages->user`.`id` AS `messages.user.id`, `messages->user`.`firstname` AS `messages.user.firstname`, `messages->user`.`surname` AS `messages.user.surname`, `messages->user`.`email` AS `messages.user.email`, `messages->user`.`password` AS `messages.user.password`, `messages->user`.`stripeId` AS `messages.user.stripeId`, `messages->user`.`token` AS `messages.user.token`, `messages->user`.`birthDate` AS `messages.user.birthDate`, `messages->user`.`status` AS `messages.user.status`, `messages->user`.`confirmationCode` AS `messages.user.confirmationCode`, `messages->user`.`createdAt` AS `messages.user.createdAt`, `messages->user`.`updatedAt` AS `messages.user.updatedAt`, `messages->user`.`deletedAt` AS `messages.user.deletedAt` FROM `tickets` AS `ticket` LEFT OUTER JOIN `messages` AS `messages` ON `ticket`.`id` = `messages`.`ticketId` AND (`messages`.`deletedAt` IS NULL) LEFT OUTER JOIN `users` AS `messages->user` ON `messages`.`userId` = `messages->user`.`id` AND (`messages->user`.`deletedAt` IS NULL) WHERE (`ticket`.`deletedAt` IS NULL);
Executing (9ee9ddaa-294e-41d1-9e03-9f02a2737030): COMMIT;
-- POST '/api/ticket
exports.addMessage = async (req, res) => {
try {
const result = await sequelize.transaction(async (t) => {
var ticketId = req.body.ticketId;
const userId = req.body.userId;
const message = req.body.message;
const subject = req.body.subject;
// Validate input - If new ticket, a subject must be provided
if (!ticketId && !subject) {
return res
.send({ message: "New ticket must have a subject" });
// Validate input - If ticket exists, userId and message must be provided
if (!userId && !message && ticketId) {
return res
.send({ message: "UserID and message are required" });
// Create ticket is no ticketID was provided
if (!ticketId) {
const [ticket, created] = await Ticket.findOrCreate({
where: {
subject: subject,
userId: userId,
transaction: t,
ticketId = ticket.id;
// Create a new message object
const messageObject = await db.message.create(
message: message,
userId: userId,
ticketId: ticketId,
{ transaction: t }
// Output message object
return res.send(messageObject);
} catch (err) {
return res.status(500).send({
err.message || "Some error occurred while creating the ticket message.",
-- GET: api/ticket
exports.findAll = async (req, res) => {
try {
const result = await sequelize.transaction(async (t) => {
const tickets = await db.ticket.findAll(
include: [{ model: db.message, include: [db.user] }],
{ transaction: t }
tickets.forEach((ticket) => {
return res.send(tickets);
} catch (err) {
message: err.message || "Some error occurred while retrieving Tickets.",
You sent a response to a client before the transaction actually was committed. You just need to move res.send(messageObject); outside the transaction call.
You can try to look what's going on in the current version of your code if you add several console.log with messages to see what the actual order of actions is (I mean a couple of messages in POST (the last statement inside transaction and after transaction before res.send) and at least one at the beginning of GET).
Actually if the transaction was rolled back you'd send an uncommited and already removed object/record that I suppose is not your goal.

Supabase & ExpressJS having issues with errors

I have been playing around with ExpressJS I normally use FastAPI. I can't seem to generate an error using Supabase.
I have this endpoint
app.delete('/api/delete-book/:id', cors(corsOptions), async (req, res) => {
const {data, error} = await supabase
.match({id: req.params.id})
if (error) {
res.status(400).send({message: `ERROR! ${error.message}`})
if (data)
message: `Book ID ${req.params.id} has been deleted from the database`,
This works when it comes to deleting a book via an ID. However if I enter an invalid ID I get the data if block firing.
There is no book with an ID of 222 in the database, I would expect the error to fire but its just null
Any ideas here?
This is expected behaviour; not matching any rows is not considered an error condition in postgres.
If you'd like to check if any rows were deleted, you can use something akin to (on supabase-js 2.x):
const { data, error } = await supabase.from('books-express')
.match({id: req.params.id})
.select() // not needed on 1.x libs
if (error || data.length === 0) {

Firebase Functions won't read document on Firestore

Hi I'm trying to read a users document stored on Firestore using Firebase Functions. Each user has a unique document with extra data that cannot be stored on Firebase Auth. The document name is the user UID.
But I can't access the doc when I'm trying to read it on my callable function.
Code to create doc when user is created:
exports.createdacc = functions.auth.user().onCreate(user => {
console.log('User created', user.phoneNumber);
return admin.firestore().collection('users').doc(user.uid).set({
number: user.phoneNumber,
verified: false,
Callable function to read that doc so I can make some decisions
exports.checkVerification = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
if (!context.auth){
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('unauthenticated');
console.log('user is ', context.auth.uid);
const user = admin.firestore().collection('users').doc(context.auth.uid);
user.get().then(doc => {
//temp code -- Not working
console.log('data read');
if (doc.get().verified){
} else {
console.log('not verified');
return "success";
}).catch(error => {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('internal');
Why cant I read the doc? Nothing inside there executes.
Try to use data() at callback of user.get()
user.get().then(doc => {
//you get user doc value by using data()
const userData = doc.data();
// then you can use all properties from userData
const verified = userData.verified;
You don't return the promise returned by user.get().then(...);: your Cloud Function may be cleaned up before the asynchronous work is complete and the response sent back to the front-end.
Note that doing doc.get().verified is incorrect: as you will see in the doc, you need to pass the field path of a specific field to this method. So either you do doc.get("verified") or you can do doc.data().verified;.
Therefore the following should work:
exports.checkVerification = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
if (!context.auth) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('unauthenticated');
console.log('user is ', context.auth.uid);
const user = admin.firestore().collection('users').doc(context.auth.uid);
return user.get().then(doc => {
console.log('data read');
if (doc.get("verified") {
} else {
console.log('not verified');
return "success";
}).catch(error => {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('internal');
In addition, note that you may throw an error if the user document does not exist and return a specific error to the front-end, i.e. not the generic internal one (maybe not-found, see the list of possible codes).
I have seen, on occasion, that information coming in to the function via context and data are actually JSON, and not strictly a standard Javascript object. In a similar issue of matching (in my case, a customClaim on the context.auth.token), I had to do something like:
They behave like an object (i.e. I can call/assign context.auth.token.customClaim), but results from a console.log are different.
//prints {"userID": "1234567890"}
//prints {userID: "1234567890"}
Subtle, but it tripped me up in a few authentication cases.

