Permissions for Azure app using Microsoft Graph to read SharePoint Online - azure

This seems like a simple question but I'm struggling to find an answer anywhere. Help! ;-)
I'm trying to use Microsoft Graph to read SharePoint lists/libraries in a SharePoint site, however this is just for one site (for our department) amongst many on our SharePoint online. I've registered an Azure AD app (with secret etc...) and requested 'application' permissions for the Microsoft Graph ('Create, edit, and delete items and lists in all site collections') and its saying 'admin consent required' is 'yes' and its currently flagged as 'not granted for *****'.
My boss is now asking - with a worried tone ;-)
will this mean the app can basically read/write/delete on all sites in
the organisations SharePoint (not just our site) if our IT department
I said I don't know actually... I guess I'm not entirely clear on which permissions this is for, is it just to call the Microsoft Graph API or is it for this app to access SharePoint itself? I've searched for answers to this but I'm struggling to find anywhere that says anything about giving your app permissions in SharePoint, it all seems to be about getting permissions for the Microsoft Graph to access SharePoint.
I just want the app to have permissions to read/write lists/files in this one SharePoint site, not any others (we have loads of sites for other departments). I feel like we should be adding permissions for this app (its service principal?) somewhere on the SharePoint site we want to access, but what permissions do I need to setup and where so this app can only access this one site?

Azure AD app registration now allows for granular access to SharePoint site collection, there is a new option Sites.Selected under Azure AD App Registration - Request API Permissions - refer to

Unfortunately, this feature is still missing. It is not possible to limit the permissions to only one SharePoint site. It's either access to all SharePoint sites in the organisation or none. Check out the user vote for more information: here. Microsoft is still working on providing a way to limit the access to specific resources.


Sharepoint permissions conflict with Microsoft Graph "Application" type permissions?

I have a problem when I want to query a sharepoint list with Microsot Graph. I have no results.
The sharepoint list has these item-level permissions:
Read Access : Read items that were created by the user
Create and Edit access : Create items and edit items that were created by the user
Azure AD Graph Permissions
Type application : Sites.Read.All - Admin consent OK - I'm using this permission because I'm creating an API.
My credentials are correct because I can see another list of sharepoint that doesn't have these item-level permissions.
I also tried with Graph Explorer via azure but this time with a sharepoint admin user. I only have my account as a result
With the same account, if I request the sharepoint API directly on my browser (_api/web/lists/getbytitle('list')/items, I see all items of the sharepoint list.
Do you have any ideas on this behavior which limits access to data via microsoft graph ?
I was facing a similar issue and it seems to work with Sites.Manage.All (see Documentation) even though the documentation is very unclear at this point. Would be cool to hear back if that works for you.

Microsoft Graph API - Sites not found using search - how can i find all the sites?

Was not able to find a way to discover all the sites of an organization:
creating a site with user2
approving the app with an admin
using '' does not show the new site.
Only once i add the admin to the site group I find the new site.
how can I find all the sites?
Do I need to get an access token for each user?
For example with this token I can access all the drives but can't find the sites.
There are a couple things going on related to what you're asking and I'll try to address each of them:
1) We don't have an officially supported way to discover all of the sites and site collections in a given tenant today. The "search=*" query may give you the results you're after but it is not guaranteed in all scenarios. We're looking at this scenario but do not have formal support in the product today.
2) Search results are security trimmed, when using delegated permissions the search API will only return sites that the logged in user has access to. This could explain why you needed to add the Admin first before it showed up.
3) To use search in scenarios where you do not want security trimmed results you will need to user Application permissions and have the Tenant Admin perform the application consent flow for the entire tenant. This is a fairly broad permission but is required for some scenarios.

OneDrive REST API and Sharepoint Online

I have the app that uses OneDrive API (MS graph) to access OneDrive free accounts and OneDrive for business.
The app works fine.
In docs of the API i can see same API can be used also to access Sharepoint Online sites data.
How to do this? When i auth a user who has Sharepoint Online account with MS graph, there is only his drive (ondrive) but there is no his site listed.
How to get access to his sharepoint site too using same API?
I have found how to work with sites using the Graph API.
To get list of sites there is the call
GET /v1.0/sites/
Then use the SITEID to get list of drives (in fact, top level folders)
GET /v1.0/sites/SITEID/drives
Then to get contents of a drive user
GET /v1.0/sites/SITEID/drives/DRIVEID/root/children
And all next calls are same as for onedrive drive
However, there is the problem i still can not solve. How to create new top level folder (new drive on a site). There is no API call for this
I believe what you are looking for is the sites API. It lets you interact with a SharePoint site if you know the path or the id of the site. You can find the documentation for the api here:
There is no easy way to discover sites as of now. You can however search for a site. You can read more about it here:
This endpoint to get the list of sites is not working, so the last answer is not valid anymore.
I haven't found a way to do this, the discovery of sites, without admin consent. If the admin consent flow is not a problem you can try this workaround, use the endpoint of groups to ask for the groups that the user is member of, and you can use the groups to get the document libraries of the user.
To get the groups:
With the group id, you can use this endpoint:
So if someone know how to do the discovery of sites for a user without admin consent, please share.
EDIT: I'm not sure why my answer was deleted, my answer basically has 2 things:
I gave notice that one answer here is not valid anymore.
I gave a possible other solution to the problem.

How do I create a new user in AD from SharePoint

I am looking to have a SharePoint Extranet Portal setup for my "partner" clients. I want to make a site admin for each extranet site for each client. This admin would be able to add new users to the portal AND have that user be created in AD (Active Directory).
Has anyone done this or know of a good tool that would provide me that ability to do this?
I would suggest using ADAM (Acitve Directory Application Mode). This way you separate your own company users. Seeing as it's AD, you can keep your existing authentication provider.
See this tool (costs money though) for creating AD users.
Bamboo Solutions User Account Setup Web Part.
DO a Google search for SharePoint and ADAM for more information.
I found these articles on creating users into AD. You could use SmartPart and build your own web part and manage the security implications of this.
Here they are:

Authenticate Sharepoint with Active Directory?

Just need to use find a simple way to have AD authenticate as the login for a Sharepoint site. This fairly quick and simple to get going ?
For SharePoint 2007, see this article. You probably want to set it up to do Windows integrated authentication with NTLM. Getting authentication working is probably not too hard, getting your site setup the way you want with permissions/authorization working probably isn't. Depends on how complex your site is. I wasn't directly involved but I know that it took a few months to get our intranet up and bug free.
One recommendation that I would have is to use AD groups or SharePoint groups that contain AD groups rather than individuals to control access. It's much easier to clean up AD group membership when an individual leaves than to track down all the places where you've given them individual access (including membership in SharePoint groups).
You need your server to be part of the domain before installing SharePoint.
If you do that, the default configuration will be AD authentication.
Here is a decent discussion of SharePoint security links
Essentially, you will either need to add users to the appropriate SharePoint group. The defaults for a site are generally xxx_Visitor, xxx_Members and xxx_Owners, with each group having increasing security rights.
You can either add an AD domain to these groups or else add individual AD users