How to update the user object in back4app?

I use Node.js and back4app.com
I try to update the user object. Therefore I have read a lot and found this promissing documentation:
let progressId = "xyz";
let userId = "12354"; //aka objectId
const User = new Parse.User();
const query = new Parse.Query(User);
// Finds the user by its ID
query.get(userId).then((user) => {
// Updates the data we want
user.set('progressId', progressId);
// Saves the user with the updated data
.then((response) => {
console.log('Updated user', response);
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Error while updating user', error);
But there also is a warning. It states:
The Parse.User class is secured by default, you are not able to invoke save method unless the Parse.User was obtained using an authenticated method, like logIn, signUp or current
How would this look like in code?
My solution
Well, I got it to work. While I figured it out, I have found some small show stoppers. I list it for anyone it may concern.
Thanks #RamosCharles I added the Master Key in Parse._initialize. Only with that .save(null, {useMasterKey: true}) works. Take notice, without null it also won't work.
That's my working code:
let progressId = "xyz";
const User = Parse.Object.extend('User'); //instead of const User = new Parse.User();
const query = new Parse.Query(User);
query.equalTo("objectId", '123xyz');
query.get(userId).then((userObj) => {
// Updates the data we want
userObj.set('progressId', progressId);
// Saves the user with the updated data
userObj.save(null, {useMasterKey: true}).then((response) => {
console.log('Updated user', response);
}).catch((error) => {
console.error('Error while updating user', error);
Now I'm wondering
why my working code is different from documentation?
how secure is my code? And what is to do to get it more secure?
Yes, their API Reference is very helpful! On this section, there's a "try on JSFiddle" button, have you already seen that?
To update a user object, you must use the Master Key. On the frontend, it's not recommended, and it's better to create a cloud code function and call it on your frontend. However, for test purposes, you can keep using the API Reference, but on JSFiddle, you need to do some changes, here is their sample code, but with the adjustments:
Parse.serverURL = 'https://parseapi.back4app.com';
Parse._initialize('<your-appID-here>', '<your-JSKey-here>', '<Your-MasterKey-here>');
const MyCustomClass = Parse.Object.extend('User');
const query = new Parse.Query(MyCustomClass);
query.equalTo("objectId", "<object-ID-here>");
query.find({useMasterKey: true}).then((results) => {
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') document.write(`ParseObjects found: ${JSON.stringify(results)}`);
console.log('ParseObjects found:', results);
}, (error) => {
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') document.write(`Error while fetching ParseObjects: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
console.error('Error while fetching ParseObjects', error);
You'll need to insert the "_" before the "initialize" in your "Parse._initialize" and insert the Master Key in your query as I did on the query.find.

How to make Slack bot dynamically reply at the same channel using node.js

I want to make my slackbot app to answer at the channel that the user mentioned, without manually writing the channel name inside the code.
problem : I invited my bot into channel #hello, #hi.I mentioned my bot at Channel #hello writing #mybot hi there, but it only replies to channel #hi which I manually wrote down in my code.
I want my bot to automatically find which channel the message came from, and answer back at the same channel that user mentioned.
Not like the code I wrote bot.postMessageToChannel('everyone', `Chuck Norris: ${joke}`,params);
Here is the link of the module that I used and my code
const SlackBot = require('slackbots');
const axios = require('axios');
const bot = new SlackBot({
token : "",
name : ""
// Start Handler
bot.on('start', () =>{
const params = {
icon_emoji: ':)'
bot.postMessageToChannel('everyone', 'Feeling tired??? Have some fun with #Joker!'
, params);
// Error Handler
bot.on('error', (err) => console.log(err));
//Message Handler
bot.on('message', (data) => {
if(data.type !== 'message'){
// Responding to Data
function handleMessage(message){
else if(message.includes(' yomama')){
else if(message.includes(' random')){
else if(message.includes(' help')){
// Tell a Chuck Norris Joke
function chuckJoke(){
.then(res =>{
const joke = res.data.value.joke;
const params = {
icon_emoji: ':laughing:'
bot.postMessageToChannel('everyone', `Chuck Norris: ${joke}`,params);
From here you will find on message it returns you the data object whith channel id
you can use postMessage() from the api you have used
postMessage(id, text, params) (return: promise) - posts a message to channel | group | user by ID,
bot.on('message', (data) => {
bot.postMessage(data.channel, 'Feeling tired??? Have some fun with #Joker!'
, params);
